La Femme Enfant. 1980.
Elisabeth a treize ans, et elle vit dans un faubourg industriel du Nord de la France. Douee pour la musique, elle joue de l'orgue a l'eglise locale, alors que ses parents assez bornes ne s'interessent qu'a leur salon de coiffure. Depuis trois ans deja, Elisabeth a en secret une relation amoureuse avec Marcel, un homme de 45 ans a qui elle rend visite chaque matin avant l'ecole, faisant un crochet a velo jusqu'a sa maison solitaire au milieu des bois. Marcel est muet et, exclus du contact avec ses semblables, ils s'est profondement attache a Elisabeth, a qui il voue une veritable adoration. Entre ces deux etres incompris s'est developpee une relation passionnee, tourmentee et possessive; mais ou le pouvoir n’est pas toujours du meme cote. Car si Marcel est apparemment le plus tort, il est aussi terriblement dependant du bon vouloir de sa jeune amie, qui peut a tout moment le faire cruellement souffrir, comme le jour ou elle manque le rendez-vous ou il comptait feter son anniversaire. Tour a tour, Elisabeth est une amante soumise ou une maitresse exigeante. Et comme la Lorelei du poeme qu'elle recite en classe, Elisabeth sera pour Marcel la femme fatale qui le menera a sa perte. En effet, comme elle a gagne le concours de jeunes organistes, ses parents l'envoient poursuivre ses etudes au conservatoire de Lille, ou elle est logee en pension. N'osant annoncer son depart a Marcel, elle le quitte sans rien dire, et c'est par hasard, en epiant les conversations des clients au salon de coiffure de ses parents, que Marcel apprendra la terrible verite. Desespere, il se tranche la gorge avec le rasoir du coiffeur qui lui fait la barbe.
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Director: Raphaele Billetdoux.
Cast: Klaus Kinski, Michel Robin, Penelope Palmer, Helene Surgere.
France, Germany, 1980.
Language: French.
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La Femme Enfant. 1980. |
La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005.
At first glance, not much is happening in My Grandmother's House. A grandmother is taking care of her grandchild while her parents are at work. Six-year-old Marina is expected to conform to the daily rituals that determine 75-year-old Marita's conservative and religious life in a dull industrial town in the Spanish Alicante province. The girl rebels in her own impulsive and headstrong way against her grandmother's strictness and sombre outlook on life. Adan Aliaga visualises the naturalness of their contact and the seemingly insurmountable differences between their worlds. Simple actions are the starting point from which the director, in short chapters, zooms in on recalcitrant sensitivities and ironic details. This makes the film a poetic and subtle exploration of Marina's still unbiased and innocent attitude on the one hand and Marita's repressed pain and growing despair on the other. The fact is that the house Marita has lived in for 52 years has to be demolished, and she cannot stand the thought of moving. Playfully and tenderly, My Grandmother's House shows the bickering and the nevertheless invariable love between a grandmother and her grandchild.
Director: Adan Aliaga.
Cast: Marita Fuentes, Marina Pastor, Miguel Such, Ana Jimenez, Asuncion Ferrando, Remedios Ferrando, Elena Pastor, Vicente Aliaga, Rosa Zornoza, Juan Carlos Pastor.
Spain, 2005.
Language: Spanish.
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La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005. |
Swim Team. 1979.
Funny and silly comedy about a new swimming coach who is hired to break a team's seven-year losing streak.
Director: James Polakof.
Cast: James Daughton, Stephen Furst, Richard Young, Jenny Neumann, Elise-Anne, Kim Day, Buster Crabbe, Mickey Newbury, Gunilla Hutton, Jim Yallaly, Guy Fitch, Stan Taff.
USA, 1979.
Language: English.
Barfuß ins Bett. 1988. Episodes 1, 2, 3.
DE. Barfuß ins Bett ist eine 14-teilige Familienserie des Fernsehens der DDR aus den Jahren 1988 bis 1990. Regie führte in der ersten Staffel Peter Wekwerth und in der zweiten Staffel Horst Zaeske, das Drehbuch schrieb Ingrid Föhr.
Dr. Hans Schön, Witwer und viel beschäftigter Oberarzt einer Frauenklinik, hätte die Kindergärtnerin Josi wohl nie richtig kennen gelernt, wäre seine Mutter Martha nicht eines Tages vom Fahrrad gestürzt. Solange die fürsorgliche Oma im Krankenhaus liegt, muss dringend Ersatz für die Betreuung des fünfjährigen Robert gefunden werden, denn Dr. Schöns großer Sohn Clemens verbringt gerade seine Schulferien auf einem Zeltplatz an der Ostsee.
Glücklicherweise erklärt sich Roberts Erzieherin bereit, den aufgeweckten Jungen zu sich zu nehmen. Die Tage mit dem kleinen Robert lenken Josi auch ein bisschen von ihrem eigenen Kummer ab. Sie ist schwanger, doch ihr Freund will das Kind nicht und droht, Josi zu verlassen. Als Oma Martha endlich selbst wieder Haushalt und Kindererziehung übernehmen kann, muss sie feststellen, dass es im Leben von Sohn Hans und Enkel Robert eine neue Frau gibt.
Episode Guide:
1. Hohe Zeit.
2. Geburt.
3. Hü oder Hott.
Director: Peter Wekwerth.
Cast: Jörg Panknin, Renate Blume, Gudrun Okras, Andreas Jahnke, Robert Huth, Gerit Kling, Petra Hinze, Uta Eisold, Willi Schrade, Jeannette Arndt, Werner Dissel, Bruno Carstens, Bernd Eichner, Karsten Speck, Franziska Peter, Eckhard Bilz, Eva Schäfer, Gerry Wolff, Maria Gustoniak, Regina Beyer, Marga Heiden, Margitta Lüder-Preil, Ingrid Barkmann, Horst Schulze, Albrecht Lachmann
DDR, 1988.
Language: German.
Download Barfuß ins Bett. 1988. Episodes 1, 2, 3.
Dr. Hans Schön, Witwer und viel beschäftigter Oberarzt einer Frauenklinik, hätte die Kindergärtnerin Josi wohl nie richtig kennen gelernt, wäre seine Mutter Martha nicht eines Tages vom Fahrrad gestürzt. Solange die fürsorgliche Oma im Krankenhaus liegt, muss dringend Ersatz für die Betreuung des fünfjährigen Robert gefunden werden, denn Dr. Schöns großer Sohn Clemens verbringt gerade seine Schulferien auf einem Zeltplatz an der Ostsee.
Glücklicherweise erklärt sich Roberts Erzieherin bereit, den aufgeweckten Jungen zu sich zu nehmen. Die Tage mit dem kleinen Robert lenken Josi auch ein bisschen von ihrem eigenen Kummer ab. Sie ist schwanger, doch ihr Freund will das Kind nicht und droht, Josi zu verlassen. Als Oma Martha endlich selbst wieder Haushalt und Kindererziehung übernehmen kann, muss sie feststellen, dass es im Leben von Sohn Hans und Enkel Robert eine neue Frau gibt.
Episode Guide:
1. Hohe Zeit.
2. Geburt.
3. Hü oder Hott.
Director: Peter Wekwerth.
Cast: Jörg Panknin, Renate Blume, Gudrun Okras, Andreas Jahnke, Robert Huth, Gerit Kling, Petra Hinze, Uta Eisold, Willi Schrade, Jeannette Arndt, Werner Dissel, Bruno Carstens, Bernd Eichner, Karsten Speck, Franziska Peter, Eckhard Bilz, Eva Schäfer, Gerry Wolff, Maria Gustoniak, Regina Beyer, Marga Heiden, Margitta Lüder-Preil, Ingrid Barkmann, Horst Schulze, Albrecht Lachmann
DDR, 1988.
Language: German.
Download Barfuß ins Bett. 1988. Episodes 1, 2, 3.
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Barfuß ins Bett. 1988. Episodes 1, 2, 3. |
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Barfuß ins Bett. 1988. Episodes 1, 2, 3. |
Tótágas. 1976.
Adults are so fed up with disobedient children, they left them and went off camping. All of them. First, the children were happy - now you can do anything, no washing, dance all night and no school! But then they run out of food, nothing to eat, cook for the children themselves can not and do not know how, and there's no one to treat them when the stomach aches or headache, or when you fall off your bike. At the end the kids decide to send a kite to the parents, with a request to forgive them.
Director: György Palásthy.
Cast: Alekszandr Szorokoletov, Peter Szokol, Erzsebet Kutvolgyi, Bea Palasthy, Tamas Sonkoly, Laszlo Karikas, Gabi Scheer, László Fodor, Balázs Nagy.
Hungary, 1976.
Download Tótágas.
Director: György Palásthy.
Cast: Alekszandr Szorokoletov, Peter Szokol, Erzsebet Kutvolgyi, Bea Palasthy, Tamas Sonkoly, Laszlo Karikas, Gabi Scheer, László Fodor, Balázs Nagy.
Hungary, 1976.
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Tótágas. 1976. |
Lord of the Flies. 1963, 1990.
Lord of the Flies is a 1963 British drama film, based on William Golding's novel of the same name about 30 schoolboys who are marooned on an island where they become savages. It was directed and written by Peter Brook and produced by Lewis M. Allen. The film was in production for much of 1961, though the film did not premiere until 1963, and get released in the United Kingdom until 1964. Golding himself supported the film. When Kenneth Tynan was a script editor for Ealing Studios he commissioned a script of Lord of the Flies from Nigel Kneale, but Ealing Studios closed in 1959 before it could be produced.
The novel was adapted into a movie for a second time in 1990; the 1963 film is generally considered more faithful to the novel than the 1990 adaptation.
A group of young boys are stranded alone on an island. Left to fend for themselves, they must take on the responsibilities of adults, even if they are not ready to do so. Inevitably, two factions form: one group (lead by Ralph) want to build shelters and collect food, whereas Jack's group would rather have fun and HUNT; illustrating the difference between civilization and savagery.
Director: Peter Brook.
Cast: James Aubrey, Tom Chapin, Hugh Edwards, Roger Elwin, Tom Gaman, Roger Allan, David Brunjes, Peter Davy, Kent Fletcher, Nicholas Hammond, Christopher Harris, Alan Heaps.
UK, 1963.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Lord of the Flies. 1963.
The novel was adapted into a movie for a second time in 1990; the 1963 film is generally considered more faithful to the novel than the 1990 adaptation.
A group of young boys are stranded alone on an island. Left to fend for themselves, they must take on the responsibilities of adults, even if they are not ready to do so. Inevitably, two factions form: one group (lead by Ralph) want to build shelters and collect food, whereas Jack's group would rather have fun and HUNT; illustrating the difference between civilization and savagery.
Director: Peter Brook.
Cast: James Aubrey, Tom Chapin, Hugh Edwards, Roger Elwin, Tom Gaman, Roger Allan, David Brunjes, Peter Davy, Kent Fletcher, Nicholas Hammond, Christopher Harris, Alan Heaps.
UK, 1963.
Language: English, Russian.
Download Lord of the Flies. 1963.
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Lord of the Flies. 1963. |
Lord of the Flies is a 1990 American survival drama film directed by Harry Hook and starring Balthazar Getty, Chris Furrh, Danuel Pipoly and James Badge Dale. It was produced by Lewis M. Allen and written by Jay Presson Allen under the pseudonym "Sarah Schiff", based on the 1954 book Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. It is the second film adaptation of the book, after Lord of the Flies (1963).
The film differs in many ways from both its predecessor film and the novel. Lord of the Flies centers on Ralph mainly, as the boys try to initiate a society after crash-landing on an uncharted island, but things go awry.
The film was released on March 16, 1990 by Columbia Pictures, with film rights now belonging to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Upon and since its release, the film has received mixed reviews, generally more negative than its 1963 counterpart. Most critics praise the film's scenery but center upon the film's deviations from the novel as a central flaw. However, the movie grossed $14 million and has acquired a cult following.
After a plane crash in the ocean, a group of military students reach an island. Ralph organizes the boys, assigning responsibilities for each one. When the rebel Jack Merridew neglects the fire camp and they lose the chance to be seen by a helicopter, the group split under the leadership of Jack. While Ralph rationalizes the procedures, Jack returns to the primitivism, using the fear for the unknown (in a metaphor to the religion) to control the other boys, and hunting and chasing pigs, stealing the possession of Ralph's group and even killing people.
Director: Harry Hook.
Cast: Balthazar Getty, Chris Furrh, Danuel Pipoly, James Badge Dale, Andrew Taft, Edward Taft, Gary Rule, Terry Wells, Braden MacDonald, Angus Burgin, Martin Zentz, Brian Jacobs, Vincent Amabile.
USA, 1990.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Download Lord of the Flies. 1990.
The film differs in many ways from both its predecessor film and the novel. Lord of the Flies centers on Ralph mainly, as the boys try to initiate a society after crash-landing on an uncharted island, but things go awry.
The film was released on March 16, 1990 by Columbia Pictures, with film rights now belonging to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Upon and since its release, the film has received mixed reviews, generally more negative than its 1963 counterpart. Most critics praise the film's scenery but center upon the film's deviations from the novel as a central flaw. However, the movie grossed $14 million and has acquired a cult following.
After a plane crash in the ocean, a group of military students reach an island. Ralph organizes the boys, assigning responsibilities for each one. When the rebel Jack Merridew neglects the fire camp and they lose the chance to be seen by a helicopter, the group split under the leadership of Jack. While Ralph rationalizes the procedures, Jack returns to the primitivism, using the fear for the unknown (in a metaphor to the religion) to control the other boys, and hunting and chasing pigs, stealing the possession of Ralph's group and even killing people.
Director: Harry Hook.
Cast: Balthazar Getty, Chris Furrh, Danuel Pipoly, James Badge Dale, Andrew Taft, Edward Taft, Gary Rule, Terry Wells, Braden MacDonald, Angus Burgin, Martin Zentz, Brian Jacobs, Vincent Amabile.
USA, 1990.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Lord of the Flies. 1990. |
Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.
CZ. Hlavní postavou je starý zoolog Montelík, přezdívaný Monty. Seznámit se s ním můžete v okamžiku, kdy se od něj odstěhuje jeho žena Josefína, protože už má dost problémů, které jim působí zvířata ze zdejší ZOO, a kdy k nim mají přijet na návštěvu vnuci Martin a Honza, k nerozeznání si podobná dvojčata. K problémům s dvojčaty, která se rozhodnou před dospělými vydávat za jednoho, však přibudou další. S ředitelem ZOO a hlavní zooložkou, kteří podvodně kšeftují se zvířaty, s mladou inženýrkou Emilkou, která se rozhodne zabránit prodeji šimpanzího mláděte, i se zvířaty samotnými.(
EN. Twin brothers are sent to Grandpa to spend some days. The Grandpa is a vet at a zoo and barely has time or patience to deal with the boys, most of the time the boys just help the animals by feeding, petting or playing their violins.
Director: Marie Poledňáková.
Cast: Miroslav Macháček, Jiřina Jirásková, Jan Hartl, Martin Morávek, Jan Morávek, Roman Skamene, Vilma Cibulková, Kateřina Macháčková, Helena Růžičková, Uršula Kluková, Zdeněk Srstka, Petr Kostka, Zdeněk Troška, Jana Štěpánková, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jiří Krampol, Jitka Smutná, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Ladislav Mrkvička, Marta Sládečková, Tomáš Engel, Karel Bělohradský, Marta Boháčová, Jan Faltýnek.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové Studio Barrandov, 1989.
Language: Czech, Russian.
Download Dva lidi v ZOO.
EN. Twin brothers are sent to Grandpa to spend some days. The Grandpa is a vet at a zoo and barely has time or patience to deal with the boys, most of the time the boys just help the animals by feeding, petting or playing their violins.
Director: Marie Poledňáková.
Cast: Miroslav Macháček, Jiřina Jirásková, Jan Hartl, Martin Morávek, Jan Morávek, Roman Skamene, Vilma Cibulková, Kateřina Macháčková, Helena Růžičková, Uršula Kluková, Zdeněk Srstka, Petr Kostka, Zdeněk Troška, Jana Štěpánková, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jiří Krampol, Jitka Smutná, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Ladislav Mrkvička, Marta Sládečková, Tomáš Engel, Karel Bělohradský, Marta Boháčová, Jan Faltýnek.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové Studio Barrandov, 1989.
Language: Czech, Russian.
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Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989. |
Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.
Metta Meta Gakido Koza is a live-action comedy from 1971 directed by Mio Ezaki, based on a manga by Tanioka Yasuji. It’s a crazed blend of Benny Hill, Monty Python, and Takashi Miike’s Visitor Q. The main character is a lecherous boy, around twelve years old, who has a habit of hitting people on the head with an ax. (In fact, the characters are constantly inflicting violence upon each other, though there’s no blood.) Among the other characters are his brother, who is only a couple of years younger but is always dressed like a baby, and a “superhero” who wears a blue rooster costume with three leglike appendages attached for some reason. Occasionally, various characters grow huge buck teeth (a bit like the ones in the Monty Python sketch).
Director: Mio Ezaki.
Cast: Rika Fujie, Kirin Kiki, Tomomi Sawa. Miki Kawana, Kazuhito Matsubara, Attack Ichiro, Toyoko Takechi, Yaeko Wakamizu, Carrousel Maki, Yuki Sasama. Keiko Aikawa, Kyomi Sakura, Haruko Miyaji. Eiji Gô, Masahiko Tanimura, Toshiaki Minami, Takehiko Maeda, Nikaku Shofukutei, Yasuji Tanioka.
Download Metta Meta Gakido Koza.
Director: Mio Ezaki.
Cast: Rika Fujie, Kirin Kiki, Tomomi Sawa. Miki Kawana, Kazuhito Matsubara, Attack Ichiro, Toyoko Takechi, Yaeko Wakamizu, Carrousel Maki, Yuki Sasama. Keiko Aikawa, Kyomi Sakura, Haruko Miyaji. Eiji Gô, Masahiko Tanimura, Toshiaki Minami, Takehiko Maeda, Nikaku Shofukutei, Yasuji Tanioka.
Japan, 1971.
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Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971. |
Puika / Malchugan. 1977.
LV. Filma pēc Jāņa Jaunsudrabiņa stāstu krājuma Baltā grāmata. 19. gadsimta beigas Latvijā. Mūsmājās kopā ar māti, vectēvu un vecomāti dzīvo mazais kalpa dēlēns Jancis, viņa pasaule nesniedzas tālāk par apvārsni un dzīve rit saskaņā ar dabas cikliem – no ziemas caur pavasari, vasaru un rudeni līdz jauniem Jurģiem.
EN. Puika is a 1977 Latvian SSR film directed by Aivars Freimanis. The film received the Lielais Kristaps award for best film in 1977, the competition's inaugural year.
World for the boy is revealed gradually - in all its diversity, beauty and sustainability.
EN. Puika is a 1977 Latvian SSR film directed by Aivars Freimanis. The film received the Lielais Kristaps award for best film in 1977, the competition's inaugural year.
World for the boy is revealed gradually - in all its diversity, beauty and sustainability.
Here there are 2 versions of the film: color and black-and-white.
Director: Aivars Freimanis.
Cast: Indars Lācis, Māra Rence, Zigrīda Lorence, Pēteris Martinsons, Edgars Liepiņš, Uldis Vazdiks, Astrīda Vecvagare, Aigars Gertners, Ārija Stūrniece, Rolands Zagorskis, Raitis Pastors, Romualds Ancāns, M. Abugova, Imants Adermanis, Osvalds Bērziņš, Ignāts Bierants, Juris Laviņš, I. Lazda, Jānis Lūsēns, Gunārs Placēns, M. Priedāja, Kaspars Pūce, Ilze Rūdolfa, Ilze Vazdika.
USSR, Rigas Kinostudija, 1977.
Language: Russian.
Download Puika / Malchugan. Color version.
Download Puika / Malchugan. Black-and-white version.
Director: Aivars Freimanis.
Cast: Indars Lācis, Māra Rence, Zigrīda Lorence, Pēteris Martinsons, Edgars Liepiņš, Uldis Vazdiks, Astrīda Vecvagare, Aigars Gertners, Ārija Stūrniece, Rolands Zagorskis, Raitis Pastors, Romualds Ancāns, M. Abugova, Imants Adermanis, Osvalds Bērziņš, Ignāts Bierants, Juris Laviņš, I. Lazda, Jānis Lūsēns, Gunārs Placēns, M. Priedāja, Kaspars Pūce, Ilze Rūdolfa, Ilze Vazdika.
USSR, Rigas Kinostudija, 1977.
Language: Russian.
Download Puika / Malchugan. Color version.
Download Puika / Malchugan. Black-and-white version.
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Puika / Malchugan. 1977. |
El cantor / The Singer. 1977.
DE. El Cantor ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm von Dean Reed aus dem Jahr 1977. Der von der DEFA im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR produzierte Film beschäftigt sich mit den letzten Wochen im Leben des Sängers Víctor Jara.
Der zeitweilig in der DDR lebende US-amerikanische Sänger und Schauspieler Dean Reed übernahm für die Herstellung dieses Fernsehfilms gleich mehrere Aufgaben:
Im Jahre 1976 erarbeitete er das Szenarium, schrieb danach zusammen mit Wolfgang Ebeling das Drehbuch, inszenierte diesen Film als Regisseur und agierte in der Hauptrolle des populären chilenischen Sängers Victor Jara, der von Kräften der chilenischen Putschisten umgebracht wurde. Dean Reed wollte mit diesem Film seinem langjährigen Freund Jara eine Denkmal und gleichzeitig ein Zeichen im Kampf gegen die Militärjunta in Chile setzen.
In diesem Streifen zeigt Reed viel Persönliches aus den letzten Wochen in Victor Jaras Leben, so die enge Bindung zu seiner Frau - hier Janet genannt und von Friederike Aust interpretiert - und zu seinen beiden Kindern. Daneben schildert er Jaras alltägliches Bemühen um eine menschliche Gesellschaft, so auch als Mistreiter für die Sache der UNIDAT POPULAR, und die damit verbundene direkte Bedrohung seitens seiner politischen Gegner.
Der Film wurde ab Februar 1977 in Bulgarien gedreht, weil Reed der Auffassung war, dass die bulgarische Architektur der in Chile ähnele. Für Szenen über eine Kundgebung der UNIDAD POPULAR standen Mitglieder des bulgarischen Jugendverbandes als Komparsen bereit.
EN. Victor Jara is one of the most popular singers in Chile. In 1973 he is arrested by the military and his body is found dead.
Director: Dean Reed.
Cast: Dean Reed, Friederike Aust, Gerry Wolff, Thomas Wolff, Djoko Rosic, Damyan Antonov, Wladimir Jotschew, Dimitrina Savova, Christina Sotirowa, Alexander Patino, Stella Amandowa.
DDR, DEFA, 1977.
Language: German.
Download El cantor / The Singer.
Der zeitweilig in der DDR lebende US-amerikanische Sänger und Schauspieler Dean Reed übernahm für die Herstellung dieses Fernsehfilms gleich mehrere Aufgaben:
Im Jahre 1976 erarbeitete er das Szenarium, schrieb danach zusammen mit Wolfgang Ebeling das Drehbuch, inszenierte diesen Film als Regisseur und agierte in der Hauptrolle des populären chilenischen Sängers Victor Jara, der von Kräften der chilenischen Putschisten umgebracht wurde. Dean Reed wollte mit diesem Film seinem langjährigen Freund Jara eine Denkmal und gleichzeitig ein Zeichen im Kampf gegen die Militärjunta in Chile setzen.
In diesem Streifen zeigt Reed viel Persönliches aus den letzten Wochen in Victor Jaras Leben, so die enge Bindung zu seiner Frau - hier Janet genannt und von Friederike Aust interpretiert - und zu seinen beiden Kindern. Daneben schildert er Jaras alltägliches Bemühen um eine menschliche Gesellschaft, so auch als Mistreiter für die Sache der UNIDAT POPULAR, und die damit verbundene direkte Bedrohung seitens seiner politischen Gegner.
Der Film wurde ab Februar 1977 in Bulgarien gedreht, weil Reed der Auffassung war, dass die bulgarische Architektur der in Chile ähnele. Für Szenen über eine Kundgebung der UNIDAD POPULAR standen Mitglieder des bulgarischen Jugendverbandes als Komparsen bereit.
EN. Victor Jara is one of the most popular singers in Chile. In 1973 he is arrested by the military and his body is found dead.
Director: Dean Reed.
Cast: Dean Reed, Friederike Aust, Gerry Wolff, Thomas Wolff, Djoko Rosic, Damyan Antonov, Wladimir Jotschew, Dimitrina Savova, Christina Sotirowa, Alexander Patino, Stella Amandowa.
DDR, DEFA, 1977.
Language: German.
Download El cantor / The Singer.
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El cantor / The Singer. 1977. |
Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974.
"Värvilised unenäod" on 1974. aastal valminud Tallinnfilmi mängufilm.
Poeetilise ja kujundliku filmi peategelane on 5-aastane Kati. Ta on suvel Hiiumaal vanaema juures, kus tema mängumaa on lai ja avar. Vanaema kingib Katile kassipoja, kuid ema ei luba kiisut linna kaasa võtta. Lõpuks siiski nõustuvad vanemad sellega, et kass võetakse linna kaasa. Kass pääseb aga Mustamäe paneelelamu korterist välja ja Kati läheb teda otsima. Koju jõudnud ema on mures, kuna last pole kodus. Õnneks leiab ta Kati varsti üles.
Directors: Virve Aruoja, Jaan Tooming.
Cast: Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim, Laur Pihel, Raine Loo, Jaan Tooming, Helene Pihel.
USSR, Tallinnfilm, 1974.
Language: Estonian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Bonuses: a documentary film about the shooting of the film, photo gallery.
Download Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams.
Poeetilise ja kujundliku filmi peategelane on 5-aastane Kati. Ta on suvel Hiiumaal vanaema juures, kus tema mängumaa on lai ja avar. Vanaema kingib Katile kassipoja, kuid ema ei luba kiisut linna kaasa võtta. Lõpuks siiski nõustuvad vanemad sellega, et kass võetakse linna kaasa. Kass pääseb aga Mustamäe paneelelamu korterist välja ja Kati läheb teda otsima. Koju jõudnud ema on mures, kuna last pole kodus. Õnneks leiab ta Kati varsti üles.
Directors: Virve Aruoja, Jaan Tooming.
Cast: Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim, Laur Pihel, Raine Loo, Jaan Tooming, Helene Pihel.
USSR, Tallinnfilm, 1974.
Language: Estonian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Bonuses: a documentary film about the shooting of the film, photo gallery.
Download Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams.
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Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. |
Sommerparadiset. 1954.
På Slagen, Hudøy og flere andre steder drev Oslo kommune feriekolonier hvor barn fra byen kunne feriere om sommeren. På Dal var det en egen feriekoloni for tuberkolusetruede barn. Noen barn ble også sendt til ferieopphold på bondegårder. Mer enn 5000 barn fikk hver sommer opphold på kommunale eller private feriekolonier.
Director: Ulf Balle-Røyem.
Produsert for Oslo kinematografer.
Norway, 1954.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Sommerparadiset. 1954.
Director: Ulf Balle-Røyem.
Produsert for Oslo kinematografer.
Norway, 1954.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Sommerparadiset. 1954.
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Sommerparadiset. 1954. |
Nattlek / Night Games. 1966.
A young man and his fiancee visit the castle where he grew up. As the narrative, told in flashback, unfolds, it becomes clear that the boy's mother has been indulging in sexual peversity ranging from orgies to incest. Zetterling's second feature was adapted from her own novel and received sensational publicity at the time. The direct treatment of the subject matter - sex, birth and perversion - provoked something of an outcry from the press, who probably wouldn't bat an eyelid today.
Director: Mai Zetterling.
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Keve Hjelm, Jorgen Lindstrom, Lena Brundin, Naima Wifstrand, Monica Zetterlund.
Sweden, 1966.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Nattlek / Night Games.
Director: Mai Zetterling.
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Keve Hjelm, Jorgen Lindstrom, Lena Brundin, Naima Wifstrand, Monica Zetterlund.
Sweden, 1966.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Nattlek / Night Games.
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Nattlek / Night Games. |
Aksharaya / A Letter of Fire. 2005.
A 12-year old boy (Isham Samzudeen) is accused of the murder of one Courtseen. His father was a retired judge (Ravindra Randeniya) and his mother (Piyumi Samaraweera) was also a famous magistrate. The movie depicted a controversial scene where child and his mother both get into a bathtub nude. After the child overcomes the initial shock of seeing her mother completely nude, insists on breastfeeding - a request which then the mother forcefully turns down. The film was banned in Sri Lanka by the ruling UPFA government of Mahinda Rajapakse. The director of the film, Asoka Handagama, was framed with various falsified allegations by local fundamentalists who collectively decided to ban the film.
Director: Asoka Handagama.
Cast: Isham Samzudeen, Piyumi Samaraweera, Ravindra Randeniya, Saumya Liyanage, Jayani Senanayake, Prasannajith Abesuriya, Somasiri Alakolange, Deshith Gamage, Gayani Gisanthika, Dinithi Sevwandi.
France, Sri Lanka, 2005.
Language: English, Sinhalese.
Subtitles: English.
Subtitles: English.
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Aksharaya / A Letter of Fire. 2005. |
Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
This old documentary film is about the ballet and consists of two parts: the first part will tell about how is the reception in the Moscow choreographic school, which trains ballet dancers. And in the second we will see the educational process, training and rehearsals of students in this ballet school.
Director: D. Rodichev.
USSR, Tsentrnauchfilm, 1967.
Language: Russian.
Download Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
Director: D. Rodichev.
USSR, Tsentrnauchfilm, 1967.
Language: Russian.
Download Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967.
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Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967. |
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Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa / The Basics of Classical Dance. 1967. |
Die Legende von Paul und Paula. 1973.
DE. Paul ist unglücklich verheiratet. Gegenüber seiner Wohnung lebt die alleinstehende Paula mit ihren beiden Kindern. Ihre Begegnung in einer Kellerbar wird zu Leidenschaft. Während Paula sich fortan im siebten Himmel wähnt, bleibt Paul distanziert, will den Schein seiner Ehe wahren und so seine Karriere schützen. Er kann die schönen Momente zwar genießen, aber die Affäre und ihre möglichen Folgen beunruhigen ihn. Erst als Paula ihren Sohn durch einen Unfall verliert und sich daraufhin von ihm distanziert, spürt er die Tiefe seiner Liebe zu ihr und kämpft um sie. Die beiden werden zum Paar. Kurz darauf wird Paula erneut schwanger. Die Ärzte sind davon überzeugt, dass Paula aus gesundheitlichen Gründen die Geburt eines dritten Kindes nicht überleben wird. Paula entscheidet sich für das Kind und stirbt bei der Geburt.
EN. Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Director: Heiner Carow.
Cast: Angelica Domröse, Winfried Glatzeder, Heidemarie Wenzel, Fred Delmare, Rolf Ludwig, Käthe Reichel, Hans Hardt-Hardtloff, Frank Schenk, Dietmar Richter-Reinick.
DDR, DEFA, 1973.
Language: German.
Download Die Legende von Paul und Paula.
EN. Paul and Paula have had bad experiences with love: Paul is financially well off but has lost all affection for his wife, and Paula leads a troublesome life raising two children on her own. They meet and discover a strong passion for each other. Life seems like a dream when they're together - but their short flights from the burdens of reality are once and again interrupted by Paul's ties to family and career.
Director: Heiner Carow.
Cast: Angelica Domröse, Winfried Glatzeder, Heidemarie Wenzel, Fred Delmare, Rolf Ludwig, Käthe Reichel, Hans Hardt-Hardtloff, Frank Schenk, Dietmar Richter-Reinick.
DDR, DEFA, 1973.
Language: German.
Download Die Legende von Paul und Paula.
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Die Legende von Paul und Paula. 1973. |
Carmen Og Babyface. 1995.
A sister and brother must deal with their parents' divorce in this Danish family drama. It is set during the Berlin crisis in 1962. Carmen, the nervous one, and her brother Adrian, aka Babyface, lead happy lives. Their father is a ceramist, and their mother is an earth momma. After their pappa runs away with an apprentice, the family harmony is shattered. The devastated mother and her children move to a drafty old cottage in the country. The children are outcast by their new schoolmates. Carmen avoids them, but Adrian is bullied. He finally does find a friend, but the friendship is temporary. Adrian's teacher finally provides him the nurturance he craves. An electrical storm brings ominous developments to the little family.
Director: Jon Bang Carlsen.
Cast: Joen Bille, Erich Brandt, Aksel Erhardtsen, Kenneth Friis, Sofie Gråbøl, Ulla Henningsen, Kai Løvring, Rikke Løwenstein, Waage Sandø.
Denmark, 1995.
Language: Danish.
Download Carmen Og Babyface.
Director: Jon Bang Carlsen.
Cast: Joen Bille, Erich Brandt, Aksel Erhardtsen, Kenneth Friis, Sofie Gråbøl, Ulla Henningsen, Kai Løvring, Rikke Løwenstein, Waage Sandø.
Denmark, 1995.
Language: Danish.
Download Carmen Og Babyface.
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Carmen Og Babyface. 1995. |
Hey Babe! 1980.
Hey Babe!, also known as Babe! and also known as Rise and Shine, is a 1980 film, a musical drama starring Yasmine Bleeth and Buddy Hackett. This was Yasmine's first film at the age of 12 years.
Theresa O'Brian is a 12-year-old orphan who desperately wants to attend a school for the performing arts and become a star. She is not receiving encouragement at the orphanage and is getting into trouble with the orphanage officials due to her infractions of the rules and regulations.
In one of her unauthorized adventures away from the orphanage, she meets and befriends Sammy Cohen who was a Vaudeville performer who became an alcoholic and lost his career. He is interested in renewing his career and has faith in Theresa's ability, and together they develop an act called "Buddy and Babe" in order to raise money for Theresa's tuition.
Shot in 1979, the film was released in 1983, by which time the film's "TV Singer" Geraldine Hunt had scored a 1980 Billboard National Disco Action Top 100 number-one hit with "Can't Fake the Feeling".
Official Selection Toronto and AFI Film Fest.
Director: Rafal Zielinski.
Cast: Saundra Baly, Tara Lee Bell, Yasmine Bleeth, Gordie Brown, Buddy Hackett, Geraldine Hunt, Denise Proulx, Maruska Stankova, Vlasta Vrana.
Canada, 1980.
Language: English.
Download Hey Babe! 1980.
Theresa O'Brian is a 12-year-old orphan who desperately wants to attend a school for the performing arts and become a star. She is not receiving encouragement at the orphanage and is getting into trouble with the orphanage officials due to her infractions of the rules and regulations.
In one of her unauthorized adventures away from the orphanage, she meets and befriends Sammy Cohen who was a Vaudeville performer who became an alcoholic and lost his career. He is interested in renewing his career and has faith in Theresa's ability, and together they develop an act called "Buddy and Babe" in order to raise money for Theresa's tuition.
Shot in 1979, the film was released in 1983, by which time the film's "TV Singer" Geraldine Hunt had scored a 1980 Billboard National Disco Action Top 100 number-one hit with "Can't Fake the Feeling".
Official Selection Toronto and AFI Film Fest.
Director: Rafal Zielinski.
Cast: Saundra Baly, Tara Lee Bell, Yasmine Bleeth, Gordie Brown, Buddy Hackett, Geraldine Hunt, Denise Proulx, Maruska Stankova, Vlasta Vrana.
Canada, 1980.
Language: English.
Download Hey Babe! 1980.
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Hey Babe! 1980. |
Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden. 1992.
CZ. Requiem pro panenku je český film, který v roce 1991 natočil režisér Filip Renč na motivy skutečné události z roku 1984. (Ovšem podle výpovědí některých svědků události, jež byla předobrazem k filmu, popisuje film spíše tehdejší oficiální verzi prezentovanou při soudním přelíčení.)
Administrativním omylem se čtrnáctiletá Marika dostane místo do dětského domova do ústavu pro mentálně choré, odkud není úniku. Panuje v něm nelidská mašinérie a sadistické vychovatelky používají tak drastické "výchovné" metody, že se dívka rozhodne bezvýchodnou situaci řešit zoufalým činem...
EN. Requiem for a Maiden (Czech: Requiem pro panenku) is a Czech psychodrama film inspired by real-life tragedy which costed the lives of 26 mentally disabled girls. Released in 1992, it was the directorial debut of Filip Renč who also starred in a supporting role and until today it is his most successful movie. It was also the main role debut for the then 14 years old actress Anna Geislerová.
Fourteen-year-old Marika was placed in a social care institution after being raped by her own father, and her mother died when she was four. By an administrative mistake, however, the girl is put into the Institute for Mentally Disabled Girls at Sance. From the very first day, she tries to remind the staff that she does not belong in this building and should be placed in a children's home in Hradci. There are hard punishments for mentally handicapped girls there. The headmaster of the institute is completely unaware of what is happening in his institution.
Director: Filip Renč.
Cast: Anna Geislerová, Eva Holubová, Barbora Hrzánová, Filip Renč, Soňa Valentová, Jaroslava Hanušová, Jan Schmid, Věra Nováková, Eduard Cupák, Stanislav Tříska, Vlasta Mecnarowská, Zuzana Dančiaková, Josef Klíma.
Czechoslovakia, 1992.
Language: Czech.
Download Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden.
Administrativním omylem se čtrnáctiletá Marika dostane místo do dětského domova do ústavu pro mentálně choré, odkud není úniku. Panuje v něm nelidská mašinérie a sadistické vychovatelky používají tak drastické "výchovné" metody, že se dívka rozhodne bezvýchodnou situaci řešit zoufalým činem...
EN. Requiem for a Maiden (Czech: Requiem pro panenku) is a Czech psychodrama film inspired by real-life tragedy which costed the lives of 26 mentally disabled girls. Released in 1992, it was the directorial debut of Filip Renč who also starred in a supporting role and until today it is his most successful movie. It was also the main role debut for the then 14 years old actress Anna Geislerová.
Fourteen-year-old Marika was placed in a social care institution after being raped by her own father, and her mother died when she was four. By an administrative mistake, however, the girl is put into the Institute for Mentally Disabled Girls at Sance. From the very first day, she tries to remind the staff that she does not belong in this building and should be placed in a children's home in Hradci. There are hard punishments for mentally handicapped girls there. The headmaster of the institute is completely unaware of what is happening in his institution.
Director: Filip Renč.
Cast: Anna Geislerová, Eva Holubová, Barbora Hrzánová, Filip Renč, Soňa Valentová, Jaroslava Hanušová, Jan Schmid, Věra Nováková, Eduard Cupák, Stanislav Tříska, Vlasta Mecnarowská, Zuzana Dančiaková, Josef Klíma.
Czechoslovakia, 1992.
Language: Czech.
Download Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden.
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Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden. 1992. |