Paradīze 89 / Paradise 89. 2018. HD.
LV. Rīdzinieces Paula un Laurēns vasaras brīvlaikā ierodas pie māsīcām Maijas un Lindas, kuras dzīvo idilliskā mazpilsētā. Pieaugušo nepieskatītā četru meiteņu komanda bauda brīvību, iztēlojoties, kā ir būt pieaugušām. Maija, idealizējot savu reti klātesošo mammu Ievu un iejūtoties mātes lomā, uzņemas meiteņu sadzīves vadīšanu. Paulai pēc telefona sarunas ar savu māti rodas sajūta, ka arī viņas vecāki šķiras, – viņa ir apjukusi. Spriedzi kāpina televīzijas ziņas par satraucošiem notikumiem, un meiteņu attiecības kļūst saspīlētas. Paulā aug kareivīgums, un viņa nolemj rīkoties, cerot, ja Latvija atgūs brīvību, jaunā situācija izvērsīsies par labu visiem – māsīcu māte Ieva atgriezīsies pie savām meitām, nejaušam paziņam, lietuvietim Jonasam nebūs jāslēpjas no iesaukuma Padomju armijā un viņa ar Laurēnu tiks mājās un saglābs brūkošo ģimeni. Televīzija sludina ārkārtas stāvokli valstī. Ar cerību Paula viena dodas uz "Baltijas ceļu"
EN. Arriving at her cousins home in a late eighties Latvia rattled by political turmoil and faced with divorce in her own family, nine year old Paula learns that no matter what the future of her country might bring, family values are of greater significance than anything.
Director: Madara Dišlere.
Cast: Līva Ločmele, Mantas Bendžius, Magda Lote Auziņa, Marta Ģertrūde Auzāne , Evelīna Ozola, Guna Zariņa, Nauris Puntulis, Ivars Krasts, Kaspars Gods, Inga Apine, Sergey Petrov, Kaspars Gods, Kristaps Ķeselis, Baiba Broka.
Latvia, 2018.
Language: Latvian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x808 HD
Download Paradīze 89 / Paradise 89. 2018.
EN. Arriving at her cousins home in a late eighties Latvia rattled by political turmoil and faced with divorce in her own family, nine year old Paula learns that no matter what the future of her country might bring, family values are of greater significance than anything.
Director: Madara Dišlere.
Cast: Līva Ločmele, Mantas Bendžius, Magda Lote Auziņa, Marta Ģertrūde Auzāne , Evelīna Ozola, Guna Zariņa, Nauris Puntulis, Ivars Krasts, Kaspars Gods, Inga Apine, Sergey Petrov, Kaspars Gods, Kristaps Ķeselis, Baiba Broka.
Latvia, 2018.
Language: Latvian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x808 HD
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Paradīze 89 / Paradise 89. 2018. HD. |
Trädgårdsgatan / Garden Lane. 2017. HD.
SE. Eric och Elin möts igen som vuxna och återupplever den mörka, tragiska sommar de en gång tillbringade tillsammans på den skånska landsbygden och som kommit att prägla deras liv. De vara bara barn och deras föräldrar var båda fast i svårt missbruk. Under några intensiva månader levde de tillsammans som en familj. Starkt barnperspektiv och glänsande skådespelarinsatser från Karin Franz Körlof och Simon J Berger.
EN. Eric and Elin meet as adults and reminisce about the summer when they met for the first time. Their parents Linda and Peter were both stuck in heavy drug abuse but for a couple of months they all lived together as a family. The parents struggle with their addiction and the children in their turn struggle not to get sucked into this dirty and violent world. This turbulent time together still defines who they are and what they became: Parents who in spite of addiction try to bond with and find love for their children and those children's struggle to live and to survive. As the new family is torn apart Linda and Peter are forced into making the most horrible of decisions - turning away a child.
Director: Olof Spaak.
Cast: Karin Franz Körlof, Simon J. Berger, Emil Algpeus, Nike Ringqvist, Lukas Monikoff, Linda Molin, Anna Mercedes Bergion, Jannike Grut, Stefan Cronwall, Sara Chaanhing Kennedy.
Sweden, 2017.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Danish, Norwegian, Finnish.
1920x1080 HD
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Part 1
Part 2
EN. Eric and Elin meet as adults and reminisce about the summer when they met for the first time. Their parents Linda and Peter were both stuck in heavy drug abuse but for a couple of months they all lived together as a family. The parents struggle with their addiction and the children in their turn struggle not to get sucked into this dirty and violent world. This turbulent time together still defines who they are and what they became: Parents who in spite of addiction try to bond with and find love for their children and those children's struggle to live and to survive. As the new family is torn apart Linda and Peter are forced into making the most horrible of decisions - turning away a child.
Director: Olof Spaak.
Cast: Karin Franz Körlof, Simon J. Berger, Emil Algpeus, Nike Ringqvist, Lukas Monikoff, Linda Molin, Anna Mercedes Bergion, Jannike Grut, Stefan Cronwall, Sara Chaanhing Kennedy.
Sweden, 2017.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Danish, Norwegian, Finnish.
1920x1080 HD
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Trädgårdsgatan / Garden Lane. 2017. HD. |
Kapgang / Speed Walking. 2014. HD.
DK. Filmen udspiller sig over et par uger i året 1976 og handler om den 14-årige Martin fra Sdr. Omme, der står over for at blive konfirmeret, men i stedet for kastes ud i en meget turbulent tid, da hans mor - pludselig og uventet - dør af kræft. Nu må Martin, hans far og storebror indstille sig på en ny virkelighed, - en virkelighed som både de og naboerne i den lille jyske provinsby håndterer på hver deres særegne måde. For samtidig med at Martin er på vej ind i de voksnes rækker, er han blevet forelsket i Kristine og måske også lidt i sin bedste ven, Kim. Men hvordan forholder man sig lige til det, når ens far er ramt af sorg og vistnok opsøger byens lokale damefrisør efter mørkets frembrud, når nabokonen får tæsk af sin mand, københavnersnuden Rolf, og man oveni skal planlægge sin egen seksuelle debut og bordplanen til sin konfirmation?
EN. Speed Walking (Danish: Kapgang) is a 2014 Danish drama film directed by Niels Arden Oplev. It is based on a novel of the same name by Morten Kirkskov.
In 1976 in provincial Denmark, 14-year-old Martin (Villads Bøye) is about to be confirmed when his mother dies of cancer. The weeks leading up to his confirmation are difficult and turbulent, as Martin's father and older brother are distraught and Martin must try to keep the family together. In addition, he must deal with his feelings for Kristine (Kraka Donslund Nielsen).
Director: Niels Arden Oplev.
Cast: Villads Bøye, Kraka Donslund Nielsen, Frederik Winther Rasmussen, Anders W. Berthelsen, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Pilou Asbæk, Jens Jørn Spottag, Anette Støvelbæk, Jens Malthe Næsby, Jesper Lohmann, Jacob Ulrik Lohmann, Bodil Lassen, Kurt Ravn, Anne Louise Hassing, Stine Stengade, Christine Gjerulff, Kristian Halken, Steen Stig Lommer, David Dencik, Magnus Black, Lise Baastrup, Jakob Bjerregaard Engmann, Magnus Christensen, Kasper Dalsgaard, Henrik Blauner Clausen, Julie Carlsen, Joy-Maria Frederiksen, Curt Skov, Kim Skovgaard Govertz Jensen, Thoreau Arden Pedersen, Mathias Nymand, Maria Corydon, Mia Højgaard, Anders Steensberg, Valdemar Larsen, Gudrun Holck.
Denmark, 2014.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x808 HD
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Kapgang / Speed Walking. 2014. HD. |
La petite allumeuse. 1987. DVD.
FR. La Petite Allumeuse est un film franco-suisse réalisé par Danièle Dubroux et sorti en 1987.
Camille, 14 ans, a séduit Jean-Louis, 37 ans, enseignant et directeur du camp où elle passe ses vacances. Jean-Louis s'enflamme pour cette adolescente instable, dont la vie familiale a été profondément perturbée par le départ de son père. Cette liaison va entrainer Jean-Louis dans une aventure un peu folle, surtout lorsqu'un de ses anciens élèves, Samuel, va à son tour faire la conquete de Camille, l'emmener dans des endroits peu recommandables et déclencher ainsi l'intervention de son père. D'age semblable, les deux hommes se retrouvent face à face.
EN. La petite Allumeuse roughly translates to "the little smart thing". The title refers to the main character of the film, 14 year old Camille. The film is a surprisingly good mix of comedy and drama with a little bit of social realism thrown in.
Camille is at the same time a vulnerable young teenager and a strong-willed seductress, who makes her camp counsellor Jean-Louis fall for her. Jean-Louis, who by the way also is a friend and a colleague of her teacher-father, experiences his second youth when starting dating Camille after their return to the city. Good acting by both Roland Giraud as Jean-Louis and Alice Papiersky as Camille helps make this part of the film rather sweet. Theirs is a dangerous, but romantic love. They don't go "all the way". This is actually more of a family film with "real people" in it than well the kind of film you might think it was. The film can be seen by (older) teens as well as adults.
It is a growing-up film as well with Camille not only spending time dating Jean-Louis but also having the time to live a normal teenage life and having not only the normal conflicts, a teenager has with her parents, but also the conflicts coming from living with her divorcee-mother, who isn't very mentally stabile.
Director: Danièle Dubroux.
Cast: Roland Giraud, Pierre Arditi, Alice Papierski, Tanya Lopert, David Léotard, Brigitte Roüan, Aurelia Legay, Philippe Beglia, Laurence Bru, Véronique Descamps.
France, Switzerland, 1987.
Language: French.
Format: DVD (ISO), 1024x576
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2 Parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Camille, 14 ans, a séduit Jean-Louis, 37 ans, enseignant et directeur du camp où elle passe ses vacances. Jean-Louis s'enflamme pour cette adolescente instable, dont la vie familiale a été profondément perturbée par le départ de son père. Cette liaison va entrainer Jean-Louis dans une aventure un peu folle, surtout lorsqu'un de ses anciens élèves, Samuel, va à son tour faire la conquete de Camille, l'emmener dans des endroits peu recommandables et déclencher ainsi l'intervention de son père. D'age semblable, les deux hommes se retrouvent face à face.
EN. La petite Allumeuse roughly translates to "the little smart thing". The title refers to the main character of the film, 14 year old Camille. The film is a surprisingly good mix of comedy and drama with a little bit of social realism thrown in.
Camille is at the same time a vulnerable young teenager and a strong-willed seductress, who makes her camp counsellor Jean-Louis fall for her. Jean-Louis, who by the way also is a friend and a colleague of her teacher-father, experiences his second youth when starting dating Camille after their return to the city. Good acting by both Roland Giraud as Jean-Louis and Alice Papiersky as Camille helps make this part of the film rather sweet. Theirs is a dangerous, but romantic love. They don't go "all the way". This is actually more of a family film with "real people" in it than well the kind of film you might think it was. The film can be seen by (older) teens as well as adults.
It is a growing-up film as well with Camille not only spending time dating Jean-Louis but also having the time to live a normal teenage life and having not only the normal conflicts, a teenager has with her parents, but also the conflicts coming from living with her divorcee-mother, who isn't very mentally stabile.
Director: Danièle Dubroux.
Cast: Roland Giraud, Pierre Arditi, Alice Papierski, Tanya Lopert, David Léotard, Brigitte Roüan, Aurelia Legay, Philippe Beglia, Laurence Bru, Véronique Descamps.
France, Switzerland, 1987.
Language: French.
Format: DVD (ISO), 1024x576
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Part 2
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La petite allumeuse. 1987. DVD. |
Kinderspiele / Child's Play. 1992.
DE. Kinderspiele ist ein Fernsehfilm des Regisseurs Wolfgang Becker. Er wurde fürs ZDF produziert und auf dem Filmfest München 1992 uraufgeführt.
Das Drama spielt in einer deutschen Arbeitersiedlung der 1960er Jahre. Es ist ein heißer Sommer und die Ferien stehen vor der Tür. Die Hauptfigur Micha besucht die vierte Klasse und wird aufgrund seines guten Zeugnisses aufs Gymnasium wechseln. Von seinem jähzornigen Vater regelmäßig geschlagen und von seiner Mutter vernachlässigt, verbringt Micha seine Zeit mit Kalli, einem Klassenkameraden, der weniger durch schulische Leistungen als vielmehr durch schlechte Manieren und Herumtreiben glänzt. Eines Tages verlässt die Mutter mit Peter (dem jüngeren Bruder Michas) die Familie. Schließlich kommt es zu einem tragischen Ende zwischen Micha und seinem Vater.
EN. Child's Play, also known as Kinderspiele, is a 1992 German film directed by Wolfgang Becker.
Pre-adolescent boy, Micha, is brutally beaten by his father for minor misdemeanours. He receives little support from other members of his family and so decides to wage a personal war against all of them.
Director: Wolfgang Becker.
Cast: Angelika Bartsch, Oliver Bröcker, Detlev Buck, Matthias Friedrich, Nadine Grenz, Brigitte Janner, Rüdiger Joswig, Johanna Karl-Lory, Jonas Kipp, Burghart Klaußner, Evelyn Meyka.
Germany, 1992.
Language: German, Russian.
Download Kinderspiele / Child's Play. 1992.
Das Drama spielt in einer deutschen Arbeitersiedlung der 1960er Jahre. Es ist ein heißer Sommer und die Ferien stehen vor der Tür. Die Hauptfigur Micha besucht die vierte Klasse und wird aufgrund seines guten Zeugnisses aufs Gymnasium wechseln. Von seinem jähzornigen Vater regelmäßig geschlagen und von seiner Mutter vernachlässigt, verbringt Micha seine Zeit mit Kalli, einem Klassenkameraden, der weniger durch schulische Leistungen als vielmehr durch schlechte Manieren und Herumtreiben glänzt. Eines Tages verlässt die Mutter mit Peter (dem jüngeren Bruder Michas) die Familie. Schließlich kommt es zu einem tragischen Ende zwischen Micha und seinem Vater.
EN. Child's Play, also known as Kinderspiele, is a 1992 German film directed by Wolfgang Becker.
Pre-adolescent boy, Micha, is brutally beaten by his father for minor misdemeanours. He receives little support from other members of his family and so decides to wage a personal war against all of them.
Director: Wolfgang Becker.
Cast: Angelika Bartsch, Oliver Bröcker, Detlev Buck, Matthias Friedrich, Nadine Grenz, Brigitte Janner, Rüdiger Joswig, Johanna Karl-Lory, Jonas Kipp, Burghart Klaußner, Evelyn Meyka.
Germany, 1992.
Language: German, Russian.
Download Kinderspiele / Child's Play. 1992.
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Kinderspiele / Child's Play. 1992. |
At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. DVD.
At Play in the Fields of the Lord is a 1991 adventure drama film directed by Héctor Babenco, adapted from the 1965 novel of the same name by American author Peter Matthiessen. The screenplay was written by Babenco and Jean-Claude Carrière, and stars Tom Berenger, John Lithgow, Daryl Hannah, Aidan Quinn, Tom Waits and Kathy Bates.
Director and producer James Cameron stated that At Play in the Fields of the Lord was used as a reference for the 2009 blockbuster film Avatar.
Martin and Hazel Quarrier are small-town fundamentalist missionaries sent to the jungles of South America to convert the Indians. Their remote mission was previously run by the Catholics, before the natives murdered them all. They are sent by the pompous Leslie Huben, who runs the missionary effort in the area but who seems more concerned about competing with his Catholic 'rivals' than in the Indians themselves. Hazel is terrified of the Indians while Martin is fascinated. Soon American pilot Lewis Moon joins the Indian tribe but is attracted by Leslie's young wife, Andy. Can the interaction of these characters and cultures, and the advancing bulldozers of civilization, avoid disaster?
Director: Hector Babenco.
Cast: Tom Berenger, John Lithgow, Daryl Hannah, Aidan Quinn, Tom Waits, Niilo Kivirinta, S. Yriwana Karaja, Jose Renato Lana, Ione Machado, Carlos Xavante, Ruy Polanah.
USA, Brazil, 1991.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: Spanish, English.
Format: DVD9 720x576
Bonuses: Deleted Scenes.
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Director and producer James Cameron stated that At Play in the Fields of the Lord was used as a reference for the 2009 blockbuster film Avatar.
Martin and Hazel Quarrier are small-town fundamentalist missionaries sent to the jungles of South America to convert the Indians. Their remote mission was previously run by the Catholics, before the natives murdered them all. They are sent by the pompous Leslie Huben, who runs the missionary effort in the area but who seems more concerned about competing with his Catholic 'rivals' than in the Indians themselves. Hazel is terrified of the Indians while Martin is fascinated. Soon American pilot Lewis Moon joins the Indian tribe but is attracted by Leslie's young wife, Andy. Can the interaction of these characters and cultures, and the advancing bulldozers of civilization, avoid disaster?
Director: Hector Babenco.
Cast: Tom Berenger, John Lithgow, Daryl Hannah, Aidan Quinn, Tom Waits, Niilo Kivirinta, S. Yriwana Karaja, Jose Renato Lana, Ione Machado, Carlos Xavante, Ruy Polanah.
USA, Brazil, 1991.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: Spanish, English.
Format: DVD9 720x576
Bonuses: Deleted Scenes.
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At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. DVD. |
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At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. DVD. |
Ballagó idö. 1976.
Mail for translation. Mester Pista izgalmas kalandok kozepette tolti el a vakaciot barataival. Az o erdemuk tobbek kozott az is, hogy elfogjak a kornyek veszedelmes bunozojet. A kisfiu rendszeresen kirandul a padlasra is, ahol regi ruhak, butorok jovoltabol megelevenedik elotte a csalad esemenydus multja. Igy telik el kepzelet es valosag mezsgyejen a vakacio.
Director: Tamás Fejér.
Cast: Sándor Tóth, Nóra Káldi, Klári Tolnay, Margit Makay, Antal Páger, József Bihari, Irma Patkós, Zoltán Latinovits, Lajos Öze.
Hungary, 1976.
Language: Hungarian, Russian.
Download Ballagó idö.
Director: Tamás Fejér.
Cast: Sándor Tóth, Nóra Káldi, Klári Tolnay, Margit Makay, Antal Páger, József Bihari, Irma Patkós, Zoltán Latinovits, Lajos Öze.
Hungary, 1976.
Language: Hungarian, Russian.
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Ballagó idö. 1976. |
Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989.
DE. Der 18-jährige Georg liebt die 13-jährige Nachbarstochter Barbara (Julia Brendler). Als sich herausstellt, dass beide miteinander geschlafen haben, zeigt Barbaras Vater ("Tatort"-Ermittler Peter Sodann) den Jungen an - aber hauptsächlich, um dessen verhasstem Vater eins auszuwischen. Als Georg vor Gericht gestellt werden soll, bieten seine Mitschüler der Staatsmacht die Stirn… Das Drehbuch nach einer in der DDR lange verbotenen Erzählung lag drei Jahre lang auf Eis, erst am Vorabend der Wende konnte sich Helmut Dziuba an die Verfilmung machen - die leider etwas hölzern ausfiel.
Uncensored Version.
EN. Sensitive, honest, balanced, beautifully photographed drama that - 10 years after date - is still more actual considering the more and more uptight reaction towards sexuality as such of, and as expression of love between young people. With sharpness the film shows the inhuman attitude and petit bourgeois hypocracy of the community and the destructive effect of only following rules.
Uncensored Version.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Julia Brendler, Hans-Peter Dahm, Gudrun Ritter, Heide Kipp, Peter Sodann, Karin Gregorek, Rolf Dietrich, Dietrich Körner, Gert Gütschow, Bärbel Röhl, Stefan Rehberg, Joachim Konrad.
DDR, DEFA, 1989.
Language: German.
Download Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love.
Uncensored Version.
EN. Sensitive, honest, balanced, beautifully photographed drama that - 10 years after date - is still more actual considering the more and more uptight reaction towards sexuality as such of, and as expression of love between young people. With sharpness the film shows the inhuman attitude and petit bourgeois hypocracy of the community and the destructive effect of only following rules.
Uncensored Version.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Julia Brendler, Hans-Peter Dahm, Gudrun Ritter, Heide Kipp, Peter Sodann, Karin Gregorek, Rolf Dietrich, Dietrich Körner, Gert Gütschow, Bärbel Röhl, Stefan Rehberg, Joachim Konrad.
DDR, DEFA, 1989.
Language: German.
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Verbotene Liebe / Forbidden Love. 1989. |
Marcelka. 1971.
Slovenská filmová rozprávka o smutnom dievčatku, ktoré ani jeho otec bohatý a mocný pán nedokáže rozveseliť. Podarí sa to až figliarovi Petríkovi a jeho psíkovi Bobíkovi, ktorí žijú na dvore ich kaštieľa.
Director: Jan Iván.
Cast: Matěj Forman, Lubomír Lipský st., František Filipovský, Vladimír Hrubý, Lubomír Kostelka, Karel Effa, Libuše Havelková, Milan Jonáš, Alena Vránová.
Czechoslovakia, 1971.
Language: Slovak.
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Marcelka. 1971. |
Der Leihopa. Episode 1. 1985.
Der Leihopa ist eine 26-teilige Fernsehserie des Österreichischen Rundfunks, die von 1985 bis 1989 als Familienserie auf ORF 2 und Südwest 3 ihre Erstausstrahlung hatte. Ab Januar 1986 wurde sie vom Bayerischen Fernsehen gesendet.
Der Leihopa Waldemar Herzog ist Witwer und Rentner, und ihm ist ziemlich langweilig. Außer den regelmäßigen Treffen mit seinem hypochondrisch veranlagten Freund Franz und den Zankereien mit dem grieskrämigen Briefträger gibt es nur wenige Höhepunkte in seinem Leben. Da hört er zufällig von einer Agentur, die Leihomas als Babysitter vermittelt, und er sagt sich: ”Warum eigentlich nicht?”
This is Episode 1 "Zu jung, um sich alt zu fühlen".
Director: Otto Anton Eder.
Cast: Alfred Böhm, Hans Holt, Louis Strasser, Claudia Martini, Felicitas Ruhm, Birgit Machalissa, Karlheinz Hackl, Maresa Hörbiger, Walter Kaufmann.
Austria, Germany, 1985.
Language: German.
Download Der Leihopa. Episode 1.
Der Leihopa Waldemar Herzog ist Witwer und Rentner, und ihm ist ziemlich langweilig. Außer den regelmäßigen Treffen mit seinem hypochondrisch veranlagten Freund Franz und den Zankereien mit dem grieskrämigen Briefträger gibt es nur wenige Höhepunkte in seinem Leben. Da hört er zufällig von einer Agentur, die Leihomas als Babysitter vermittelt, und er sagt sich: ”Warum eigentlich nicht?”
This is Episode 1 "Zu jung, um sich alt zu fühlen".
Director: Otto Anton Eder.
Cast: Alfred Böhm, Hans Holt, Louis Strasser, Claudia Martini, Felicitas Ruhm, Birgit Machalissa, Karlheinz Hackl, Maresa Hörbiger, Walter Kaufmann.
Austria, Germany, 1985.
Language: German.
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Der Leihopa. Episode 1. 1985. |
Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969.
This Adventure film tells the story of little Dovran, who lives with his father, the beater, on the bank of Amu-Darya. His friends are animals living in the district with whom he spent all the time, and then there are hunters and a pioneer detachment with whom he will meet.
Directors: Anatoli Karpukhin, Murad Kurbanklychev.
Cast: Khommat Mullyk, Byashim Atakhanov, Nabat Kurbanova, Mukhmed Khodzhayev, Sarry Karryyev, Aman Byashimov, Dovran Saparov, Ayna Rustamova.
USSR, Turkmenfilm, 1969.
Language: Russian.
Download Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969.
Directors: Anatoli Karpukhin, Murad Kurbanklychev.
Cast: Khommat Mullyk, Byashim Atakhanov, Nabat Kurbanova, Mukhmed Khodzhayev, Sarry Karryyev, Aman Byashimov, Dovran Saparov, Ayna Rustamova.
USSR, Turkmenfilm, 1969.
Language: Russian.
Download Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969.
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Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969. |
Wild beasts - Belve feroci. 1984.
Dangerous zoo animals escape from their cages and run amok in the city after drinking water contaminated by PCP (a hallucinogenic drug also known as angel dust, busy bee, peace powder, zombie dust and jet fuel).
The bloody death and destruction on offer includes stampeding cattle running down pedestrians, rats devouring a couple having sex in a car, a woman's head stomped by an elephant, a seeing-eye dog savaging his master (he didn't see that coming!), and a savage polar bear attack on a bunch of kids (who, having drunk some PCP themselves, also become killers!).
Director: Franco Prosperi.
Cast: Lorraine De Selle, John Aldrich, Ugo Bologna, Louisa Lloyd, John Stacy, Enzo Pezzu, Monica Nickel, Stefania Pinna, Simonetta Pinna, Alessandra Svampa, Frederico Volocia, Alessandro Freyberger, Tiziana Tannozzini, Gianfranco Principi.
Italy, 1984.
Languages: Italian, Russian.
Download Wild beasts - Belve feroci.
The bloody death and destruction on offer includes stampeding cattle running down pedestrians, rats devouring a couple having sex in a car, a woman's head stomped by an elephant, a seeing-eye dog savaging his master (he didn't see that coming!), and a savage polar bear attack on a bunch of kids (who, having drunk some PCP themselves, also become killers!).
Director: Franco Prosperi.
Cast: Lorraine De Selle, John Aldrich, Ugo Bologna, Louisa Lloyd, John Stacy, Enzo Pezzu, Monica Nickel, Stefania Pinna, Simonetta Pinna, Alessandra Svampa, Frederico Volocia, Alessandro Freyberger, Tiziana Tannozzini, Gianfranco Principi.
Italy, 1984.
Languages: Italian, Russian.
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Wild beasts - Belve feroci. 1984. |
Laika prognoze augustam / Pogoda na avgust. 1983.
Trīspadsmitgadīgais Ilmārs ar vecākiem dzīvo daudzstāvu mājā Rīgā un draudzējas ar kaimiņu meiteni Ingu. Ilmāra māte kādreiz sapņojusi kļūt par ievērojamu dziedātāju, pēc tam dzīvojusi ģimenes ikdienā. Tagad viņa negaidīti aizraujas ar izcilo mūziķi Normundu, kas ieradies Rīgā viesizrādēs. To pārdzīvodams, zēns gandrīz kļūst par negadījuma upuri.
Director: Lūcija Ločmele.
Cast: Ugis Krastins, Teresa Linkaite, Mirdza Martinsone, Juris Plavins, Viktor Plyut, Ģirts Jakovļevs, Sergejs Judins, Ikars Samardžijevs.
Director: Lūcija Ločmele.
Cast: Ugis Krastins, Teresa Linkaite, Mirdza Martinsone, Juris Plavins, Viktor Plyut, Ģirts Jakovļevs, Sergejs Judins, Ikars Samardžijevs.
USSR, Rīgas kinostudija, 1983.
Download Laika prognoze augustam / Pogoda na avgust.
Download Laika prognoze augustam / Pogoda na avgust.
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Laika prognoze augustam. |
Domenica. 2001.
IT. E' l'ultimo giorno di lavoro dell'ispettore Sciarra, malato, disilluso, sconfortato, e gli viene chiesto un favore difficile. Deve portare la piccola Domenica, orfana che vive in un istituto di religiose, all'obitorio a riconoscere in un uomo che si è suicidato il giorno prima al commissariato l'aggressore che l'ha violentata. Due solitudini che si incontrano ed imparano a conoscersi, in una Napoli piena di auto e di vicoli. Non sarà facile per entrambi e, per giunta, il morto si rivelerà non essere l'aggressore. Alla fine Sciarra parte per la Sicilia, probabilmente per finire i suoi giorni. E il distacco è doloroso.
EN. Domenica (also known as Sunday) is a 2001 Italian drama film directed by Wilma Labate. It entered the "Panorama" section at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival.
Director: Wilma Labate.
Cast: Claudio Amendola, Domenica Giuliano, Annabella Sciorra, Valerio Binasco, Peppe Servillo, Rosalinda Celentano, Francesca Fago, Giuseppe Incoronato, Jessica Maresca, Peppino Mazzotta, Salvatore Sansone.
Italy, 2001.
Language: Italian.
Download Domenica.
EN. Domenica (also known as Sunday) is a 2001 Italian drama film directed by Wilma Labate. It entered the "Panorama" section at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival.
Director: Wilma Labate.
Cast: Claudio Amendola, Domenica Giuliano, Annabella Sciorra, Valerio Binasco, Peppe Servillo, Rosalinda Celentano, Francesca Fago, Giuseppe Incoronato, Jessica Maresca, Peppino Mazzotta, Salvatore Sansone.
Italy, 2001.
Language: Italian.
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Domenica. 2001. |
Egreta de fildeș / The Ivory Aigrette. 1987.
RO. Un grup de copii de la şcoala generală din Avrig participă la concursul expediţionar "Cutezătorii". Ei termină expediţia, nu fără peripeţii, câştigând trofeul "Egreta de fildeş".
EN. A group of children from the Avrig general school take part in the expedition contest "Cutezătorii". They finish the expedition, not without ripples, winning the "Egreta de fildeş" trophy.
Director: Gheorghe Naghi.
Cast: Bogdan Carp, Beatrice Cristea, Sorin Lazar, Claudiu Marin, Ovidiu Iulian Moldovan, Bogdan Treeroiu, Mihai Voicu.
Romania, 1987.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Egreta de fildeș / The Ivory Aigrette.
EN. A group of children from the Avrig general school take part in the expedition contest "Cutezătorii". They finish the expedition, not without ripples, winning the "Egreta de fildeş" trophy.
Director: Gheorghe Naghi.
Cast: Bogdan Carp, Beatrice Cristea, Sorin Lazar, Claudiu Marin, Ovidiu Iulian Moldovan, Bogdan Treeroiu, Mihai Voicu.
Romania, 1987.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Egreta de fildeș / The Ivory Aigrette.
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Egreta de fildeș / The Ivory Aigrette. 1987. |
Krummerne / The Crumbs. 1991.
DK. Familiefilm om den hyggelige danske familie Krumborg. Far (Dick Kaysø) er sløjdlærer og skolens klovn, mor (Karen Lis Mynster) er børnepædagog og hele tiden under videreuddannelse. Der er en oprørsk teenagedatter (Line Kruse) og en baby (Lukas Forchammer), men historien handler især om den elleveårige Mads (Laus Høybye), kaldet Krumme, der er ulykkeligt forelsket, uden at familien mærker det. Da familien er træt af balladen i det betonbyggeri, hvor den har en lejlighed, beslutter den at købe et gammelt hus, selvom der dårligt er råd til det. To klodsede bankrøvere (Peter Schrøder & Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen) har imidlertid skjult deres bytte i huset.
EN. The tween, Mads, finds it hard to fit in. Having feelings for a girl in class and a clumsy farther who is a teacher at his school doesn't help. By an uforseen chance of events, Mads becomes somewhat of a hero, but will he win the girl?
Director: Sven Methling.
Cast: Laus Høybye, Dick Kaysø, Karen-Lise Mynster, Line Kruse, Lukas Forchhammer, Preben Kristensen, Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg, Holger Juul Hansen, Sonja Oppenhagen, Elin Reimer, Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen, Peter Schrøder.
Denmark, 1991.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Krummerne / The Crumbs.
EN. The tween, Mads, finds it hard to fit in. Having feelings for a girl in class and a clumsy farther who is a teacher at his school doesn't help. By an uforseen chance of events, Mads becomes somewhat of a hero, but will he win the girl?
Director: Sven Methling.
Cast: Laus Høybye, Dick Kaysø, Karen-Lise Mynster, Line Kruse, Lukas Forchhammer, Preben Kristensen, Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg, Holger Juul Hansen, Sonja Oppenhagen, Elin Reimer, Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen, Peter Schrøder.
Denmark, 1991.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Krummerne / The Crumbs.
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Krummerne / The Crumbs. 1991. |
Meisterschaft. 1996.
Hallo, Onkel Doc! ist eine deutsche Krankenhausserie. Sie wurde von 1994 bis 2000 von Sat.1 produziert und erstmals ausgestrahlt.
Dr. Markus Kampmann returns from the USA to his native Germany, where he starts work in the children's hospital in his home town. The series follows his career as sympathetic doctor and his personal life with family and friends, and some not so friendly old and new acquaintances.
Season 2. Episode 9. Meisterschaft.
Die elfjährige Laura Kramer ist eine erfolgreiche Nachwuchsturnerin. Aber um an den Wettkämpfen überhaupt teilnehmen zu können, bekommt sie starke Spritzen gegen ihre schrecklichen Rückenschmerzen. Markus Kampmann diagnostiziert bei Laura einen angeborenen Wirbelsäulenschaden, der es Laura im Grunde unmöglich macht, ohne großes Risiko weiter Leistungssport zu betreiben. Ihr Trainer Thomas Weiß, der auch der Lebensgefährte von Lauras Mutter Gabi ist, legt das Gutachten eines befreundeten Sportmediziners vor, demzufolge Laura gesund ist. Doch das Mädchen erfährt, dass Thomas sich von ihrer Mutter trennen will, wenn sie mit dem Leistungssport aufhört. Bei einem Wettkampf stürzt sie so schwer, dass sie sofort operiert werden muss, um nicht für immer gelähmt zu bleiben. Markus Kampmann findet inzwischen heraus, dass Thomas Weiß ein weiteres Gutachten unterschlagen hat. Darin wird Lauras Wirbelsäulenschaden bestätigt…
Director: Peter Wekwerth.
Cast: Ulrich Reinthaller, Ralf Lindermann, Ulrich Matschoss, Eva Maria Bauer, Arianne Borbach, Astrid M. Fünderich.
Germany, 1996.
Language: German.
Download Meisterschaft. 1996.
Dr. Markus Kampmann returns from the USA to his native Germany, where he starts work in the children's hospital in his home town. The series follows his career as sympathetic doctor and his personal life with family and friends, and some not so friendly old and new acquaintances.
Season 2. Episode 9. Meisterschaft.
Die elfjährige Laura Kramer ist eine erfolgreiche Nachwuchsturnerin. Aber um an den Wettkämpfen überhaupt teilnehmen zu können, bekommt sie starke Spritzen gegen ihre schrecklichen Rückenschmerzen. Markus Kampmann diagnostiziert bei Laura einen angeborenen Wirbelsäulenschaden, der es Laura im Grunde unmöglich macht, ohne großes Risiko weiter Leistungssport zu betreiben. Ihr Trainer Thomas Weiß, der auch der Lebensgefährte von Lauras Mutter Gabi ist, legt das Gutachten eines befreundeten Sportmediziners vor, demzufolge Laura gesund ist. Doch das Mädchen erfährt, dass Thomas sich von ihrer Mutter trennen will, wenn sie mit dem Leistungssport aufhört. Bei einem Wettkampf stürzt sie so schwer, dass sie sofort operiert werden muss, um nicht für immer gelähmt zu bleiben. Markus Kampmann findet inzwischen heraus, dass Thomas Weiß ein weiteres Gutachten unterschlagen hat. Darin wird Lauras Wirbelsäulenschaden bestätigt…
Director: Peter Wekwerth.
Cast: Ulrich Reinthaller, Ralf Lindermann, Ulrich Matschoss, Eva Maria Bauer, Arianne Borbach, Astrid M. Fünderich.
Germany, 1996.
Language: German.
Download Meisterschaft. 1996.
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Meisterschaft. 1996. |
Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.
Serial opowiada o stu latach polskiej historii z punktu widzenia kobiet, tytułowych panien i wdów. Akcja serialu zaczyna się w roku 1863, a kończy na początku lat 90. XX w. Telewidz śledzi dzieje pięciu dam, wywodzących się z zamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej o wiele mówiącym nazwisku.
Epicka opowieść o stu latach polskiej historii z punktu widzenia kobiet, tytułowych panien i wdów. Akcja serialu (równolegle powstał też film pod tym samym tytułem) zaczyna się pod koniec powstania styczniowego, a kończy współcześnie. Na tle burzliwych dziejowych zawieruch reżyser opowiada o dziejach pięciu dam, wywodzących się z zamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej o wiele mówiącym nazwisku Lechickich. W trakcie realizacji filmu autorka scenariusza, znana pisarka Maria Nurowska rozpoczęła pracę nad książką pod tym samym tytułem. Niebawem doszło też do poważnych różnic artystycznych między nią a reżyserem Januszem Zaorskim. Ich owocem były rozliczne polemiki prasowe, które prócz zaakcentowania stanowisk obu stron przysporzyły też filmowi i książce reklamy.
Episode 3:
Zakochaną w rosyjskim nauczycielu Susanne umierająca matka zmusza do zerwania z nim. Odtąd Susanne żyje w Lechicach samotnie. Nieznajoma kobieta przywozi jej z Syberii małą Karolinkę, córkę Karoliny i Edwarda. Karolina studiuje na Sorbonie. W niepodległej Polsce jest lewicującym adwokatem. Wraz z kochankiem Andrzejem broni przed sądem komunistów. Porwana na ulicy przez narodowców, zostaje kochanką jednego z nich, Jana. Rodzi bliźniaki. Endecka grupa Jana morduje Andrzeja. Na jego pogrzebie Karolina głośno wskazuje morderców i zostaje przez nich zastrzelona. Jan wpada w obłęd.
Director: Janusz Zaorski.
Cast: Maja Komorowska, Katarzyna Figura, Ewa Dalkowska, Maria Gladkowska, Joanna Szczepkowska, Andrzej Zaorski, Jan Nowicki, Wladyslaw Kowalski, Artur Zmijewski, Wojciech Wysocki.
Poland, 1991.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Download Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.
Epicka opowieść o stu latach polskiej historii z punktu widzenia kobiet, tytułowych panien i wdów. Akcja serialu (równolegle powstał też film pod tym samym tytułem) zaczyna się pod koniec powstania styczniowego, a kończy współcześnie. Na tle burzliwych dziejowych zawieruch reżyser opowiada o dziejach pięciu dam, wywodzących się z zamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej o wiele mówiącym nazwisku Lechickich. W trakcie realizacji filmu autorka scenariusza, znana pisarka Maria Nurowska rozpoczęła pracę nad książką pod tym samym tytułem. Niebawem doszło też do poważnych różnic artystycznych między nią a reżyserem Januszem Zaorskim. Ich owocem były rozliczne polemiki prasowe, które prócz zaakcentowania stanowisk obu stron przysporzyły też filmowi i książce reklamy.
Episode 3:
Zakochaną w rosyjskim nauczycielu Susanne umierająca matka zmusza do zerwania z nim. Odtąd Susanne żyje w Lechicach samotnie. Nieznajoma kobieta przywozi jej z Syberii małą Karolinkę, córkę Karoliny i Edwarda. Karolina studiuje na Sorbonie. W niepodległej Polsce jest lewicującym adwokatem. Wraz z kochankiem Andrzejem broni przed sądem komunistów. Porwana na ulicy przez narodowców, zostaje kochanką jednego z nich, Jana. Rodzi bliźniaki. Endecka grupa Jana morduje Andrzeja. Na jego pogrzebie Karolina głośno wskazuje morderców i zostaje przez nich zastrzelona. Jan wpada w obłęd.
Director: Janusz Zaorski.
Cast: Maja Komorowska, Katarzyna Figura, Ewa Dalkowska, Maria Gladkowska, Joanna Szczepkowska, Andrzej Zaorski, Jan Nowicki, Wladyslaw Kowalski, Artur Zmijewski, Wojciech Wysocki.
Poland, 1991.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Download Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.
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Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3. |
Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.
NL. Het jaarlijkse bezoek van Roos aan haar moeder in Noorwegen is dit keer anders. Ze heeft slecht nieuws. Het verleden maakt het voor Roos echter onmogelijk haar moeder dit te vertellen. Geholpen door haar halfbroertje en een oude liefde vinden de twee vrouwen toenadering en kan Roos haar volgende en onvermijdelijke stap zetten.
EN. Disappearance (Dutch: Verdwijnen) is a 2017 Dutch drama film directed by Boudewijn Koole. It was shortlisted by the EYE Film Institute Netherlands as one of the eight films to be selected as the potential Dutch submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards. However, it was not selected, with Layla M. being chosen as the Dutch entry.
'Disappearance' takes place in the remote winter landscape of Norway. Roos visits her mother there yearly, but this time it's different: she brings bad news. However, old pain and numerous reproaches keep Roos from sharing anything with her mother. Aided by her half brother and her old flame, the two women reconcile and Roos is able to make her next and inescapable step.
Director: Boudewijn Koole.
Cast: Jakob Oftebro, Rifka Lodeizen, Elsie de Brauw, Marcus Hanssen, Eva Garet.
Netherlands, Norway, 2017.
Language: Dutch.
1920х796 HD
Download Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017.
EN. Disappearance (Dutch: Verdwijnen) is a 2017 Dutch drama film directed by Boudewijn Koole. It was shortlisted by the EYE Film Institute Netherlands as one of the eight films to be selected as the potential Dutch submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards. However, it was not selected, with Layla M. being chosen as the Dutch entry.
'Disappearance' takes place in the remote winter landscape of Norway. Roos visits her mother there yearly, but this time it's different: she brings bad news. However, old pain and numerous reproaches keep Roos from sharing anything with her mother. Aided by her half brother and her old flame, the two women reconcile and Roos is able to make her next and inescapable step.
Director: Boudewijn Koole.
Cast: Jakob Oftebro, Rifka Lodeizen, Elsie de Brauw, Marcus Hanssen, Eva Garet.
Netherlands, Norway, 2017.
Language: Dutch.
1920х796 HD
Download Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017.
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Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD. |