Forum CineMonster


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Diep / Deep. 2005. DVD.

Diep / Deep. 2005. DVD.
Deep (Dutch: Diep) is a 2005 Dutch drama film about the 14-year-old girl Heleen (played by 14-year-old Melody Klaver).
A story about the 14 year old Heleen who makes the transition of child to adult with pain and effort in the wild 70s. While her parents going to divorce she is exploring the world of sex, drugs and love on her own.
When Melody Klaver was 18, she was interviewed as saying "In Diep I was only topless for two seconds. I have not come across those images yet, because most websites are afraid that it is illegal because I was 14. But I would not be ashamed of it either because it is a beautiful scene and it was a functional naked scene."
Director: Simone van Dusseldorp.
Cast: Tjeerd Bischoff, Hunter Bussemaker, Marcelle Arriëns, Monic Hendrickx, Damien Hope, Melody Klaver, Bart Klever, Stijn Koomen, Hadewych Minis, Tommy Parker, Sunsy Pasay, Jorik Scholten, Corinne van den Heuvel, Michel van Dousselaere.
Netherlands, 2005.
Language: Dutch, English, French.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Diep / Deep. 2005.
Diep / Deep. 2005. DVD.
Diep / Deep. 2005. DVD.


Ruggine / Rust. 2011. HD.

Ruggine / Rust. 2011. HD.
 IT. Ruggine è un film di genere drammatico del 2011, diretto da Daniele Gaglianone, con Valeria Solarino e Filippo Timi. Uscita al cinema il 02 settembre 2011. Durata 109 minuti.
Il film racconta la difficile pre-adolescenza di una "banda" di ragazzini, immigrati meridionali nel desolato quartiere gli Alveari alla periferia di una grande città del Nord. Nella terra di nessuno, tra città e campagna, un grande deposito - immenso "mostro" di rugginosi rottami metallici - è il luogo del gioco e dell'avventura. D'improvviso un altro mostro irrompe, stavolta in carne ed ossa. Due bambine vengono violentate e uccise e d'un tratto tutto cambia: la banda di bambini si troverà ad affrontare da sola il mostro...
EN. In a hot summer, the lives of the children are about to be changed forever when two girls are found raped and murdered. The children know who the suspect is but knowing that the adults will never believe them, they decide to keep quiet. When one of their friends sister disappear, they know they have to take the matter into their own hands.
Director: Daniele Gaglianone.
Cast: Valeria Solarino, Filippo Timi, Stefano Accorsi, Valerio Mastandrea, Giampaolo Stella, Giuseppe Furlò, Giulia Coccellato, Giacomo Del Fiacco, Leonardo Del Fiacco, Annamaria Esposito, Alessia Di Domenica, Giulia Geraci, Michele De Virgilio, Anita Kravos, Cristina Mantis, Raffaella Castelli.
Italy, 2011.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Turkish, Serbian, Romanian, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Ruggine / Rust. 2011.
Ruggine / Rust. 2011. HD.
Ruggine / Rust. 2011. HD.