Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.
DK. Børnefilm om drengen Lille Virgil (Bror Bødtker-Næss), der bor alene i et hønsehus, med sin etbenet hane Sigurd, som vækker ham hver morgen. Sammen med sin trofaste ven Oskar (Christian Honoré) oplever han spændende ting, blandt landsbyens særprægede beboere. Drengenes største problem er dog Orla Frøsnapper (Allan Olsen), som er byens værste bølle, og som kan tabe sine bukser af bare skræk. En dag, Lille Virgil kommer forbi et omrejsende cirkus, bliver han tilbudt at pudse en kanon for at tjene til en cirkusbillet. Men imens dukker Orla Frøsnapper op, for at få fat i Lille Virgil. For at Orla Frøsnapper, ikke skal blive opdaget af kanonkongens ejermand, får Lille Virgil en god idé, som kommer Orla Frøsnapper til ære…
EN. A magical journey into the heart of a child. It flows great in a happy mood all the way; not very much action and all these things movies have to content today. Still, for a kid, the antagonist, Orla Frogeater, is intimidating and scary at times. As is the dragon - is it real?
Director: Gert Fredholm.
Cast: Bror Bødtker-Næss, Allan Olsen, Christian Honoré, Katinka Bødtker-Næss, Karl Stegger, Elin Reimer, Peter Schrøder, Inger Hovman, Gotha Andersen, Arthur Jensen, Poul Nesgaard, Jess Ingerslev.
Denmark, 1980.
Language: Danish.
EN. A magical journey into the heart of a child. It flows great in a happy mood all the way; not very much action and all these things movies have to content today. Still, for a kid, the antagonist, Orla Frogeater, is intimidating and scary at times. As is the dragon - is it real?
Director: Gert Fredholm.
Cast: Bror Bødtker-Næss, Allan Olsen, Christian Honoré, Katinka Bødtker-Næss, Karl Stegger, Elin Reimer, Peter Schrøder, Inger Hovman, Gotha Andersen, Arthur Jensen, Poul Nesgaard, Jess Ingerslev.
Denmark, 1980.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper.
Download Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper.
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Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper / Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface. 1980. DVD. |
Takca adani özünla apara bilmazsan / Tolko ostrov ne vozmesh s soboy. 1980.
The old Soviet film about the love for nature and the need to preserve and protect it. Little Naila comes to reserve island during the summer holidays. The beauty of nature, untouched wildlife make a lasting impression on the girl.
Director: Gyulbeniz Yusuf Azimzade.
Cast: Ayan Mirkasimova, Ketevan Bochorishvili, Kyamal Khudaverdiyev, Kazim Abdullayev, Ramiz Melikov, Dzhavakhir Bairamova, Mammadsadiq Nuriyev.
USSR, Azerbaijanfilm, 1980.
Download Takca adani özünla apara bilmazsan / Tolko ostrov ne vozmesh s soboy.
Director: Gyulbeniz Yusuf Azimzade.
Cast: Ayan Mirkasimova, Ketevan Bochorishvili, Kyamal Khudaverdiyev, Kazim Abdullayev, Ramiz Melikov, Dzhavakhir Bairamova, Mammadsadiq Nuriyev.
USSR, Azerbaijanfilm, 1980.
Download Takca adani özünla apara bilmazsan / Tolko ostrov ne vozmesh s soboy.
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Takca adani özünla apara bilmazsan / Tolko ostrov ne vozmesh s soboy. 1980. |
Perekhodniy vozrast. 1981.
Еighth-form girl Anutsa lost her mother and was alone with her father, they try to adjust your life and relationships. However, it is not easy: her father works as an administrator Chisinau Philharmonic and often goes on business trips, so Anutsa accustomed to independent action and decisions. From Riga comes Mime Troupe led Isolde, which begins an affair with his father. Can Anutsa adopt new attitudes of the parent?
Director: Ion Skutelnik.
Cast: Valentin Dynga, Liubomir Iorga, Avangard Leontev, Svetlana Orlova, Yana Poplavskaya, Vasile Tabirta, Constantsa Tirtseu, Natalya Varley, Nina Vode-Mokryak.
USSR, Moldova-Film, 1981.
Download Perekhodniy vozrast.
Director: Ion Skutelnik.
Cast: Valentin Dynga, Liubomir Iorga, Avangard Leontev, Svetlana Orlova, Yana Poplavskaya, Vasile Tabirta, Constantsa Tirtseu, Natalya Varley, Nina Vode-Mokryak.
USSR, Moldova-Film, 1981.
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Perekhodniy vozrast. 1981. |
Priklyucheniya zhyoltogo chemodanchika / The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase. 1970.
The old Soviet Comedy - funny musical fairytale about the adventures of the yellow suitcase.
The yellow suitcase from the film became a symbol of the Republic of KaZantip, the music festival in Crimea, Ukraine.
Director: Ilya Frez.
Cast: Tatyana Pelttser, Yevgeni Lebedev, Natalya Seleznyova, Boris Bystrov, Larisa Tikhonova, Viktor Tikhonov, Evgeniy Vesnik, Konstantin Kuntyshev, Andrei Gromov, Aleksandr Kavalerov.
USSR, Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, 1970.
Language: Russian.
Download Priklyucheniya zhyoltogo chemodanchika / The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.
The yellow suitcase from the film became a symbol of the Republic of KaZantip, the music festival in Crimea, Ukraine.
Director: Ilya Frez.
Cast: Tatyana Pelttser, Yevgeni Lebedev, Natalya Seleznyova, Boris Bystrov, Larisa Tikhonova, Viktor Tikhonov, Evgeniy Vesnik, Konstantin Kuntyshev, Andrei Gromov, Aleksandr Kavalerov.
USSR, Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, 1970.
Language: Russian.
Download Priklyucheniya zhyoltogo chemodanchika / The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.
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Priklyucheniya zhyoltogo chemodanchika / The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase. 1970. |
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Priklyucheniya zhyoltogo chemodanchika / The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase. 1970. |
Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué. 1994.
FR. Gil, 8 ans, tombe fou amoureux d'une élève de sa classe, Jessica. Mais les adultes ne comprennent pas cette passion entre deux enfants, et Gil est interné dans un centre pour enfants psychotiques. Là, il se confie au Dr Edouard Valmont, seul médecin qui le comprenne vraiment.
EN. This film is about Gils, a young boy (about ten) in a juvenile mental hospital in 1950's France. Flashbacks recount his conflicts with authority and his strong relationship with Jessica, a similarly rebellious schoolmate. Simultaneously, a compassionate doctor develops a trusting friendship with Gils, which a higher-ranking authoritarian doctor tries to thwart.
Director: Jean-Claude Sussfeld.
Cast: Hippolyte Girardot, Patrick Bouchitey, Salomé Lelouch, François Clavier, Claude Duneton, Ludovic Gadois, Raymonde Heudeline, Amar Ioudarene.
France, 1994.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué.
EN. This film is about Gils, a young boy (about ten) in a juvenile mental hospital in 1950's France. Flashbacks recount his conflicts with authority and his strong relationship with Jessica, a similarly rebellious schoolmate. Simultaneously, a compassionate doctor develops a trusting friendship with Gils, which a higher-ranking authoritarian doctor tries to thwart.
Director: Jean-Claude Sussfeld.
Cast: Hippolyte Girardot, Patrick Bouchitey, Salomé Lelouch, François Clavier, Claude Duneton, Ludovic Gadois, Raymonde Heudeline, Amar Ioudarene.
France, 1994.
Language: French, Russian.
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Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué. 1994. |
X. 1986.
NO. Den unge Jon Gabriel er fotokunstner. Dyktig på sitt område, men hjemløs i omgang med mennesker. Som type, attraktiv nok, men egentlig redd og uten tilhørighet i verden. 13-årige Flora er i mer konkret forstand hjemløs, men nærværende og tilstede i sin kamp for å klare seg. Hun er et barn med en livserfaring alt for stor for hennes unge alder, med en ytre tøffhet og direkthet som står i kontrast til hennes spinkle skikkelse. Slik finner vår fotokunstner seg målbundet i mer enn en forstand når den lille fuglungen av et gatebarn setter sitt blikk på ham og spør om han har et sted å bo. Hun slipper inn til ham, og på sin sære måte gir han henne nærhet. Ikke med ord og væremåter - men med en plakat. Hun vil ikke hete Flora - men Kim. "Kim" skriver han ned med store letrabokstaver på en pappbit - og hun er fortapt i ham.
EN. We meet the photographer John Gabriel in his mid 20ies which coincidentally meets 13 year old Flora, which rather would like to be called Kim. She's a high risk teen going towards a possible drug abusing career, like her sister, and has run off from home and have nowhere to sleep. They start off a love affair due to her need for affection. We soon understand that it's completely OK to the parents that Flora has run off, and John Gabrel finds himself in a difficult choice between following his own or others expressions as a photographing artist.
Director: Oddvar Einarson.
Cast: Bettina Banoun, Jørn Christensen, Sigrid Huun, Hege Schøyen, Casper Evensen, Sven Henriksen, Emil Stang Lund, Trond Lybekk, Ola Solum, Are Storstein.
Norway, 1986.
Language: Norwegian.
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X. 1986. |
Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.
NO. Filmen handler i hovedsak om to 11-årige jenter, Siss (Line Storesund) og Unn (Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen). Det begynner en ny jente i klassen til Siss. Det er Unn, som bor hos sin moster (Merete Moen) siden foreldrene hennes er borte. De to jentene føler et udefinert behov for hverandre, en stillfarende lengsel etter ømhet og varme. En kveld Siss er på besøk hos Unn, sitter de to jentene inne på Unns rom bak en låst dør, der kler de seg nakne for hverandre. De kastes inn i en sterk følelseskonfrontasjon og dagen etter klarer ikke Unn å møte Siss. På vei til skolen begir hun seg alene inn i det kalde, ensomme landskapet i den gjenfrosne fossen hvor hun til slutt forsvinner. Det går letemannskap ute til langt på natt for å lete etter Unn og tilslutt må letemannskapet gå til moster og fortelle at de ikke finner Unn. Dette går sterkt inn på Siss og hun er i ferd med å bukke under i isolasjon og desperasjon. Hun lukker seg inni seg selv og vil ikke leke med de andre på skolen. Hun blir bare stående for seg selv i skolegården. En dag går Siss til moster og får høre at moster har avfunnet seg med at Unn er borte og ikke lever mer. Moster har pakket sammen og er på flyttefot. Våren kommer og isen smelter i det store islandskapet. Siss er ute ved fossen og der finner hun Unn nedfrosset nede i isen. Det ender med at Siss får hjelp til å finne seg selv igjen, hun åpner seg igjen og blir på den måten berget.
EN. In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the thirties, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meets. They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious, she admits to have secret and indecent fantasies about her girlfriend.
Director: Per Blom.
Cast: Line Storesund, Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen, Merete Moen, Sigrid Huun, Vidar Sandem, Knut Ørvig, Urda Brattrud Larsen, Charlotte Lundestad, Gunnar Svensrud, Jan Hoel.
Norway, 1987.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Is-slottet / Ice Palace.
EN. In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the thirties, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meets. They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious, she admits to have secret and indecent fantasies about her girlfriend.
Director: Per Blom.
Cast: Line Storesund, Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen, Merete Moen, Sigrid Huun, Vidar Sandem, Knut Ørvig, Urda Brattrud Larsen, Charlotte Lundestad, Gunnar Svensrud, Jan Hoel.
Norway, 1987.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Is-slottet / Ice Palace.
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Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987. |
Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981.
Los Parchís contra el inventor invisible es una película de Argentina filmada en Eastmancolor dirigida por Mario Sabato según su propio guion escrito en colaboración con Víctor Proncet que se estrenó el 9 de julio de 1981 y que tuvo como actores principales a Los Parchís, Julio de Grazia y Javier Portales.
El grupo Parchís llega a Buenos Aires para realizar sus actuaciones en un circo. En el aeropuerto una banda de delincuentes están esperando a un grupo de personas que llevan en su poder la fórmula secreta que convierte en invisible a quien la acciona. Llegan Los Parchís con un colgante similar al que tiene que llevar la persona que está esperando la banda y los confunden, saliendo en su persecución para tratar de secuestrarlos. A partir de allí, transcurre una interminable serie de emocionantes aventuras plenas de alegría, música y diversión.
Director: Mario Sábato.
Cast: Tino Fernández, Óscar Cañada, David Muñoz, Yolanda Ventura, Gemma Termes Prat, Julio De Grazia, Javier Portales, Carlos Del Burgo, Adrián Ferrario, Roberto Carnaghi, Raúl Florido, Juan Carlos Ricci.
Argentina, 1981.
Language: Spanish.
Download Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible.
El grupo Parchís llega a Buenos Aires para realizar sus actuaciones en un circo. En el aeropuerto una banda de delincuentes están esperando a un grupo de personas que llevan en su poder la fórmula secreta que convierte en invisible a quien la acciona. Llegan Los Parchís con un colgante similar al que tiene que llevar la persona que está esperando la banda y los confunden, saliendo en su persecución para tratar de secuestrarlos. A partir de allí, transcurre una interminable serie de emocionantes aventuras plenas de alegría, música y diversión.
Director: Mario Sábato.
Cast: Tino Fernández, Óscar Cañada, David Muñoz, Yolanda Ventura, Gemma Termes Prat, Julio De Grazia, Javier Portales, Carlos Del Burgo, Adrián Ferrario, Roberto Carnaghi, Raúl Florido, Juan Carlos Ricci.
Argentina, 1981.
Language: Spanish.
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Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981. |
Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre... 1982.

DE. Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre… ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm von Helmut Dziuba aus dem Jahr 1982.
Die kleine Sabine lebt nach dem Unfalltod ihrer Eltern im Heim. Langsam lebt sie sich ein. In ihrer Erzieherin Edith sieht sie fast eine zweite Mutter. Als Edith wegen ihrer Schwangerschaft den Beruf aufgibt, bricht für Sabine eine Welt zusammen. Sie läuft aus dem Heim davon, irrt zwei Tage und Nächte durch Berlin auf der Suche nach Menschen, denen sie sich mit ihrem Kummer anvertrauen kann. Es gibt flüchtige Begegnungen in einem Zirkus, auf einem Ausflugsdampfer mit einem alten Mann, mit einem polnischen Jungen, der seine Eltern sucht. Irgendwann erkennt Sabine, dass alle diese Menschen ihr zwar gut sind, aber nicht auf Dauer für sie sorgen können. Sie geht zurück ins Heim, das doch ihr Zuhause geworden ist.
EN. Since her parents died in a car accident, Sabine has lived in an orphanage. When Edith—her beloved caretaker and the only adult she trusts—leaves to have a baby, Sabine runs away. Like Alice in Wonderland, the spunky little girl wanders through the city of Berlin, observing life and meeting people. After two days and nights filled with amusing and poignant stories, she realizes there is a place she belongs.
Helmut Dziuba, director of many children’s and youth film classics, tells his prize-winning story from Sabine’s subjective viewpoint. The film’s themes of loss, loneliness, and death stand out as markedly atypical and bold—especially, but not only in the context of East German cinema.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Petra Lämmel, Simone von Zglinicki, Martin Trettau, Petra Barthel, Johanna Clas, Carl Heinz Choynski, Peter Cwielag, Gert Gütschow, Heide Kipp, Uwe Kockisch, Christa Löser, Klaus Piontek, Gudrun Ritter, Regine Hilz, Lars Hillersheim.
DDR, DEFA, 1982.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Arabic, German, Spanish, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese.
Download Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre... 1982.
Die kleine Sabine lebt nach dem Unfalltod ihrer Eltern im Heim. Langsam lebt sie sich ein. In ihrer Erzieherin Edith sieht sie fast eine zweite Mutter. Als Edith wegen ihrer Schwangerschaft den Beruf aufgibt, bricht für Sabine eine Welt zusammen. Sie läuft aus dem Heim davon, irrt zwei Tage und Nächte durch Berlin auf der Suche nach Menschen, denen sie sich mit ihrem Kummer anvertrauen kann. Es gibt flüchtige Begegnungen in einem Zirkus, auf einem Ausflugsdampfer mit einem alten Mann, mit einem polnischen Jungen, der seine Eltern sucht. Irgendwann erkennt Sabine, dass alle diese Menschen ihr zwar gut sind, aber nicht auf Dauer für sie sorgen können. Sie geht zurück ins Heim, das doch ihr Zuhause geworden ist.
EN. Since her parents died in a car accident, Sabine has lived in an orphanage. When Edith—her beloved caretaker and the only adult she trusts—leaves to have a baby, Sabine runs away. Like Alice in Wonderland, the spunky little girl wanders through the city of Berlin, observing life and meeting people. After two days and nights filled with amusing and poignant stories, she realizes there is a place she belongs.
Helmut Dziuba, director of many children’s and youth film classics, tells his prize-winning story from Sabine’s subjective viewpoint. The film’s themes of loss, loneliness, and death stand out as markedly atypical and bold—especially, but not only in the context of East German cinema.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Petra Lämmel, Simone von Zglinicki, Martin Trettau, Petra Barthel, Johanna Clas, Carl Heinz Choynski, Peter Cwielag, Gert Gütschow, Heide Kipp, Uwe Kockisch, Christa Löser, Klaus Piontek, Gudrun Ritter, Regine Hilz, Lars Hillersheim.
DDR, DEFA, 1982.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: Arabic, German, Spanish, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese.
Download Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre... 1982.
Crabs In The Sand. 2012.
With the release of his new short film "Crabs in the Sand", Tom Gerber hopes to put the often-ignored subject of childhood sexuality on society’s agenda.
"Crabs in the Sand" is not an easy film to watch. It begins with a picture of innocence and calm – a group of children spending a summer day at the beach. But this idyllic scene is interrupted by a disturbing sexual meeting that teeters on the boundary between rape and prostitution. By the end, it is not clear which of the two parties involved is more wounded.
Director: Tom Garber.
Cast: Or Shefer, Amir Schreiber, Ella Lavi, Stav David, Shir Zamir.
Israel, 2012.
Language: Hebrew, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
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Download Crabs In The Sand. 2012.
"Crabs in the Sand" is not an easy film to watch. It begins with a picture of innocence and calm – a group of children spending a summer day at the beach. But this idyllic scene is interrupted by a disturbing sexual meeting that teeters on the boundary between rape and prostitution. By the end, it is not clear which of the two parties involved is more wounded.
Director: Tom Garber.
Cast: Or Shefer, Amir Schreiber, Ella Lavi, Stav David, Shir Zamir.
Israel, 2012.
Language: Hebrew, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280х720 HD
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Crabs In The Sand. 2012. |
Piao lang qing chun / Drifting Flowers. 2008. HD.
Drifting Flowers (Chinese: 漂浪青春; pinyin: Cì Qīng; literally: "Piao Lang Qing Chun") is a 2008 Taiwanese lesbian drama film by director Zero Chou. The original Chinese title means “The Drifting Waves of Youth.”
Three stories that share the theme of women coming to terms with homosexuality are brought together in this omnibus drama from Taiwanese filmmaker Zero Chou. In the first segment, May (Pai Chih-ying) is an eight-year-old girl whose older sister Jing (Serena Fang) makes money as a musician, despite the fact she's blind. Jing plays in a night club combo with Diego (Chao Yi-lan), and while May knows that her sister and Diego are close friends, she isn't certain why a woman like Diego insists on acting so masculine - or why she sees Jing and Diego kissing passionately one night. In the second part, Lily (Lu Yi-ching) is an elderly woman who is suffering from Alzheimer's and is losing touch with her past. Lily is reminded of her childhood when she's unexpectedly reunited with her school friend Yen (Sam Wang), but he's changed a great deal since she last saw him -- he's a gay man who enjoys cross dressing and is living with AIDS. In the final chapter, we're reintroduced to Diego and learn of the sexual confusion of her adolescence, as she rebels against the changes in her body and develops a new understanding of herself when she finds love with a beautiful nightclub performer. Piao Lang Quigchun (aka Drifting Flowers) was an official entry at the 2008 Berlin Film Festival.
Director: Zero Chou.
Cast: Yi-lan Chao, Yi-Feng Chiu, Serena Fang, Alice Tsai-yi Huang, Yi-Ching Lu, Chih-Ying Pai, Sam Wang.
Taiwan, 2008.
Language: Min Nan, Mandarin.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Piao lang qing chun / Drifting Flowers. 2008:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Three stories that share the theme of women coming to terms with homosexuality are brought together in this omnibus drama from Taiwanese filmmaker Zero Chou. In the first segment, May (Pai Chih-ying) is an eight-year-old girl whose older sister Jing (Serena Fang) makes money as a musician, despite the fact she's blind. Jing plays in a night club combo with Diego (Chao Yi-lan), and while May knows that her sister and Diego are close friends, she isn't certain why a woman like Diego insists on acting so masculine - or why she sees Jing and Diego kissing passionately one night. In the second part, Lily (Lu Yi-ching) is an elderly woman who is suffering from Alzheimer's and is losing touch with her past. Lily is reminded of her childhood when she's unexpectedly reunited with her school friend Yen (Sam Wang), but he's changed a great deal since she last saw him -- he's a gay man who enjoys cross dressing and is living with AIDS. In the final chapter, we're reintroduced to Diego and learn of the sexual confusion of her adolescence, as she rebels against the changes in her body and develops a new understanding of herself when she finds love with a beautiful nightclub performer. Piao Lang Quigchun (aka Drifting Flowers) was an official entry at the 2008 Berlin Film Festival.
Director: Zero Chou.
Cast: Yi-lan Chao, Yi-Feng Chiu, Serena Fang, Alice Tsai-yi Huang, Yi-Ching Lu, Chih-Ying Pai, Sam Wang.
Taiwan, 2008.
Language: Min Nan, Mandarin.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
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2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
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Piao lang qing chun / Drifting Flowers. 2008. |
Displaced. 2010.
The story of Daniel, an 11 year-old victim of the foster system, and his last chance at finding a family.
Director: Rick Stevenson.
Cast: Nathan Gamble, Darius Williams-Watt, Marlette Buchanan, Rachel Pate, Amy Prestas, Kevin Warren, Bryan Sevener, Nick Robinson.
USA, 2010.
Language: English.
Download Displaced. 2010.
Director: Rick Stevenson.
Cast: Nathan Gamble, Darius Williams-Watt, Marlette Buchanan, Rachel Pate, Amy Prestas, Kevin Warren, Bryan Sevener, Nick Robinson.
USA, 2010.
Language: English.
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Displaced. 2010. |
Devochka na share / Girl on the Ball. 1966.

"Devochka na share" is a Soviet children's film of 1966, based on the script of Victor Dragunsky based on his stories about Denis Korablev.
After Deniska saw Tanya in the circus he decided that she came to him directly from the Picasso painting.
Directors: Gleb Komarovsky, Levan Shengeliya.
Cast: Irakli Tsirgiladze, Olga Ryabova, Mikhail Kislyarov, Yuriy Yakovlev, Alla Budnitskaya, Galina Kravchenko, Anna Stroganova, Irina Murzayeva, Georgiy Georgiu, Igor Kio.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1966.
Language: Russian.
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Devochka na share / Girl on the Ball. 1966. |
Hei tai yang 731 / Man Behind the Sun. 1988.
Men Behind the Sun (Chinese: 黑太阳731 / 黑太陽731; pinyin: hēi tài yáng 731, literally meaning "Black Sun: 731") is a 1988 Hong Kong–Chinese historical horror film directed by T. F. Mou.
The film is a graphic depiction of the war atrocities committed by the Japanese at Unit 731, the secret biological weapons experimentation unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The film details the various cruel medical experiments Unit 731 inflicted upon the Chinese and Soviet prisoners towards the end of the war.
As World War II draws to a close, Japanese army officers are cooking up biological weapons to deploy as a last-ditch effort. They test their prototypes on Chinese and Russian war prisoners at an underground facility called Squadron 731, conducting horrific experiments. A gory Chinese polemic, considered a cult classic for its sheer shock value.
Director: Tun Fei Mou.
Cast: Jianxin Chen, Hsu Gou, Linjie Hao, Haizhe Jin, Tie Long Jin, Yuanrong Jin, Bolin Li, Pengyu Liu, Xuhui Liu, Zhaohua Mei, Zhe Quan, Jiefu Tian, Gang Wang, Runshen Wang, Shennin Wang.
China, 1988.
Language: Russian (Mandarin).
Download Hei tai yang 731 / Man Behind the Sun.
The film is a graphic depiction of the war atrocities committed by the Japanese at Unit 731, the secret biological weapons experimentation unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The film details the various cruel medical experiments Unit 731 inflicted upon the Chinese and Soviet prisoners towards the end of the war.
As World War II draws to a close, Japanese army officers are cooking up biological weapons to deploy as a last-ditch effort. They test their prototypes on Chinese and Russian war prisoners at an underground facility called Squadron 731, conducting horrific experiments. A gory Chinese polemic, considered a cult classic for its sheer shock value.
Director: Tun Fei Mou.
Cast: Jianxin Chen, Hsu Gou, Linjie Hao, Haizhe Jin, Tie Long Jin, Yuanrong Jin, Bolin Li, Pengyu Liu, Xuhui Liu, Zhaohua Mei, Zhe Quan, Jiefu Tian, Gang Wang, Runshen Wang, Shennin Wang.
China, 1988.
Language: Russian (Mandarin).
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Hei tai yang 731 / Man Behind the Sun. 1988. |
Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982.
Little Sabine has spent her childhood in an orphanage after her parents died in a car accident. When one of the women in charge at the orphanage, Edith, leaves to have a baby, Sabine runs away, because Edith was the only adult there she could trust. She then wanders through the city to find someone to take her in. She meets a lot of people on her journey, but she seems out of place everywhere she goes until, at last, she realizes that there is a special place where she belongs.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Director: Helmut Dziuba.
Cast: Petra Lammel, Martin Trettau, Dietmar Bauschke, Johanna Clas, Peter Cwielag.
DDR, 1982.
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DDR, 1982.
Download Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre.
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Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982. |
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Sabine Kleist, sieben Jahre. 1982. |
Da she / Lost Souls. 1980. DVD.
TF Mous' unique style of exploitation kicked off with this grim gem which centres around the unfortunate travails of a group of Chinese boat people who arrive in Hong Kong by stealth and are immediately targeted by low-level people traders.
The director of the superb MEN BEHIND THE SUN and the equally downbeat BLACK SUN has a knack for legitimizing his sex and violence with politically and culturally sensitive subject matter.
Illegal immigrants from mainland China are smuggled into Hong Kong. They are captured by a gang, then raped, tortured, and murdered.
Director: Tun Fei Mou (as T.F. Mous).
Cast: Hung Yen, Feng Chi, Ming Chen, Shen Chan, Jenny Liang, Han Chiang, Hsiang Lin Yin, Kin Ping Chow, Tun Fei Mou, Fei Ai, Han Kwong Chan, Kin Lung Cheung.
Hong Kong, 1980.
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download DVD Da she / Lost Souls. 1980:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
The director of the superb MEN BEHIND THE SUN and the equally downbeat BLACK SUN has a knack for legitimizing his sex and violence with politically and culturally sensitive subject matter.
Illegal immigrants from mainland China are smuggled into Hong Kong. They are captured by a gang, then raped, tortured, and murdered.
Director: Tun Fei Mou (as T.F. Mous).
Cast: Hung Yen, Feng Chi, Ming Chen, Shen Chan, Jenny Liang, Han Chiang, Hsiang Lin Yin, Kin Ping Chow, Tun Fei Mou, Fei Ai, Han Kwong Chan, Kin Lung Cheung.
Hong Kong, 1980.
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles: English, Russian.
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2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
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Da she / Lost Souls. 1980. DVD. |
Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk. 2006.
A Long Walk (長い散歩 Nagai Sanpo) is a 2006 film directed by Japanese director Eiji Okuda.
Matsutaro Yasuda, a retired girl's High School Principal who has lost his wife to alcoholism and is forsaken by his Daughter, moves to an old apartment in a country town. Yasuda, at his new address, meets a little five years old girl who lives next door. Sachi, the little girl, clenches on an iron fence at the apartment. All alone, she is gazing into the distance. Angel's wings made of cardboard are on her back. She is barefoot and wears a summer dress in spite of it being winter. On her leg there are scratches and bruises. Yasuda speaks to Sachi but she does not smile or say a word. When night falls, violent voices can be heard from next door to the mother and her lover echoing in Yasuda's room almost every night. Yasuda blocked out his emotions. He didn't want to hear or see anything. However, little by little something moved his emotions we can call it passion. When he looked into the little girl's eyes, which are also lacking in emotion, something seemed to overlap his wounded heart. "Have you ever seen a blue sky? Where clouds appear like cotton candy and a white bird is flying high?" "Would you like to walk with me?" Yasuda and Sachi begin their long walk.... During their walk, the two meet a young boy named Wataru at a small desolate train station. Wataru seems to be easygoing. However, he is also lonely and holds an empty feeling in his heart. The passing Wataru joins the two on their journey but the trip goes in an unexpected direction when one day Sachi begins to open her heart to Yasuda and Wataru. Cardboard Angel wings begin to fly toward a real sky...
Director: Eiji Okuda.
Cast: Ken Ogata, Hana Sugiura, Saki Takaoka, Shôta Matsuda, Eiji Okuda, Kiwako Harada, Midori Kiuchi, Masahiko Tsugawa, Tomokazu Ôhashi.
Japan, 2006.
Language: Japanese.
Download Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk.
Matsutaro Yasuda, a retired girl's High School Principal who has lost his wife to alcoholism and is forsaken by his Daughter, moves to an old apartment in a country town. Yasuda, at his new address, meets a little five years old girl who lives next door. Sachi, the little girl, clenches on an iron fence at the apartment. All alone, she is gazing into the distance. Angel's wings made of cardboard are on her back. She is barefoot and wears a summer dress in spite of it being winter. On her leg there are scratches and bruises. Yasuda speaks to Sachi but she does not smile or say a word. When night falls, violent voices can be heard from next door to the mother and her lover echoing in Yasuda's room almost every night. Yasuda blocked out his emotions. He didn't want to hear or see anything. However, little by little something moved his emotions we can call it passion. When he looked into the little girl's eyes, which are also lacking in emotion, something seemed to overlap his wounded heart. "Have you ever seen a blue sky? Where clouds appear like cotton candy and a white bird is flying high?" "Would you like to walk with me?" Yasuda and Sachi begin their long walk.... During their walk, the two meet a young boy named Wataru at a small desolate train station. Wataru seems to be easygoing. However, he is also lonely and holds an empty feeling in his heart. The passing Wataru joins the two on their journey but the trip goes in an unexpected direction when one day Sachi begins to open her heart to Yasuda and Wataru. Cardboard Angel wings begin to fly toward a real sky...
Director: Eiji Okuda.
Cast: Ken Ogata, Hana Sugiura, Saki Takaoka, Shôta Matsuda, Eiji Okuda, Kiwako Harada, Midori Kiuchi, Masahiko Tsugawa, Tomokazu Ôhashi.
Japan, 2006.
Language: Japanese.
Download Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk.
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Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk. 2006. |
Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny. 1978.
Když se Luboš dozvěděl, že Vašek je jeho syn, hodlá mu vynahradit všechen ztracený čas. Hned první letní prázdniny chtějí strávit společně. Anna balí kufry a těší se na klidnou dovolenou, během které si chce hlavně odpočinout. Její představy se ale s realitou dost rozcházejí. Hned první den musí šlapat na kole a spát pod stanem. Když dorazí k cíli cesty - k Lubošově rodné chalupě - nemá k pláči daleko. Vašek je však ze svého nového dědy přímo u vytržení. A opravdové prázdninové dobrodružství může začít. Děda si bere dovolenou a "chlapi" spolu tráví při lotrovinách hodně času. Za chalupou jsou navíc skály a i přes výslovný zákaz Anny na ně Vašek s tátou každý den cestou na nákup lezou. Luboš dostane telegramem pozvání na mezinárodní soustředění horolezců, což znamená, že nebude moct zůstat s Annou a Vaškem u dědy, jak původně plánoval. Anně to zatají a začne plánovat rychlou svatbu. Vše se ale brzy provalí - lezení na skály i odjezd na soustředění. Podaří se Lubošovi za pomoci Vaška a dědy vše urovnat?
Director: Marie Poledňáková.
Cast: Jana Preissová, Tomáš Holý, František Němec, Josef Karlík, Jana Dítětová, Vlastimil Harapes, Petr Nárožný, Luděk Sobota, Bronislav Poloczek, František Peterka, Gabriela Vránová, Alena Kreuzmannová.
Czechoslovakia, 1978.
Language: Czech.
Download Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny.
Director: Marie Poledňáková.
Cast: Jana Preissová, Tomáš Holý, František Němec, Josef Karlík, Jana Dítětová, Vlastimil Harapes, Petr Nárožný, Luděk Sobota, Bronislav Poloczek, František Peterka, Gabriela Vránová, Alena Kreuzmannová.
Czechoslovakia, 1978.
Language: Czech.
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Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny. 1978. |
De Daltons. 1999-2000.
De serie gaat over de zes en een half jaar oude Tim die drie broers heeft: Jelle, Erik en de veel jongere Daantje. Samen met hun ouders wonen ze aan de Daltonstraat 123. Ze worden daarom ook wel "De Daltons" genoemd. In iedere aflevering maken de broers iets mee, waarbij alles door de ogen van Tim wordt bekeken. De ene keer mag Tim met Jelle en Erik in een tent slapen, de andere keer wil hij op blokfluitles. Ook komen er nieuwe buren wonen en maakt Tim kennis met Gijs-Jan, een leeftijdsgenootje waarmee hij ook geregeld omgaat.
Director: Rita Horst.
Cast: Mick Mulder, Dajo Hogeweg, Matthijs van de Sande Bakhuyzen, Rick Hartjes, Oscar Kieft, Carine Crutzen, Peter Blok, Rick Hartjes, Tessa Velsink, Joke Tjalsma.
Netherlands, Vrijzinnig Protestantse Radio Omroep, 1999-2000.
Language: Dutch.
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De Daltons. 1999-2000. |
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