Forum CineMonster


Friday, July 10, 2020

Trápení. 1961.

Trápení. 1961.
 CZ. Lyrické vyprávění o citově se probouzejícím dvanáctiletém děvčátku, které se jako jediný člověk dokáže spřátelit s nezkrotným černým koněm... Příběh je zasazen do krásné jihočeské přírody a byl realizován ve spolupráci se Státním plemenářským ústavem v Písku. Vedle několika domácích cen získal několik mezinárodních uznání, zejména na festivalech věnovaných filmům pro děti a mládež
EN. This is an engaging drama by director Karel Kachyna about the growing pains of a young teen (Jorga Kotrbova) and the hardships of a noble steed mistreated by a cruel neighboring farmer. The teen is having a hard time figuring out adult modes of behavior, and at the same time her heart goes out to the horse that is suffering under the treatment of the farmer next door to her family. As the teen adopts the horse as a friend, some clarification will be sure to come on the meaning of adulthood and the benefits of compassion.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Jorga Kotrbová, Zora Jiráková, Milan Jedlička, Václav Neužil st., Dagmar Neumannová, Pavel Bártl, Jaroslav Nekolný, Rudolf Průcha, Kamil Olšovský, Zdeněk Jarolímek, Václav Fišer, Václav Korn, Miroslav Bradáč, Rudolf Kruliš, Zdeněk Míka, Jan Štrébl, Karel Kachyňar.
Czechoslovakia, 1961.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Trápení. 1961.
Trápení. 1961.
Trápení. 1961.

Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.

Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.
This is a continuation of the sex education films by Oswald Kolle. The entire Kolle family appears nude and openly discusses sex among the parents, two daughters and one son. The father recommends masturbation for children unless the act would be traumatic for the participant. Some mention of the Oedipal complex is discussed, but no details are given because individual situations may vary. The color process is not credited.
Director: Werner M. Lenz, Oswalt Kolle.
Cast: Wolf-Michael Hoffmann, Martin Jente, Cornelia Kolle, Marlies Kolle, Nino Kolle, Oswalt Kolle, Stefan Kolle, Till Kolle, Erich Joey Pfluger, Renate Weprich.
Germany, Konstantin Films, Arca, 1970.
Language: German.
Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.
Dein Kind, das unbekannte Wesen. 1970.

Dolores. 2009.

Dolores. 2009.
 At 14, Dolores, though loved by her folks at home, was deprived of a mature understanding that there is such a thin line between love and lust. Her seeming sense of innocence was betrayed. Her enigma eventually vanished when her grandfather, father, brother and uncle took advantage of that twisted sense of innocence. Soon after that grim realization, Dolores comes face to face battling her personal demon. She finally redeems herself in a way that a child naturally would, amid an indifferent and angry world. This domestic drama about a poor family in rural Philippines is based on a true story culled from a news clip the writer-director presented in his anthropology class in graduate school.
Director: Lito Casaje.
Cast: Lara Buenaventura, Dido De La Paz, Miles Canapi, Amante Pulido, Conrado de Guzman, R.J. Maximo, Keith Cabanez, Joseph Garcia, Redentor Esguerra.
Philippines, 2009.
Language: Filipino.
Subtitles: English.
Dolores. 2009.
Dolores. 2009.

Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.

Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.
  «Aglaja - Life hangs on a hair's breadth»
This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
Director: Krisztina Deák.
Cast: Eszter Ónodi, Babett Jávor, Piroska Móga, Zsolt Bogdán, Janka Dobi, Tamás Keresztes, Ráhel Solténszky, Gergely Kovács, Iván Kamarás, Adél Jordán, Enikö Börcsök, Kati Lázár, Piroska Molnár.
Hungary, Romania, Poland, 2012.
Language: Hungarian, Romanian, English, German.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.
Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.
Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.

Niekto ako ja. 1988.

Niekto ako ja. 1988.
 Pôvodný televízny hudobný film pre deti a mládež. Tento film je velmi vzacny, lebo je jediny, v ktorom Dežo Ursiny spieva aj hra. Pri skorsom slavnom muzikali Neberte nam princeznu je tento trocha v jeho tieni a zabudnuty. Rovnako piesne z neho sa neobjavili na ziadnom nosici. Je to skoda, lebo film je to velmi pekny a piesne su krasne. Neberte nam princeznu bol muzikal zo zivota mladych ludi a deti, bol inspirovany rozpravkou a bol ako z rozpravkovych knih. Niekto ako ja je tiez zo zivota mladych ludi, je tiez inspirovany rozpravkou o sestre, ktora hlada svojho brata, ale nie je ako z rozpravkovych knih. Je civilny, skor az domumentarny.
Director: Martin Hoffmeister.
Cast: Dezider Ursiny, Jana Daňová, Dušan Szabo, Zuzana Jezerská, Peter Debnár, Ľubo Roman, Gabriela Hermelyová, Karol Čálik, Alexandra Záborská, Judita Ďurdiaková, Juraj Ďurdiak, Peter Lipa, Peter Šimun, Emília Došeková.
Czechoslovakia, 1988.
Language: Czech.
Download Niekto ako ja. 1988.
Niekto ako ja. 1988.
Niekto ako ja. 1988.

Saliva. 2007.

Saliva. 2007.
 PT. Uma viagem na mente de uma menina de 12 anos prestes a dar seu primeiro beijo. Duvidas e medos mergulhados em saliva.
EN. A journey into the mind of a 12 year old girl about to give her first kiss: doubts and fears engulfed in saliva.
Director: Esmir Filho.
Cast: Maya Comunale, Gabriel Cavicchioli, Hellen Vasconcelos.
Brazil, 2007.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Saliva. 2007.
Saliva. 2007.
Saliva. 2007.

Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.

Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Three small documentaries about the summer holidays of pioneers and schoolchildren in East Germany in the era of socialism.
1. Frohe Ferientage für alle Kinder. 1954.
Viele Kinder verbrachten ihre Ferien zu DDR-Zeiten im Ferienlager. Dieser Film berichtet über ein  Ferienlager im Spreewald im August 1954. Die Kinder verbringen ihre Zeit mit Wanderungen,  Zeltlagern, Bootsfahrten und sportlichen Wettbewerben.Wettbewerben.
Director: Max Jaap.
DDR, DEFA, 1954.
Language: German.
2. DDR-Magazin 1975/10: Ferien.
Ein Bericht über Urlaubsmöglichkeiten in der DDR für Familien mit Kindern.
Director: Barbara Christa Enseleit.
DDR, DEFA, 1975.
Language: German.
3. Fahrradferien. 1989.
In Calau beginnt für zwanzig Kinder eine ungewöhnliche Ferienexpedition: Sie fahren mit dem  Rad quer durch den Süden der Republik und schlafen in Zelten, die sie mit dem Rad selbst  transportieren.
Director: Kurt Barthel.
DDR, DEFA, 1989.
Language: German.
Download Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.
Urlaub in der DDR. 1954-1989.

Tirza. 2010. HD.

Tirza. 2010. HD.
 NL. Een paar dagen nadat Tirza en haar vriendje Choukri zijn vertrokken voor een reis door Namibië, heeft haar vader nog niets van hen gehoord. Hij vertrekt naar het Afrikaanse woestijnland om zijn dochter op te sporen en ontmoet daar Kaisa, die hem binnenvoert in haar wrede en bloederige wereld. Samen met haar ontdekt hij wat Tirza is overkomen; een lot dat huiveringwekkender is dan hij in zijn ergste nachtmerries heeft kunnen voorzien.
EN. Tirza is a 2010 Dutch drama film directed by Rudolf van den Berg and based on the Dutch bestseller of the same name by Arnon Grunberg. The film was selected as the Dutch entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 83rd Academy Awards but it didn't make the final shortlist.
Jörgen's world is crumbling. Forced into early retirement and harassed by his ex-wife, the only part of his life which makes sense - his beloved daughter Tirza - is shattered when she disappears on holiday in Namibia. After weeks of terrifying uncertainty, Jörgen goes searching for her, but the heat, his drinking and bad memories combine to unhinge him. His only ally is a child prostitute called Kaisa. Together they journey into the wilderness on Tirza's trail to discover her fate.
Director: Rudolf van den Berg.
Cast:  Sylvia Hoeks, Abbey Hoes, Johanna ter Steege, Naomi van Es, Jeroen Spitzenberger, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Nasrdin Dchar, Titia Hoogendoorn, Michael Dube, Panduleni Hailundu, Keitumetse Matlabo.
Netherlands, 2010.
Language: Dutch, English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Tirza. 2010.
Tirza. 2010. HD.
Tirza. 2010. HD.