Dolina miru / Valley of Peace. 1956.
Valley of Peace (Slovene: Dolina miru) is a 1956 Yugoslavian (Slovenian) war film directed by France Štiglic. It was in competition at the 1957 Cannes Film Festival, where John Kitzmiller received the Best Actor award for his role as Sgt. Jim.
The music for the film was written by the composer Marjan Kozina. He won the Golden Arena for Best Film Music for it.
In English speaking countries, it was released under the titles "Mr. Jim – American, Soldier, and Gentleman", "Sergeant Jim" and "The Valley of Peace".
The film was selected for screening as part of the Cannes Classics section at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.
A boy and a rather younger girl lost their families in an air raid. They have heard about a valley where there is always peace and fancy that this is the house of the boy's uncle. They start wandering for the valley. At the same time an airplane is shot down and the black American pilot jumped by parachute. He finds the children at a ford. There is absolutely no danger. But the girl is standing in the middle of the river, scared and crying and neither daring to go forth or back. The pilot cannot abandon the children although they will reduce his chance of escaping. Both the Germans and the partisans know that the pilot had survived. Who will find him first? Several things happen in rapid succession. The children and the pilot find the uncle's house, which had since a long time been abandoned. The Germans arrive and catch the pilot. The partisans attack and liberate the pilot, who joins them. But during the fight he is soon deadly wounded and orders the children to run away....
Director: France Stiglic.
Cast: John Kitzmiller, Evelyne Wohlfeiler, Tugo Štiglic, Boris Kralj, Francek Drofenik, Maks Furijan, Anton Homar, Janez Cuk, Aleksander Valic, Polde Dezman, Rudi Kosmac, Franjo Kumer, Pero Skerl.
Yugoslavia, VesnaFilm, 1956.
Language: Slovenian, German, English.
Download Dolina miru / Valley of Peace.
The music for the film was written by the composer Marjan Kozina. He won the Golden Arena for Best Film Music for it.
In English speaking countries, it was released under the titles "Mr. Jim – American, Soldier, and Gentleman", "Sergeant Jim" and "The Valley of Peace".
The film was selected for screening as part of the Cannes Classics section at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.
A boy and a rather younger girl lost their families in an air raid. They have heard about a valley where there is always peace and fancy that this is the house of the boy's uncle. They start wandering for the valley. At the same time an airplane is shot down and the black American pilot jumped by parachute. He finds the children at a ford. There is absolutely no danger. But the girl is standing in the middle of the river, scared and crying and neither daring to go forth or back. The pilot cannot abandon the children although they will reduce his chance of escaping. Both the Germans and the partisans know that the pilot had survived. Who will find him first? Several things happen in rapid succession. The children and the pilot find the uncle's house, which had since a long time been abandoned. The Germans arrive and catch the pilot. The partisans attack and liberate the pilot, who joins them. But during the fight he is soon deadly wounded and orders the children to run away....
Director: France Stiglic.
Cast: John Kitzmiller, Evelyne Wohlfeiler, Tugo Štiglic, Boris Kralj, Francek Drofenik, Maks Furijan, Anton Homar, Janez Cuk, Aleksander Valic, Polde Dezman, Rudi Kosmac, Franjo Kumer, Pero Skerl.
Yugoslavia, VesnaFilm, 1956.
Language: Slovenian, German, English.
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Dolina miru / Valley of Peace. 1956. |
The Cay. 1974.
The Cay is an American drama film based on the book by Theodore Taylor titled The Cay. It was released on October 21, 1974.
When Young Phillip is separated from his mother and found by a black man named Timothy and his cat Stewcat, Phillip becomes blind and they all end up on an island. Will they survive or will they die?
Director: Patrick Garland.
Cast: James Earl Jones, Alfred Lutter III, Gretchen Corbett, Cat.
USA, 1974.
Language: English.
Download The Cay. 1974.
When Young Phillip is separated from his mother and found by a black man named Timothy and his cat Stewcat, Phillip becomes blind and they all end up on an island. Will they survive or will they die?
Director: Patrick Garland.
Cast: James Earl Jones, Alfred Lutter III, Gretchen Corbett, Cat.
USA, 1974.
Language: English.
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The Cay. 1974. |
Bolshie khlopoty iz-za malenkogo malchika. 1968.
Old good Soviet cinema: a funny, slightly romantic comedy about a turmoil caused by the sudden loss of five-year-old Borya. To search for the child are connected police officers, investigator Tamara Vasilyevna and simply sympathetic residents of Kiev. Our restless characters will visit the film studio, the circus, the Sports Palace, splash in the Dnieper and of course, after all the adventures they will be found and not even punished.
Directors: Aleksandr Muratov, V. Vasilkovsky.
Cast: Pyotr Shelest, Marina Loveiko, Tatyana Pelttser, Vladimir Olekseyenko, Viktor Ivanov, Anya Orzheshkovskaya, Marina Prokopenko, Igor Chernov, Alesha Dobrovolsky.
USSR, Dovzhenko Film Studios, 1968.
Language: Russian.
Download Bolshie khlopoty iz-za malenkogo malchika.
Directors: Aleksandr Muratov, V. Vasilkovsky.
Cast: Pyotr Shelest, Marina Loveiko, Tatyana Pelttser, Vladimir Olekseyenko, Viktor Ivanov, Anya Orzheshkovskaya, Marina Prokopenko, Igor Chernov, Alesha Dobrovolsky.
USSR, Dovzhenko Film Studios, 1968.
Language: Russian.
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Bolshie khlopoty iz-za malenkogo malchika. 1968. |
Mali Vojnici / Little Soldiers. 1967.
SH. Mali vojnici je jugoslavenski crno-bijeli igrani film snimljen 1967 godine u režiji Bahrudina Bate Čengića. Radnja se događa neposredno nakon Drugog svjetskog rata u jednom sirotištu za djecu poginulih partizana i žrtava fašističkih zločina, a gdje, sticajem okolnosti, dolazi plavokosi dječak čiji su roditelji bili nacistički folksdojčeri. Protagonist, čiji lik tumači Stole Aranđelović, je direktor koji dječaka nastoji spasiti od zlostavljanja te za njega izmišlja lažni identitet.
Mali vojnici su, kao i brojna druga ostvarenja jugoslavenske kinematografije iz druge polovice 1960-ih, koristile jačanje autorskih sloboda te prikazivale tamnu stranu nedavne prošlosti jugoslavenske države, prije svega kroz još uvijek neprevladane posljedice rata. Izuzetno mračni ton je dodatno naglašen time da su skoro svi likovi djeca, te da su prikazani sposobnima za isto onakvo nasilje kao i odrasli. Mali vojnici su se zbog toga često nazivao jednim od ostvarenja Crnog talasa.
Mali vojnici su bili u programu Kanskog festivala 1968. godine ali je prije samog prikazivanja festival prekinut zbog političkih previranja u tadašnjoj Francuskoj.
Tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, u jednom samostanu udomljeni su dječaci koji su izgubili roditelje. Među njima je i novopridošli Boško Grubač, povučeni desetogodišnji dječak koji, iako sin poginulog vojnika, djeluje finije i kulturnije od ostalih. No istina je da je on sin poginulog njemačkog zapovjednika kojega je ravnatelj doma odlučio spasiti, zabranivši mu da ikome odaje svoj pravi identitet.
Bit će vrlo zahtjevno živjeti pod izmišljenim imenom među dječacima ionako napaćenima ratom i pogibeljima njihovih najbližih... Priča, lako primjenjiva i na svijet odraslih, zorno je svjedočanstvo o ljudskom ponašanju, osjećaju mržnje prema neprijatelju i svijesti o pripadnosti svojoj grupi.
EN. A young German boy is sent to an orphanage in Yugoslavia. The director of the school alters the boy's papers to insure he is not hounded for being German; although the war is over, anti-Nazi sentiment runs rampant among the boys at the school. The newcomer's background is revealed when he and the other boys get drunk. When he plays a Teutonic tune on his harmonica, he is accused of being German. The hapless harmonica player is put on trial by the other boys, interrogated, and nearly killed while the director remains helpless to stop the proceedings. It will take time and patience to change the orphans from readily accepting and acting out the violence they have known all their lives.
Director: Bahrudin 'Bato' Cengic.
Cast: Stojan 'Stole' Arandjelovic, Marija Tocinoski, Zaim Muzaferija, Zlatko Madunic, Mija Aleksic, Zdravko Andrijasevic, Sead Cakal, Darko Cerar, Mirsad Ibrisevic, Gordan Kulic, Zivko Odak, Dusko Savic, Milorad Vođević.
Yugoslavia, Bosna film, 1967.
Language: Serbo-Croatian, German.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Mali Vojnici / Little Soldiers.
Mali vojnici su, kao i brojna druga ostvarenja jugoslavenske kinematografije iz druge polovice 1960-ih, koristile jačanje autorskih sloboda te prikazivale tamnu stranu nedavne prošlosti jugoslavenske države, prije svega kroz još uvijek neprevladane posljedice rata. Izuzetno mračni ton je dodatno naglašen time da su skoro svi likovi djeca, te da su prikazani sposobnima za isto onakvo nasilje kao i odrasli. Mali vojnici su se zbog toga često nazivao jednim od ostvarenja Crnog talasa.
Mali vojnici su bili u programu Kanskog festivala 1968. godine ali je prije samog prikazivanja festival prekinut zbog političkih previranja u tadašnjoj Francuskoj.
Tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata, u jednom samostanu udomljeni su dječaci koji su izgubili roditelje. Među njima je i novopridošli Boško Grubač, povučeni desetogodišnji dječak koji, iako sin poginulog vojnika, djeluje finije i kulturnije od ostalih. No istina je da je on sin poginulog njemačkog zapovjednika kojega je ravnatelj doma odlučio spasiti, zabranivši mu da ikome odaje svoj pravi identitet.
Bit će vrlo zahtjevno živjeti pod izmišljenim imenom među dječacima ionako napaćenima ratom i pogibeljima njihovih najbližih... Priča, lako primjenjiva i na svijet odraslih, zorno je svjedočanstvo o ljudskom ponašanju, osjećaju mržnje prema neprijatelju i svijesti o pripadnosti svojoj grupi.
EN. A young German boy is sent to an orphanage in Yugoslavia. The director of the school alters the boy's papers to insure he is not hounded for being German; although the war is over, anti-Nazi sentiment runs rampant among the boys at the school. The newcomer's background is revealed when he and the other boys get drunk. When he plays a Teutonic tune on his harmonica, he is accused of being German. The hapless harmonica player is put on trial by the other boys, interrogated, and nearly killed while the director remains helpless to stop the proceedings. It will take time and patience to change the orphans from readily accepting and acting out the violence they have known all their lives.
Director: Bahrudin 'Bato' Cengic.
Cast: Stojan 'Stole' Arandjelovic, Marija Tocinoski, Zaim Muzaferija, Zlatko Madunic, Mija Aleksic, Zdravko Andrijasevic, Sead Cakal, Darko Cerar, Mirsad Ibrisevic, Gordan Kulic, Zivko Odak, Dusko Savic, Milorad Vođević.
Yugoslavia, Bosna film, 1967.
Language: Serbo-Croatian, German.
Subtitles: Russian.
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Mali Vojnici / Little Soldiers. 1967. |
Sarkanais pleķis / Red Spot. 2008.
LV. Pirms peldēšanas nodarbību semestra noslēguma sacensībām Pēteris nepaspēj pačurāt. Taču izvairīties no atbildīgā peldējiena tik spiedīgā situācijā viņam trūkst drosmes. Vēl sliktāk kļūst tad, kad Pēteris uzzina, ka, pat netīšām iečurājot baseinā, ūdenī nepieludzami parādās sarkans pleķis. Šādu grūtību priekšā puikam ir jākļūst par vīru.
EN. 'Red Spot' is life time old story of a red spot appearing in the pool if someone pees in it. In the same time it is a story of Peter – eleven years old boy – struggling his inner fight between being one of his mates or fulfill his rebellion will to be different.
Director: Ugis Olte.
Cast: Rihards Lapsa, Rainers Duncis, Tils Indans, Karlis Moors, Sabine Linina, Inga Misane, Alise Bokaldere, Diana Martukane.
Latvia, 2008.
Language: Latvian.
EN. 'Red Spot' is life time old story of a red spot appearing in the pool if someone pees in it. In the same time it is a story of Peter – eleven years old boy – struggling his inner fight between being one of his mates or fulfill his rebellion will to be different.
Director: Ugis Olte.
Cast: Rihards Lapsa, Rainers Duncis, Tils Indans, Karlis Moors, Sabine Linina, Inga Misane, Alise Bokaldere, Diana Martukane.
Latvia, 2008.
Language: Latvian.
Anthology of short films. Part 40.
The next issue of an anthology of short films for the number 40 is ready for viewing. This time 9 films, fiction and documentary, new and old from all over the world.
1. Aqualorius! 2009.
A bullied child is force to enter a pool and retrieve a coin in exchange of a love letter but he must face the possibility of encounter Aqualorius, a monster that it's told to inhabit the bottom of the pool.
Director: Nikolaj Tarp.
Cast: August Igor Svideniouk Egholm, Jonatan Tulested, Sara Nybo Vinther, Søren Bech-Madsen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
2. Même pas mort / Tomboy. 2007.
Chloé is ten years old. She plays soccer, never cries and doesn't like other girls. One day, Marie, a sweet blond girl, participates for the first time to the games of Chloé and her boy friends. Marie's feminity puts in danger Chloe's self confidence and the whole band...
Director: Claudine Natkin.
Cast: Marty Siméon, Renaud Gouyet, Chloé Jager Berger, Laurent Lunes, Marjorie Piat, Isabelle Scharwtz.
France, 2007.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
3. De steentijd. Afl.1 Als stenen konden spreken. 2012.
Educational film for schoolchildren.
De restaurateur is bezig met het herstellen van een pijl. Hij vertelt hoe de mensen in de steentijd woonden, jaagden en planten verzamelden. In zijn verhaal komt een jagersjongen uit het begin van de nieuwe steentijd weer tot leven.
Netherlands, 2012.
4. Den lille døden / The Little Death. 2014.
12-year-old Julia is on a budget weekend cruise with her father. Late at night Julia gets her first period and her father has disappeared. Making her way through the ship's nightlife Julia sees an adult world she's never known about.
Director: Simon Tillaas.
Cast: Maria Erwolter, Otto Garli, Endre Hellestveit, Anders Hove, Mia Rudfloen.
Norway, 2014.
Language: Norwegian, Danish.
1280x720 HD
5. For Health and Happiness. 1941.
In this instructional film, the viewer is explained how good nutrition, exercise and affection builds strong and healthy children. Examples of such children, frolicking about in an either nude or semi-nude state, are shown, and are described in the same manner as race horses.
Writers: Marian Birdseye, Helen Monsch.
Cast: Helen Monsch (Narration).
USA, 1941.
Language: English.
6. Le dernier mouvement de l'été. 1989.
Alone in his bedroom at the end of summer, a young man spreads out on his bed the photos he took of the girl he loves when they were on the beach - His latest memory will be in a handshake.
Director: Bruno Podalydès.
Cast: Bruno Podalydès.
France, 1989.
Language: None.
7. Once Upon a Time on the Beach. 2002.
The story of a young boy, bullied at school, whose thirst for revenge and desire to win back his mother's attention and love lead him to a confrontation with the dark undercurrents of his own identity and the familial relationships that help to define him. Defintely not an after-school special.
Director: Byron Lamarque.
Cast: Jaryd Heidrick, Riley Cantner, Mikka Dargel, Gardiner Millar.
Canada, 2002.
Language: None.
8. Qui sont les super-héros? 2012.
FR. Melvin est un garçon d'une douzaine d'années. Depuis qu'il est petit, il conserve précieusement une collection de vieux comics américains hérités de son défunt père. Autour de ces bandes dessinées, il a développé un imaginaire s'apuyant sur une admiration pour son père et les super-héros.
EN. Melvin, 12, is a fan of superheroes. Upon receiving his classmate, Sarah, Melvin would find the strength of its heroes to confess his feelings of love. But there is no super-powers and actions for this struggle to assume desires.
Director: Mathieu Lalande.
Cast: Oscar Le Potollec Fiorani, Emma Ninucci.
France, 2012.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
9. Zamki na peske / Sandburgen. 1968.
The poetic world of the ten-year-old Kanatbek, who builds sand castles, encounters the prose of the real world.
Directors: Yakov Bronstein, Algimantas Vidugiris.
USSR, Kirgizfilm, 1968.
Language: Russian.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 40.
1. Aqualorius! 2009.
A bullied child is force to enter a pool and retrieve a coin in exchange of a love letter but he must face the possibility of encounter Aqualorius, a monster that it's told to inhabit the bottom of the pool.
Director: Nikolaj Tarp.
Cast: August Igor Svideniouk Egholm, Jonatan Tulested, Sara Nybo Vinther, Søren Bech-Madsen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
2. Même pas mort / Tomboy. 2007.
Chloé is ten years old. She plays soccer, never cries and doesn't like other girls. One day, Marie, a sweet blond girl, participates for the first time to the games of Chloé and her boy friends. Marie's feminity puts in danger Chloe's self confidence and the whole band...
Director: Claudine Natkin.
Cast: Marty Siméon, Renaud Gouyet, Chloé Jager Berger, Laurent Lunes, Marjorie Piat, Isabelle Scharwtz.
France, 2007.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
3. De steentijd. Afl.1 Als stenen konden spreken. 2012.
Educational film for schoolchildren.
De restaurateur is bezig met het herstellen van een pijl. Hij vertelt hoe de mensen in de steentijd woonden, jaagden en planten verzamelden. In zijn verhaal komt een jagersjongen uit het begin van de nieuwe steentijd weer tot leven.
Netherlands, 2012.
4. Den lille døden / The Little Death. 2014.
12-year-old Julia is on a budget weekend cruise with her father. Late at night Julia gets her first period and her father has disappeared. Making her way through the ship's nightlife Julia sees an adult world she's never known about.
Director: Simon Tillaas.
Cast: Maria Erwolter, Otto Garli, Endre Hellestveit, Anders Hove, Mia Rudfloen.
Norway, 2014.
Language: Norwegian, Danish.
1280x720 HD
5. For Health and Happiness. 1941.
In this instructional film, the viewer is explained how good nutrition, exercise and affection builds strong and healthy children. Examples of such children, frolicking about in an either nude or semi-nude state, are shown, and are described in the same manner as race horses.
Writers: Marian Birdseye, Helen Monsch.
Cast: Helen Monsch (Narration).
USA, 1941.
Language: English.
6. Le dernier mouvement de l'été. 1989.
Alone in his bedroom at the end of summer, a young man spreads out on his bed the photos he took of the girl he loves when they were on the beach - His latest memory will be in a handshake.
Director: Bruno Podalydès.
Cast: Bruno Podalydès.
France, 1989.
Language: None.
7. Once Upon a Time on the Beach. 2002.
The story of a young boy, bullied at school, whose thirst for revenge and desire to win back his mother's attention and love lead him to a confrontation with the dark undercurrents of his own identity and the familial relationships that help to define him. Defintely not an after-school special.
Director: Byron Lamarque.
Cast: Jaryd Heidrick, Riley Cantner, Mikka Dargel, Gardiner Millar.
Canada, 2002.
Language: None.
8. Qui sont les super-héros? 2012.
FR. Melvin est un garçon d'une douzaine d'années. Depuis qu'il est petit, il conserve précieusement une collection de vieux comics américains hérités de son défunt père. Autour de ces bandes dessinées, il a développé un imaginaire s'apuyant sur une admiration pour son père et les super-héros.
EN. Melvin, 12, is a fan of superheroes. Upon receiving his classmate, Sarah, Melvin would find the strength of its heroes to confess his feelings of love. But there is no super-powers and actions for this struggle to assume desires.
Director: Mathieu Lalande.
Cast: Oscar Le Potollec Fiorani, Emma Ninucci.
France, 2012.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
9. Zamki na peske / Sandburgen. 1968.
The poetic world of the ten-year-old Kanatbek, who builds sand castles, encounters the prose of the real world.
Directors: Yakov Bronstein, Algimantas Vidugiris.
USSR, Kirgizfilm, 1968.
Language: Russian.
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Anthology of short films. Part 40. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 40. |
Chalani. 1986.
Pôvodný príbeh z dedinského prostredia.
Prázdninový príbeh chlapčenskej partie zo súčasného dedinského prostredia.
Director: Laco Halama.
Cast: Ján Bzdúch, Ľubomír Kompaník, Lenka Štefankovičová, Dalibor Savitský, Milan Chalmovský, Eva Matejková, Michal Gazdík, František Švihlík, Emília Haľamová.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televízia Bratislava, 1986.
Language: Slovak.
Download Chalani. 1986.
Prázdninový príbeh chlapčenskej partie zo súčasného dedinského prostredia.
Director: Laco Halama.
Cast: Ján Bzdúch, Ľubomír Kompaník, Lenka Štefankovičová, Dalibor Savitský, Milan Chalmovský, Eva Matejková, Michal Gazdík, František Švihlík, Emília Haľamová.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televízia Bratislava, 1986.
Language: Slovak.
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Chalani. 1986. |
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