L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD.
IT. L'immoralità è un film drammatico del 1978 diretto da Massimo Pirri.
In una villa solitaria, posta in un parco a qualche chilometro di distanza dall'abitato, vivono la signora Vera, suo marito da tempo immobilizzato su di una sedia a rotelle e la dodicenne Simona. Mentre la madre cerca evasioni con gli uomini dei dintorni e in casa passa il tempo a bisticciare con il marito, la ragazzina trascorre molte ore nel parco o nascosta in casa a spiare i genitori. Un giorno Simona si imbatte in Federico, un giovane ferito e inseguito perché ha ucciso una bambina dopo averla violentata. La piccola nasconde il fuggitivo, ma ben presto la madre si accorge della presenza dell'uomo e intreccia con lui una relazione. Vera, avendo capito di chi si tratta, ha la ben precisa intenzione di servirsi di Federico per eliminare il marito. Simona, maturata in fretta, desidera un figlio da Federico. La situazione precipita, anche perché i sospetti della polizia e dei "vigilanti" si stanno accentrando sulla villa...
EN. Federico is a child-killer running from the law. Wounded, he is taken in by a 12 year old girl named Simona. Their strange love affair is interrupted by Simona's depressed, oversexed mother Vera, who concocts a plan with Federico to kill her wheelchair-bound, reclusive husband. Simona does not take kindly to this new relationship between Federico and Vera.
L'Immoralita is a film that is difficult to pigeon hole into one 'type' of film, but suffice to say it's an entertaining and well worked thriller with enough substance to satisfy most viewers, providing they can stomach the sometimes uncomfortable tone of the movie. Almost everything about the film really is rather detestable and as such the characters are hard to care for; making watching the film akin to watching a car crash at times. The film begins with a scene that sees a man carrying the body of a dead girl before burying her, and then being pursued by a bunch of people with guns. This man turns out to be Federico; a murderer and paedophile, wanted for killing children. Wounded, he bumps into a young girl who he befriends after she offers him shelter. The girl lives with her parents; the mother, lauded as the town slut, and her dilapidated father who is rotting away in a wheelchair. The murderer and the child grow closer together despite the law being after him and the pair develops a friendship that is shattered when the mother discovers the sheltered criminal.
Director: Massimo Pirri.
Cast: Lisa Gastoni, Howard Ross, Karin Trentephol, Andrea Franchetti, Wolfango Soldati, Franco Ferri, Deborah Lupo, Ida Meda, Mel Ferrer.
Italy, 1978.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978:
2 parts archive:
In una villa solitaria, posta in un parco a qualche chilometro di distanza dall'abitato, vivono la signora Vera, suo marito da tempo immobilizzato su di una sedia a rotelle e la dodicenne Simona. Mentre la madre cerca evasioni con gli uomini dei dintorni e in casa passa il tempo a bisticciare con il marito, la ragazzina trascorre molte ore nel parco o nascosta in casa a spiare i genitori. Un giorno Simona si imbatte in Federico, un giovane ferito e inseguito perché ha ucciso una bambina dopo averla violentata. La piccola nasconde il fuggitivo, ma ben presto la madre si accorge della presenza dell'uomo e intreccia con lui una relazione. Vera, avendo capito di chi si tratta, ha la ben precisa intenzione di servirsi di Federico per eliminare il marito. Simona, maturata in fretta, desidera un figlio da Federico. La situazione precipita, anche perché i sospetti della polizia e dei "vigilanti" si stanno accentrando sulla villa...
EN. Federico is a child-killer running from the law. Wounded, he is taken in by a 12 year old girl named Simona. Their strange love affair is interrupted by Simona's depressed, oversexed mother Vera, who concocts a plan with Federico to kill her wheelchair-bound, reclusive husband. Simona does not take kindly to this new relationship between Federico and Vera.
L'Immoralita is a film that is difficult to pigeon hole into one 'type' of film, but suffice to say it's an entertaining and well worked thriller with enough substance to satisfy most viewers, providing they can stomach the sometimes uncomfortable tone of the movie. Almost everything about the film really is rather detestable and as such the characters are hard to care for; making watching the film akin to watching a car crash at times. The film begins with a scene that sees a man carrying the body of a dead girl before burying her, and then being pursued by a bunch of people with guns. This man turns out to be Federico; a murderer and paedophile, wanted for killing children. Wounded, he bumps into a young girl who he befriends after she offers him shelter. The girl lives with her parents; the mother, lauded as the town slut, and her dilapidated father who is rotting away in a wheelchair. The murderer and the child grow closer together despite the law being after him and the pair develops a friendship that is shattered when the mother discovers the sheltered criminal.
Director: Massimo Pirri.
Cast: Lisa Gastoni, Howard Ross, Karin Trentephol, Andrea Franchetti, Wolfango Soldati, Franco Ferri, Deborah Lupo, Ida Meda, Mel Ferrer.
Italy, 1978.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978:
2 parts archive:
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L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. DVD. |
Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
FR. Lise, une jeune adolescente qui rêve de partir à la mer, est en plein deuil familial. Elle n'a d'autre échappatoire que la correspondance qu'elle entretient avec Gwen, sa meilleure amie. Celle-ci vit en Bretagne au sein d'une famille de marins pêcheurs en pleine crise. Au fur et à mesure de leur correspondance, les deux jeunes filles vont s'apercevoir qu'elles n'ont plus rien à se dire. Une rupture d'autant plus violente que l'attachement était grand.
EN. Girls Can't Swim (French: Les Filles ne savent pas nager) is a 2000 French coming of age drama film. It was first shown at the 2000 Montreal FilmFestival.
Even though they grew up in opposite parts of France, Gwen and Lise are best friends and spend every summer vacation together on the Brittany coast where Gwen lives and Lise's family has a summer home. But this summer is different because Lise's family isn't going on vacation for reasons that she won't explain to Gwen. Sick of her parents bickering about money and missing her bosom buddy, Gwen finds a boyfriend and mingles with some horny out-of-towners. Now fifteen, she's discovered that summer can be fun even if Lise isn't there. Then suddenly, Lise shows up at Gwen's house uninvited to stay for a couple of weeks. The following days are filled with unexpected surprises, causing the girls to reevaluate the importance of their friendship and the nature of their teenage anxieties.
Director: Anne-Sophie Birot.
Cast: Isild Le Besco, Karen Alyx, Pascale Bussières, Pascal Elso, Marie Rivière, Yelda Reynaud, Sandrine Blancke, Julien Cottereau, Dominique Lacarrière.
France, 2000.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
EN. Girls Can't Swim (French: Les Filles ne savent pas nager) is a 2000 French coming of age drama film. It was first shown at the 2000 Montreal FilmFestival.
Even though they grew up in opposite parts of France, Gwen and Lise are best friends and spend every summer vacation together on the Brittany coast where Gwen lives and Lise's family has a summer home. But this summer is different because Lise's family isn't going on vacation for reasons that she won't explain to Gwen. Sick of her parents bickering about money and missing her bosom buddy, Gwen finds a boyfriend and mingles with some horny out-of-towners. Now fifteen, she's discovered that summer can be fun even if Lise isn't there. Then suddenly, Lise shows up at Gwen's house uninvited to stay for a couple of weeks. The following days are filled with unexpected surprises, causing the girls to reevaluate the importance of their friendship and the nature of their teenage anxieties.
Director: Anne-Sophie Birot.
Cast: Isild Le Besco, Karen Alyx, Pascale Bussières, Pascal Elso, Marie Rivière, Yelda Reynaud, Sandrine Blancke, Julien Cottereau, Dominique Lacarrière.
France, 2000.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000.
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Les filles ne savent pas nager / Girls Can't Swim. 2000. |
Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.
IT. Veruschka, poesia di una donna, anche conosciuto con il titolo di Veruschka, è un film italiano del 1971 diretto da Franco Rubartelli e interpretato da Veruschka.
Vera è una modella tedesca che nel pieno del successo attraversa una crisi esistenziale che la porta ad allontanarsi dal proprio amante e agente. Tenta di ritrovare l'amore della gioventù, Michael, rifugiandosi nella casa dove è cresciuta, in Germania. Ma anche qui è infelice e prova desideri di morte, cercando di estraniarsi dalla realtà attraversa l'uso di droghe. L'amante la raggiunge e la riporta in Italia, ma la loro ritrovata unione dura poco e si interrompe nuovamente, quando Vera desidera fuggire dal successo. Alla fine i due si ritrovano ancora una volta e proprio quando lei sembra aver trovato la risposta alle proprie angosce interiori i due muoiono in un incidente stradale.
EN. Fashion photographer Franco Rubartelli's visually lush and moody head film about European supermodel Veruschka.
Director: Franco Rubartelli.
Cast: Veruschka von Lehndorff, Luigi Pistilli, Gianni Di Luigi, Maria Cumani Quasimodo, Silvana Venturelli, Bruno Boschetti, Mirella Pamphili.
Italy, 1971.
Language: Italian, German.
Download Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.
Vera è una modella tedesca che nel pieno del successo attraversa una crisi esistenziale che la porta ad allontanarsi dal proprio amante e agente. Tenta di ritrovare l'amore della gioventù, Michael, rifugiandosi nella casa dove è cresciuta, in Germania. Ma anche qui è infelice e prova desideri di morte, cercando di estraniarsi dalla realtà attraversa l'uso di droghe. L'amante la raggiunge e la riporta in Italia, ma la loro ritrovata unione dura poco e si interrompe nuovamente, quando Vera desidera fuggire dal successo. Alla fine i due si ritrovano ancora una volta e proprio quando lei sembra aver trovato la risposta alle proprie angosce interiori i due muoiono in un incidente stradale.
EN. Fashion photographer Franco Rubartelli's visually lush and moody head film about European supermodel Veruschka.
Director: Franco Rubartelli.
Cast: Veruschka von Lehndorff, Luigi Pistilli, Gianni Di Luigi, Maria Cumani Quasimodo, Silvana Venturelli, Bruno Boschetti, Mirella Pamphili.
Italy, 1971.
Language: Italian, German.
Download Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971.
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Veruschka - poesia di una donna / Veruschka - Poetry of a Woman. 1971. |
Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD.
FR. Messieurs les enfants est un film de Pierre Boutron, d'après l'œuvre homonyme de Daniel Pennac, réalisé en 1996 et sorti en 1997.
Pris en faute par leur professeur de français, Joseph, Igor et Nourdine se retrouvent avec pour punition le sujet suivant : "Vous vous réveillez un matin, et vous constatez que, dans la nuit, vous avez été transformé en adulte. Complètement affolé, vous vous précipitez dans la chambre de vos parents. Ils ont été transformés en enfants. Racontez la suite". Malheureusement pour eux, le sujet va devenir réalité.
EN. Messieurs les enfants is a 1997 French comedy film, directed by Pierre Boutron.
To punish three troublemakers, Albert Castraing, their French teacher, gives them an essay to do, in which they must imagine what their lives would be if they were suddenly transformed into adults. The next morning, the three twelve-year-old boys realise to their amazement that...they HAVE BEEN transformed into adults! As for they parents they have become...KIDS! It is the beginning of a series of mishaps for Joseph, a Jew, Igor, a catholic and Nourdine, an Arab...
Director: Pierre Boutron.
Cast: Pierre Arditi, François Morel, Zinedine Soualem, Catherine Jacob, Jean-Louis Richard, Michel Aumont, Anne Jacquemin, Jean-Claude Leguay, Philippe Khorsand, Géraldine Bonnet-Guérin.
France, 1997.
Language: French, Russian.
Download DVD Messieurs les enfants. 1997.
Pris en faute par leur professeur de français, Joseph, Igor et Nourdine se retrouvent avec pour punition le sujet suivant : "Vous vous réveillez un matin, et vous constatez que, dans la nuit, vous avez été transformé en adulte. Complètement affolé, vous vous précipitez dans la chambre de vos parents. Ils ont été transformés en enfants. Racontez la suite". Malheureusement pour eux, le sujet va devenir réalité.
EN. Messieurs les enfants is a 1997 French comedy film, directed by Pierre Boutron.
To punish three troublemakers, Albert Castraing, their French teacher, gives them an essay to do, in which they must imagine what their lives would be if they were suddenly transformed into adults. The next morning, the three twelve-year-old boys realise to their amazement that...they HAVE BEEN transformed into adults! As for they parents they have become...KIDS! It is the beginning of a series of mishaps for Joseph, a Jew, Igor, a catholic and Nourdine, an Arab...
Director: Pierre Boutron.
Cast: Pierre Arditi, François Morel, Zinedine Soualem, Catherine Jacob, Jean-Louis Richard, Michel Aumont, Anne Jacquemin, Jean-Claude Leguay, Philippe Khorsand, Géraldine Bonnet-Guérin.
France, 1997.
Language: French, Russian.
Download DVD Messieurs les enfants. 1997.
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Messieurs les enfants. 1997. DVD. |
Astrid. 2018. 4K.
DK. Astrid på tolv år er i sommerhus med sin familie. Alt er godt indtil Astrid afbryder sine forældre i en meget intim situation, som ændrer hendes opfattelse af dem fuldstændig. Astrids far lader, som om intet var hændt, men deres tætte forhold kan aldrig blive det samme. For Astrid er alting ændret, og hun skubbes ud på en ensom og sårbar rejse fra barn til voksen.
EN. Astrid twelve, she lives in a cottage with her family. Everything is in order, until Astrid finds his parents in a very intimate situation. This completely changes her attitude towards them. Father Astrid pretends that nothing happened, but their close relationship can never be the same. For Astrid, everything has changed, and her lonely journey to growing up begins.
Director: Anna Friis Sørensen.
Cast: Katharina Mohr Wegener, Dan Zahle, Ditte Marie Le-Fevre, Emma Camille Kronberg Lund.
Denmark, KBH Film & Fotoskole, 2018.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
3840x2160 Ultra HD
Download Astrid. 2018.
EN. Astrid twelve, she lives in a cottage with her family. Everything is in order, until Astrid finds his parents in a very intimate situation. This completely changes her attitude towards them. Father Astrid pretends that nothing happened, but their close relationship can never be the same. For Astrid, everything has changed, and her lonely journey to growing up begins.
Director: Anna Friis Sørensen.
Cast: Katharina Mohr Wegener, Dan Zahle, Ditte Marie Le-Fevre, Emma Camille Kronberg Lund.
Denmark, KBH Film & Fotoskole, 2018.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
3840x2160 Ultra HD
Download Astrid. 2018.
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Astrid. 2018. 4K. |
L'isola / The Island. 2003. HD.
IT. Turi e Teresa sono figli di un pescatore che vive e lavora in un'isola siciliana. La loro e una vita semplice e pacifica, fatta di abitudini e fatiche quotidiane: accudire la nonna, pescare, gestire il bar al centro del paese.
Ma Turi, ormai, e quasi un uomo e deve iniziare ad uscire in mare con il padre.
Questo fatto finira con il rivoluzionare per sempre i rapporti tra fratello e sorella.
Lungometraggio d'esordio di Costanza Quatriglio, trentenne palermitana la quale non dimentica le sue origini documentaristiche e le innerva con una narrazione che sembra rimandare al cinema di matrice iraniana. La trama e molto esile e il film e legato a un lavoro di ricerca di sguardi e relazioni con la scabra struttura dell'isola di Favignana. Il montaggio, perfettamente sintonizzato con la colonna sonora musicale di Paolo Fresu, prova a fornire compattezza a un'opera prima che, pur con qualche intellettualismo di troppo (vedi la presunzione di poter pensare di fare a meno di una struttura narrativa solida), lascia ben sperare per il futuro.
EN. A coming of age story of a boy, Turi (Ernandes) and his younger sister, Teresa (Guarrasi) on an island off the coast of Sicily. Using mostly non professional actors in a neorealist style, this film creates a charming and seemingly authentic slice of village life.
The slow naturalistic pace, beautiful photography, a sense of the local customs & values, and a captivating performance by Veronica Guarrasi as Teresa make this well worth seeing. The director seem to have captured the end of childhood and the start of adolescence.
Director: Costanza Quatriglio.
Cast: Veronica Guarrasi, Ignacio Ernandes, Marcello Mazzarella, Erri De Luca, Anna Ernandes, Francesco Vasile, Ilary De Ioannon, Anna Rita Mazzara, Antonio Burdua, Maurizio Guarrasi, Salvatore Campo.
Italy, 2003.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download L'isola / The Island. 2003:
3 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Ma Turi, ormai, e quasi un uomo e deve iniziare ad uscire in mare con il padre.
Questo fatto finira con il rivoluzionare per sempre i rapporti tra fratello e sorella.
Lungometraggio d'esordio di Costanza Quatriglio, trentenne palermitana la quale non dimentica le sue origini documentaristiche e le innerva con una narrazione che sembra rimandare al cinema di matrice iraniana. La trama e molto esile e il film e legato a un lavoro di ricerca di sguardi e relazioni con la scabra struttura dell'isola di Favignana. Il montaggio, perfettamente sintonizzato con la colonna sonora musicale di Paolo Fresu, prova a fornire compattezza a un'opera prima che, pur con qualche intellettualismo di troppo (vedi la presunzione di poter pensare di fare a meno di una struttura narrativa solida), lascia ben sperare per il futuro.
EN. A coming of age story of a boy, Turi (Ernandes) and his younger sister, Teresa (Guarrasi) on an island off the coast of Sicily. Using mostly non professional actors in a neorealist style, this film creates a charming and seemingly authentic slice of village life.
The slow naturalistic pace, beautiful photography, a sense of the local customs & values, and a captivating performance by Veronica Guarrasi as Teresa make this well worth seeing. The director seem to have captured the end of childhood and the start of adolescence.
Director: Costanza Quatriglio.
Cast: Veronica Guarrasi, Ignacio Ernandes, Marcello Mazzarella, Erri De Luca, Anna Ernandes, Francesco Vasile, Ilary De Ioannon, Anna Rita Mazzara, Antonio Burdua, Maurizio Guarrasi, Salvatore Campo.
Italy, 2003.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download L'isola / The Island. 2003:
3 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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L'isola / The Island. 2003. HD. |
Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.
Mușchetarii în vacanță este un film românesc din 1984 regizat de Savel Stiopul. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Ernest Maftei, Matei Alexandru, Coca Andronescu.
Trei copii isi propun sa aduca, fiecare, din vacanta cate o intamplare extraordinara.
Director: Savel Stiopul.
Cast: Coca Andronescu, Serban Cantacuzino, Bogdan Carp, Nicu Constantin, Ernest Maftei, Alexandru Matei, Dana Mladin, Simona Răducu.
Romania, 1984.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Romanian.
Download Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.
Trei copii isi propun sa aduca, fiecare, din vacanta cate o intamplare extraordinara.
Director: Savel Stiopul.
Cast: Coca Andronescu, Serban Cantacuzino, Bogdan Carp, Nicu Constantin, Ernest Maftei, Alexandru Matei, Dana Mladin, Simona Răducu.
Romania, 1984.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Romanian.
Download Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984.
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Muşchetarii în vacanţă / Bingo! Holiday Kids! 1984. |
Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.
FR. Cerf-volant du bout du monde est un film franco-chinois réalisé par Roger Pigaut en 1958. Il s'agit de la première coproduction franco-chinoise.
Dans les années 1950, à Montmartre, une bande d'enfants avec à sa tête Pierrot, toujours accompagné de sa petite sœur Nicole, découvre un magnifique cerf-volant échoué dans un arbre. Par ruse, Pierrot et ses amis récupèrent le cerf-volant et y découvrent une lettre écrite en chinois.
Grâce à un antiquaire qui leur traduit la lettre, les enfants apprennent qu'un petit garçon chinois, Song Tsiao Tsing, attend une réponse. Hélas, l'adresse est restée dans la queue du cerf-volant volée par Bébert, un ancien de la bande. L'antiquaire leur apprend également que le personnage représenté sur le cerf-volant est Sou Wou Kong, le roi des singes.
Pierrot, au fond de son lit, rêve que ce singe les transporte en Chine, lui et sa sœur, à la recherche de l'auteur de la lettre...
EN. This interesting little French film is set in a run-down suburb of Paris. It's about a group of bored children making mischief to fill the days (eg sticking a cat up a tree and then calling the fire brigade so they can watch them get it down!) One of them has a Chinese kite, with a message on a piece of paper in Chinese on it. His mates try to grab it to sell to an antique shop. One night, one of the boys and his sister are visited by a mysterious Chinaman and are promptly floated off on their bed to China in their pyjamas. The Chinaman clicks his fingers and they appear once again in their everyday clothes, and have all sorts of adventures in China.
Director: Roger Pigaut.
Cast: Patrick de Bardine, Sylviane Rozenberg, Jacques Faburel, Gérard Szymanski, Alain Astié, Henri Blanchar, Georges Desplaces, Raphaël Hassan, Claude Bougis, Chun-Hua Chang.
France, China, 1958.
Language: French, Chinese.
Download Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.
Dans les années 1950, à Montmartre, une bande d'enfants avec à sa tête Pierrot, toujours accompagné de sa petite sœur Nicole, découvre un magnifique cerf-volant échoué dans un arbre. Par ruse, Pierrot et ses amis récupèrent le cerf-volant et y découvrent une lettre écrite en chinois.
Grâce à un antiquaire qui leur traduit la lettre, les enfants apprennent qu'un petit garçon chinois, Song Tsiao Tsing, attend une réponse. Hélas, l'adresse est restée dans la queue du cerf-volant volée par Bébert, un ancien de la bande. L'antiquaire leur apprend également que le personnage représenté sur le cerf-volant est Sou Wou Kong, le roi des singes.
Pierrot, au fond de son lit, rêve que ce singe les transporte en Chine, lui et sa sœur, à la recherche de l'auteur de la lettre...
EN. This interesting little French film is set in a run-down suburb of Paris. It's about a group of bored children making mischief to fill the days (eg sticking a cat up a tree and then calling the fire brigade so they can watch them get it down!) One of them has a Chinese kite, with a message on a piece of paper in Chinese on it. His mates try to grab it to sell to an antique shop. One night, one of the boys and his sister are visited by a mysterious Chinaman and are promptly floated off on their bed to China in their pyjamas. The Chinaman clicks his fingers and they appear once again in their everyday clothes, and have all sorts of adventures in China.
Director: Roger Pigaut.
Cast: Patrick de Bardine, Sylviane Rozenberg, Jacques Faburel, Gérard Szymanski, Alain Astié, Henri Blanchar, Georges Desplaces, Raphaël Hassan, Claude Bougis, Chun-Hua Chang.
France, China, 1958.
Language: French, Chinese.
Download Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958.
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Cerf-volant du bout du monde / The Magic of the Kite. 1958. |
Maramao. 1987.
IT. Maramao è un film italiano del 1987, opera prima del regista Giovanni Veronesi e scritta da quest'ultimo assieme al fratello Sandro.
Il quasi adolescente Sandro e il fratello minore Giannino sono in vacanza, assieme alla famiglia, su un'isola privata. Qui le storie dei due bambini si intrecciano a quelle dei figli delle altre famiglie. I giovani protagonisti sono quasi lasciati a loro stessi dagli adulti, che sono inquadrati solo dalle spalle in giù e compaiono solo in momenti quali il pranzo o per mandare a letto i propri figli. Sandro avrà il primo approccio con la sessualità sull'isola, quando conoscerà la giovane Patrizia.
EN. Set at the seaside in Sardinia, the film (depicting the transformation from childhood to adolescence) is seen from the point of view of six children who pass the summer together. Adults appear only from the neck down, except an old sailor, whose wisdom only children can understand.
Director: Giovanni Veronesi.
Cast: Vanessa Gravina, Maurizio Begotti, Novello Novelli, Alberto Frasca, Carlo Monni, Cristina Sivieri, Filippo Tempesti, Romney Williams.
Italy, 1987.
Language: Italian.
Download Maramao. 1987.
Il quasi adolescente Sandro e il fratello minore Giannino sono in vacanza, assieme alla famiglia, su un'isola privata. Qui le storie dei due bambini si intrecciano a quelle dei figli delle altre famiglie. I giovani protagonisti sono quasi lasciati a loro stessi dagli adulti, che sono inquadrati solo dalle spalle in giù e compaiono solo in momenti quali il pranzo o per mandare a letto i propri figli. Sandro avrà il primo approccio con la sessualità sull'isola, quando conoscerà la giovane Patrizia.
EN. Set at the seaside in Sardinia, the film (depicting the transformation from childhood to adolescence) is seen from the point of view of six children who pass the summer together. Adults appear only from the neck down, except an old sailor, whose wisdom only children can understand.
Director: Giovanni Veronesi.
Cast: Vanessa Gravina, Maurizio Begotti, Novello Novelli, Alberto Frasca, Carlo Monni, Cristina Sivieri, Filippo Tempesti, Romney Williams.
Italy, 1987.
Language: Italian.
Download Maramao. 1987.
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Maramao. 1987. |
Anthology of short films. Part 76.
The new release of an anthology of short films. Today there are six films in the program, interesting and all kinds ...
1. Garden of Eden. 1954.
American nudists film.
Director: Max Nosseck.
USA, 1954.
Language: English.
2. A Nena Azul / The Blue Child. 2018. HD.
Hermosa, bellísima narrativa que nos lleva a las cuevas de gigantes, a los cuentos de la Galicia inmortal y al misterio de la Costa da Morte.
Director: Sandra Sánchez.
Cast: Carla Díaz, Lucía González, Sergio Zearreta.
Spain, 2018.
Language: Gallegan.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. L'ultima partenza / The Last Departure. 2015. HD.
Il film racconta una storia tutta al femminile, attraverso il rapporto di due donne e una bambina tramite una perdita in famiglia. Come molti Napoletani negli anni С80 trascorrevano le vacanze nei posti limitrofi di villeggiatura. L'ultimo giorno di vacanza ш giunto, i sentimenti non rivelati per tutta l'estate verranno messi alla prova attraverso l'innocenza di una bambina e il suo amico di giochi.
Director: Chiara Minopoli.
Cast: Laura Schettino, Concetta Marrocoli.
Italy, 2015.
Language: Neapolitan.
1920x1080 HD
4. Om mej och mina vänner. 1973.
Detta barnprogram handlar om Malena som inte tycker att det är så roligt längre sedan hennes bästa kompis flyttat till Norrland, för nu har hon ju ingen att leka med. Men det finns ju faktiskt människor överallt, så vi får se hur det går...
Producer: Margareta Krantz.
Cast: Malena Jönsson Peter Bodén Alice Eklund Peter Malmsjö Kerstin Wolgers Maria Bodén.
Sweden, 1973.
Language: Swedish.
5. Un millón de niños luz. 2011. HD.
The purest darkness covers everything in black. A candle is lit. A girl draws a candle. Draw a boy and it appears. Both smile... But the boy also wants to draw.
Directors: Laura Arensburg, Mariano Swi.
Argentina, 2011.
No dialogs.
1920x1080 HD
6. Niña que espera. 2007. HD.
Angélica, niña de ocho años, se topa con Carlos y Ana en el aeropuerto. Angélica insiste en que ellos son sus papás. Ellos lo niegan. ¿Quién tiene la razón?
Director: Esteban Reyes.
Cast: Julio Casado, Ximena Gonzalez-Rubio, Juan Ríos.
Mexico, 2007.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 76.
1. Garden of Eden. 1954.
American nudists film.
Director: Max Nosseck.
USA, 1954.
Language: English.
2. A Nena Azul / The Blue Child. 2018. HD.
Hermosa, bellísima narrativa que nos lleva a las cuevas de gigantes, a los cuentos de la Galicia inmortal y al misterio de la Costa da Morte.
Director: Sandra Sánchez.
Cast: Carla Díaz, Lucía González, Sergio Zearreta.
Spain, 2018.
Language: Gallegan.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. L'ultima partenza / The Last Departure. 2015. HD.
Il film racconta una storia tutta al femminile, attraverso il rapporto di due donne e una bambina tramite una perdita in famiglia. Come molti Napoletani negli anni С80 trascorrevano le vacanze nei posti limitrofi di villeggiatura. L'ultimo giorno di vacanza ш giunto, i sentimenti non rivelati per tutta l'estate verranno messi alla prova attraverso l'innocenza di una bambina e il suo amico di giochi.
Director: Chiara Minopoli.
Cast: Laura Schettino, Concetta Marrocoli.
Italy, 2015.
Language: Neapolitan.
1920x1080 HD
4. Om mej och mina vänner. 1973.
Detta barnprogram handlar om Malena som inte tycker att det är så roligt längre sedan hennes bästa kompis flyttat till Norrland, för nu har hon ju ingen att leka med. Men det finns ju faktiskt människor överallt, så vi får se hur det går...
Producer: Margareta Krantz.
Cast: Malena Jönsson Peter Bodén Alice Eklund Peter Malmsjö Kerstin Wolgers Maria Bodén.
Sweden, 1973.
Language: Swedish.
5. Un millón de niños luz. 2011. HD.
The purest darkness covers everything in black. A candle is lit. A girl draws a candle. Draw a boy and it appears. Both smile... But the boy also wants to draw.
Directors: Laura Arensburg, Mariano Swi.
Argentina, 2011.
No dialogs.
1920x1080 HD
6. Niña que espera. 2007. HD.
Angélica, niña de ocho años, se topa con Carlos y Ana en el aeropuerto. Angélica insiste en que ellos son sus papás. Ellos lo niegan. ¿Quién tiene la razón?
Director: Esteban Reyes.
Cast: Julio Casado, Ximena Gonzalez-Rubio, Juan Ríos.
Mexico, 2007.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 76.
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Anthology of short films. Part 76. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 76. |
Widziadło / The Phantom. 1984.
PL. Nad szczęśliwym i poukładanym życiem Piotra Strumieńskiego jak fatum ciąży wspomnienie jego pierwszej żony - pięknej i ekscentrycznej malarki Angeliki. Obsesja "szału uniesień", które z nią przeżywał, rujnuje jego drugi związek. Czy to demon Angeli? Czy demony tkwiące w głowie Piotra? Skonwencjonalizowaną rzeczywistość jak wulkan rozsadza potęga podświadomości - sfera zmysłów, popędów, snów i wyobrażeń. Film inspirowany wątkami "Pałuby" Karola Irzykowskiego.
EN. Early 20th century; Piotr, a rich landowner and father of a large family is driven to the edge by haunting memories of his dead wife, Angelika. Everything in the house reminds him of her; in every woman - in his new wife Ola, neighbor, maid, he sees her image. And because of his obsession his new wife is driven to taking a lover - who mysteriously becomes paralyzed. Piotr keeps a special house on his property dedicated to Angelika, and daydreams about making love to her there. Meanwhile, his teenage son Pawelek begins to wonder who his parents are and disappears from the house every night. Piotr's visions are so intense and real that when he sees his son with Ksenka, a mute young local girl while getting his first taste of sensual experience, he shoots and wounds her because deluded, he thinks she is Angelika. After that tragedy, Piotr razes "Angelika's" house and it looks as though his fixation is healed, and everything should continue as normal - but that turns out to be a deception.
Director: Marek Nowicki.
Cast: Roman Wilhelmi, Marzena Trybala, Hanna Mikuc, Mariusz Benoit, Mariusz Dmochowski, Anna Chodakowska, Dorota Kwiatkowska, Monika Braun, Maciej Mazurkiewicz, Olgierd Lukaszewicz.
Poland, 1984.
Language: Polish.
Download Widziadło / The Phantom. 1984.
EN. Early 20th century; Piotr, a rich landowner and father of a large family is driven to the edge by haunting memories of his dead wife, Angelika. Everything in the house reminds him of her; in every woman - in his new wife Ola, neighbor, maid, he sees her image. And because of his obsession his new wife is driven to taking a lover - who mysteriously becomes paralyzed. Piotr keeps a special house on his property dedicated to Angelika, and daydreams about making love to her there. Meanwhile, his teenage son Pawelek begins to wonder who his parents are and disappears from the house every night. Piotr's visions are so intense and real that when he sees his son with Ksenka, a mute young local girl while getting his first taste of sensual experience, he shoots and wounds her because deluded, he thinks she is Angelika. After that tragedy, Piotr razes "Angelika's" house and it looks as though his fixation is healed, and everything should continue as normal - but that turns out to be a deception.
Director: Marek Nowicki.
Cast: Roman Wilhelmi, Marzena Trybala, Hanna Mikuc, Mariusz Benoit, Mariusz Dmochowski, Anna Chodakowska, Dorota Kwiatkowska, Monika Braun, Maciej Mazurkiewicz, Olgierd Lukaszewicz.
Poland, 1984.
Language: Polish.
Download Widziadło / The Phantom. 1984.
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Widziadło / The Phantom. 1984. |
Anthology of short films. Part 75.
Next issue of Anthology of Short Films, seventy fifth now. Today, the program has six fresh high-resolution mini-films.
1. She-Pack. 2018. HD.
Anarchy emerges at a public pool party when a group of small girls push the limits of their strength and power.
Director: Fanny Ovesen.
Cast: Elen Kippersund Frogner, Martine Hammerstad, Håkon Mathias Vassvik.
Norway, 2018.
Language: Norwegian.
1280x720 HD
2. Wing: The Fish That Talked Back. 2007. HD.
Wing is six years old and is living in the Netherlands with her family, who are expatriates from China. Little Wing is fascinated by marine life and curious about her ancestral homeland of China. Fantasy and reality begin to mingle in a story concerning little Wing, an old lady who does not talk, some fish and a cup of tea.
Director: Ricky Rijneke.
Cast: Moon Lee Ho, Kiemlang Tjong, Winola Wong.
Netherlands, 2007.
Language: Mandarin.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
3. Girls Room. 2007. HD.
A timid young girl's horrific trip to the school bathroom results in an unexpected friendship.
Director: Maria Gigante.
Cast: Amri Berry, Erin Burniston, Hannah Doty, Alexandria Frisch.
USA, 2007.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
4. Benidorm 2017. 2018. HD.
A tsunami is aproaching the coast of Benidorm. The city becomes empty. Teresa, the owner of a seafront hotel, decides to stay as if nothing was going to happen.
Director: Claudia Costafreda.
Cast: Yolanda Ramos, Tamar Novas, Mara Bahima, Andrea Belil.
Spain, 2018.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
5. Pastel. 2017. HD.
A shy girl must learn how to dance with her brother for their parent's wedding. The dance will mean another pressure to accompany her step into adulthood.
Director: Lallie Doyle.
Cast: Edie Deffebach, Hadley Heckmann, Abigale Martin, Meleah Moore.
UK, 2017.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
6. Vihollinen sisälläni / The Enemy Within Me. 2019. HD.
Cutting is a globally growing phenomenon among today's youth. Physical pain seems to ease internal anxiety. You can look outwardly balanced and healthy yet experience deep anxiety and loneliness. They might see their own body as the only thing they can influence and control. The pain and blood from the cut can create a positive feeling of independence and existence. The pain releases endorphins, which increase pleasure and soothe the mind - you can quickly get hooked. But there is hope - it is possible to leave this dangerous, mind- and body-damaging habit behind.
Director: Milja Viita.
Finland, 2019.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 75.
1. She-Pack. 2018. HD.
Anarchy emerges at a public pool party when a group of small girls push the limits of their strength and power.
Director: Fanny Ovesen.
Cast: Elen Kippersund Frogner, Martine Hammerstad, Håkon Mathias Vassvik.
Norway, 2018.
Language: Norwegian.
1280x720 HD
2. Wing: The Fish That Talked Back. 2007. HD.
Wing is six years old and is living in the Netherlands with her family, who are expatriates from China. Little Wing is fascinated by marine life and curious about her ancestral homeland of China. Fantasy and reality begin to mingle in a story concerning little Wing, an old lady who does not talk, some fish and a cup of tea.
Director: Ricky Rijneke.
Cast: Moon Lee Ho, Kiemlang Tjong, Winola Wong.
Netherlands, 2007.
Language: Mandarin.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
3. Girls Room. 2007. HD.
A timid young girl's horrific trip to the school bathroom results in an unexpected friendship.
Director: Maria Gigante.
Cast: Amri Berry, Erin Burniston, Hannah Doty, Alexandria Frisch.
USA, 2007.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
4. Benidorm 2017. 2018. HD.
A tsunami is aproaching the coast of Benidorm. The city becomes empty. Teresa, the owner of a seafront hotel, decides to stay as if nothing was going to happen.
Director: Claudia Costafreda.
Cast: Yolanda Ramos, Tamar Novas, Mara Bahima, Andrea Belil.
Spain, 2018.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
5. Pastel. 2017. HD.
A shy girl must learn how to dance with her brother for their parent's wedding. The dance will mean another pressure to accompany her step into adulthood.
Director: Lallie Doyle.
Cast: Edie Deffebach, Hadley Heckmann, Abigale Martin, Meleah Moore.
UK, 2017.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
6. Vihollinen sisälläni / The Enemy Within Me. 2019. HD.
Cutting is a globally growing phenomenon among today's youth. Physical pain seems to ease internal anxiety. You can look outwardly balanced and healthy yet experience deep anxiety and loneliness. They might see their own body as the only thing they can influence and control. The pain and blood from the cut can create a positive feeling of independence and existence. The pain releases endorphins, which increase pleasure and soothe the mind - you can quickly get hooked. But there is hope - it is possible to leave this dangerous, mind- and body-damaging habit behind.
Director: Milja Viita.
Finland, 2019.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 75.
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Anthology of short films. Part 75. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 75. |
Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989.
FR. Embrasse-moi est un film français réalisé par Michèle Rosier et sorti en 1989.
La vie d'une enfant de douze ans vivant chez sa mere est perturbee par l'arri vee chez elle d'un tres jeune homme. Alors que ses sentiments deviennent confus et que les drames eclatent, la jeune fille tentera de trouver dans son entourage quelqu'un capable de l'ecou ter et la comprendre, avant que n'arri ve le pire.
EN. A twelve-year-old daughter, Louise dreams of imitating her venerated mother, Nora. She is suddenly confronted with an ambiguous situation: how to continue to love her despite Helmut, her teenager lover, whose presence is imposed on her. But also why not try to seduce him. The feelings of the child become confused, she will resort to a suicide attempt to be noticed, to prove that she exists, to succeed to move.
Director: Michèle Rosier.
Cast: Sophie Rochut, Dominique Valadié, Thomas Nock, Patrick Chesnais, Philippe Clévenot, Yann Collette, Isabelle Sadoyan, Anouk Grinberg, Muriel Jolly, Sylvie Jacob.
France, 1989.
Language: French.
Download Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989.
La vie d'une enfant de douze ans vivant chez sa mere est perturbee par l'arri vee chez elle d'un tres jeune homme. Alors que ses sentiments deviennent confus et que les drames eclatent, la jeune fille tentera de trouver dans son entourage quelqu'un capable de l'ecou ter et la comprendre, avant que n'arri ve le pire.
EN. A twelve-year-old daughter, Louise dreams of imitating her venerated mother, Nora. She is suddenly confronted with an ambiguous situation: how to continue to love her despite Helmut, her teenager lover, whose presence is imposed on her. But also why not try to seduce him. The feelings of the child become confused, she will resort to a suicide attempt to be noticed, to prove that she exists, to succeed to move.
Director: Michèle Rosier.
Cast: Sophie Rochut, Dominique Valadié, Thomas Nock, Patrick Chesnais, Philippe Clévenot, Yann Collette, Isabelle Sadoyan, Anouk Grinberg, Muriel Jolly, Sylvie Jacob.
France, 1989.
Language: French.
Download Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989.
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Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989. |
Anthology of short films. Part 74.
Another one issue of Anthology of Short Films, today it`s number seventy four. There are 6 mini-films here, all in high resolution
1. Alice ou la vie en noir et blanc / Alice or Life in Black and White. 2005.
Alice, having trouble with her self image, tries to hide her weight and eating disorder from her school and parents.
Director: Sophie Schoukens.
Cast: Fanny Duret, Nicole Duret, Valérie Lemaître.
Belgium, 2005.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
2. Volta. 2014. HD.
A mother and daughter start out from downtown Athens and head to the northern suburbs of the city. Nina thinks she's going on a walk.
Director: Stella Kyriakopoulos.
Cast: Katerina Douka, Marisha Triantafyllidou, Christina Tsatsou, Giorgos Valais.
Greece, 2014.
Language: Greek.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
3. La ritirata. 2009.
osa is thirteen. She has a younger sister, Lucia, and a younger brother, Dumì. At the time of the story her parents are away. She has a daily chore her mother gave her and that everybody knows about, especially her grandparents, to whom she and her brothers have been left. Rosa has a big love that she has to take care of, that she has to protect at any cost, and she is the only one to know about it. It is a love that is special and dangerous. Rosa races through the fields, every day the same path underneath a scorching sun, to reach and stay with her love, even if only for a few hours. His survival depends on her. But someone has been spying on her and she is forced to commit an extreme gesture to save her love. And he has to do the same not to compromise her. World war two is around them and in the rest of the world.
Director: Elisabetta Bernardini.
Cast: Valery Usai, Julian Siravo, Romano Talevi, Federica Dezi.
Italy, 2009.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
4. Girlfriends. 1997.
A Northern Black girl (Britney Nicole Mitchell) of about ten years of age is sent to live with an aunt in the South since her mother can no longer afford to care for her. There, a good friend (Brighton Hertford) is made, but racist neighbors eventually separate the two..., yet not before they can swear an allegiance of friendship to each other. Twenty or so years later, the White girl is married and living with a physically abusive husband. Will her old friend's vow to help out whenever there is trouble be kept?
Director: Deborah Pratt.
Cast: Nicholas Bellisario, Troian Bellisario, Denise Cheshire, Susan French.
USA, 1997.
Language: English.
5. El Cuento de Antonia. 2016. HD.
Battered by incessant winds, this community welcomes Antonia with a ritual of stripping bare the stories she embodies. Being recalcitrant to established orders and endowed with a beauty that defies the widespread poverty, she is the protagonist of a visionary tale for today's Colombia.
Director: Jorge Cadena.
Cast: Mitchailet Lemus, Edwin Padilla, Flor Martinez Rojas, Eudes Rosado.
Switzerland, Colombia, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1820x1080 HD
6. Petits gestes / Small Gestures. 2002.
A young girl before the mirror. She pretends it is cinema: she acts, flirting, in front of the camera. This very short film allies the insouciance of an child in front of a camera with the reflective, chiselled writings of Jean-Luc Godard.
Director: François Rossier.
Cast: Apolline Gratrand-Dévé.
Switzerland, Germany, 2002.
Language: French.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 74.
1. Alice ou la vie en noir et blanc / Alice or Life in Black and White. 2005.
Alice, having trouble with her self image, tries to hide her weight and eating disorder from her school and parents.
Director: Sophie Schoukens.
Cast: Fanny Duret, Nicole Duret, Valérie Lemaître.
Belgium, 2005.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
2. Volta. 2014. HD.
A mother and daughter start out from downtown Athens and head to the northern suburbs of the city. Nina thinks she's going on a walk.
Director: Stella Kyriakopoulos.
Cast: Katerina Douka, Marisha Triantafyllidou, Christina Tsatsou, Giorgos Valais.
Greece, 2014.
Language: Greek.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
3. La ritirata. 2009.
osa is thirteen. She has a younger sister, Lucia, and a younger brother, Dumì. At the time of the story her parents are away. She has a daily chore her mother gave her and that everybody knows about, especially her grandparents, to whom she and her brothers have been left. Rosa has a big love that she has to take care of, that she has to protect at any cost, and she is the only one to know about it. It is a love that is special and dangerous. Rosa races through the fields, every day the same path underneath a scorching sun, to reach and stay with her love, even if only for a few hours. His survival depends on her. But someone has been spying on her and she is forced to commit an extreme gesture to save her love. And he has to do the same not to compromise her. World war two is around them and in the rest of the world.
Director: Elisabetta Bernardini.
Cast: Valery Usai, Julian Siravo, Romano Talevi, Federica Dezi.
Italy, 2009.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
4. Girlfriends. 1997.
A Northern Black girl (Britney Nicole Mitchell) of about ten years of age is sent to live with an aunt in the South since her mother can no longer afford to care for her. There, a good friend (Brighton Hertford) is made, but racist neighbors eventually separate the two..., yet not before they can swear an allegiance of friendship to each other. Twenty or so years later, the White girl is married and living with a physically abusive husband. Will her old friend's vow to help out whenever there is trouble be kept?
Director: Deborah Pratt.
Cast: Nicholas Bellisario, Troian Bellisario, Denise Cheshire, Susan French.
USA, 1997.
Language: English.
5. El Cuento de Antonia. 2016. HD.
Battered by incessant winds, this community welcomes Antonia with a ritual of stripping bare the stories she embodies. Being recalcitrant to established orders and endowed with a beauty that defies the widespread poverty, she is the protagonist of a visionary tale for today's Colombia.
Director: Jorge Cadena.
Cast: Mitchailet Lemus, Edwin Padilla, Flor Martinez Rojas, Eudes Rosado.
Switzerland, Colombia, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1820x1080 HD
6. Petits gestes / Small Gestures. 2002.
A young girl before the mirror. She pretends it is cinema: she acts, flirting, in front of the camera. This very short film allies the insouciance of an child in front of a camera with the reflective, chiselled writings of Jean-Luc Godard.
Director: François Rossier.
Cast: Apolline Gratrand-Dévé.
Switzerland, Germany, 2002.
Language: French.
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Anthology of short films. Part 74. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 74. |
Ljubav i poneka psovka / Love and Some Swear Words. 1969.
Love and Some Swear Words (Ljubav i poneka psovka) is a Croatian film directed by Antun Vrdoljak and starring Boris Dvornik, Ružica Sokić and Boris Buzančić. It was released in 1969. It was shown at the 17th Pula Film Festival in the Summer of 1970.
A policeman and his wife are the parents of eight children. They plan to add to their family when they hear the King will be the godfather on any ninth child born. The lawman spends his time discouraging others to have more than eight kids while he fines people for swearing at the King. A traveling show comes to town with a female singer who resembles the Virgin depicted in the stained glass of the village church. The men in town become enamored with the chanteuse but the policeman caves into pressure from jealous local women. An envoy of the King allows the woman to stay, and war breaks out before the situation can be settled and the couple's child becomes the godchild of the monarch.
Director: Antun Vrdoljak.
Cast: Boris Dvornik, Ruzica Sokic, Boris Buzancic, Tatjana Beljakova, Karlo Bulic, Mate Ergovic, Zvonko Lepetic, Vladimir Medar, Kruno Valentic, Inge Appelt.
Yugoslavia, 1969.
Language: Serbian.
Download Ljubav i poneka psovka / Love and Some Swear Words. 1969.
A policeman and his wife are the parents of eight children. They plan to add to their family when they hear the King will be the godfather on any ninth child born. The lawman spends his time discouraging others to have more than eight kids while he fines people for swearing at the King. A traveling show comes to town with a female singer who resembles the Virgin depicted in the stained glass of the village church. The men in town become enamored with the chanteuse but the policeman caves into pressure from jealous local women. An envoy of the King allows the woman to stay, and war breaks out before the situation can be settled and the couple's child becomes the godchild of the monarch.
Director: Antun Vrdoljak.
Cast: Boris Dvornik, Ruzica Sokic, Boris Buzancic, Tatjana Beljakova, Karlo Bulic, Mate Ergovic, Zvonko Lepetic, Vladimir Medar, Kruno Valentic, Inge Appelt.
Yugoslavia, 1969.
Language: Serbian.
Download Ljubav i poneka psovka / Love and Some Swear Words. 1969.
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Ljubav i poneka psovka / Love and Some Swear Words. 1969. |
Lejos de Africa / Black Island. 1996.
ES: La historia de la amistad entre dos niсas de diferentes razas, una blanca, Susana, y otra negra, Rita, en Guinea Ecuatorial, entre los
aсos 1950 y 1961. Susana irб descubriendo junto a su amiga el fascinante mundo de Africa, al tiempo que se hace mujer y llega a sus
vidas el amor de un hombre, Diego.EN: The story of friendship between two little girls of different races, one white, Susana, and one black, Rita, in Equatorial Guinea, including years 1950 and 1961. Susana's gonna be with her friend discover the fascinating world of Africa, while reaching for his wife and lives the love of one man, Diego.
Director: Cecilia Bartolome.
Cast: Alicia Bogo, Xabier Elorriaga, Isabel Mestres, Yanelis Bonifacio, Carlos Calero, Wilfredo Candebat, Joel Carrera, Raquel Casado, Lorenzo Castillo.
Director: Cecilia Bartolome.
Cast: Alicia Bogo, Xabier Elorriaga, Isabel Mestres, Yanelis Bonifacio, Carlos Calero, Wilfredo Candebat, Joel Carrera, Raquel Casado, Lorenzo Castillo.
Spain, 1996.
Language: Spanish.
Download Lejos de Africa / Black Island. 1996.
Language: Spanish.
Download Lejos de Africa / Black Island. 1996.
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Lejos de Africa / Black Island. 1996. |
Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011.
In July 1979, during the Summer holidays, in a house somewhere in Brittany, a whole family (parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and other relatives) are gathered to celebrate Granny Amandine's sixty-seventh birthday. Albertine, who was ten years old at the time, vividly recounts this brief but life-changing experience.
Director: Julie Delpy.
Cast: Lou Alvarez, Julie Delpy, Eric Elmosnino, Aure Atika, Noemie Lvovsky, Bernadette Lafont, Emmanuelle Riva, Vincent Lacoste, Marc Ruchmann.
France, 2011.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011.
Director: Julie Delpy.
Cast: Lou Alvarez, Julie Delpy, Eric Elmosnino, Aure Atika, Noemie Lvovsky, Bernadette Lafont, Emmanuelle Riva, Vincent Lacoste, Marc Ruchmann.
France, 2011.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011.
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Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011. |
L'Ile bleue. 2001.
France, 1940. German troops have just invaded the country, but in the rural idyll of the family chateau inhabited by 20-year-old Mellie with her impoverished aristocrat father Alexandre and adolescent cousin Robinson, the war still seems far away apart from the fact that Mellie's rich and unpopular fiance Andre has been drafted into the army. For Robinson and his friends the same age, including the temperamental Bertrand, the war is merely a game they play in the remoteness of the blue island in the lake. Fifteen-year-old Bertrand already feels quite grown-up: when Mellie, his great love, succumbs to his advances, he is introduced to physical love. Bertrand's romantic sense of honor is deeply offended, however, when France negotiates a cease-fire with the Germans. To save his country's honor, he decides to embark on the "military defense" of the blue...
Director: Nadine Trintignant.
Cast: Pierre Arditi, Evelyne Bouix, Anouk Aimee, Thomas de Sambi, Vanessa Bile-Audouard.
France, 2001.
Language: French.
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L'Ile bleue. 2001. |
Legong Dance of the Virgins. 1935.
In Balinese villages, pageant, dance, music, story-telling, and religion dominate the culture. Young women may be the aggressor in love, but disgrace befalls her whose choice rejects her. Poutou, a nubile maiden who dances at the temple, lives with her jovial father and lovely younger sister, Saplak. Poutou falls in love with Nyong, a musician new to the village. He returns her interest, so her father and she make plans for a marriage, and she arranges to perform her final temple dance. Then Nyong's eyes light on Saplak. How will each character react?
Director: Henri de la Falaise.
Cast: Poetoe Aloes Goesti, Bagus Mara Goesti, Saplak Njoman, Njong Njong Njoman.
USA, 1935.
Language: English.
Download Legong Dance of the Virgins. 1935.
Director: Henri de la Falaise.
Cast: Poetoe Aloes Goesti, Bagus Mara Goesti, Saplak Njoman, Njong Njong Njoman.
USA, 1935.
Language: English.
Download Legong Dance of the Virgins. 1935.
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Legong Dance of the Virgins. 1935. |
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