Documentary series "The Human Body" is a very unusual and fascinating story of how, in fact, functioning in the human body, interaction between its major systems and organs.
Unique camera technology, using miniature cameras, introduced in the human body, and the use of specially developed computer graphics.
The series consists of 8 films of 50 minutes each.
Film 4 - "Puberty".
Director: Christopher Spencer.
Cast: Robert Winston, Andrew Blackall, Phillippa, Jeff, Beatrice Maude, Hannelorre, Herbie, Jay Simon, Viola.
UK, 1998.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download The Human Body. Film 4. 1998.
Unique camera technology, using miniature cameras, introduced in the human body, and the use of specially developed computer graphics.
The series consists of 8 films of 50 minutes each.
Film 4 - "Puberty".
Director: Christopher Spencer.
Cast: Robert Winston, Andrew Blackall, Phillippa, Jeff, Beatrice Maude, Hannelorre, Herbie, Jay Simon, Viola.
UK, 1998.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download The Human Body. Film 4. 1998.