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Monday, September 21, 2020

Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.

Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.
IT. Durante una notte di Capodanno un uomo improvvisamente impazzito senza nessuna ragione massacra la sua famiglia uccidendo la moglie e uno dei suoi due figli e risparmiando l'altro, il dodicenne Vito, che viene affidato ad una zia e al marito di questa, un fabbricante di fuochi d'artificio. Per tirare avanti la zia è costretta a spacciare droga servendosi della propria figlia e di Vito, che viene lasciato crescere senza alcuna guida. Vito vive nella strada cominciando la sua personale discesa nella degradazione morale e sociale: furti, scippi, spaccio di droga, rapine, prostituzione. Comincia a frequentare le carceri dove affina il suo carattere criminale confrontandosi con i suoi compagni di pena che stanno compiendo lo stesso suo percorso che lo porterà a diventare sicario della camorra.
EN.  Vito and the Others is the groundbreaking film which drew international attention to the problem of neglected youth and street crime in poverty-stricken Naples. The film's opening moments are startling and deeply disturbing. A despairing Rosario has just murdered his wife and daughter at the dinner table on New Year's Eve. Somehow, Vito quietly convinces his father to drop the gun, spare their lives and call the police. Placed in the custody of sexually abusive relatives, Vito is left free to roam the trash-strewn back streets of Naples where he and his friends engage in drug abuse, prostitution and petty crime. Ably acted by a large cast of nonprofessional street kids, VITO AND THE OTHERS is a heartrending portrait of innocents without a future.
Director: Antonio Capuano.
Cast: Nando Triola, Giovanni Bruno, Pina Leone , Antonio Farak, Alfredo Tassiero, Enzo Bacarello, Elio De Gregori, Mario Leuti, Antonio Iaccarino, Giuseppina Fusco, Enzuccio La Motta.
Italy, 1991.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991:
2 parts archive:

Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.
Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.

Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.

Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.
FR. À Paris, une jeune femme, Louise Haines-Pearson, rend visite à son amie alitée Nena. Celle-ci lui raconte qu'elle vient d'écrire un livre sur l'histoire d'une petite fille troublée par ses sens, peut-être à cause de la tyrannie exercée par sa mère et souffrant de l'absence de son père. Louise se reconnaît dans les difficultés de cette petite fille, étant elle-même profondément affectée par l'indifférence de son mari.
EN. The Games of Countess Dolingen (French: Les Jeux de la comtesse Dolingen de Gratz) is a 1981 French fantasy-drama film written and directed by Catherine Binet and starring Carol Kane.
The film was entered into the main competition at the 38th edition of the Venice Film Festival.
In Paris, a young woman, Louise Haines Pearson, visits her disturbed friend Nena who tells her that she has just written a book on the history of a little girl troubled by her senses, perhaps because of the tyranny of his mother and the absence of her father. Louise recognizes the difficulties of this little girl, being herself deeply affected by the indifference of her husband.
Director: Catherine Binet.
Cast: Michael Lonsdale, Carol Kane, Katia Wastchenko, Marina Vlady, Emmanuelle Riva, Roberto Plate, Marilú Marini, Robert Stephens, Marucha Bo, Antoine Binet, Raoul Escari, Tobie Schumer, François Mouren-Provensal, Yves Barsacq, Alain Cuny.
France, 1981.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.
Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.
Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.