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Friday, September 4, 2020

La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees. 2016. HD.

La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees. 2016. HD.
 PT. Mona consegue seu primeiro emprego de tutoria de duas crianças órfãs que vivem em uma casa abandonada no norte do país. Sua obsessão com a tentativa de educar estas duas crianças quase selvagens a deixa cega para o fato de que eles têm outros planos para ela.
EN. Mona picks up her first job tutoring two orphaned children living in a derelict house in the country. Her obsession with trying to educate these two nearly feral children blind her to the fact they have other plans for her.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Valentino Vinco, Malena Alonso, Romina Pinto, Cristina Maresca, Julio Mendez,
Argentina, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
1920x804 HD.
Download La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees:
2 parts archive:
La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees. 2016.
La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees. 2016.
La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees. 2016.
La Tutora / The Tutor / Burnt Knees. 2016.

Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD.

Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD.
 Limbo is a secluded colony of child-vampires who are anything between 4 and 120 years old, all having all been victims of 'shameless' adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious old ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these 'lost souls', and bring them of age in her colony. Through teaching, religious rituals adapted from the Catholic faith, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she is preparing them for what God had in mind for them: the replacement old the common and 'deeply sinful' human, and the creation a new race of men through 'natural cloning', or in more lay terms, their infection by her children. But they are not the only such colony in the world, nor are they as 'secluded' from outside threats as they think.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Ana María Giunta, Toto Muñoz, Sabrina Ramos, Lauro Veron, Ivanser Tzeles, Romano Robaudi, Maxii Leporee.
Argentina, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013:
 2 parts archive:
Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD.
Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD.
Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD.
Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD.

Vuelve. 2012. HD.

Vuelve. 2012. HD.
 ES. Gabriel vive junto a sus padres en un antiguo monasterio convertido en museo. Las tensas relaciones entre Gregorio y Sofía, debido a un pasado que ocultan, conllevan al intempestivo suicidio de la madre afectando la estabilidad emocional del chico. En su inquietante duelo, Gabriel iniciará una serie de acciones buenas, con la idea de acercarse a la imagen de ella, mientras se devela el pasado oscuro de la familia.
EN. A visual incursion into the troubles psyche of a young boy whose unstable and manipulative mother committed suicide in front of him.
Vuelve follows the mental turmoil of a boy, Gabriel, dealing with the sudden and explicit suicide of his unstable mother, to whom he was symbiotically attached. One day she appears before him, and promises that God will give her a new lease of life if he acts out ‘good’ deeds on earth. Starting with seemingly innocuous acts and progressing in both intensity and malice, the boy follows the orders from his mother’s apparition. His compulsive desire to have her back drives the cruelty of his acts to an extent beyond what anyone thought possible.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Juan Carrasco, Romina Pinto, Renzo Sabelli, Guillermo Tassara, Leticia Vota,  Rodrigo López, Dardo Leal, Ana Juárez.
Argentina, 2012.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Vuelve. 2012:
2 parts archive:
Vuelve. 2012. HD.
Vuelve. 2012. HD.