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Monday, January 13, 2025

Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.

Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.

 NO. Overgivelse er en norsk TV-film regissert av Per Bronken. Han skrev også manuskriptet, som bygger på Oskar Braatens novelle Overgivelse fra samlingen Tapte slag (1922). Den ble vist i Fjernsynsteatret 20. september 1988.
En gutteflokk, som er pasienter på et tuberkulosesanatorium ved Oslofjorden på 1920-tallet, stiller opp med tapperhet og livsmot i en vanskelig situasjon.
EN. Very rare Norwegian television movie about how difficult it is to reconcile with destiny. A young boy of about thirteen is taken to a sanatorium situated in a remote area alongside a Norwegian fjord. He is not quite certain why he is there, after all he has only some small lumps on his neck and a mark on his arm. He finds himself in the company of other boys who all have similar ailments in various stages of development. They try to make him feel welcome, but he angrily rejects their approaches, believing he isn't one of them and shouldn't be there at all. He plots his escape, building a raft out of driftwood.
Director: Per Bronken.
Cast: Sverre Bentzen, Trine Lossius Borg, Minken Fosheim, Per Gørvell, Lieselotte Holmene, Elias Karlsen, Sverre Anker Ousdal, Henrik Scheele, Anitta Suikkari, Torill Øyen.
Norway, 1988.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. 

Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.
Overgivelse / Surrender. 1988. HD.

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
 Nicolas is a young adventurer filmmaker. He arrives in an Indian village in the heart of the Rio Xingu valley with the aim of shooting a documentary there about an ancestral tribal ceremony, Kuarup.
He immediately falls in love with Luacema, the daughter of Chief Ayupu. Watched over by Roberto, the director of the Toa Toari reserve, Nicolas and Ruben, his guide as ridiculous as he is incompetent, settle in the village. In order to get closer to the woman he secretly loves, Nicolas slowly integrates into the villagers’ daily life. After being initiated into local customs, he is made aware of the threat weighing on his new friends and the woman he loves: deforestation.
Ayupu then drags him into their struggle against loggers, responsible for the devastation of the forests that date back to the Palaeozoic era. After several intimidation tactics against Olympio Ferra and his men, Ayupu realizes that Nicolas’s camera is a formidable weapon that could be put to use for their cause.
They leave together for Rio de Janeiro where they hope to be able to impress upon younger generations the danger hanging over their environment and their future.
Nicolas finds the heroic strength to transform his unrequited love for Luacema into a desire to protect her people. This Amazonian adventure gives a meaning to his life and propels him into a fight against ignorance and reckless destruction around the world.
Director: Jean-Pierre Dutilleux.
Cast: Aurélien Wiik, Chief Ayupu, Murilo Elbas, Tapi Iawalapiti, Assalu Mehinaco, Rodrigo Penna, Jose Steimberg, Anna Carolina Vigo, Leo Mehinaco.
France, Brazil, 2004.
Language: English, French, Portuguese, Tupi.
1280x720 HD
Download Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004.
Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.
Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.