Forum CineMonster


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.

Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.
Desaťročná Katka cestuje z Bratislavy na prázdniny. Ide na dedinu ku svojej tete, ktorá ju ale nečaká, pretože ju náhle museli odviezť do nemocnice. Čo teraz? Domov sa vrátiť nemôže, pretože mamička odišla za oteckom do zahraničia. Katky sa ujíma suseda Juríčková, no jej deti ju prijímajú ako nevítaného hosťa. Nakoniec sa nasťahuje k ďalšiemu príbuznému, k ujovi Jožovi a okamžite plánuje, ako mu dá jeho staromládeneckú domácnosť do poriadku...
Zoznam jednotlivých epizód:
1. Ujo Jožko
2. Kamaráti
3. Vohľady
4. Nápoj lásky
5. Kúzelník
6. Pohroma
7. Svadba.
Director: Radim Cvrček.
Cast: Katka Zatovičová, Jiří Vala, Ida Rapaičová, Emília Steigerová, Norbert Judt, Martin Masner, Ladislav Korený, Eva Krížiková, Jana Drbohlavová, Peter Debnár, Lubomír Kostelka, Ján Kramár, Pavla Severinová, Stanislav Tříska, Jaromír Roštínský, Mária Hájková, Mária Hojerová, Vlasta Mecnarowská, Jolana Hollá, Bohumil Slezáček, Milan Rabas, Jana Hliňáková, Jiřina Bohdalová, Ivan Krivosudský, Adam Matejka, Míla Šulc.
Czechoslovakia, Televízia Bratislava (CST), 1975.
Language: Slovak, Russian..
Subtitles: Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes:
2 parts archive:

Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.
Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.

Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.
Leto s Katkou / Summer with Kate. 1975. 7 Episodes. FULL-HD.

Little Thirteen. 2012. FULL-HD.

Little Thirteen. 2012. FULL-HD.
Little Thirteen is a 2012 German drama film directed by Christian Klandt. The film stars Muriel Wimmer as one of three troubled teenagers from different social backgrounds that face various challenges.
Sarah is 13. She and her best friend Charly (16) have already lost count of the men they have been to bed with: one night stands, nameless, and interchangeable - no commitments. Then Sarah meets 18-year-old Lukas in a chat room, and for the first time in her life she longs for a real relationship, for true love even. But is Lukas really interested in her? Or is he just using Sarah for a reason that lies far beyond love and affection? Meanwhile, Charly has to find a father for her unborn child, and Sarah's mother has to cope with the fact that she's not a teenager anymore... Three days in the lives of a group of teenagers struggling to grow up and to find their places in life.
Director: Christian Klandt.
Writer: Catrin Lüth.
Cast: Muriel Wimmer, Antonia Putiloff, Joseph Konrad Bundschuh, Isabell Gerschke, Philipp Kubitza, Gerdy Zint, Gisa Flake, Chiron Elias Krase, Pelagia Kapoglou, Claudia Geisler-Bading, Thomas Bading, Dietrich Brüggemann, Gitta Schweighöfer, Okka Hungerbühler.
Germany, 2012.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Little Thirteen. 2012.
Little Thirteen. 2012. FULL-HD.
Little Thirteen. 2012. FULL-HD.