Forum CineMonster


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.

Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.

 DE. Mit ihrem Alltag kann die 13-jährige Paula nicht viel anfangen. Mit ihrer Mutter lebt sie in einer Kleinstadtsiedlung, umgeben von freundlichen Nachbarn, gepflegten Gärtchen und pubertierenden Mitschülern. Alles ist scheinbar in Ordnung, und jetzt, nur noch wenige Tage vor den großen Ferien gibt es eigentlich keinen Grund zu klagen. Aber Paula beobachtet scharf, und sie traut dem Frieden nicht. Sie hat da ihre Vermutungen. Mit ihrem durch umfangreiche Horrorfilmstudien geschärften Blick sieht sie scheinbar als Einzige die drohende Gefahr: Außerirdische infiltrieren die Menschheit, schleichend bemächtigen sie sich der Erdbewohner und verwandeln sie in einfältige, emotionslose und freundliche Wesen. Aber es gibt einen, der scheint noch nicht Opfer der außerirdischen Machenschaften geworden zu sein - Jens. Er ist wütend und verschlossen und das fasziniert Paula. Sie findet heraus, dass er bei einem Unfall seine Eltern verloren hat. Je länger sie ihn beobachtet, desto sicherer ist sie: Jens ist nicht infiltriert. Doch Jens hat nicht gerade auf sie und ihre Theorien gewartet. Um ihm näher zu kommen, erfindet Paula den Tod ihres Vaters. Zusammen brennen die beiden mit dem Kleintransporter vom Schwimmbad durch. Das Ziel der Reise ist der Unfallort seiner Eltern. Am Ende wird Jens erkennen, dass man Seelenfrieden nicht so einfach erreicht, wie einen
EN. There's no such thing as an average everyday existence for 13-year-old Paula, who lives with her mother in a small town. Paula's view of things has been sharpened by an extensive and consistent diet of horror films. According to her, extra-terrestrials are busy infiltrating humankind and transformin
Director: Katalin Gödrös.
Cast: Karoline Teska, Jacob Matschenz, Sabine Timoteo, Peter Lohmeyer, Barbara Philipp, Dominique Sghair, Ludmilla Lencés, Rebecca Scheurle.
France, Germany, 2002.
Language: German.
Download Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.
Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.
 Mutanten / Mutants. 2002.


Anthology of short films. Part 95.

Anthology of short films. Part 95.

 Fresh issue of Anthology of Short Films number ninety-five is ready for viewing. This time in the collection there are 6 mini-films including the old rare Danish documentary on school education.
1. Paul et Virginie. 2014. HD.
Paul lives alone with his mother Virginie. Weakened by disease, she is unable to go about their daily life anymore. Paul, driven by the unbreakable bond of love that exists between him and his mother, tries to take matters into his own hands.
Director: Paul Cartron.
Cast: Igor van Dessel, Edith Van Malder, Laurence Warin.
Belgium, 2014.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
2. L'enclume. 2010. HD.
Once upon a time, in the evening of his Birthday, a little boy got from his parents a strange gift: an Anvil from which he would never separate. An uncomfortable load to carry, which will make his life particularly troubled, preventing him from doing what he wants, and even from approaching the girl he loves. But we are in a fairytale...And in fairy tales, everybody get a second chance.
Director: Thierry Nevez.
Cast: Estelle Brehon, Vincent Desprat, Nicolas Kersiak.
France, 2010.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
3. Le cours de danse. 2011. HD.
Le premier cours de danse d'un jeune garçon prend une tournure inattendue...
Director: Vincent Bourassa.
Cast: Trystan Bouthiller, Nathalie-Ève Roy.
Canada, 2011.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
4. Solomon Islands. Remote Kwaio Tribes. 2019. HD.
The Kwaio are one of the very last melanesian tribes holding on to their traditions. Some groups still remain in the hidden, as they call it, and live according to Kastom -their indigenous culture-, rejecting church and modern life.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
5. Užgesus šviesoms / When the Lights Go Out. 2019. HD.
"When the Lights Go Down" is a fantasy movie based on a personal experience of the film director. The film tells a story about a teen boy who is being bullied in school. A boy named Mantas creates his own guardian demon, who protects him from the bullies. Although it is not letting the boy to live a normal life. Film's timeline portrays one day at school, when the classmates of Mantas assault and beat up him badly. And here it comes, the guardian demon ready to revenge.
Director: Jonas Trukanas.
Cast: Nojus Stankevicius, Mija di Marco, Ainius Marazas.
Lithuania, 2019.
Language: Lithuanian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
6. Skolerne på Lolland-Falster / The Schools on Lolland-Falster. 1950. HD.
DK. Optagelser fra forskellige skoler på Lolland-Falster. Billeder af leg i skolegården. Undervisning i sløjd, håndarbejde, husholdningslære, musik og gymnastik med hop over buk i slowmotion. Rundbold i skolegården og anden leg. Skøjtning på frossen sø. Drengegymnastik i sal med reb-øvelser i slowmotion. Piger springer over træplint m.m. Fra omkring 1950'erne.
EN. Recordings from various schools on Lolland-Falster. Pictures of play in the schoolyard. Teaching in handicrafts, needlework, home economics, music and gymnastics with jump over belly in slow motion. Round ball in the schoolyard and other play. Skating on frozen lake. Boys gymnastics in hall with rope exercises in slow motion. Girls jump over wooden plinth m.m. From around the 1950s.
Denmark, 1950.
1920x1080 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 95.

Anthology of short films. Part 95.
Anthology of short films. Part 95.

Anthology of short films. Part 95.
Anthology of short films. Part 95.

Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.

Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.

 FR. Nos plus belles vacances est une série télévisée française en 14 épisodes de 20 minutes, produite en 1996 et diffusée sur France 3, dans l'émission Les Minikeums du 30 juin 1997 au 16 juillet 1997.
Cette série met en scène un groupe d’enfants âgés de huit à treize ans en colonie dans un camp de vacances situé dans une abbaye durant l'été.
Dans le premier épisode, Bruno, le moniteur de la colonie, doit partir d'urgence à cause de problèmes familiaux et Léo, un des enfants du groupe, s’arrange pour qu'il n'y ait pas de remplaçant, et ils se retrouvent ainsi seuls à l'abbaye.
Les enfants se retrouvent chaque jour dans une grotte située derrière l'abbaye et échangent leur fameux : « Je jure de garder le secret de l'abbaye, de ne dire à personne que Bruno est parti, que je sois englouti si j'ai menti, on est ici pour s'amuser, rigoler, et que tous ensemble réunis, on passe les plus belles vacances de notre vie ! ».
Quel enfant n'a pas rêvé d'un monde sans adultes, sans autorité ni contraintes ? Une utopie qui va ainsi devenir réalité pour ce groupe d'enfants, le temps d'un camp d'été. Ils sont bien décidés à mettre tous les moyens en œuvre pour que personne ne vienne troubler leurs vacances ! Mais passée l'ivresse de la liberté, il leur faut affronter la dure réalité, et apprendre les gestes de la vie : se nourrir, protéger les plus petits, affronter les dangers... et, déjà, maîtriser les luttes de pouvoirs internes. Les enfants vont aussi, au cours de leurs deux mois de vacances, vivre de nombreuses aventures toutes plus passionnantes les unes que les autres.
EN. A group of children are left alone at a summer camp in an abbey when the person who is responsible for monitoring them has to leave urgently because of family problems.
Episode List.
1. Le Départ de Bruno
2. La Campagne
3. L'Arrivée d'Antoine
4. L'Enquête
5. Pour ou contre
6. Pierre et le chien
7. Les Anglais en vacances
8. Profit personnel
9. L'Anniversaire de Sophie
10. Le Piégeur piégé
11. L'Équimobile
12. Le Vol
Director: Bernard Dumont.
Cast: Cristina Barget, Dominique Jacson, Jan Vancoillie, David Babin, Adeline Bodo, Julie Boulanger, Elise Tayar, Cédric Frouin.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Download Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.

Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.
Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.

Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.

Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.

In 1972, Rupert, 8 and Evert, 6 are two lovable and wildly imaginative brothers, lost in their cowboys-and-Indians fantasies and in the playground romances with the neighborhood girls. In the background is the warm but explosive and unstable mother, and the charming but unreliable father. The family has moved to a new house, the future looks bright. Everything starts to fall apart when Rupert finds a hidden letter. There are terrible fights and hushed whispers, then mom is taken somewhere to rest for a while. Later on there is confusing talk about a new mom. The brothers make a blood oath: One can't lie or die or one has to pay the other a million or more for the rest of his life. Rupert tries to hold the family together. But finally things get too complicated, and real tragedy waits in the wings of the fantasy plays. In 1982 the guilt-ridden 18-year-old Rupert tries to remember and understand the events of the past amidst the chaos of the present. If he doesn't find absolution, the family tragedy will be repeated and the curse will live on. Dad is coming home and the blood oath is about to be broken.
Director: Zaida Bergroth.
Cast: Ilmari Järvenpää, Onni Tommila, Lauri Tilkanen, Iiro Panula, Leea Klemola, Martti Suosalo, Sulevi Peltola, Elina Knihtilä, Tommi Korpela, Saara Kotkaniemi.
Finland, Germany, 2009.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.
Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.


Techos Rotos. 2014. FULL-HD.

Techos Rotos. 2014. FULL-HD.
In a small village in the Dominican Republic, Anna, a 12 year old girl, is living a difficult childhood, she is faced with the absence of an irresponsible mother. She must take care of her two young sisters. Her dream is to make her first communion and to wear this immaculate white dress. Unfortunately, her spiritual quest is endangered.
Director: Yanillys Perez.
Cast: Orestes Amador, Cynthia Guzmán, Akhuarella Mercedes, Carlos Reynoso Santos, Bianca Rodríguez, Maria Alexandra Virento.
France, Dominican Republic, 2014.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Techos Rotos. 2014.

Techos Rotos. 2014. FULL-HD.
Techos Rotos. 2014. FULL-HD.