Utflykt till verkligheten. 1978.
SE. TV-pjäs byggd på Inger Brattströms bok. Hur har en ensam, arbetslös mamma det? Hur känner sig en skoltrött tonårskille utan jobb och med dåliga skolbetyg? Hur är det att vara kille och praktisera på dagis?
EN. "Utflykt till verkligheten" [translates "Excursion to reality"] "is a youth novel by Inger Brattström from 1974.
Jonas, 16, works temporarily in a day care center. One evening, Jonas is left alone with little Solong waiting for her mother to pick her up. But her mother never comes. Jonas gets to take care of Solong and try to find out what happened.
Director: Christer Björkvall.
Sweden, 1978.
Language: Swedish.
Download Utflykt till verkligheten. 1978.
EN. "Utflykt till verkligheten" [translates "Excursion to reality"] "is a youth novel by Inger Brattström from 1974.
Jonas, 16, works temporarily in a day care center. One evening, Jonas is left alone with little Solong waiting for her mother to pick her up. But her mother never comes. Jonas gets to take care of Solong and try to find out what happened.
Director: Christer Björkvall.
Sweden, 1978.
Language: Swedish.
Download Utflykt till verkligheten. 1978.
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Utflykt till verkligheten. 1978. |
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
I din fars lomme / In Daddy's Pocket. 1973.
DK. I din fars lomme er en dansk film fra 1973, skrevet og instrueret af Anker Sørensen og Lise Roos.
Beundringsværdig jordbundet børnefilm - trods den episodiske fortællestil.
Stine, som man mødte som otteårig i "Hej Stine!" (1970), er nu blevet elleve og bor i et moderne betonbyggeri i en københavnsk omegnskommune. Filmen skildrer i episodisk form hendes tilværelse: Hun synes, hendes små søskende får mere opmærksomhed fra forældrene. Selv skal hun hjælpe til med alt for meget i hjemmet - og som hendes far siger: "Din vilje sidder i min lomme!" Skolen har ikke Stines store interesse, og hun bilder lærerinden ind, at forældrene skal skilles. Samtidig er hun dog også begyndt at tænke over emner som f.eks. døden.
EN. Episodes in the everyday life of an 11-year old girl are the subject of this Danish family film. She is the apple of her father's eye, but very much under his thumb. The film shows her acting out her many moods and gestures, relating with her good-hearted but clueless father, and visiting a family friend in the suburbs.
Directors: Lise Roos, Anker Sørensen.
Cast: Stine Sylvestersen, Avi Sagild, Preben Kaas, Maria Tagliani, Thomas Roos, Tina Taglioni, Lone Lindorff, Birgit Kragh, Lise Schmidt, Birgitte Stenz, Asbjørn Andersen, Inger Stender.
Denmark, 1973.
Language: Danish.
Download I din fars lomme / In Daddy's Pocket. 1973.
Beundringsværdig jordbundet børnefilm - trods den episodiske fortællestil.
Stine, som man mødte som otteårig i "Hej Stine!" (1970), er nu blevet elleve og bor i et moderne betonbyggeri i en københavnsk omegnskommune. Filmen skildrer i episodisk form hendes tilværelse: Hun synes, hendes små søskende får mere opmærksomhed fra forældrene. Selv skal hun hjælpe til med alt for meget i hjemmet - og som hendes far siger: "Din vilje sidder i min lomme!" Skolen har ikke Stines store interesse, og hun bilder lærerinden ind, at forældrene skal skilles. Samtidig er hun dog også begyndt at tænke over emner som f.eks. døden.
EN. Episodes in the everyday life of an 11-year old girl are the subject of this Danish family film. She is the apple of her father's eye, but very much under his thumb. The film shows her acting out her many moods and gestures, relating with her good-hearted but clueless father, and visiting a family friend in the suburbs.
Directors: Lise Roos, Anker Sørensen.
Cast: Stine Sylvestersen, Avi Sagild, Preben Kaas, Maria Tagliani, Thomas Roos, Tina Taglioni, Lone Lindorff, Birgit Kragh, Lise Schmidt, Birgitte Stenz, Asbjørn Andersen, Inger Stender.
Denmark, 1973.
Language: Danish.
Download I din fars lomme / In Daddy's Pocket. 1973.
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I din fars lomme / In Daddy's Pocket. 1973. |
Saturday, November 16, 2019
La petite fille en velours bleu / Little Girl in Blue Velvet. 1978.
FR. Pendant la guerre, un chirurgien juif autrichien trouve refuge dans une villa de la Côté d'Azur. Là, il soigne un pianiste italien et fait connaissance avec la maîtresse de celui-ci, la Comtesse Francesca Modigliani, qui tombe sous son charme. Mais le médecin vieillissant s'éprend de Laura, la fille de Francesca, âgée de seulement 13 ans.
EN. Little Girl in Blue Velvet (French: La petite fille en velours bleu) is a 1978 French drama film written and directed by Alan Bridges and starring Michel Piccoli, Claudia Cardinale and Lara Wendel.
France, 1940s. The French Riviera has not yet fallen into the hands of the Nazis: An Austrian Jewish surgeon found refuge in a villa on the Cote d'Azur. There, he heals an Italian pianist and gets acquainted with his mistress, Countess Francesca. While waiting to go to England, he operates clandestinely in the clinic of the friend who hosts him. Soon he becomes Francesca's lover. But gradually the aging doctor falls in love with her daughter, Laura, who is only 13 years old.
Director: Alan Bridges.
Cast: Michel Piccoli, Claudia Cardinale, Lara Wendel, Umberto Orsini, Denholm Elliott, Marius Goring, Alexandra Stewart, Bernard Fresson, Christopher Cazenove.
France, 1978.
Language: French.
Download La petite fille en velours bleu / Little Girl in Blue Velvet. 1978.
EN. Little Girl in Blue Velvet (French: La petite fille en velours bleu) is a 1978 French drama film written and directed by Alan Bridges and starring Michel Piccoli, Claudia Cardinale and Lara Wendel.
France, 1940s. The French Riviera has not yet fallen into the hands of the Nazis: An Austrian Jewish surgeon found refuge in a villa on the Cote d'Azur. There, he heals an Italian pianist and gets acquainted with his mistress, Countess Francesca. While waiting to go to England, he operates clandestinely in the clinic of the friend who hosts him. Soon he becomes Francesca's lover. But gradually the aging doctor falls in love with her daughter, Laura, who is only 13 years old.
Director: Alan Bridges.
Cast: Michel Piccoli, Claudia Cardinale, Lara Wendel, Umberto Orsini, Denholm Elliott, Marius Goring, Alexandra Stewart, Bernard Fresson, Christopher Cazenove.
France, 1978.
Language: French.
Download La petite fille en velours bleu / Little Girl in Blue Velvet. 1978.
Friday, November 15, 2019
La Ultima Batalla / The last battle. 1993.
While a group of boys are skinny dipping in the river, an old tramp steals their clothes, and to their great embarrassment, they have to walk home through town naked. All they have found is some bushes to preserve their modesty. When they begin plotting how to get even with the tramp, he begins to plot how to retaliate. Each side figures out bigger and better ways to get even as the conflict escalates to the "ultimate Battle".
Director: Juan Antonio de la Riva.
Cast: Jorge Russek, Alonso Echanove, Margarita Isabel, Arcelia Ramirez, Eleazar Gomez, Erick Sanchez, Miguel Angel Segura, Jonathan Mendoza, Mariano Manon.
Mexico, 1993.
Language: Spanish.
Download La Ultima Batalla / The last battle. 1993.
Director: Juan Antonio de la Riva.
Cast: Jorge Russek, Alonso Echanove, Margarita Isabel, Arcelia Ramirez, Eleazar Gomez, Erick Sanchez, Miguel Angel Segura, Jonathan Mendoza, Mariano Manon.
Mexico, 1993.
Language: Spanish.
Download La Ultima Batalla / The last battle. 1993.
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La Ultima Batalla / The last battle. 1993. |
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. HD.
CZ. Pozoruhodný pokus načrtnout věrohodný portrét nacistického důstojníka, velitele koncentračního tábora, se dotýká protikladných stránek jeho osobnosti - na jedné straně starostlivý, pečující o rodinné blaho, na druhé straně bezcitný nacista, uplatňující bez zábran vyhlazovací politiku. Právě tento člověk, podmanivě ztvárněn Olegem Tabakovem, se ujme třináctileté Emilky z Moravy určené na převýchovu; jejíma očima se pak díváme na vnucenou rodinu, na složité utváření vztahů k člověku, jenž se k ní snaží chovat laskavě. Děvčátko prochází bolestným poznáváním pravé skutečnosti. Během svého pobytu v Německu se snaží nezapomenout na svůj skutečný domov a věří, že se ještě jednou ve svém životě setká se svou maminkou a vrátí se...
EN. Set in the war, a little girl from Lidice is saved by her 'Nordic' appearance and sent to a German family to be re-educated there.
Director: Antonín Moskalyk.
Cast: Miroslava Součková, Oleg Tabakov, Alicja Jachiewicz, Vilém Besser, Míla Myslíková, Jana Andresíková, Věra Vlčková, Karel Bělohradský, Pavel Trávníček, Alena Karešová, Zdeněk Martínek, Lena Birková, Vlasta Peterková, Jaroslava Tichá, Rafał Wieczyński, Andrzej Bielski, Adolf Filip, Joachim Lamża, Irena Laskowska, David Ployhar, Adam Baumann, Sylwester Maciejewski, Ferdynand Matysik, Mieczysław Janowski, Henryk Hunko
Czechoslovakia, Poland, 1986.
Language: Czech, German, Polish.
1440x1080 HD
Download Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986.
EN. Set in the war, a little girl from Lidice is saved by her 'Nordic' appearance and sent to a German family to be re-educated there.
Director: Antonín Moskalyk.
Cast: Miroslava Součková, Oleg Tabakov, Alicja Jachiewicz, Vilém Besser, Míla Myslíková, Jana Andresíková, Věra Vlčková, Karel Bělohradský, Pavel Trávníček, Alena Karešová, Zdeněk Martínek, Lena Birková, Vlasta Peterková, Jaroslava Tichá, Rafał Wieczyński, Andrzej Bielski, Adolf Filip, Joachim Lamża, Irena Laskowska, David Ployhar, Adam Baumann, Sylwester Maciejewski, Ferdynand Matysik, Mieczysław Janowski, Henryk Hunko
Czechoslovakia, Poland, 1986.
Language: Czech, German, Polish.
1440x1080 HD
Download Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986.
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Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. HD. |
Monday, November 11, 2019
La rabia / Anger. 2008.
ES. Una tragedia que tiene lugar en la árida pampa argentina: el adulterio, el odio y varias diferencias acaban en una explosión de rabia y violencia que destroza a dos familias. Cuando Poldo se percata de que su gran camarada, el granjero Pichón, ha ofendido a la pequeña Nati, su hija muda, decide romper por completo la relación que tenían. Poldo también prohíbe a su mujer que vea a Pichón, sin sospechar que ambos mantienen una relación amorosa.
EN. A forbidden passion story happening before the eyes of children, when a married woman with a mute daughter gets into a steamy relationship with a single father of a teenage boy. The husband of the woman openly dislikes and frequently argues with the owner of the neighboring farm, unaware of her wife's affair with him.
Director: Albertina Carri.
Cast: Analía Couceyro, Javier Lorenzo, Víctor Hugo Carrizo, Nazarena Duarte, Gonzalo Pérez, Dalma Maradona.
Argentina, Netherlands, 2008.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download La rabia / Anger. 2008.
EN. A forbidden passion story happening before the eyes of children, when a married woman with a mute daughter gets into a steamy relationship with a single father of a teenage boy. The husband of the woman openly dislikes and frequently argues with the owner of the neighboring farm, unaware of her wife's affair with him.
Director: Albertina Carri.
Cast: Analía Couceyro, Javier Lorenzo, Víctor Hugo Carrizo, Nazarena Duarte, Gonzalo Pérez, Dalma Maradona.
Argentina, Netherlands, 2008.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download La rabia / Anger. 2008.
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La rabia / Anger. 2008. |
Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder. Episodes 1-4. 1975.
Die Serie spielt in München und handelt von Kindern, die in ihrer Umgebung zunächst keine Spielmöglichkeiten finden. Der freundliche Besitzer eines Sperrmüll-Lagers – von den Kindern später liebevoll „Opa Krempel“ genannt (gespielt von dem damals keineswegs alten Hannes Gromball) – lässt sie auf sein Grundstück und hilft ihnen dabei, eine Art Abenteuerspielplatz aufzubauen. Dieser Ort bekommt den Namen „Krempoli“ (wegen des vielen Krempels, der dort herumliegt) und wird zu einem Lebensmittelpunkt der Kinder. Die Nachbarn sind jedoch spießig und den Behörden ist das Treiben ein Dorn im Auge. So erleben die Kinder allerlei Abenteuer, müssen ihren „Platz für wilde Kinder“ verteidigen, und hecken darüber hinaus allerlei Streiche aus. In der letzten Folge wird der Krempoli von Baggern abgerissen.
The next 3 episodes Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder.
The next 3 episodes Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder.
Director: Michael Verhoeven.
Cast: Petra Auzinger, Günther Broda, Harald Fendt, Michael Fischer, Joachim Kraje, Vedran Mudronja, Sandra Olvedi, Willi Pfaff, Andreas Rucker, Kurt Rudolph, Albert Urdl, Petra Vogt, Gaby Wild, Hannes Gromball, Lis Verhoeven, Mónika Madras, Kathrin Ackermann.
Germany, 1975.
Language: German.
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Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder. Episodes 1-4. 1975. |
Kočičí princ / Katzenprinz, Der. 1978. DVD.
EN. The castle custodian Král is moving to a new place of work with his wife, son Radek and a five - years old daughter Terezka. Radek takes his cat Líza with him. A fully loaded truck moves through the country which is in spring blossoms, gradually changing into a snow-covered land. Children's imagination creates from real experiences magic stories - a fairy-tale grandpa takes them to a new castle, the children fear a black-horse rider who - as the grandpa and the cleaning lady assert she hates cats.
CZ. V českém filmu pro malé diváky se díky dětské představivosti prolíná realita s pohádkovou fantazií. Začíná v okamžiku, kdy se rodina správce zámku Krále stěhuje na nové působiště. Tatínek, maminka i jejich dvě děti, Radek a pětiletá Terezka, a nakonec kočka Líza. Fantazie obou dětí mění krajinu, kterou projíždějí, v pohádkovou zemi a když nákladní auto uvázne ve sněhové závěji, přijede kouzelný dědeček na saních tažených koňmi a odveze je do zámku, kde se setkají s tajemným černým jezdcem na černém koni. Později zjistí, že je to zámecký restaurátor Albert...
Director: Ota Koval.
Cast: Pavel Hachle, Žaneta Fuchsová, Winfried Glatzeder, Vlastimil Hašek, Jana Andrsová, Bohumil Vávra, Alena Kreuzmannová, Veronika Týblová, Tereza Brodská, Valerie Kaplanová, Boris Hybner, Michal Tučný, Tomáš Tintěra, Zdena Sedláková, Jana Andresíková, Rüdiger Flakus, Martin Janeček, Kurt Sperling, Jiří Petkov, Jaroslava Schallerová.
Czechoslovakia, DDR, 1978.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Kočičí princ / Katzenprinz, Der. 1978:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Download Kočičí princ / Katzenprinz, Der. 1978. DVDRip.
CZ. V českém filmu pro malé diváky se díky dětské představivosti prolíná realita s pohádkovou fantazií. Začíná v okamžiku, kdy se rodina správce zámku Krále stěhuje na nové působiště. Tatínek, maminka i jejich dvě děti, Radek a pětiletá Terezka, a nakonec kočka Líza. Fantazie obou dětí mění krajinu, kterou projíždějí, v pohádkovou zemi a když nákladní auto uvázne ve sněhové závěji, přijede kouzelný dědeček na saních tažených koňmi a odveze je do zámku, kde se setkají s tajemným černým jezdcem na černém koni. Později zjistí, že je to zámecký restaurátor Albert...
Director: Ota Koval.
Cast: Pavel Hachle, Žaneta Fuchsová, Winfried Glatzeder, Vlastimil Hašek, Jana Andrsová, Bohumil Vávra, Alena Kreuzmannová, Veronika Týblová, Tereza Brodská, Valerie Kaplanová, Boris Hybner, Michal Tučný, Tomáš Tintěra, Zdena Sedláková, Jana Andresíková, Rüdiger Flakus, Martin Janeček, Kurt Sperling, Jiří Petkov, Jaroslava Schallerová.
Czechoslovakia, DDR, 1978.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Kočičí princ / Katzenprinz, Der. 1978:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Download Kočičí princ / Katzenprinz, Der. 1978. DVDRip.
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Kočičí princ / Katzenprinz, Der. 1978. DVD. |
It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
It Felt Like Love is a 2013 independent drama film, the first feature film directed by Eliza Hittman.
Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually active, although she has only gone to third base with her current boyfriend, Patrick. With no experience whatsoever on the sexual front, Lila has no adult guidance with her mother having passed, and she and her father often being at odds with each other. Lila's primary exposure to sex or sexual foreplay is being the third wheel in Chiara and Patrick's outings. In her naivety, Lila believes that what she sees between Chiara and Patrick has the potential to last forever. Regardless of her total inexperience, Lila likes to portray herself as having at least gone to third base, she doing so by mimicking what she hears from Chiara and other sexually active teens. In her own mind, Lila wants to lose her virginity, despite, if she was honest with herself, being more closely emotionally mature to her twelve year old neighbor, Nate, than Chiara, Nate who would most likely be her confidante if she were to tell the truth about the issue of her sexuality. She believes the easiest candidate to be her first is Sammy, an older teen, who purportedly will sleep with anyone. As such, Lila begins to insert herself into Sammy's life, he who would not have even known who she was if she didn't do so.
Director: Eliza Hittman.
Cast: Gina Piersanti, Giovanna Salimeni, Ronen Rubinstein, Jesse Cordasco, Nick Rosen, Richie Folio, Case Prime, Kevin Anthony Ryan, Nugget, Sophia Jurewicz.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download It Felt Like Love. 2012,
Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually active, although she has only gone to third base with her current boyfriend, Patrick. With no experience whatsoever on the sexual front, Lila has no adult guidance with her mother having passed, and she and her father often being at odds with each other. Lila's primary exposure to sex or sexual foreplay is being the third wheel in Chiara and Patrick's outings. In her naivety, Lila believes that what she sees between Chiara and Patrick has the potential to last forever. Regardless of her total inexperience, Lila likes to portray herself as having at least gone to third base, she doing so by mimicking what she hears from Chiara and other sexually active teens. In her own mind, Lila wants to lose her virginity, despite, if she was honest with herself, being more closely emotionally mature to her twelve year old neighbor, Nate, than Chiara, Nate who would most likely be her confidante if she were to tell the truth about the issue of her sexuality. She believes the easiest candidate to be her first is Sammy, an older teen, who purportedly will sleep with anyone. As such, Lila begins to insert herself into Sammy's life, he who would not have even known who she was if she didn't do so.
Director: Eliza Hittman.
Cast: Gina Piersanti, Giovanna Salimeni, Ronen Rubinstein, Jesse Cordasco, Nick Rosen, Richie Folio, Case Prime, Kevin Anthony Ryan, Nugget, Sophia Jurewicz.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download It Felt Like Love. 2012,
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It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD. |
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Anthology of short films. Part 73.
The new issue of the collection of short films number 73, today the program has 10 mini-films, including a very ancient one.
1. Na hory / On the Mountains. 2018. HD.
Příběh o tom, co dětem může způsobit obyčejné brouzdání po internetu. A rodičům změnit život...
Director: Brano Holícek.
Cast: Pavla Beretová, Martin Finger, Gabriela Mícová.
Czech Republic, 2018.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 HD
2. Commando Maria. 2014. HD.
Two mischievous young boys armed with peashooters go to the beach to snipe unsuspecting sunbathers, but find themselves distracted by an attractive young Swedish woman.
Director: Anna van Keimpema.
Cast: Maas Bronkhuyzen, Damien Bonning, Emma Waslander, Sofie Ott De Vries.
Netherlands, 2014.
Language: Dutch, Swedish.
1280x720 HD
3. Stolknoveniye. 2019. HD.
A boy from the USSR pioneer camp falls into a modern children's recreation camp.
Director: Irina Volkova.
Cast: Artyom Berdnik, Ksenia Yartseva, Dmitry Urosov, Maxim Kiseev.
Russia, 2019.
Language: Russian.
1920x1080 HD
4. 9 pasos / 9 Steps. 2017. HD.
Saul's father is losing patience with his son who wakes him up every night. But Saul is very afraid of the dark corridor between his room and the bathroom.
Directors: Marisa Crespo, Moisés Romera.
Cast: Jordi Ballester, Pablo Muñoz.
Spain, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Teeth and Pills. 2018. HD.
Teeth and Pills is a surrealistic and grotesque black comedy short set in timeless American suburbia. Imagine mixing some odd characters from a Todd Solondz movie, weird vignettes from Miranda July, the absurd humour of Quentin Dupieux and the attention to detail of Wes Anderson. Then add 500 grams of black humor and two spoons of provocation, cook it slowly in a 1950's American kitchen and you will have an idea of what this short movie will taste like...
Director: Andrea Vinciguerra.
Cast: Lela Bergeron, Robert Dunn, Agatha Ayling Eynon, Gemma Goggin.
UK, 2018.
Language: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
6. Fremde Kinder: Kiran. 2012. HD.
The story of Kiran, who lives with his mother in a yurt in the Pyrenees. Kiran is eight years old and knows how to plant lettuce, which meadow-plants taste good and which you should not eat. His greatest wish is to go to school to learn to read and write at last...
Directors: Alexander Riedel, Bettina Timm/
Germany, 2012.
Language: French.
Subtitles: German.
1280x720 HD
7. Two Naughty Boys Teasing the Cobbler. 1898.
Boys blow peas at the cobbler, who throws a boot and hits a woman.
Director: James Williamson.
Cast: Alan Williamson, Colin Williamson.
UK, Williamson Kinematograph Company, 1898.
8. Andrea. 2010.
Director: Alicia Segovia.
Cast: Clarissa Malheiros, Danae Reynaud.
Mexico, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
9. Dingi. 2012.
„Dingi“ – a short film by renowned German film-maker Veit Helmer in cooperation with Goethe-Institut is heading towards the Big Apple!!
Director: Veit Helmer.
Bangladesh, Germany, 2012,
10. The Lumière Brothers' First Films. 1895-1897.
A collection of short films made by the Lumiere brothers, a team of pioneering filmmakers in turn-of-the-century France. Three fragments in which for the first time in the history of cinema on the screen you can see children.
Directors: Louis Lumière, Auguste Lumière.
Cast: Mrs. Auguste Lumiere, Antoine Lumière, Auguste Lumière, Bertrand Tavernier, Félicien Trewey, M. Winckler.
France, 1895-1897.
Language: None.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 73.
1. Na hory / On the Mountains. 2018. HD.
Příběh o tom, co dětem může způsobit obyčejné brouzdání po internetu. A rodičům změnit život...
Director: Brano Holícek.
Cast: Pavla Beretová, Martin Finger, Gabriela Mícová.
Czech Republic, 2018.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 HD
2. Commando Maria. 2014. HD.
Two mischievous young boys armed with peashooters go to the beach to snipe unsuspecting sunbathers, but find themselves distracted by an attractive young Swedish woman.
Director: Anna van Keimpema.
Cast: Maas Bronkhuyzen, Damien Bonning, Emma Waslander, Sofie Ott De Vries.
Netherlands, 2014.
Language: Dutch, Swedish.
1280x720 HD
3. Stolknoveniye. 2019. HD.
A boy from the USSR pioneer camp falls into a modern children's recreation camp.
Director: Irina Volkova.
Cast: Artyom Berdnik, Ksenia Yartseva, Dmitry Urosov, Maxim Kiseev.
Russia, 2019.
Language: Russian.
1920x1080 HD
4. 9 pasos / 9 Steps. 2017. HD.
Saul's father is losing patience with his son who wakes him up every night. But Saul is very afraid of the dark corridor between his room and the bathroom.
Directors: Marisa Crespo, Moisés Romera.
Cast: Jordi Ballester, Pablo Muñoz.
Spain, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Teeth and Pills. 2018. HD.
Teeth and Pills is a surrealistic and grotesque black comedy short set in timeless American suburbia. Imagine mixing some odd characters from a Todd Solondz movie, weird vignettes from Miranda July, the absurd humour of Quentin Dupieux and the attention to detail of Wes Anderson. Then add 500 grams of black humor and two spoons of provocation, cook it slowly in a 1950's American kitchen and you will have an idea of what this short movie will taste like...
Director: Andrea Vinciguerra.
Cast: Lela Bergeron, Robert Dunn, Agatha Ayling Eynon, Gemma Goggin.
UK, 2018.
Language: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
6. Fremde Kinder: Kiran. 2012. HD.
The story of Kiran, who lives with his mother in a yurt in the Pyrenees. Kiran is eight years old and knows how to plant lettuce, which meadow-plants taste good and which you should not eat. His greatest wish is to go to school to learn to read and write at last...
Directors: Alexander Riedel, Bettina Timm/
Germany, 2012.
Language: French.
Subtitles: German.
1280x720 HD
7. Two Naughty Boys Teasing the Cobbler. 1898.
Boys blow peas at the cobbler, who throws a boot and hits a woman.
Director: James Williamson.
Cast: Alan Williamson, Colin Williamson.
UK, Williamson Kinematograph Company, 1898.
8. Andrea. 2010.
Director: Alicia Segovia.
Cast: Clarissa Malheiros, Danae Reynaud.
Mexico, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
9. Dingi. 2012.
„Dingi“ – a short film by renowned German film-maker Veit Helmer in cooperation with Goethe-Institut is heading towards the Big Apple!!
Director: Veit Helmer.
Bangladesh, Germany, 2012,
10. The Lumière Brothers' First Films. 1895-1897.
A collection of short films made by the Lumiere brothers, a team of pioneering filmmakers in turn-of-the-century France. Three fragments in which for the first time in the history of cinema on the screen you can see children.
Directors: Louis Lumière, Auguste Lumière.
Cast: Mrs. Auguste Lumiere, Antoine Lumière, Auguste Lumière, Bertrand Tavernier, Félicien Trewey, M. Winckler.
France, 1895-1897.
Language: None.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 73.
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Anthology of short films. Part 73. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 73. |
Friday, November 8, 2019
Für immer und immer. 1997.
«Ein Kind, zwei Frauen. Ein Kampf auf Liebe und Tod.»
DE. "Ich bin deine Mutter", mit diesem Satz bricht Melanie nach fünf Jahren plötzlich in das Leben der kleinen Maria ein. Mit Geschenken, Schmeicheleien und Verführung will sie das Mädchen um jeden Preis aus der heilen Welt ihrer Pflegefamilie herauslocken. Und sie hat die Mittel dazu: Geld und das Gesetz, das ihr die Möglichkeit gibt, ihr Kind zurückzufordern, obwohl sie es seit der Geburt nicht gesehen hat. Maria findet es aufregend, zwei Mütter zu haben. Begeistert geht sie auf die Versprechungen von Melanie ein: ein großes Haus, ein Hundebaby. Schweren Herzens überlassen Marias Pflegeeltern ihrer kleinen Tochter selbst die Entscheidung, über ihr künftiges Zuhause, mit Rücksicht auf das Kindeswohl und weil ihnen klar ist, dass sie Maria sonst einem jahrelangen gerichtlichen Tauziehen aussetzen müssten.
EN. Drama in which five-year-old Maria appears to have two mothers; one who gave birth to her and one who raised her as her own. But now her biological wants Maria back. No matter what.
Director: Hark Bohm.
Cast: Johanna ter Steege, Jeannette Arndt, Heinz Hoenig, Robert Giggenbach, Angela Roy, Ulrike Kriener, Lili Bohm, Hark Bohm, Klaus Rathjens, Patrick Wicher, Mila Mladek, Volker Kuhn, Beke Rathjens.
Germany, 1997.
Language: German.
Download Für immer und immer. 1997.
DE. "Ich bin deine Mutter", mit diesem Satz bricht Melanie nach fünf Jahren plötzlich in das Leben der kleinen Maria ein. Mit Geschenken, Schmeicheleien und Verführung will sie das Mädchen um jeden Preis aus der heilen Welt ihrer Pflegefamilie herauslocken. Und sie hat die Mittel dazu: Geld und das Gesetz, das ihr die Möglichkeit gibt, ihr Kind zurückzufordern, obwohl sie es seit der Geburt nicht gesehen hat. Maria findet es aufregend, zwei Mütter zu haben. Begeistert geht sie auf die Versprechungen von Melanie ein: ein großes Haus, ein Hundebaby. Schweren Herzens überlassen Marias Pflegeeltern ihrer kleinen Tochter selbst die Entscheidung, über ihr künftiges Zuhause, mit Rücksicht auf das Kindeswohl und weil ihnen klar ist, dass sie Maria sonst einem jahrelangen gerichtlichen Tauziehen aussetzen müssten.
EN. Drama in which five-year-old Maria appears to have two mothers; one who gave birth to her and one who raised her as her own. But now her biological wants Maria back. No matter what.
Director: Hark Bohm.
Cast: Johanna ter Steege, Jeannette Arndt, Heinz Hoenig, Robert Giggenbach, Angela Roy, Ulrike Kriener, Lili Bohm, Hark Bohm, Klaus Rathjens, Patrick Wicher, Mila Mladek, Volker Kuhn, Beke Rathjens.
Germany, 1997.
Language: German.
Download Für immer und immer. 1997.
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Für immer und immer. 1997. |
Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
DK. Alberte er 6 år... og 3 dage. Det er søndag og hendes mor og far sover længe, så Alberte skal være stille. Hun står op og vil spise morgenmad - franskbrødet er tørt, så hun beslutter sig for at bage et nyt brød. Mor kommer op og bliver sur over rodet i køkkenet. Alberte bliver vred, så hun beslutter sig for at flytte og vil hedde Kurt. Hun bygger hus på boden, der ligger ved badebroen. Hun får hjælp til byggeriet af damen i en båd, der måske er en tryllebåd. Mor og far savner hende og kommer tit på besøg - meget tit. Pludselig har de ikke så travlt mere, er ikke sure og vil gerne lege.
EN. The movie narrates the story of 6-year-old Alberte who decides to leave her parents, because they are always busy working or watching TV, and don’t have time to do fun things with her. She moves to the boat right outside her house, and decides that her new name is Kurt. She has always wanted to be a boy.
Director: Thomas Winding.
Cast: Gertie Jung, Olaf Nielsen, Alberte Winding, Thomas Winding.
Denmark, 1969.
Language: Danish.
Download Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
EN. The movie narrates the story of 6-year-old Alberte who decides to leave her parents, because they are always busy working or watching TV, and don’t have time to do fun things with her. She moves to the boat right outside her house, and decides that her new name is Kurt. She has always wanted to be a boy.
Director: Thomas Winding.
Cast: Gertie Jung, Olaf Nielsen, Alberte Winding, Thomas Winding.
Denmark, 1969.
Language: Danish.
Download Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
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Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. |
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Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. |
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Clips from films. Part 61.
And now the newest issue of collection of piquant clips number sixty one: now freshly cut fragments of feature films with scenes of "female relaxation" - the most interesting and seductive moments with full or partial exposure of actresses, beautiful and not so famous and half-forgotten, good and different. In this collection, clips from 44 films, all videos in good quality, including HD.
Download Clips from films. Part 61.
Download Clips from films. Part 61.
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Clips from films. Part 61. |
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
El pacto / The pact. 1976.
When they were children, Sergio and Teresa, brother and sister, made a promise to never leave each other. They grow up, and their unusual love becomes stronger. But Teresa has inherited the mental disease that led her mother to suicide. She only wants to live with her brother in her own world, and becomes violent against the rest of people.
'El pacto' (which means 'The pact') is an intense Mexican melodrama, with many of its typical excesses, but also with interesting psychoanalitical elements. Sergio Vejar (camera operator in some Luis Bunuel's most popular films) writes and directs this strange story "based on true facts" with some reminiscences of Bunuel's melodramas.
Directors: Sergio Vejar, Raúl de Anda.
Cast: Fernando Allende, Ana Martin, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Roberto Canedo, Hortensia Santovena, Iyali Ballardo, Paris Ballardo, Jose L. Murillo, Victorio Blanco.
Mexico, 1976.
Language: Spanish.
Download El pacto / The pact. 1976.
'El pacto' (which means 'The pact') is an intense Mexican melodrama, with many of its typical excesses, but also with interesting psychoanalitical elements. Sergio Vejar (camera operator in some Luis Bunuel's most popular films) writes and directs this strange story "based on true facts" with some reminiscences of Bunuel's melodramas.
Directors: Sergio Vejar, Raúl de Anda.
Cast: Fernando Allende, Ana Martin, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Roberto Canedo, Hortensia Santovena, Iyali Ballardo, Paris Ballardo, Jose L. Murillo, Victorio Blanco.
Mexico, 1976.
Language: Spanish.
Download El pacto / The pact. 1976.
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El pacto / The pact. 1976. |
Ophelia. 2013.
The forest, the dunes, the ocean. Thomas and Simon, 12 and 9 years old, pedal fast. They know she comes to sunbathe here everyday, naked, on the beach. Away from the rest of the world.
Director: Annarita Zambrano.
Cast: Audrey Bastien, Léo Castell, Django Desplain.
France, 2013.
Language: French.
Download Ophelia. 2013.
Director: Annarita Zambrano.
Cast: Audrey Bastien, Léo Castell, Django Desplain.
France, 2013.
Language: French.
Download Ophelia. 2013.
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Ophelia. 2013. |
Monday, November 4, 2019
Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
The universally recognized topic of this light comedy is the struggle between refusing to fall in love only to be rejected, and falling in love, regardless. After a computer operator (Richard Bohringer) has been through a painful relationship, he is determined to look the other way every time any interesting woman enters his life. He has his other loves -- photography and model planes -- to challenge him anyway, though his mother is not about to understand how a model plane can replace a woman in his life. One day, a car breaks down in front of his house, and a young mother (Catherine Frot) with her 10-year-old daughter (Anne Clignet) come in looking for assistance. The daughter is endearing and would make a terrific subject for a photo contest. As both the young mother and the computer operator studiously ignore the flicker of romantic sparks, it is only a matter of time before the flame either grows or is extinguished.
Director: Jean-Marie Degèsves.
Cast: Michel Bawedin, Liliane Becker, Richard Bohringer, Harry Cleven, Anne Clignet, Catherine Frot, Michel Galabru, Yvette Merlin.
France, Belgium, 1984.
Language: French.
Subtitles: French.
Download Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
Director: Jean-Marie Degèsves.
Cast: Michel Bawedin, Liliane Becker, Richard Bohringer, Harry Cleven, Anne Clignet, Catherine Frot, Michel Galabru, Yvette Merlin.
France, Belgium, 1984.
Language: French.
Subtitles: French.
Download Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
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Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984. |
Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
NL. De jonge Katelijne groeit op in een streng protestants boerengezin. Als enige meisje tussen zes broers wordt ze nauwelijks betrokken bij het werk op de boerderij en buitengesloten in de dagelijkse gesprekken. Hierdoor laat ze haar verbeelding de vrije loop door zich over te geven aan Bijbelse verhalen, roddels en zelfs sprookjes, hoewel ze die eigenlijk niet mag lezen. Tijdens de bruiloft van haar broer overdondert ze echter haar familie met literatuur, waarmee ze afscheid neemt van haar jeugd.
EN. The young Katelijne grows up in a strict Protestant peasant family. As the only girl between six brothers, she is hardly involved in farm work and is excluded from daily conversations. Hereby she lets her imagination run free by surrendering to Biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although she is not allowed to read them. During her brother's wedding, however, she overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.
Director: Tallulah Hazekamp Schwab.
Cast: Hendrikje Nieuwerf, Suzan Boogaerdt, Steven van Watermeulen, Yannick de Waal, Tom van Kessel, Marie Louise Stheins, Genio de Groot, Beate Uma Haije.
Netherlands, Belgium, 2014.
Language: Dutch.
Download Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
EN. The young Katelijne grows up in a strict Protestant peasant family. As the only girl between six brothers, she is hardly involved in farm work and is excluded from daily conversations. Hereby she lets her imagination run free by surrendering to Biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although she is not allowed to read them. During her brother's wedding, however, she overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.
Director: Tallulah Hazekamp Schwab.
Cast: Hendrikje Nieuwerf, Suzan Boogaerdt, Steven van Watermeulen, Yannick de Waal, Tom van Kessel, Marie Louise Stheins, Genio de Groot, Beate Uma Haije.
Netherlands, Belgium, 2014.
Language: Dutch.
Download Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
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Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014. |
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Podróż / Journey. 2006. HD.
PL. Bohaterką filmu jest Iwona (Gabriela Muskała). Ma męża i dwie córeczki. Stanowią pospolitą polską rodzinę mieszkającą w typowym, jak na polskie warunki, blokowisku. Iwona pracuje jako kasjerka w supermarkecie spożywczym. Jej mąż, Janusz (Jacek Braciak), jest bezrobotny i tylko od czasu do czasu dorabia pomagając przy przeprowadzkach. Brak pieniędzy i ciągłe kłótnie są w tej rodzinie na porządku dziennym. Pewnego dnia do Iwony dzwoni jej dawny przyjaciel Wojtek i proponuje wyjazd do niego, do Londynu i rozpoczęcie nowego życia. Dla Iwony ta propozycja z czasem staje się coraz bardziej kusząca...
EN. It's a story of a young woman from Warsaw - Iwona who has two children and works in a supermarket. He lives with his unemployed husband in a block of flats. They are always short of money - that causes many quarrels and destroys their relationship . One day Iwona receives a great offer from her old friend - Wojtek. He wants her to move to London and start a brand new life.
Director: Dariusz Glazer.
Cast: Gabriela Muskala, Jacek Braciak, Karolina Paczynska, Katarzyna Paczynska, Maria Maj, Slawomir Orzechowski, Slawomir Grzymkowski, Aleksandra Poplawska.
Poland, 2006.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Podróż / Journey. 2006.
EN. It's a story of a young woman from Warsaw - Iwona who has two children and works in a supermarket. He lives with his unemployed husband in a block of flats. They are always short of money - that causes many quarrels and destroys their relationship . One day Iwona receives a great offer from her old friend - Wojtek. He wants her to move to London and start a brand new life.
Director: Dariusz Glazer.
Cast: Gabriela Muskala, Jacek Braciak, Karolina Paczynska, Katarzyna Paczynska, Maria Maj, Slawomir Orzechowski, Slawomir Grzymkowski, Aleksandra Poplawska.
Poland, 2006.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Podróż / Journey. 2006.
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Podróż / Journey. 2006. HD. |
Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
She Monkeys (Swedish: Apflickorna) is a 2011 Swedish drama film directed by Lisa Aschan, starring Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin and Isabella Lindqvist. The film focuses on psychological power struggles between two teenage girls engaged in equestrian vaulting.
«She Monkeys is a modern western about power, sex, and creatures.»
When Emma meets Cassandra, they initiate a relationship filled with physical and psychological challenges. Emma does whatever it takes to master the rules of the game. Lines are crossed and the stakes get higher and higher. Despite this, Emma can't resist the intoxicating feeling of total control.
Director: Lisa Aschan.
Cast: Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin, Isabella Lindquist, Sergej Merkusjev, Adam Lundgren, Sigmund Hovind, Kevin Caicedo Vega, Nasrin Pakkho, Rebecka Ahlström.
Sweden, 2011.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Download Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
«She Monkeys is a modern western about power, sex, and creatures.»
When Emma meets Cassandra, they initiate a relationship filled with physical and psychological challenges. Emma does whatever it takes to master the rules of the game. Lines are crossed and the stakes get higher and higher. Despite this, Emma can't resist the intoxicating feeling of total control.
Director: Lisa Aschan.
Cast: Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin, Isabella Lindquist, Sergej Merkusjev, Adam Lundgren, Sigmund Hovind, Kevin Caicedo Vega, Nasrin Pakkho, Rebecka Ahlström.
Sweden, 2011.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Download Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
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Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. |
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