BG. Осемгодишният Алек живее с майка си. Той чувства, че след развода с баща му в нейния живот се е образувала празнота. Алек решава да ѝ помогне, като ѝ намери подходящ съпруг. Неговият избор пада върху един спортист. След това се спира на симпатичен шофьор на автобус, но и двамата се оказват неподходящи. Тогава случайността го среща с чичо Чони, когото харесва от пръв поглед. Детето се чуди какво да направи, за да срещне майка си с този човек. Алек мисли, че след това запознанство ще престанат срещите ѝ с чичо Минчо, който му е несимпатичен. Но всички планове на Алек пропадат. Постепенно той започва да разбира, че няма право да решава съдбата на майка си и тя сама ще избере този, с когото иска да живее.
EN. 8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none of them seem to be good enough for her. Then he runs into Chony, who immediately feels as the perfect fit for mum. Alek has to figure out how to make the two of them meet and at the same time divert mum's attention from uncle Mincho. All of his plans eventually fail but Alek comes to realize that he should not meddle with his mother's personal life and let her choose for herself.
Director: Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva.
Cast: Veselin Prahov, Mario Petrov, Ognyan Simeonov, Tsvetana Maneva, Bogdan Glyshaw, Emil Markov, Paul Poppadom, Emilia Grueva, Alexander Kotsev, Hristo Totev, Emil Dzhurov, Alexander Dimitrov.
Bulgaria, 1985.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985.
EN. 8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none of them seem to be good enough for her. Then he runs into Chony, who immediately feels as the perfect fit for mum. Alek has to figure out how to make the two of them meet and at the same time divert mum's attention from uncle Mincho. All of his plans eventually fail but Alek comes to realize that he should not meddle with his mother's personal life and let her choose for herself.
Director: Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva.
Cast: Veselin Prahov, Mario Petrov, Ognyan Simeonov, Tsvetana Maneva, Bogdan Glyshaw, Emil Markov, Paul Poppadom, Emilia Grueva, Alexander Kotsev, Hristo Totev, Emil Dzhurov, Alexander Dimitrov.
Bulgaria, 1985.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985.