Anthology of short films. Part 67.
The new issue of the anthology of short films number 67 online now. Today this collection contains 8 minifilms both old and new, both documentaries and feature films from around the world.
1. Rakastan Annaa / I Love Anna. 2016.
Santeri (13) looks on as older guys are driving their motor bikes and wants to be part of their world. He combs his hair and goes to meet his friend Anna (13). At Anna's home childhood's anarchy meets puberty.
Director: Joonas Rutanen.
Cast: Sebastian Ruotanen, Anna Kare, Hilla Pekkarinen.
Finland, 2016.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. The Maiden Affair. 2014.
The film captures the life of Coddy, a 12 year old boy, who is immensely attracted to his Nanny. A classic story of love at first sight.
Director: Amit Chandra.
Cast: Nazar Atay, Leila Rusciani, Ana Carolina Lima, Matthew De Cola.
USA, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Tin & Tina. 2013.
Tin and Tina are not eating the purée tonight.
Director: Rubin Stein.
Cast: Ana Blanco de Córdova, Sasha Di Bendetto, Manolo Cuervo.
Spain, 2013.
Language: Spanish, English.
1280x720 HD
4. Dag vreemde man / Hello, Stranger. 2016.
Arthur is a single dad, struggling with the care for his seven-year-old son Max and the combination of his secret life as a drag queen.
Director: Anthony Schatteman.
Cast: Delfine Bafort, Tobias Giët, Wim Opbrouck, Arend Pinoy, Tine van den Brande.
Belgium, 2016.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Peterchen auf Rügen. 2014.
Peterchen besucht seinen Cousin Paul auf Rügen, dort gehen sie mit Pauls bestem Freund Robert an einen FKK-Strand. Zuerst sieht es nach einem tollen Tag aus ... doch dann erwacht Peterchen am Strand und ist ganz allein und nackt! Was soll er jetzt bloß tun? Am Horizont ziehen bereits erste dunkle Wolken auf, und so steuert er eine Bushaltestelle an, um mit dem Bus nach Hause fahren zu wollen ... Doch da hat Peterchen seine Rechnung ohne die zahlreichen Erwachsenen gemacht, die ihn mit Verwürfen konfrontieren, warum er hier an der Haltestelle nackt sitzt und auf den Bus wartet ... Ein schreckliches Tohuwabohu nimmt seinen Lauf, das Peterchen nicht versteht. Denn noch vor 10 Minuten war es völlig in Ordnung, nackt an einem Strand zu liegen ... Erste Erwachsene ergreifen Partei für den Jungen und die Geschichte nimmt einen sonderbaren Verlauf ... bis sie sich auf magische Weise in Wohlgefallen auflöst...
Director: Marlon Baker.
Cast: Philipp Redöhl, Iris Schröter, Steven Kleinert.
Germany, 2014.
Language: German
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
6. En el espejo del cielo / In the Mirror of the Sky. 1998.
A reflection on a young boy's steps toward maturity. A boy of seven or eight lives with his mother in a small house in rural Mexico. He wants to capture a jet airplane that flies over the fields every day. He tries to grab its reflection when it passes across the animals' watering hole. First, he tries leaping astride the reflection, another day he flings one of his mother's blankets over it as it passes. Then, he builds a box with a side flap he can close as the plane's reflection travels the surface of the pond. With success comes responsibility: what should he do with the plane once he's captured it in his box?
Director: Carlos Salcés.
Cast: Malcom Vargas, Alicia Laguna.
Mexico, 1998.
Language: None.
7. Bilakoro. 1989.
A group of children get together after school in a makeshift workshop, where they make toys: cars, catapults, guns, etc. This film takes us into their world: their games, their fights, their separations and reconciliations.
Director: Dani Kouyate, Issa Traore
Cast: Not available.
Burkina Faso, 1989.
Language: French.
8. Dasihâ Zumze.
Dasihâ Zumze - um registro da infância Xerente: vídeo faz um registro sobre as antigas brincadeiras infantis da Aldeia Porteira, etnia Xerente, localizada em Tocantínia, TO. Realizado dentro da disciplina de Projeto Experimental II, Curso de Comunicação Social - Jornalismo, da UFT - Universidade Federal do Tocantins.
Produção e Roteiro: Edvaldo Xerente, Joana D'arc Oliveira, José do Patrocínio e Juliana Carneiro.
Imagens: Bob Maia; Edição: Joana D'arc Remígio; Projeto Acadêmico: Flávia Melo; Orientação: Profas. Dras. Liana Vidigal e Edna Mello.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 67.
1. Rakastan Annaa / I Love Anna. 2016.
Santeri (13) looks on as older guys are driving their motor bikes and wants to be part of their world. He combs his hair and goes to meet his friend Anna (13). At Anna's home childhood's anarchy meets puberty.
Director: Joonas Rutanen.
Cast: Sebastian Ruotanen, Anna Kare, Hilla Pekkarinen.
Finland, 2016.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. The Maiden Affair. 2014.
The film captures the life of Coddy, a 12 year old boy, who is immensely attracted to his Nanny. A classic story of love at first sight.
Director: Amit Chandra.
Cast: Nazar Atay, Leila Rusciani, Ana Carolina Lima, Matthew De Cola.
USA, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Tin & Tina. 2013.
Tin and Tina are not eating the purée tonight.
Director: Rubin Stein.
Cast: Ana Blanco de Córdova, Sasha Di Bendetto, Manolo Cuervo.
Spain, 2013.
Language: Spanish, English.
1280x720 HD
4. Dag vreemde man / Hello, Stranger. 2016.
Arthur is a single dad, struggling with the care for his seven-year-old son Max and the combination of his secret life as a drag queen.
Director: Anthony Schatteman.
Cast: Delfine Bafort, Tobias Giët, Wim Opbrouck, Arend Pinoy, Tine van den Brande.
Belgium, 2016.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Peterchen auf Rügen. 2014.
Peterchen besucht seinen Cousin Paul auf Rügen, dort gehen sie mit Pauls bestem Freund Robert an einen FKK-Strand. Zuerst sieht es nach einem tollen Tag aus ... doch dann erwacht Peterchen am Strand und ist ganz allein und nackt! Was soll er jetzt bloß tun? Am Horizont ziehen bereits erste dunkle Wolken auf, und so steuert er eine Bushaltestelle an, um mit dem Bus nach Hause fahren zu wollen ... Doch da hat Peterchen seine Rechnung ohne die zahlreichen Erwachsenen gemacht, die ihn mit Verwürfen konfrontieren, warum er hier an der Haltestelle nackt sitzt und auf den Bus wartet ... Ein schreckliches Tohuwabohu nimmt seinen Lauf, das Peterchen nicht versteht. Denn noch vor 10 Minuten war es völlig in Ordnung, nackt an einem Strand zu liegen ... Erste Erwachsene ergreifen Partei für den Jungen und die Geschichte nimmt einen sonderbaren Verlauf ... bis sie sich auf magische Weise in Wohlgefallen auflöst...
Director: Marlon Baker.
Cast: Philipp Redöhl, Iris Schröter, Steven Kleinert.
Germany, 2014.
Language: German
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
6. En el espejo del cielo / In the Mirror of the Sky. 1998.
A reflection on a young boy's steps toward maturity. A boy of seven or eight lives with his mother in a small house in rural Mexico. He wants to capture a jet airplane that flies over the fields every day. He tries to grab its reflection when it passes across the animals' watering hole. First, he tries leaping astride the reflection, another day he flings one of his mother's blankets over it as it passes. Then, he builds a box with a side flap he can close as the plane's reflection travels the surface of the pond. With success comes responsibility: what should he do with the plane once he's captured it in his box?
Director: Carlos Salcés.
Cast: Malcom Vargas, Alicia Laguna.
Mexico, 1998.
Language: None.
7. Bilakoro. 1989.
A group of children get together after school in a makeshift workshop, where they make toys: cars, catapults, guns, etc. This film takes us into their world: their games, their fights, their separations and reconciliations.
Director: Dani Kouyate, Issa Traore
Cast: Not available.
Burkina Faso, 1989.
Language: French.
8. Dasihâ Zumze.
Dasihâ Zumze - um registro da infância Xerente: vídeo faz um registro sobre as antigas brincadeiras infantis da Aldeia Porteira, etnia Xerente, localizada em Tocantínia, TO. Realizado dentro da disciplina de Projeto Experimental II, Curso de Comunicação Social - Jornalismo, da UFT - Universidade Federal do Tocantins.
Produção e Roteiro: Edvaldo Xerente, Joana D'arc Oliveira, José do Patrocínio e Juliana Carneiro.
Imagens: Bob Maia; Edição: Joana D'arc Remígio; Projeto Acadêmico: Flávia Melo; Orientação: Profas. Dras. Liana Vidigal e Edna Mello.
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Anthology of short films. Part 67. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 67. |
Anthology of short films. Part 31.
On the screens of the country and the world is a new, thirty-first in a row, issue of a collection of short films. All minifilms are new, or almost, as always, of different countries and peoples with the most diverse problems - from fiction and horror to lyrics and fun, so in this collection exactly 7 short films.
1. I Love Sarah Jane.
Jimbo is thirteen and he has a crush on Sarah Jane, the girl of his dreams. She still doesn't want to hear of him. But Jimbo is persistent. He will make Sarah Jane fall for him, no matter how long it must take. And what does he care if he lives in a post-apocalyptic environment? If all the adults are dead? If the place is infested with zombies? Jimbo loves Sarah Jane. That's that.
Director: Spencer Susser.
Cast: Brad Ashby (Jimbo), Mia Wasikowska (Sarah Jane), Vladimir Matovic (Joey), Richard Mueck (Zombie).
Australia, 2008.
1024x576 HD.
2. Julian.
Set in a year 4 classroom in 1981, "Julian" explores a day in the life of a 9-year-old boy. Julian's need to speak his truth and his strong urge to do what he thinks is right begins to unravel his world. Throughout the day Julian is forced to deal with a bully, an impatient teacher turning a blind eye and a principal with a secret. As Julian faces these challenges we begin to see the qualities that will inform the man he is to become.
Director: Matthew Moore.
Cast: Ed Oxenbould (Julian), Leon Ford (Mr. Braybon), Morgana Davies (Cassandra), Will Cottle (Carl), Christopher Stollery (Mr. Dexter).
Australia, 2012.
3. Sortie de route / Off the road.
Paul, fourteen, neglects his studies to spend all his time on his moped, to the consternation of his parents. When his beloved moped disappears, none of his nearest and dearest seem to realize what this means to him. Paul soon tracks down the thief, Karim, a young apprentice mechanic of his own age. From this an unexpected relationship develops.
Director: Tristan Aymon, David Maye.
Cast: Benjamin Eggenberg, Samir Melly, Eric Chappot, Allan Gapany, Stefanie Gunther.
Switzerland, 2014.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD.
4. Kus.
Boy accompanies his father to the war.
Director: Joost van Ginkel.
Cast: Koen Dobbelaer, Thijs Romer, Margien van Doesen.
Netherlands, 2009.
Language: Dutch.
5. Tits.
Sam is a 13-year-old boy. He goes to a school for boys where the corridors seem to exude centuries-old testosterone. In that world of small uniformed men, Sam grows a pair of tits. His desperate attempts to hide the monstrosity in his body fail when he is forced to take swimming lessons. The belts, the t-shirts and the shirts with which Sam kept his secret will no longer be of any use. Blythe, the class bully, has discovered why the new kid is so reserved. Blythe and Sam test each other, fear each other, each of them is, to the other, a glance of what they'll become and, in that suspicion, they find themselves being accomplices to their own insecurities.
Director: Alex Winckler.
Cast: Josh Beaney-Ford, Arthur Byrne, Juliet Cowan.
UK, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
6. All Flowers in Time.
"I am not from this place," declares a French cowboy. An old toothless man asks, "Do you know why you're here?" These shape-shifting personalities infect young children with an evil signal in the form of a Dutch TV show. The red-eyed girls and boys believe they can now become other people and monsters, much to their delight.
Director: Jonathan Caouette.
Cast: Chandler Frantz, Carolyn Bosco, Joshua Caouette.
USA, Canadn, 2010.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD.
7. Valuri.
A beautiful Western woman asks a Gypsy to watch her four-year-old child while she is taught how to swim by a flirtatious married man.
Director: Adrian Sitaru.
Cast: Sergiu Costache, Roberto Bors, Adrian Titieni, Vlad Voda, Clara Voda.
Romania, 2007.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 31.
1. I Love Sarah Jane.
Jimbo is thirteen and he has a crush on Sarah Jane, the girl of his dreams. She still doesn't want to hear of him. But Jimbo is persistent. He will make Sarah Jane fall for him, no matter how long it must take. And what does he care if he lives in a post-apocalyptic environment? If all the adults are dead? If the place is infested with zombies? Jimbo loves Sarah Jane. That's that.
Director: Spencer Susser.
Cast: Brad Ashby (Jimbo), Mia Wasikowska (Sarah Jane), Vladimir Matovic (Joey), Richard Mueck (Zombie).
Australia, 2008.
1024x576 HD.
2. Julian.
Set in a year 4 classroom in 1981, "Julian" explores a day in the life of a 9-year-old boy. Julian's need to speak his truth and his strong urge to do what he thinks is right begins to unravel his world. Throughout the day Julian is forced to deal with a bully, an impatient teacher turning a blind eye and a principal with a secret. As Julian faces these challenges we begin to see the qualities that will inform the man he is to become.
Director: Matthew Moore.
Cast: Ed Oxenbould (Julian), Leon Ford (Mr. Braybon), Morgana Davies (Cassandra), Will Cottle (Carl), Christopher Stollery (Mr. Dexter).
Australia, 2012.
3. Sortie de route / Off the road.
Paul, fourteen, neglects his studies to spend all his time on his moped, to the consternation of his parents. When his beloved moped disappears, none of his nearest and dearest seem to realize what this means to him. Paul soon tracks down the thief, Karim, a young apprentice mechanic of his own age. From this an unexpected relationship develops.
Director: Tristan Aymon, David Maye.
Cast: Benjamin Eggenberg, Samir Melly, Eric Chappot, Allan Gapany, Stefanie Gunther.
Switzerland, 2014.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD.
4. Kus.
Boy accompanies his father to the war.
Director: Joost van Ginkel.
Cast: Koen Dobbelaer, Thijs Romer, Margien van Doesen.
Netherlands, 2009.
Language: Dutch.
5. Tits.
Sam is a 13-year-old boy. He goes to a school for boys where the corridors seem to exude centuries-old testosterone. In that world of small uniformed men, Sam grows a pair of tits. His desperate attempts to hide the monstrosity in his body fail when he is forced to take swimming lessons. The belts, the t-shirts and the shirts with which Sam kept his secret will no longer be of any use. Blythe, the class bully, has discovered why the new kid is so reserved. Blythe and Sam test each other, fear each other, each of them is, to the other, a glance of what they'll become and, in that suspicion, they find themselves being accomplices to their own insecurities.
Director: Alex Winckler.
Cast: Josh Beaney-Ford, Arthur Byrne, Juliet Cowan.
UK, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
6. All Flowers in Time.
"I am not from this place," declares a French cowboy. An old toothless man asks, "Do you know why you're here?" These shape-shifting personalities infect young children with an evil signal in the form of a Dutch TV show. The red-eyed girls and boys believe they can now become other people and monsters, much to their delight.
Director: Jonathan Caouette.
Cast: Chandler Frantz, Carolyn Bosco, Joshua Caouette.
USA, Canadn, 2010.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD.
7. Valuri.
A beautiful Western woman asks a Gypsy to watch her four-year-old child while she is taught how to swim by a flirtatious married man.
Director: Adrian Sitaru.
Cast: Sergiu Costache, Roberto Bors, Adrian Titieni, Vlad Voda, Clara Voda.
Romania, 2007.
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Anthology of short films. Part 31. |
Udivitelnaya nakhodka, ili samye obyknovennyye chudesa. 1986.
Soviet feature film based on the novel by Vladislav Krapivin "Boltik".
Nine-year-old Maxim Rybkin, overprotected by his mother and grandmother, grows up as a cowardly and timid child, but once he finds a bolt and sees a dream, from which he learns that this object is endowed with magic power to help it achieve its goals. Believing in this, the boy becomes bold and decisive - bravely rushes to extinguish the fire, wins the bicycle race, after which he forgets about the “wonderful” bolt...
Director: Mark Tolmachyov.
Cast: Yaroslav Yesinovskiy, Filipp Salimonenko, Nastya Burlakova, Aleksandr Delibash, Anton Artemenko, Masha Kovtun, Yuriy Zvyagintsev, Marina Stankova, Vitaliy Doroshenko, Mariya Vinogradova, Nina Ruslanova, Irina (Iren) Azer.
USSR, Odessa Film Studios, 1986.
Language: Russian.
Download Udivitelnaya nakhodka, ili samye obyknovennyye chudesa. 1986.
Nine-year-old Maxim Rybkin, overprotected by his mother and grandmother, grows up as a cowardly and timid child, but once he finds a bolt and sees a dream, from which he learns that this object is endowed with magic power to help it achieve its goals. Believing in this, the boy becomes bold and decisive - bravely rushes to extinguish the fire, wins the bicycle race, after which he forgets about the “wonderful” bolt...
Director: Mark Tolmachyov.
Cast: Yaroslav Yesinovskiy, Filipp Salimonenko, Nastya Burlakova, Aleksandr Delibash, Anton Artemenko, Masha Kovtun, Yuriy Zvyagintsev, Marina Stankova, Vitaliy Doroshenko, Mariya Vinogradova, Nina Ruslanova, Irina (Iren) Azer.
USSR, Odessa Film Studios, 1986.
Language: Russian.
Download Udivitelnaya nakhodka, ili samye obyknovennyye chudesa. 1986.
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Udivitelnaya nakhodka, ili samye obyknovennyye chudesa. 1986. |
Anthology of short films. Part 27.
The new release of the collection of short films number 27, four completely different minifilms.
1. Lille Mand.
A young boy decides to write an article about the opposite sex for his homework assignment, entitled "The Way Girls Are".
Director: Esben Tønnesen.
Cast: Nikolaj Rasmussen, Malene Rasmussen, Lotte Bergstrøm, Beate Bille.
Cast: Nikolaj Rasmussen, Malene Rasmussen, Lotte Bergstrøm, Beate Bille.
Denmark, 2006.
2. The Six Dollar Fifty Man.
It's hard to look after yourself in the playground when you're different. Set in 1970s New Zealand, The Six Dollar Fifty Man follows Andy, a gutsy eight year-old boy who lives in a make believe superhero world where his imagination allows him to perform extraordinary physical feats, to deal with playground bullies. But when Andy gets in trouble with the headmaster, he realises that to save himself & his only friend Mary, he must face up to the real world.
Directors: Mark Albiston, Louis Sutherland.
Cast: Oscar Vandy-Connor, Celina Russo-Bewick, Nick Blake, Carmel McGlone, Thomas Kimber, Sam Ahie.
New Zealand; Sticky Pictures, 2009.
Language: English.
3. The 8-limbed Boy.
Ten year old Indian Boy , from Bihar, was suffering from Parasitic until his operation done in October, 2010 by six surgeons in Fortis Hospital. His parents and doctor who delivered him was astonished when they found that Deepak had 8 limbs. Immediately his parents brought him to city hospital but doctors couldn’t do anything because it might cost his life and suggested them to wait for few years till he became mature enough so that he could tolerate this long operation and made them aware that he mightn’t survive because case fatality rate is extremely high in Parasitic twin.
Local media gave him a name “The Eight-Limbed Boy” and his story grabbed enough attention. Some considered this innocent baby was possessed by demon and they stayed away from him. Even his school friends avoided him...
Director: Ashok Prasad.
Cast: Deepak Kumar Paswan, Indu Devi Paswan, Viresh Paswan, Dr Ramcharan Thiagarajan.
USA, 2010.
4. Bolero.
Fractured account of a boy who breaks free from his miserable life after meeting a mysterious girl who lives in the wall, all set to the entirety of Ravel's 'Bolero'.
Director: Dennis Brucks.
Cast: Christian Traeumer, Eva Marie Ford, Philip Marlatt, Terry Maratos, Lucy Rayner
USA, 2012.
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Anthology of short films. Part 27. |
Anthology of short films. Part 21.
The twenty-first issue of a collection of short films, today in the program the good old Soviet movies. Only three units: two feature films and one documentary.
1. Aistyonok.
Based on the novel by Aleksei Dudarev. The ten-year-old Vaska in his native village was nicknamed the Constructor for always inventing or improving something. His favorite activity was tinkering and flying kites.
Director: Valery Basov.
Cast: Slava Yurevich, Yura Bardian, Aleksandra Zimina, Alla Yelyashevich, Gennadiy Garbuk, Sergey Zhuravel, Arnold Pomazan, Viktor Gudinovich, Pavel Dubashinskiy, Nikolay Kirichenko, Sergey Kravchenko, Yevgeniy Kryzhanovskiy, Yuriy Lesnoy, Anatoliy Lutsevich.
USSR, 1981.
2. სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli.
The old Georgian short film about the rich imagination of the five-year-old boy Irakly, his musical experiments and relationships with adults. In one of their episodes also used the plot of the story of Herbert Wells "The Magic Shop." In the film, the orchestra of kindergarten No. 27 in Tbilisi was filmed.
Director: Darya Gurina / დარია ხოჯავა.
Cast: Irakli Beriashvili, Yazon Bakradze, Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Rusudan Kiknadze, Meya Megrelishvili.
USSR, Georgia Film, 1976.
Language: Russian.
3. Voskresnyye deti.
Documentary film about the life of children from the Zhigulevsk orphanage.
Director: A. Mironova.
USSR, Kuybyshev-telefilm, 1989.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 21.
1. Aistyonok.
Based on the novel by Aleksei Dudarev. The ten-year-old Vaska in his native village was nicknamed the Constructor for always inventing or improving something. His favorite activity was tinkering and flying kites.
Director: Valery Basov.
Cast: Slava Yurevich, Yura Bardian, Aleksandra Zimina, Alla Yelyashevich, Gennadiy Garbuk, Sergey Zhuravel, Arnold Pomazan, Viktor Gudinovich, Pavel Dubashinskiy, Nikolay Kirichenko, Sergey Kravchenko, Yevgeniy Kryzhanovskiy, Yuriy Lesnoy, Anatoliy Lutsevich.
USSR, 1981.
2. სოლო სალამურისთვის / Solo dlya svireli.
The old Georgian short film about the rich imagination of the five-year-old boy Irakly, his musical experiments and relationships with adults. In one of their episodes also used the plot of the story of Herbert Wells "The Magic Shop." In the film, the orchestra of kindergarten No. 27 in Tbilisi was filmed.
Director: Darya Gurina / დარია ხოჯავა.
Cast: Irakli Beriashvili, Yazon Bakradze, Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Rusudan Kiknadze, Meya Megrelishvili.
USSR, Georgia Film, 1976.
Language: Russian.
3. Voskresnyye deti.
Documentary film about the life of children from the Zhigulevsk orphanage.
Director: A. Mironova.
USSR, Kuybyshev-telefilm, 1989.
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Anthology of short films. Part 21. |
Anthology of short films. Part 20.
The new release of the collection of short films number 20, this time rather unusual and even strange, just four mini-films.
1. Houdinis hund / Houdini's Hound.
En gutt og en pike lekte på stranden.
Han var hennes slave nedgravd i sanden.
En hund forsvant og gutten ble vekk.
Den sjefete piken fikk seg en smekk.
Director: Sara Johnsen.
Cast: Klara Amanda Felicia Døving, Jo Mikkel Sjaastad, dog.
Norway, 2002.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Russians.
2. Hormoner og andre demoner.
Eddie ønsker å vokse opp og å ha bryster. Under sommerferien sammen med familien treffer hun Lukas og hun håper nå at hans oppmerksomhet gjør henne til en kvinne. Men er vi egentlig definert hvem vi er gjennom andres øyne?
Director: Sara Johnsen.
Cast: Elena Biuso, Celine Engebretsen, Thomas Robertson, Knut Simensen.
Norway, 2001.
3. Margelle / On the Edge.
In Boujaâd, a Moroccan town where ancient myths and legends are rife, seven-year-old Karim, the only son of his modest parents struggles with his childhood fears and his urgent desire to be a man.
Director: Omar Mouldouira.
Cast: Touria Alaoui, Hamza Alkaoui, Oussama Bahouane, Hatim Seddiki.
Morocco, 2012.
4. A Day with the Boys.
And one more strange short film, the name speaks for itself...
Director: Clu Gulager.
Cast: Mike Hertel, Jack Grindle, John McCaffrey, William Elliott, Craig Williams, Mark Spirtos, John Gulager.
USA, 1969.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 20.
1. Houdinis hund / Houdini's Hound.
En gutt og en pike lekte på stranden.
Han var hennes slave nedgravd i sanden.
En hund forsvant og gutten ble vekk.
Den sjefete piken fikk seg en smekk.
Director: Sara Johnsen.
Cast: Klara Amanda Felicia Døving, Jo Mikkel Sjaastad, dog.
Norway, 2002.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Russians.
2. Hormoner og andre demoner.
Eddie ønsker å vokse opp og å ha bryster. Under sommerferien sammen med familien treffer hun Lukas og hun håper nå at hans oppmerksomhet gjør henne til en kvinne. Men er vi egentlig definert hvem vi er gjennom andres øyne?
Director: Sara Johnsen.
Cast: Elena Biuso, Celine Engebretsen, Thomas Robertson, Knut Simensen.
Norway, 2001.
3. Margelle / On the Edge.
In Boujaâd, a Moroccan town where ancient myths and legends are rife, seven-year-old Karim, the only son of his modest parents struggles with his childhood fears and his urgent desire to be a man.
Director: Omar Mouldouira.
Cast: Touria Alaoui, Hamza Alkaoui, Oussama Bahouane, Hatim Seddiki.
Morocco, 2012.
4. A Day with the Boys.
And one more strange short film, the name speaks for itself...
Director: Clu Gulager.
Cast: Mike Hertel, Jack Grindle, John McCaffrey, William Elliott, Craig Williams, Mark Spirtos, John Gulager.
USA, 1969.
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Anthology of short films. Part 20. |
Anthology of short films. Part 16.
The sixteenth issue is a compilation of shorts. As usual minifilms from around the world, interesting and one almost brilliant, just exactly 5 pieces.
1. Once upon a time on the beach.
The story of a young boy, bullied at school. His thirst for revenge and desire to win back his mother's attention and love lead him to a confrontation with the dark undercurrents of his own identity and the familial relationships that help to define him.
Director: Byron Lamarque.
Cast: Jaryd Heidrick, Riley Cantner, Mikka Dargel, Gardiner Millar.
Canada, 2002.
2. Foretaste Of Spring.
A young boy about 10 or 11 is playing in the woods by himself. Then he meets a woman who then gives him a head band and a
feather and paints some stripes on his face with her lipstick. So now he looks like a little indian. The boy then strips of all his clothes
and continues to play in the woods.
Director: Angela Rohrer.
Cast: Fabio Fusco, Anna Greipl, Noemi Stöckli.
Switzerland, 2007.
3. Eremittkrepsen.
Short movie about 8 years old girl who lives with quarreling parents. She tries to build psychological screen taking care of little mollusc.
Director: Tove C. Sverdrup.
Cast: Nicoline Haugsvær, Anneke von der Lippe, Jan Grønli,
Norway, 1995.
4. Palace II.
Two young boys, Laranjinha and Acerola, living in Cidade de Deus, one of the most violent neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro, need some money to go to a concert. The "easiest" (and most dangerous) way to get it is working for some drug-dealers.
Directors: Kátia Lund, Fernando Meirelles.
Cast: Douglas Silva, Darlan Cunha, Rubens Sabino.
Brazil, 2000.
5. Stuhle im Schnee.
Just a horrible story....
Director: PeeWee Horris.
Cast: Josefine Preuß, Alexander Sternberg.
Germany, 2007.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 16.
1. Once upon a time on the beach.
The story of a young boy, bullied at school. His thirst for revenge and desire to win back his mother's attention and love lead him to a confrontation with the dark undercurrents of his own identity and the familial relationships that help to define him.
Director: Byron Lamarque.
Cast: Jaryd Heidrick, Riley Cantner, Mikka Dargel, Gardiner Millar.
Canada, 2002.
2. Foretaste Of Spring.
A young boy about 10 or 11 is playing in the woods by himself. Then he meets a woman who then gives him a head band and a
feather and paints some stripes on his face with her lipstick. So now he looks like a little indian. The boy then strips of all his clothes
and continues to play in the woods.
Director: Angela Rohrer.
Cast: Fabio Fusco, Anna Greipl, Noemi Stöckli.
Switzerland, 2007.
3. Eremittkrepsen.
Short movie about 8 years old girl who lives with quarreling parents. She tries to build psychological screen taking care of little mollusc.
Director: Tove C. Sverdrup.
Cast: Nicoline Haugsvær, Anneke von der Lippe, Jan Grønli,
Norway, 1995.
4. Palace II.
Two young boys, Laranjinha and Acerola, living in Cidade de Deus, one of the most violent neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro, need some money to go to a concert. The "easiest" (and most dangerous) way to get it is working for some drug-dealers.
Directors: Kátia Lund, Fernando Meirelles.
Cast: Douglas Silva, Darlan Cunha, Rubens Sabino.
Brazil, 2000.
5. Stuhle im Schnee.
Just a horrible story....
Director: PeeWee Horris.
Cast: Josefine Preuß, Alexander Sternberg.
Germany, 2007.
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Anthology of short films. Part 16. |
Anthology of short films. Part 13.
The thirteenth part of a collection of short films, this time mostly old and rare 5 minifilms.
1. Ya syuda bolshe nikogda ne vernus / Lyuba.
The tragic short story of Rolan Bykov, shot by order of UNESCO, is included in the international film almanac “Haw are the kids”. An alcoholic mother beats up and kicks six-year-old Lyuba out of the house. The child runs off into a nook in the forest where she hides her toys. She plays with them, copying her life full of nightmares, beatings and swearing at her mother. She simply does not know anything else. Then she goes home, but, remembering what her is waiting there, she shouts: "I will never come back here again!"...
USSR, 1990.
Language: Russian.
2. Pioniri maleni.
Documentary short film by one of the founders of the Yugoslav black wave and is dedicated to street children.
Director: Zelimir Zilnik.
Yugoslavia, 1967.
3. Eight.
One day in the life of an eight-year-old football fan who is experiencing stress due to the loss of his father and moving to a new place of residence.
Director: Stephen Daldry.
UK, 1998.
4. Días sin luz / Days Without Light.
Another narcotic delirium by Jaime Balagueró on the topic "Why do mothers abandon their children?"
Director: Jaume Balagueró.
Spain, 1995.
5. Something very ancient called "Surprise", let it remain so a surprise...
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Anthology of short films. Part 13. |
Anthology of short films. Part 11.
Another one, this time the eleventh in a row, is a collection of short films from around the world, of different genres and years of release. This archive contains 7 minifilms.
1. Der Aufreißer / The Pick-Up Artist.
This German language Indie Film is about a man who awakens in a woman's apartment being questioned by her Pre-teen daughter regarding his intentions towards her mother. The ensuing very uncomfortable confrontation and question and answer sessions between the very resourceful daughter and this increasingly eager to leave good looking Casanova become the centerpiece of this very clever short film which should serve as a warning to everyone seeking one night stands!
Germany, 2006.
2. Prima Ballerina (Ulyana Lopatkina).
A documentary about the leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, her memories of the beginning of classes at the ballet school and her future career...
USA, 2008.
3. Dik.
A very funny film in the genre of family-sex tragicomedy about the misunderstanding of the closest people and what can come of it.
Australia, 2010.
4. The War Game.
Two boys quarrel about a toy pistol. The game becomes serious. On the roof in a skyskraper district they risk their lifes for the toy pistol.
UK, 1962.
5. Le dernier chaperon rouge.
A old red riding hood, badly crippled after killing a monster many years ago, comes up with a sinister plan to dance again.
France, 1996.
6. Naturellement.
A modest and run-of-the mill early-middle aged couple, Sandra and Benoit, travel to a vacation house in southern France, to spend some holidays with friends. When they arrive, they find that all their companions live completely according to nature; that is all are nudists.
France, 2002.
7. Turning.
On his sixth birthday Robert receives three beautiful broken old birds in his mother's sitting room. A memory of an afternoon with tea and cake, lacy pink slips and a tale of an emperor with no skin.
UK, 2010.
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1. Der Aufreißer / The Pick-Up Artist.
This German language Indie Film is about a man who awakens in a woman's apartment being questioned by her Pre-teen daughter regarding his intentions towards her mother. The ensuing very uncomfortable confrontation and question and answer sessions between the very resourceful daughter and this increasingly eager to leave good looking Casanova become the centerpiece of this very clever short film which should serve as a warning to everyone seeking one night stands!
Germany, 2006.
2. Prima Ballerina (Ulyana Lopatkina).
A documentary about the leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, her memories of the beginning of classes at the ballet school and her future career...
USA, 2008.
3. Dik.
A very funny film in the genre of family-sex tragicomedy about the misunderstanding of the closest people and what can come of it.
Australia, 2010.
4. The War Game.
Two boys quarrel about a toy pistol. The game becomes serious. On the roof in a skyskraper district they risk their lifes for the toy pistol.
UK, 1962.
5. Le dernier chaperon rouge.
A old red riding hood, badly crippled after killing a monster many years ago, comes up with a sinister plan to dance again.
France, 1996.
6. Naturellement.
A modest and run-of-the mill early-middle aged couple, Sandra and Benoit, travel to a vacation house in southern France, to spend some holidays with friends. When they arrive, they find that all their companions live completely according to nature; that is all are nudists.
France, 2002.
7. Turning.
On his sixth birthday Robert receives three beautiful broken old birds in his mother's sitting room. A memory of an afternoon with tea and cake, lacy pink slips and a tale of an emperor with no skin.
UK, 2010.
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Anthology of short films. Part 11. |
Anthology of short films. Part 10.
Another, the tenth in a row, a collection of short films, this time very short, only 2 films.
1. Vkhodyashchaya v more. 1965.
This film is a thesis work by Leonid Osyka. He was publicly accused of "existentialism", "decadence", "borrowing from the "new wave". The director, despite the opinion of the leadership, did not back down from the film and refused to redo it. "Vkhodyashchaya v more" (Entering the sea) is a short poetic parable about the beginning of human life. A little girl played on the seashore, and it stretched before her as a free poetic element of being, and on the beach, next to her, there was an adult life, life, everyday life, prose...
Directors: Leonid Osyka, Vladimir Saveliev.
Cast: Tanya Malysh, Antonina Leftiy, Zoya Nedbay, Gennadiy Yukhtin.
USSR, Kinostudiya Dovzhenko, 1965.
Language: Russian.
2. The Quarry. 2010.
Set in the 1990's, The Quarry takes place over the course of one day, following the main character, Charlie. 12-year-old Charlie's best friend Natalie is moving away, and as he confronts his growing feelings towards her, he learns to cope with the added pressure from his friends and family. Charlie attempts to make Natalie's last day one to remember.
Director: Ryan Hanson.
Cast: Jacob Ahearn, Meagan Brodie, Ruben de Baat (Charlie), Tess McManus, Justin Millar, Olexandra Pruchnicky, Matthew Rogers.
Canada, 2010.
Language: English.
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1. Vkhodyashchaya v more. 1965.
This film is a thesis work by Leonid Osyka. He was publicly accused of "existentialism", "decadence", "borrowing from the "new wave". The director, despite the opinion of the leadership, did not back down from the film and refused to redo it. "Vkhodyashchaya v more" (Entering the sea) is a short poetic parable about the beginning of human life. A little girl played on the seashore, and it stretched before her as a free poetic element of being, and on the beach, next to her, there was an adult life, life, everyday life, prose...
Directors: Leonid Osyka, Vladimir Saveliev.
Cast: Tanya Malysh, Antonina Leftiy, Zoya Nedbay, Gennadiy Yukhtin.
USSR, Kinostudiya Dovzhenko, 1965.
Language: Russian.
2. The Quarry. 2010.
Set in the 1990's, The Quarry takes place over the course of one day, following the main character, Charlie. 12-year-old Charlie's best friend Natalie is moving away, and as he confronts his growing feelings towards her, he learns to cope with the added pressure from his friends and family. Charlie attempts to make Natalie's last day one to remember.
Director: Ryan Hanson.
Cast: Jacob Ahearn, Meagan Brodie, Ruben de Baat (Charlie), Tess McManus, Justin Millar, Olexandra Pruchnicky, Matthew Rogers.
Canada, 2010.
Language: English.
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Anthology of short films. Part 10. |
Anthology of short films. Part 8.
The new, eighth in a row, collection of short films from around the world is ready. Today, this issue can be titled as "Cat in the bag." Why so - everything is simple: there will be no description of these ten films, only screenshots that are in complete disarray, purely for fun, but this is enough to understand what is going on in these mini-films.
So 10 short films are ready for viewing.
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So 10 short films are ready for viewing.
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Anthology of short films. Part 8. |
Anthology of short films. Part 3.
The third edition of the collection of short films of independent directors from around the world, of different genres, 5 short films.
1. No Bikini.
Robin takes us back to that glorious time when she was seven years old and shows us how it defined her for the rest of her life.
Director: Claudia Morgado Escanilla.
Cast: Matreya Fedor, Christine Lippa, Apollonia Vanova.
Canada, 2007.
2. Att doda ett barn.
It is a short story about a little boy who is about to borrow some sugar from their neighbors. When he is crossing the road he suddenly hit by a SAAB which is driving very fast. This short movie is a message for those who don't know how it's like to be responsible for a little boys death. Inside the car their was a young man who drove the car and his girlfriend who sat in the other seat.
Director: Alexander Skarsgard, Bjorne Larson.
Cast: Christer Fjallstrom, Valter Skarsgard, Evalena Ljung-Kjellberg, Jonas Sjoqvist, Sofia Zouagui, Stellan Skarsgard.
Sweden, 2003.
3. Blodsøstre / Blood Sisters.
"Blood Sisters", Danish filmmaker Louise Friedberg's sophomore short film, is the kind of flick that you simply can't take your eyes off of. It's a relatively simple story that has been played out time and time again: a young girl feels threatened by her best friend's new friend/neighbour, jealousy brews, and tempers flare. A slow but steady pace brings to mind late 20th century minimalist music, creeping along with perseverance and contemplative awe. The aura is distinctly Scandinavian: simultaneously chilly and warm, dominated by icy whites, whimsical laces and the splash of blood red. But what makes Friedberg's film resonate so loudly is how straight she plays archetype. There is no homage, no winking at the audience. Just bravura filmmaking that pulses with beauty, tension and breathtaking performances.
Director: Louise Friedberg.
Cast: Malou Z. Bruun, Angela Bundalovic, Liv Corfixen.
Denmark, 2006.
4. Buldermanden.
Director: Jesper W. Nielsen.
Denmark, 1996.
5. Kiddo.
When a meek young man helps his friend rob a diner, he must come to terms with the newfound power at the end of his gun.
Director: Nicholas Santos.
Cast: Jackson Quinn Gray, Jordan Littlefield, Heather Newberger, Alison Walter, Brendan Murphу, Coco Hill-James.
USA, 2010.
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Anthology of short films. Part 3. |
Sheena / Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. 1984. HD.
Sheena, also known as Sheena: Queen of the Jungle, is a 1984 fantasy-adventure film based on a comic-book character that first appeared in the late 1930s, Sheena, Queen of the Jungle.
A hybrid of action-adventure and soap opera–style drama, Sheena was shot on location in Kenya. It tells the tale of a female version of Tarzan who was raised in the fictional African country of Tigora by the equally fictional Zambouli tribe.
The film starred Tanya Roberts, Ted Wass, and Trevor Thomas. It was directed by John Guillermin and written by Lorenzo Semple, Jr., who had previously collaborated on the 1976 remake of King Kong.
Released by Columbia Pictures on August 17, 1984, Sheena bombed in theaters and was nominated for five Golden Raspberry Awards including Worst Picture, Worst Actress (Tanya Roberts), Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worst Musical Score, but it reportedly did find some cult success on home video and DVD.
Sheena's white parents are killed while on Safari. She is raised by the mystical witch woman of an African tribe. When her foster mother is framed for the murder of a political leader, Sheena and a newsman, Vic Casey are forced to flee while pursued by the mercenaries hired by the real killer, who hopes to assume power. Sheena's ability to talk to the animals and knowledge of jungle lore give them a chance against the high tech weapons of the mercenaries.
Director: John Guillermin.
Cast: Tanya Roberts, Ted Wass, Donovan Scott, Elizabeth of Toro, France Zobda, Trevor Thomas, Clifton Jones, John Forgeham, Errol John, Sylvester Williams, Michael Shannon.
UK, USA, 1984.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: French.
1920x818 FULL HD
Download Sheena / Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. 1984:
3 parts archive:
A hybrid of action-adventure and soap opera–style drama, Sheena was shot on location in Kenya. It tells the tale of a female version of Tarzan who was raised in the fictional African country of Tigora by the equally fictional Zambouli tribe.
The film starred Tanya Roberts, Ted Wass, and Trevor Thomas. It was directed by John Guillermin and written by Lorenzo Semple, Jr., who had previously collaborated on the 1976 remake of King Kong.
Released by Columbia Pictures on August 17, 1984, Sheena bombed in theaters and was nominated for five Golden Raspberry Awards including Worst Picture, Worst Actress (Tanya Roberts), Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worst Musical Score, but it reportedly did find some cult success on home video and DVD.
Sheena's white parents are killed while on Safari. She is raised by the mystical witch woman of an African tribe. When her foster mother is framed for the murder of a political leader, Sheena and a newsman, Vic Casey are forced to flee while pursued by the mercenaries hired by the real killer, who hopes to assume power. Sheena's ability to talk to the animals and knowledge of jungle lore give them a chance against the high tech weapons of the mercenaries.
Director: John Guillermin.
Cast: Tanya Roberts, Ted Wass, Donovan Scott, Elizabeth of Toro, France Zobda, Trevor Thomas, Clifton Jones, John Forgeham, Errol John, Sylvester Williams, Michael Shannon.
UK, USA, 1984.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: French.
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Sheena / Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. 1984. HD. |
Anthology of short films. Part 12.
The twelfth edition of the collection of short films, as usual minifilms from around the world - from different countries and eras, only 4 units.
1. Anna. 2009.
In a small Danish fishing village, a young girl faces the challenges of puberty and first love.
Director: Runar Runarsson.
Cast: Marie Boda, Daniel Stampe, Petrine Agger, Kristianna Nordoy, Henrik Noël Olesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish, Russian.
2. Endeavour.
A short film that was inspired from my own childhood memories. Made with the help of students from the College of West Anglia, Joe Yates and Paul Joy. Peter Naylor.
Director: Peter Naylor.
Cast: Nick Croucher & Lilly Neal.
USA, 2009.
3. Woensdagen.
Every Wednesday, 8 year old Kris accompanies 28 year old Willem to the swimming pool.
They swim, go down the slide and have a lot of fun.
But one Wednesday Willem confronts Kris with a frightening request...
Director: Aaron Rookus.
Cast: Tyn Hageman, Viktor Griffioen.
Netherlands, 2011.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
4. Krasnyy agat.
The girl, in order to save her sick grandfather, goes to the sea in search of red agate.
Director: Aleksandr Pologov.
Cast: Lyudmila Dyatko, Igor Mirutko, Valery Voronin, Janis Grantins, Regina Bakusova, Vyacheslav Voronin.
USSR, Belarusfilm, 1973.
Language: Russian.
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1. Anna. 2009.
In a small Danish fishing village, a young girl faces the challenges of puberty and first love.
Director: Runar Runarsson.
Cast: Marie Boda, Daniel Stampe, Petrine Agger, Kristianna Nordoy, Henrik Noël Olesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish, Russian.
2. Endeavour.
A short film that was inspired from my own childhood memories. Made with the help of students from the College of West Anglia, Joe Yates and Paul Joy. Peter Naylor.
Director: Peter Naylor.
Cast: Nick Croucher & Lilly Neal.
USA, 2009.
3. Woensdagen.
Every Wednesday, 8 year old Kris accompanies 28 year old Willem to the swimming pool.
They swim, go down the slide and have a lot of fun.
But one Wednesday Willem confronts Kris with a frightening request...
Director: Aaron Rookus.
Cast: Tyn Hageman, Viktor Griffioen.
Netherlands, 2011.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
4. Krasnyy agat.
The girl, in order to save her sick grandfather, goes to the sea in search of red agate.
Director: Aleksandr Pologov.
Cast: Lyudmila Dyatko, Igor Mirutko, Valery Voronin, Janis Grantins, Regina Bakusova, Vyacheslav Voronin.
USSR, Belarusfilm, 1973.
Language: Russian.
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Anthology of short films. Part 12. |
Outcast of the Islands. 1951.
Outcast of the Islands is a 1951 film directed by Carol Reed based on Joseph Conrad's novel An Outcast of the Islands. The film features Robert Morley, Trevor Howard, Ralph Richardson, and Wendy Hiller.
Peter Willems (Trevor Howard), a selfish and ambitious man, is accused of stealing in his position as manager of a shipping port operation near Singapore. After he is dismissed for his misconduct he reacquaints himself with the trading ship Capt. Lingard (Ralph Richardson) who befriended him as a 12-year-old boy. Lingard agrees to help Willems regain his reputation by taking him to a trading village located up a difficult-to-navigate channel near the coast of Batam. Lingard's son-in-law, Elmer Almeyer (Robert Morley), operates a trading operation for Capt. Lingard in the village. Lingard asks Almeyer to take Willems under his wing and teach him the business. While Lingard is away on one of his sea trips, Willems abuses his trust, seduces the village chieftain's daughter Aissa (Kerima), attempts to steal Almeyer's business operation, humiliates Almeyer before the villagers, and shares the navigation secrets of the channel with an Arab trader who competes with Capt. Lingard. Lingard returns to discover the mess Willems has made and confronts Willems — who has now been condemned by the villagers because of the shame he brought to the frail and dying chieftain. He abandons Willems to live in isolation and exile.
Director: Carol Reed.
Cast: Ralph Richardson, Trevor Howard, Robert Morley, Wendy Hiller, Kerima, George Coulouris, Tamine, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Peter Illing, Betty Ann Davies, Marne Maitland, James Kenney.
UK, 1951.
Language: English.
Download Outcast of the Islands. 1951.
Peter Willems (Trevor Howard), a selfish and ambitious man, is accused of stealing in his position as manager of a shipping port operation near Singapore. After he is dismissed for his misconduct he reacquaints himself with the trading ship Capt. Lingard (Ralph Richardson) who befriended him as a 12-year-old boy. Lingard agrees to help Willems regain his reputation by taking him to a trading village located up a difficult-to-navigate channel near the coast of Batam. Lingard's son-in-law, Elmer Almeyer (Robert Morley), operates a trading operation for Capt. Lingard in the village. Lingard asks Almeyer to take Willems under his wing and teach him the business. While Lingard is away on one of his sea trips, Willems abuses his trust, seduces the village chieftain's daughter Aissa (Kerima), attempts to steal Almeyer's business operation, humiliates Almeyer before the villagers, and shares the navigation secrets of the channel with an Arab trader who competes with Capt. Lingard. Lingard returns to discover the mess Willems has made and confronts Willems — who has now been condemned by the villagers because of the shame he brought to the frail and dying chieftain. He abandons Willems to live in isolation and exile.
Director: Carol Reed.
Cast: Ralph Richardson, Trevor Howard, Robert Morley, Wendy Hiller, Kerima, George Coulouris, Tamine, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Peter Illing, Betty Ann Davies, Marne Maitland, James Kenney.
UK, 1951.
Language: English.
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Outcast of the Islands. 1951. |
Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1969.
A young boy runs away from the reformatory school, intending to look for his mother who lives in Athens and has been separated from his father for the last 5 years. The boy hides in a house where he becomes friends with a young girl and her brother. They hide him until he meets his parents again.
Director: Stavros Tsiolis.
Cast: Maria Papaioannou, Nikos Economidis, Yorgos Zografos, Nancy Mandrou, Tasos Dardamanis, Damianos Zeis, Marivana Blanou, Petros Beretas, Angelos Antonopoulos.
Greece, 1969.
Language: Greek, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1969.
Director: Stavros Tsiolis.
Cast: Maria Papaioannou, Nikos Economidis, Yorgos Zografos, Nancy Mandrou, Tasos Dardamanis, Damianos Zeis, Marivana Blanou, Petros Beretas, Angelos Antonopoulos.
Greece, 1969.
Language: Greek, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1969. |
Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989.
Yaaba is a 1989 Burkinabé drama film written, produced, and directed by Idrissa Ouedraogo. It won the Sakura Gold prize at the 1989 Tokyo Film Festival. The film was selected as the Burkinabé entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 62nd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
The film was the subject of a short documentary Parlons Grand-mère, which was shot during the film's production by Djibril Diop Mambéty.
In a small African village, Bila (Noufou Ouédraogo), a ten-year-old boy, makes friends with an old woman called Sana (Fatimata Sanga), who has been accused of witchcraft by her village, and has become a social outcast. Only Bila is respectful of her, and calls her "Yaaba" (Grandmother).
When Bila's cousin, Nopoko (Roukietou Barry), falls ill, a medicine man insists that Sana has stolen the girl's soul. Sana undergoes a long and gruelling but ultimately successful journey to find a medicine to save Nopoko's life, but is still treated as a witch.
After Sana dies, the real reason why she is hated in the village is uncovered, but the love and wisdom she invested in Bila and Nopoko lives on.
Director: Idrissa Ouedraogo.
Cast: Fatimata Sanga, Noufou Ouédraogo, Roukietou Barry, Adama Ouédraogo, Amadé Toure, Sibidou Ouédraogo, Adame Sidibe, Rasmané Ouédraogo, Kinda Moumouni, Assita Ouedraogo.
Burkina Faso, Switzerland, France. West Germany, 1989.
Language: Mòoré.
Subtitles: English.
Download Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989.
The film was the subject of a short documentary Parlons Grand-mère, which was shot during the film's production by Djibril Diop Mambéty.
In a small African village, Bila (Noufou Ouédraogo), a ten-year-old boy, makes friends with an old woman called Sana (Fatimata Sanga), who has been accused of witchcraft by her village, and has become a social outcast. Only Bila is respectful of her, and calls her "Yaaba" (Grandmother).
When Bila's cousin, Nopoko (Roukietou Barry), falls ill, a medicine man insists that Sana has stolen the girl's soul. Sana undergoes a long and gruelling but ultimately successful journey to find a medicine to save Nopoko's life, but is still treated as a witch.
After Sana dies, the real reason why she is hated in the village is uncovered, but the love and wisdom she invested in Bila and Nopoko lives on.
Director: Idrissa Ouedraogo.
Cast: Fatimata Sanga, Noufou Ouédraogo, Roukietou Barry, Adama Ouédraogo, Amadé Toure, Sibidou Ouédraogo, Adame Sidibe, Rasmané Ouédraogo, Kinda Moumouni, Assita Ouedraogo.
Burkina Faso, Switzerland, France. West Germany, 1989.
Language: Mòoré.
Subtitles: English.
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Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989. |
Pa negre / Black Bread. 2010. HD.
Black Bread (Catalan: Pa negre) is a 2010 Catalan-language Spanish drama film written and directed by Agustí Villaronga. The screenplay is based on the homonymous novel by Emili Teixidor, with elements of two other works by him, Retrat d'un assassí d'ocells and Sic transit Gloria Swanson.
The film won thirteen Gaudí Awards, nine Goya Awards, including best film, best director and best adapted screenplay. It was selected as the Spanish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 84th Academy Awards being the first Catalan-language film to do so.
In the harsh post-war years' Catalan countryside, Andreu, a child that belongs to the losing side, finds the corpses of a man and his son in the forest. The authorities want his father to be made responsible of the deaths, but Andreu tries to help his father by finding out who truly killed them. In this search, Andreu develops a moral consciousness against a world of adults fed by lies. In order to survive, he betrays his own roots and ends up finding out the monster that lives within him.
Director: Agustí Villaronga.
Cast: Francesc Colomer, Jhon Mejía, Marina Comas, Nora Navas, Roger Casamajor, Mercè Arànega, Marina Gatell, Andrés Herrera, Laia Marull.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Catalan, Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Pa negre / Black Bread. 2010.
The film won thirteen Gaudí Awards, nine Goya Awards, including best film, best director and best adapted screenplay. It was selected as the Spanish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 84th Academy Awards being the first Catalan-language film to do so.
In the harsh post-war years' Catalan countryside, Andreu, a child that belongs to the losing side, finds the corpses of a man and his son in the forest. The authorities want his father to be made responsible of the deaths, but Andreu tries to help his father by finding out who truly killed them. In this search, Andreu develops a moral consciousness against a world of adults fed by lies. In order to survive, he betrays his own roots and ends up finding out the monster that lives within him.
Director: Agustí Villaronga.
Cast: Francesc Colomer, Jhon Mejía, Marina Comas, Nora Navas, Roger Casamajor, Mercè Arànega, Marina Gatell, Andrés Herrera, Laia Marull.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Catalan, Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Pa negre / Black Bread. 2010.
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Pa negre / Black Bread. 2010. HD. |
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