Alamar / To The Sea. 2009.
ES. Con sólo cinco años, el pequeño Natan siente que este viaje con su papá Jorge no es un viaje más, sino el capítulo previo a abandonar la tierra mexicana paterna rumbo a la de los orígenes de su mamá italiana. Sin embargo, la ruptura familiar del pasado, lejos de convertirse en un nudo traumático, abre una nueva perspectiva para padre e hijo en su trayecto hacia el arrecife de coral de Banco Chinchorro, donde el vínculo entre ellos crece al ritmo del contacto con la naturaleza. Bucear en Alamar, junto a los personajes, nos permite expandir todo un mundo de experiencias que se transmiten o se dejan incorporar; como si esta sorprendente extática, lírica, oceánica película de González Rubio siempre tuviera nuevos secretos escondidos para revelarnos, y para hallarlos debiese nadar entre el documental y la ficción. Sin la necesidad de perseguir grandes ballenas imposibles, Alamar prueba que los milagros (cinematográficos) existen.
EN. Alamar (To the Sea) is a 2009 Spanish-language documentary-style film about a boy visiting his father on the Banco Chinchorro. It is by Pedro González-Rubio. Alamar won best picture and the audience award at the seventh Morelia International Film Festival.
A young boy and his father learn about living in harmony with nature in this languid drama from filmmaker Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio. A man from Mexico (Jorge Machado) travels to Italy and falls in love with a beautiful local woman (Roberta Palombini). Their feelings for one another are strong, but they prove to be short lived, and when they decide to beak up after the birth of their son Natan, he returns to Mexico while she stays in Italy and takes primary custody of the child. However, the father strives to remain a presence in his son's life, and the boy visits his father at least once a year. As the five-year-old Natan travels to Mexico, his father has joined the family' fishing operation near the coral reefs of Banco Chinchorro. Living in an elevated cottage near the shore, Natan and his family devote their summer to an idyllic existence, spending their days catching the plentiful fish and observing the wildlife, and their nights sitting by the fire and admiring the stars. To the father, this simple life teaches an important lesson of existing in peace with the natural world, and Natan comes to see himself as being as much a part of this environment as the fish, the waterfowl and the seaweed. Alamar (aka To The Sea) was the first solo directorial credit for cinematographer Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio.
Director: Pedro González-Rubio.
Cast: Jorge Machado, Roberta Palombini, Natan Machado Palombini, Nestór Marín, Garza Silvestre.
Mexico, 2009.
Language: Spanish.
EN. Alamar (To the Sea) is a 2009 Spanish-language documentary-style film about a boy visiting his father on the Banco Chinchorro. It is by Pedro González-Rubio. Alamar won best picture and the audience award at the seventh Morelia International Film Festival.
A young boy and his father learn about living in harmony with nature in this languid drama from filmmaker Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio. A man from Mexico (Jorge Machado) travels to Italy and falls in love with a beautiful local woman (Roberta Palombini). Their feelings for one another are strong, but they prove to be short lived, and when they decide to beak up after the birth of their son Natan, he returns to Mexico while she stays in Italy and takes primary custody of the child. However, the father strives to remain a presence in his son's life, and the boy visits his father at least once a year. As the five-year-old Natan travels to Mexico, his father has joined the family' fishing operation near the coral reefs of Banco Chinchorro. Living in an elevated cottage near the shore, Natan and his family devote their summer to an idyllic existence, spending their days catching the plentiful fish and observing the wildlife, and their nights sitting by the fire and admiring the stars. To the father, this simple life teaches an important lesson of existing in peace with the natural world, and Natan comes to see himself as being as much a part of this environment as the fish, the waterfowl and the seaweed. Alamar (aka To The Sea) was the first solo directorial credit for cinematographer Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio.
Director: Pedro González-Rubio.
Cast: Jorge Machado, Roberta Palombini, Natan Machado Palombini, Nestór Marín, Garza Silvestre.
Mexico, 2009.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Alamar / To The Sea.
Download Alamar / To The Sea.
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Alamar / To The Sea. 2009. |
Forbudt for børn. Trilogy. 1998.
De to søskende Ida og Skrubsak er på besøg hos mormor, en stram dame uden den store forståelse for små mennesker og deres tanker og følelser. Ved optræk til uartigheder truer hun med Buldermanden, der bor i skorstenen og spiser slemme børn. Mormor har foræret Skrubsak en bjæffende bamse, og hårdt ramt af jalousi foreslår storesøster Ida, at lillebror skal vise bamsen til Buldermanden. Skrubsak følger frygtløs Idas forslag – så langt, at han bliver hejst ned i den dybe skorsten. Sort-hvide billeder, mystisk lys og skæve kameravinkler er med til at øge stemningen af uhyggen i filmen, der efter både gys og grin ender godt for de to børn.
Director: Jesper W. Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Inga Vendelbo.
Denmark, 1996.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download Buldermanden.
Director: Jesper W. Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Inga Vendelbo.
Denmark, 1996.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
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Buldermanden. |
Harsh realism and pure magic go hand in hand in this moving story about love, abandonment and alcohol. 7-year old Ida, a brave little girl, has to take care of her kid brother Skrubsak, feed the family and keep the child welfare officers at stake. Ida's father has left the family for another woman, and so far Mum has found consolation in the bottle.
Director: Jesper Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Anders Nyborg, Ulrik Cold, Nadiza Hadianderberg.
Denmark, 1997.
Language: Danish.
Download Lykkefanten / Southern Comfort.
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Lykkefanten / Southern Comfort. 1997. |
Ida har en slyngveninde, og sammen kaster de nysgerrige og forargede ojne pa voksenlivets mildt pirrende parlob. Det er lidt ul?kkert det der med drenge, og Ogginoggen, der er Idas faste dansepartner pa mormors danseskole, er i hvert fald klam. Men pa dansegulvet skal slaget sta, og Ida ma igennem hele folelsesregistret af logne, jalousi og modstr?bende forelskelse. Et moderne eventyr om uskyldstab og gryende erkendelse. Filmen er tredje, selvst?ndige del af en trilogi om soskendeparret Ida og Skrubsak. De to andre film er "Buldermanden" og "Lykkefanten".
Director: Jesper Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Maurice Blinkenberg-Thrane, Per Oscarsson, Otto Brandenburg.
Denmark, 1997.
Download Ogginoggen.
Director: Jesper Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Maurice Blinkenberg-Thrane, Per Oscarsson, Otto Brandenburg.
Denmark, 1997.
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Ogginoggen. ======================================================================================= |
Documentary about the making of the trilogy Jesper W. Nielsen Forbudt for born / Little big sister.
Director: Jesper W. Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Martin Brygmann, Amalie Dollerup, Ole Dupont, Birgitte Federspiel, John Hahn-Petersen, Hanne Hedelund.
Denmark, 1998.
Language: Danish.
Download Forbudt for børn / Little big sister. Making Of.
Director: Jesper W. Nielsen.
Cast: Stephania Potalivo, Martin Brygmann, Amalie Dollerup, Ole Dupont, Birgitte Federspiel, John Hahn-Petersen, Hanne Hedelund.
Denmark, 1998.
Language: Danish.
Download Forbudt for børn / Little big sister. Making Of.
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Forbudt for born / Little big sister. Making Of. |
Beasts of the Southern Wild. 2012.
Hushpuppy, an intrepid six-year-old girl, lives with her father, Wink, in the Bathtub, a southern Delta community at the edge of the world. Wink's tough love prepares her for the unraveling of the universe; for a time when he's no longer there to protect her. When Wink contracts a mysterious illness, nature flies out of whack, temperatures rise, and the ice caps melt, unleashing an army of prehistoric creatures called aurochs. With the waters rising, the aurochs coming, and Wink's health fading, Hushpuppy goes in search of her lost mother.
Director: Benh Zeitlin.
Cast: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry, Levy Easterly, Lowell Landes, Pamela Harper, Gina Montana, Amber Henry, Jonshel Alexander, Nicholas Clark, Joseph Brown, Henry D. Coleman, Kaliana Brower, Philip Lawrence, Jimmy Lee Moore.
USA, 2012.
Language: Russian (English).
Download Beasts of the Southern Wild.
Director: Benh Zeitlin.
Cast: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry, Levy Easterly, Lowell Landes, Pamela Harper, Gina Montana, Amber Henry, Jonshel Alexander, Nicholas Clark, Joseph Brown, Henry D. Coleman, Kaliana Brower, Philip Lawrence, Jimmy Lee Moore.
USA, 2012.
Language: Russian (English).
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Beasts of the Southern Wild. 2012. |
Min afrikanske dagbog / My African Diary. 1999.
DK. Hjalmar er 9 år og er med sin lillebror Simon på rejse i Sydafrika, hvor deres far er på filmoptagelse. Hjalmar går i forskellige skoler og får nye kammerater. Det land, han møder, er ikke hans drømmes Afrika om søde buskmænd, men et samfund, der er midt i voldsom forandring. Hjalmar får kammerater, der har levet halvdelen af deres liv under apartheid og halvdelen i en periode, hvor alle fra tigger til præsident forsøger at finde deres nye roller. Raceproblematikken er stadig aktuel, og Hjalmar får den helt ind på kroppen, når han tvivler på sine afrikanske venners egentlige motiv for at besøge ham i det store fine hus.
EN. The film follows Hjalmar and Simon, the director’s sons, on a journey of discovery through a foreign land. The family has moved to South Africa, not long after the end of the rigid white apartheid regime, which brutally oppressed the country’s black population. The children explore their new surroundings in amazement and are confronted again and again with traces of the dark past, in everyday encounters as well as trips around the country. Yet their new African friends are full of hope and confidence. “My African Diary” is the second in a “South African trilogy” by Jon Bang Carlsen. In “Addicted to Solitude” (1999) he examined racial segregation, while “Blinded Angels” (2006) dealt with issues of religious faith. His film “Purity Beats Everything” (2007), about the “Aryan” ideal of race and purity, was also set partially in South Africa.
Director: Jon Bang Carlsen.
Denmark, 1999.
Language: English, Danish.
Download Min afrikanske dagbog / My African Diary.
EN. The film follows Hjalmar and Simon, the director’s sons, on a journey of discovery through a foreign land. The family has moved to South Africa, not long after the end of the rigid white apartheid regime, which brutally oppressed the country’s black population. The children explore their new surroundings in amazement and are confronted again and again with traces of the dark past, in everyday encounters as well as trips around the country. Yet their new African friends are full of hope and confidence. “My African Diary” is the second in a “South African trilogy” by Jon Bang Carlsen. In “Addicted to Solitude” (1999) he examined racial segregation, while “Blinded Angels” (2006) dealt with issues of religious faith. His film “Purity Beats Everything” (2007), about the “Aryan” ideal of race and purity, was also set partially in South Africa.
Director: Jon Bang Carlsen.
Denmark, 1999.
Language: English, Danish.
Download Min afrikanske dagbog / My African Diary.
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Min afrikanske dagbog / My African Diary. 1999. |
Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994.
NO. Filmen er basert på sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Den store pesten i Norge ble kalt svartedauen og herjet i Europa rundt 1350. Den rammet Norge svært hardt og to tredjedeler av befolkningen døde. En av de viktigste bærerne av håpet om en nasjonal gjenfødelse ble sagnet om en liten pike som overlevde. Sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Ola Solum har også regissert filmene Kvitebjørn Kong Valemon og Reisen til julestjernen.
Alt begynner med fest og moro. I en liten dal ved Jostedalsbreen på Vestlandet feires det bryllup på gården. Det er folksomt rundt familien til Maren. Liv Bernhoft Osa spiller moren til Maren. Vi får tiltro til henne som mor for Maren med sin breie dialekt og trygge favn. Det blir brått kaotisk og svært dramatisk da pesten kommer. Alle skriker og løper rundt og ber for sitt eget liv og sine kjære. Imens andre elsker som om det skulle være deres siste time. Noen kler seg naken og ruller ned en gressskråning. Imens holder Maren til oppe i fjellene der hun er trygg.
Det er hjerteskjærende å se den vesle jenta som plutselig opplever død og fordervelse rundt seg. Til og med foreldre er døende syke av pest, så hun ikke kan ha noe med dem å gjøre mer. Hun får ikke den omsorgen hun trenger og må klare seg på egenhånd. Hun begynner å snakke med seg selv og bruker det som trøst og leker med dyrene som er hennes eneste selskap. Hun har mareritt om nettene og har det tøft om kveldene når mørket kommer. Maren har blitt instruert av sin mor at hun må holde liv i ilden som er mye av livsgrunnlaget og måten å holde varmen på vinteren med...
EN. Maren, a young girl, is the sole survivor of the Black Death in her Norwegian village. Using instincts, folklore, luck, and the clairvoyant powers granted her by being born with a "Victory Cap," Maren survives on her own, waiting for other people to discover her plight. Painstaking recreations of medieval customs and settings dominate the film.
Director: Ola Solum.
Cast: Julia Onsager Steen, Liv Bernhoft Osa, Bjørn Willberg Andersen, Reidar Sørensen, Baard Owe, Oddbjørn Hesjevoll, Knut Husebø, Bjørn Sundquist, Inger Heldal, Svein Rønning, Hallvard Holmen, Espen Skjønberg, Maria Bakketeig.
Norway, 1994.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Trollsyn / Second Sight.
Alt begynner med fest og moro. I en liten dal ved Jostedalsbreen på Vestlandet feires det bryllup på gården. Det er folksomt rundt familien til Maren. Liv Bernhoft Osa spiller moren til Maren. Vi får tiltro til henne som mor for Maren med sin breie dialekt og trygge favn. Det blir brått kaotisk og svært dramatisk da pesten kommer. Alle skriker og løper rundt og ber for sitt eget liv og sine kjære. Imens andre elsker som om det skulle være deres siste time. Noen kler seg naken og ruller ned en gressskråning. Imens holder Maren til oppe i fjellene der hun er trygg.
Det er hjerteskjærende å se den vesle jenta som plutselig opplever død og fordervelse rundt seg. Til og med foreldre er døende syke av pest, så hun ikke kan ha noe med dem å gjøre mer. Hun får ikke den omsorgen hun trenger og må klare seg på egenhånd. Hun begynner å snakke med seg selv og bruker det som trøst og leker med dyrene som er hennes eneste selskap. Hun har mareritt om nettene og har det tøft om kveldene når mørket kommer. Maren har blitt instruert av sin mor at hun må holde liv i ilden som er mye av livsgrunnlaget og måten å holde varmen på vinteren med...
EN. Maren, a young girl, is the sole survivor of the Black Death in her Norwegian village. Using instincts, folklore, luck, and the clairvoyant powers granted her by being born with a "Victory Cap," Maren survives on her own, waiting for other people to discover her plight. Painstaking recreations of medieval customs and settings dominate the film.
Director: Ola Solum.
Cast: Julia Onsager Steen, Liv Bernhoft Osa, Bjørn Willberg Andersen, Reidar Sørensen, Baard Owe, Oddbjørn Hesjevoll, Knut Husebø, Bjørn Sundquist, Inger Heldal, Svein Rønning, Hallvard Holmen, Espen Skjønberg, Maria Bakketeig.
Norway, 1994.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Trollsyn / Second Sight.
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Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. |
Å snu seg mot solen. 2012. HD.
NO. Norsk kortfilm. Lennart mistrives på skolen. Han hater gymnastikk og særlig den ufyselige gymlæreren. Så en dag flytter pene og mystiske Julia inn i naboleiligheten. De to utvikler raskt et godt forhold og Julia lærer Lennart å slå tilbake. Vennskapet blir imidlertid satt på prøve når Julias vonde fortid kommer imellom de to vennene.
EN. Lennart is bullied at school until the beautiful Julia moves in next door. She teaches him how to fight back, but what will happen when Julia's dark past come between them?
Director: Nina Knag.
Cast: Anna Bache-Wiig, Hedda Marie Bay, Kari Ann Grønsund, Agnete G. Haaland, Kyrre Hellum, Svein Roger Karlsen, Marianne Krogness, Katrine Lie-Jensen, Øystein Røger, Simon Sandbakken, Sebastian Warholm.
Norway, 2012.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Norwegian, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Å snu seg mot solen. 2012.
EN. Lennart is bullied at school until the beautiful Julia moves in next door. She teaches him how to fight back, but what will happen when Julia's dark past come between them?
Director: Nina Knag.
Cast: Anna Bache-Wiig, Hedda Marie Bay, Kari Ann Grønsund, Agnete G. Haaland, Kyrre Hellum, Svein Roger Karlsen, Marianne Krogness, Katrine Lie-Jensen, Øystein Røger, Simon Sandbakken, Sebastian Warholm.
Norway, 2012.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Norwegian, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Å snu seg mot solen. 2012.
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Å snu seg mot solen. 2012. |
Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes.
DE. Nesthäkchen ist eine deutsche Kinder- und Familienserie von Gero Erhardt, die als fünfte Weihnachtsserie des ZDF 1983 ausgestrahlt wurde. Als Vorlage dienten die ersten drei Nesthäkchenbände der Schriftstellerin Else Ury. Die Geschichte dreht sich um das Mädchen Annemarie, das als jüngstes Kind der Arztfamilie Braun Nesthäkchen gerufen wird. Sie wächst mit ihren Brüdern Hans und Klaus in Berlin zur Kaiserzeit kurz vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg auf.
1. Annemarie Braun ist die Jüngste von drei Geschwistern. Als Nesthäkchen wird die Sechsjährige von der ganzen Familie sehr verwöhnt. Besonders hingezogen fühlt sie sich zu ihrem Kindermädchen Lena. Annemarie ist zwar störrisch, hat aber ein weiches Herz. Langsam wird sie selbständig und erlebt ihre ersten Abenteuer. Die Serie entstand nach dem Roman von Else Ury.
2. In der auf der gleichnamigen Romanreihe von Autorin Else Ury basierenden Serie werden typische Themen aus der Welt eines kleinen Mädchens auf sehr humorvolle und liebevolle Weise erzählt. Tolle Ausstattung und großartige Schauspieler tragen dazu bei, dass das „Nesthäkchen“ für das ZDF zum einem großen Erfolg wird und als Klassiker der 80er-Jahre in die deutsche Fernsehgeschichte eingeht.
EN. Annemarie Braun, a doughter of a doctor and her life from five to ten years. She lives in West Berlin, Germany with her parents and two brothers in 1910 to 1914. The series is an adoption from a novel by Else Ury.
Director: Gero Erhardt.
Cast: Christian Wolff, Doris Kunstmann, Helma Seitz, Hilde Berndt, Hans-Werner Bussinger, Susanne Uhlen, Ekkehardt Belle, Kathrin Toboll, Anja Bayer, Florian Baier, Patrick A. Janovsky, Oliver Schlicht, Gerhard Olschewski, Günter Kütemeyer, Dagmar Hessenland, Willy Harlander, Jan Heinemann.
West Germany, 1983.
Language: German.
Download Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes.
1. Annemarie Braun ist die Jüngste von drei Geschwistern. Als Nesthäkchen wird die Sechsjährige von der ganzen Familie sehr verwöhnt. Besonders hingezogen fühlt sie sich zu ihrem Kindermädchen Lena. Annemarie ist zwar störrisch, hat aber ein weiches Herz. Langsam wird sie selbständig und erlebt ihre ersten Abenteuer. Die Serie entstand nach dem Roman von Else Ury.
2. In der auf der gleichnamigen Romanreihe von Autorin Else Ury basierenden Serie werden typische Themen aus der Welt eines kleinen Mädchens auf sehr humorvolle und liebevolle Weise erzählt. Tolle Ausstattung und großartige Schauspieler tragen dazu bei, dass das „Nesthäkchen“ für das ZDF zum einem großen Erfolg wird und als Klassiker der 80er-Jahre in die deutsche Fernsehgeschichte eingeht.
EN. Annemarie Braun, a doughter of a doctor and her life from five to ten years. She lives in West Berlin, Germany with her parents and two brothers in 1910 to 1914. The series is an adoption from a novel by Else Ury.
Director: Gero Erhardt.
Cast: Christian Wolff, Doris Kunstmann, Helma Seitz, Hilde Berndt, Hans-Werner Bussinger, Susanne Uhlen, Ekkehardt Belle, Kathrin Toboll, Anja Bayer, Florian Baier, Patrick A. Janovsky, Oliver Schlicht, Gerhard Olschewski, Günter Kütemeyer, Dagmar Hessenland, Willy Harlander, Jan Heinemann.
West Germany, 1983.
Language: German.
Download Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes.
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Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes. |
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Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes. |
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