CZ. Malý vesnický chlapec touží po "opravdovém otci", protože žije sám jen s matkou. A skutečně má vedle sebe mladého traktoristu, který mu ztělesňuje vysněný ideál - je odvážný, kamarádský i pracovitý. Zatímco hoch jej zbožňuje, okolí již není tak nadšeno - mladíka považuje za lehkomyslného a fanfarónského. Film opatrně postihuje dobové poměry na vesnici i v zemědělském družstvu.
EN. Small Yozko, who lives with his mother, dreams of a real father, whose ideal is embodied in a tractor motorcyclist on Formula nickname. However, his mother perceives cheerful cool formula, finding it, like many villagers, frivolous. Friendship Formula fills the boy his father's absence, and Yozko increasingly tied to his friend. Suddenly received a telegram from the actual Yozko father, his mother will have to take a difficult decision, but life itself makes adjustments ...
Director: Andrej Lettrich.
Сast: Ľubomír Paulovič, Petra Černocká, Hana Slivková, František Filipovský, Jiří Krampol, Dušan Tarageľ, Ľudovít Kroner, Juraj Predmerský, Ján Mildner, Anton Šulík st., Judita Ďurdiaková, Ján Kramár, Tomáš Žilinčík, Mária Hojerová, Ivan Laca, Martin Hunčár.
Czechoslovakia, 1982.
Language: Slovak.
Subtitles: English.
Download Otec. 1982.
EN. Small Yozko, who lives with his mother, dreams of a real father, whose ideal is embodied in a tractor motorcyclist on Formula nickname. However, his mother perceives cheerful cool formula, finding it, like many villagers, frivolous. Friendship Formula fills the boy his father's absence, and Yozko increasingly tied to his friend. Suddenly received a telegram from the actual Yozko father, his mother will have to take a difficult decision, but life itself makes adjustments ...
Director: Andrej Lettrich.
Сast: Ľubomír Paulovič, Petra Černocká, Hana Slivková, František Filipovský, Jiří Krampol, Dušan Tarageľ, Ľudovít Kroner, Juraj Predmerský, Ján Mildner, Anton Šulík st., Judita Ďurdiaková, Ján Kramár, Tomáš Žilinčík, Mária Hojerová, Ivan Laca, Martin Hunčár.
Czechoslovakia, 1982.
Language: Slovak.
Subtitles: English.
Download Otec. 1982.
Otec. 1982. |