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Monday, February 3, 2020

Y'aura t'il de la neige à Noël? / Will It Snow for Christmas? 1996.

Y'aura t'il de la neige à Noël? / Will It Snow for Christmas? 1996.

Y'aura t'il de la neige à Noël? / Will It Snow for Christmas? 1996.
 FR. Y aura-t-il de la neige à Noël? est un film français réalisé par Sandrine Veysset, sorti en 1996.
Une famille recomposée: un homme marié ailleurs et qui y retourne chaque soir, une femme qui a sept enfants de lui, la misère et la rudesse à la campagne et l'amour de cette femme pour ses enfants.
Cette femme et ses enfants échapperont-ils à la tyrannie de cet homme? Le fantôme de l'inceste rôde, entouré de violence. La solution pourrait être d'ouvrir le gaz. Mais la neige revient, avec l'espoir (fallacieux?) que "ça s'arrangera".
Description de la vie à la campagne dans une ferme de polyculture dans la région d’Avignon : famille nombreuse, travail des enfants, soumission au chef de famille.
EN. Will It Snow for Christmas? (original title: Y aura-t-il de la neige à Noël?) is a 1996 French drama film directed by Sandrine Veysset and produced by Humbert Balsan.
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm an egotistic and authoritarian individual, who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
Director: Sandrine Veysset.
Cast: Dominique Reymond, Daniel Duval, Jessica Martinez, Alexandre Roger, Xavier Colonna, Fanny Rochetin, Flavie Chimènes, Jérémy Chaix, Guillaume Mathonnet, Marcel Guilloux-Delaunay.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
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Y'aura t'il de la neige à Noël? / Will It Snow for Christmas? 1996.
Y'aura t'il de la neige à Noël? / Will It Snow for Christmas? 1996.

Barfuß ins Bett. 1990. Episode 13.

Barfuß ins Bett. 1990. Episode 13.
 14-teilige Familienserie DDR 1988/1990.
Folge 13.
In Josis Kindergartengruppe gibt es einen Neuzugang: die kleine Paula Münch, die bisher bei ihren Großeltern aufgewachsen ist. Die Geschichte des traurigen Mädchens nimmt Josi bald so sehr gefangen, dass sie ihre eigenen Kinder einmal mehr der Fürsorge von Oma Martha überlässt. Paulas allein stehende Mutter hat endlich eine eigene Wohnung bekommen und möchte, dass ihre Tochter bei ihr lebt. Dabei macht sie dem sensiblen Kind die Trennung von seiner liebevollen Oma nicht gerade leicht. Seit Paula gleich an einem der ersten Abende in der fremden Umgebung allein gelassen wurde, weil ihre Mutter mit dem neuen Freund tanzen ging, leidet sie an Angstzuständen. Außerdem sehnt sich Paula nach einem richtigen Papa, der die kleine Familie nicht nach ein paar Wochen wieder verlässt. Ihre Mutter hat jedoch nach der letzten schweren Enttäuschung kein offenes Ohr mehr für einen ernsthaften Bewerber. Erst als Eva Münch mit einer Lungenentzündung im Krankenhaus liegt, findet ihr Töchterchen Paula auf ihre Art eine Lösung für die Probleme der beiden.
Director: Peter Wekwerth.
Cast: Jörg Panknin, Renate Blume, Gudrun Okras, Andreas Jahnke, Robert Huth, Gerit Kling, Petra Hinze, Uta Eisold, Willi Schrade, Jeannette Arndt, Werner Dissel, Bruno Carstens, Bernd Eichner, Karsten Speck, Franziska Peter, Eckhard Bilz, Eva Schäfer, Gerry Wolff, Maria Gustoniak, Regina Beyer, Marga Heiden, Margitta Lüder-Preil, Ingrid Barkmann, Horst Schulze, Albrecht Lachmann.
DDR, 1990.
Language: German.
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Barfuß ins Bett. 1990. Episode 13.
Barfuß ins Bett. 1990. Episode 13.

Naktibalda. 1973.

Полуночник / Naktibalda. 1973.
LT. Mažas nedrąsus berniukas svajonėse ir sapnuose mato save – didvyrį – atliekantį įvairius žygdarbius. Režisierius šiame tragikomiškame pasakojime stengiasi atskleisti vaiko individualybės ir jo fantazijų paslaptį.
EN. In his dreams little Tomas escapes from his every day live to experience a lot of thrilling and exciting adventures.
Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas.
Cast: Gediminas Girdvainis, Vytautas Paukštė, Bronė Braškytė, Doloresa Kazragytė, Jonas Pakulis, Artūras Pravilionis, Eglė Gabrėnaitė, Darius Bratkauskas, Daiva Daujotytė, Artūras Vegys, Zigmas Vyšniauskas, Kazys Tumkevičius.
USSR, Litovskaya Kinostudiya, 1973.
Language: Lithuanian, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Полуночник / Naktibalda. 1973.
 Naktibalda. 1973.

Hundra svenska år. 1999. Episode 4.

Hundra svenska år. Avsnitt 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera (barn). 1999.
 SE. Hundra svenska år är en dokumentär-TV-serie, producerad av Olle Häger och redigerad av Kjell Tunegård med Hans Villius som berättare (han syns aldrig i bild - man hör bara hans röst). Serien består av åtta avsnitt, som vart och ett berättar Sveriges historia under 1900-talet ur ett särskilt perspektiv. I varje avsnitt visas för ämnet aktuella filmklipp, varvade med intervjuer av olika personer, som var med vid den tid som behandlas och som berättar minnen från den. På filmklippen från de tidigaste delarna av seklet, som från början inte innehåller något ljud, har man lagt på ljud, som skulle kunna passa in (exempelvis sorlande röster och ljudet av marscherande fötter vid bilder av ett första majtåg).
Avsnitt 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera (barn).
I detta avsnitt, som heter De gamla och kloka må le, fallera, handlar om barn. Passande avsnitt eftersom 1900-talet kallas barnens århundrade. Det var första gången barn fick vara barn och tonåringar kommer upp som fenomen. Kanske har vi idag gått för långt men det vet jag inte. Det har inte alltid varit lätt att vara barn. Farfar jobbade och pappa fick stryk i skolan. Världen har ändrat sig mycket sedan farfar var barn.
EN. Each episode tells the Swedish history of the 20th century from a different aspect. The first episode is about domestic politics, the second about fashion, the third about work and unemployment, the fourth about children and teenagers, the fifth about revolutionizing inventions, the sixth about vacation, the seventh about the royal family and the eighth about foreign politics.
Episode 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera.
Director: Hans Villius.
Cast: Alice Babs, Maj Lorents, Hans Villius.
Sweden, 1999.
Language: Swedish.
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Hundra svenska år. Avsnitt 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera (barn). 1999.
Hundra svenska år. Avsnitt 4. De gamla och kloka må le, fallera (barn). 1999.

Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.

Я буду ей отцом / Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.
 In order to convince Raimonda, a wealthy noble woman, to finance his project for a holiday resort, Saverio gets engaged to Clotilde, her mentally-disturbed and sex-obsessed adolescent daughter. He plans to have her kidnapped and raped by an accomplice so she won't be a virgin anymore and he'll have an excuse to get out of the impending marriage. But what he doesn't plan is to fall in love with the girl...
Director: Alberto Lattuada.
Cast: Gigi Proietti, Teresa Ann Savoy, Irene Papas, Mario Scaccia, Isa Miranda, Bruno Cirino, Lina Polito, Clelia Matania, Maria Pia Attanasio, Alberto Lattuada, Nina De Padova, Gabriella Ceramelli, Mario Cecchi.
Italy, 1974.
Language: Italian, Russian.
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Я буду ей отцом / Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.
Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.

Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.

Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.
 PT. Yndio do Brasil é um documentário brasileiro de 1995, escrito e dirigido por Sylvio Back e narrado por José Mayer.
Colagem de dezenas de filmes nacionais e estrangeiros de ficção, cinejornais e documentários, revelando como o cinema vê e ouve o índio brasileiro desde quando foi filmado pela primeira vez, em 1912. São imagens surpreendentes, emolduradas por musicas temáticas e poemas, que transportam o espectador a um universo idílico e preconceituoso, religioso e militarizado, cruel e mágico, do índio Brasileiro.
EN. Collage of many films, documenting the presence of Brazilian Indian in movies, since 1912, year of the first documented appearance.
Director: Sylvio Back.
Cast: Roberto Bonfim, Elmo Califontes, Reginaldo Calmon, Arduíno Colassanti, Lewis Cotlow, Arthur da Costa e Silva, Luely Figueiró,  Ernesto Geisel, Goiabinha, Ayda Guimarães, Nobre Jocoso, Carmo Nacarato.
Brazil, 1995.
Language: English, Guarani, Portuguese.
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Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.
Yndio do Brasil / Our Indians. 1995.

Wagen Nr. 1 kämpft sich seinen Weg. 1939.

Wagen Nr. 1 kämpft sich seinen Weg. 1939.
 A unique rare - a documentary film, whose name can be translated as "Machine No. 1 breaks its way," from Nazi Germany intended to show only for members of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
Medizinische Notstandsgebiete im Deutschen Reich.
Arbeit und Einsatz von Landärzten und Hebammen im schwer zugänglich
ländlichen Raum, medizinische Kinderbetreuung und Mutterberatungsstellen.
Indienststellung 80 motorisierter Gesundheitswagen zur
Gesundheitsaufklärung der Landbevölkerung in der Ostmark.
Zensur (DE): 26.07.1940, B.53928, Jugendfrei, volksbildend, Feiertagsfrei, Lehrfilm [»darf jedoch nur in Schulungskursen vor Mitgliedern der NSDAP, ihren Gliederungen und der ihr angeschlossenen Verbänden in geschlossenen Veranstaltungen vorgeführt werden«]
Directors: Karl Zieglmayer, Ulrich Kayser.
Cast: Gert Fröbe, Hans Marr, Annie Rosar, Emilie Giserau, Leo Kieselhausen.
Germany, Wien-Film GmbH, 1939.
Language: German.
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Wagen Nr. 1 kämpft sich seinen Weg. 1939.
Wagen Nr. 1 kämpft sich seinen Weg. 1939.

X. 1986. DVD.

X. 1986. DVD.
NO. Den unge Jon Gabriel er fotokunstner. Dyktig på sitt område, men hjemløs i omgang med mennesker. Som type, attraktiv nok, men egentlig redd og uten tilhørighet i verden. 13-årige Flora er i mer konkret forstand hjemløs, men nærværende og tilstede i sin kamp for å klare seg. Hun er et barn med en livserfaring alt for stor for hennes unge alder, med en ytre tøffhet og direkthet som står i kontrast til hennes spinkle skikkelse. Slik finner vår fotokunstner seg målbundet i mer enn en forstand når den lille fuglungen av et gatebarn setter sitt blikk på ham og spør om han har et sted å bo. Hun slipper inn til ham, og på sin sære måte gir han henne nærhet. Ikke med ord og væremåter - men med en plakat. Hun vil ikke hete Flora - men Kim. "Kim" skriver han ned med store letrabokstaver på en pappbit - og hun er fortapt i ham.
EN. X is a Norwegian film from 1986. The play was directed by Oddvar Einarson, and starred Bettina Banoun and Jørn Christensen. The film started through the collective Film Group 84, and was completed by Einarson own production company.
X was released on DVD in 2010, with a lengthy interview with the director as extras, exactly this edition is located here.
We meet the photographer John Gabriel in his mid 20ies which coincidentally meets 13 year old Flora, which rather would like to be called Kim. She's a high risk teen going towards a possible drug abusing career, like her sister, and has run off from home and have nowhere to sleep. They start off a love affair due to her need for affection. We soon understand that it's completely OK to the parents that Flora has run off, and John Gabrel finds himself in a difficult choice between following his own or others expressions as a photographing artist.
Director: Oddvar Einarson.
Cast: Bettina Banoun, Jørn Christensen, Sigrid Huun, Hege Schøyen, Casper Evensen, Sven Henriksen, Emil Stang Lund, Trond Lybekk, Ola Solum, Are Storstein.
Norway, 1986.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
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X. 1986. DVD.
X. 1986. DVD.

Love Strange Love / Amor Estranho Amor. 1982. DVD.

Love Strange Love / Amor Estranho Amor. 1982. DVD.
 Love Strange Love (Portuguese: Amor Estranho Amor) is a 1982 Brazilian erotic crime drama film written and directed by Walter Hugo Khouri. The film stars Vera Fischer, Tarcísio Meira and Xuxa Meneghel. Fischer won the Best Actress Award at the 15th Festival de Brasília as well as the Air France Award.
The story involves an adult man's recollection of a short period of his life in 1937. That year, on the eve of a key political change in Brazil, a 12-year-old boy is sent to live in a bordello. The bordello's owner, the favorite woman of an important politician, is also the child's mother. In those hours, he discovers his own seхuality.
Love Strange Love caused some controversy due to the participation of Xuxa in the cast. In an interview, Xuxa explained that she was between 17 and 19 years old when the film was made. In another interview Xuxa comments that the film was made in 1979. Her character has seхual relations with a boy of 12 years, interpreted by the actor Marcelo Ribeiro. As in the contract there was no release of the image for video, Xuxa, through a judicial injunction, ordered to collect all the original tapes of stores and stores of the country, nevertheless 4,000 copies were sold before the Justice to distribute its distribution, being, therefore, many pirate copies continued circulating, making of the film a true legend among people who did not know the work.
In 2014, Xuxa lost a lawsuit it filed against Google to create a filter in order to eliminate results related to the movie in its search engine. Xuxa filed an appeal against that decision but had, in 2017, the appeal denied.
The video of Love Strange Love has its marketing and distribution prohibited in Brazil. However, the film was released on DVD in the United States in 2005 and can be purchased by any Brazilian on foreign import sites. The US producer did not sell the rights to Xuxa, who filed a lawsuit in the US in 1993, but lost.
Uncut version.
Director: Walter Hugo Khouri.
Cast: Vera Fischer, Tarcisio Meira, Xuxa Meneghel, Íris Bruzzi, Walter Forster, Marcelo Ribeiro, Mauro Mendonça, Otávio Augusto, Matilde Mastrangi, José Miziara, Vanessa Alves.
Brazil, 1982.
Language: English, Russian.
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Love Strange Love / Amor Estranho Amor. 1982. DVD.
Love Strange Love / Amor Estranho Amor. 1982. DVD.