The Children of Theatre Street. 1977. DVD.
A documentary on the Kirov School of Ballet in Russia, narrated by Princess Grace of Monaco.
"Talent is considered worth measuring only when it occurs in the right body," the narrator announces as hundreds of children are paraded across the camera. Each child is aged 10-12 and is gleaned from an application pool of thousands, all hoping to be chosen by the illustrious Vaganova Choreographic Institute and Kirov Ballet.
The audition process as we see it is incredibly is rigorous, with children measured and chosen for the specific physical proportions deemed necessary for the ballet before even having a chance to show off their ability but, as this movie keenly illustrates, the audition is only the first step that they'll take in a lifetime of rigorous discipline if they are accepted.
Director: Earle Mack, Robert Dornhelm.
Cast: Elena Vorontsova, Galina Mezentseva, Konstantin Zaklinsky (Kirov Theater, Russia), Princess Grace Kelly (Monaco).
Teachers and students of the Choreographic School. A. Y. Vaganova (Academy of Russian Ballet), St. Petersburg.
USA, 1977.
Language: English.
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Part 1
Part 2
"Talent is considered worth measuring only when it occurs in the right body," the narrator announces as hundreds of children are paraded across the camera. Each child is aged 10-12 and is gleaned from an application pool of thousands, all hoping to be chosen by the illustrious Vaganova Choreographic Institute and Kirov Ballet.
The audition process as we see it is incredibly is rigorous, with children measured and chosen for the specific physical proportions deemed necessary for the ballet before even having a chance to show off their ability but, as this movie keenly illustrates, the audition is only the first step that they'll take in a lifetime of rigorous discipline if they are accepted.
Director: Earle Mack, Robert Dornhelm.
Cast: Elena Vorontsova, Galina Mezentseva, Konstantin Zaklinsky (Kirov Theater, Russia), Princess Grace Kelly (Monaco).
Teachers and students of the Choreographic School. A. Y. Vaganova (Academy of Russian Ballet), St. Petersburg.
USA, 1977.
Language: English.
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2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
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The Children of Theatre Street. 1977. DVD. |
Duhová kulicka. 1995.
Začíná docela všedně: Zaneprázdnění rodiče vezou svého syna k příbuzným do jižních Čech. Milan je zvědavý na dědečka, o němž doma hodně slyšel, nejčastěji to, že se chová jako „malej“. Pokud jde o první dojem, určitě ho nezklamal: Přijede s rodiči do nejlepšího, právě když strýc Václav s tetou honí po dvorku čuníka. Ferda totiž není jen obyčejné prase na vykrmení, je to i dědův kamarád a proto ho děda občas pustí proběhnout. Tady se začínají odvíjet nitky příběhu o tom, jak stáří, které „chodí špatně, ale radí dobře“ pomáhá mládí učit se radosti ze života z každého dne, učit vidět a rozpoznávat krásy (třeba s pomocí duhové kuličky), co jiní nevidí nebo vidí jinak…
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Filip Novotny, Lubor Tokos, Miroslava Hozova, Josef Somr, Petr Pospichal, Jaroslava Brouskova, Vera Kubankova.
Czechoslovakia, 1995.
Language: Czech.
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Duhová kulička. 1995. |
Anthology of short films. Part 50.
The 50th issue of a Anthology of short films are ready, it consists of eight mini-films of different countries and epochs - from very old to modern fancy. Today again I will not disclose the content of the films for me laziness)).
1. Enfants annamites ramassant des sapèques devant la Pagode des Dames.
France, 1901.
2. Les Louves.
France, 2013.
3. OOBE.
Portugal, 2015.
4. Blunderkind.
USA, 2011.
5. Manolo.
Germany, 2010.
6. Sister.
Austria, 2010.
7. Houdinis hund.
Norway, 2003.
8. Een meisje wordt vrouw / A girl becomes a woman.
A sexual education program about the evolution of the female body from little girl to woman.Graphic introduction to the female anatomy.
Belgium, 1978.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 50.
1. Enfants annamites ramassant des sapèques devant la Pagode des Dames.
France, 1901.
2. Les Louves.
France, 2013.
3. OOBE.
Portugal, 2015.
4. Blunderkind.
USA, 2011.
5. Manolo.
Germany, 2010.
6. Sister.
Austria, 2010.
7. Houdinis hund.
Norway, 2003.
8. Een meisje wordt vrouw / A girl becomes a woman.
A sexual education program about the evolution of the female body from little girl to woman.Graphic introduction to the female anatomy.
Belgium, 1978.
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Anthology of short films. Part 50. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 50. |
Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / To the Fields, to the Hills, to the Beaches. 1986.
During the fervently nationalist months leading up to World War II, a rebellious teenager is transferred to a new primary school in a small Inland Sea town. He vies with the school’s reigning bully, who takes a romantic interest in his older stepsister. When they learn she’s going to be sold to a brothel to pay off her father’s debts, they form an uneasy alliance to free her. With surprising moments of caricature and slapstick, Obayashi celebrates the anarchic world of adolescence while also satirizing adult hypocrisy and conformism.
Director: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi.
Cast: Saburoh Bouya, Sen Hara, Yasufumi Hayashi, Jun'ichiro Katagiri, Wakaba Irie, Guts Ishimatsu, Shigeru Izumiya, Nenji Kobayashi, Jô Shishido, Toru Minegishi, Tomokazu Miura, Toshie Negishi, Toshinori Omi, Koichi Sato, Makoto Sato.
Japan, 1986.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
Download Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / To the Fields, to the Hills, to the Beaches.
Director: Nobuhiko Ôbayashi.
Cast: Saburoh Bouya, Sen Hara, Yasufumi Hayashi, Jun'ichiro Katagiri, Wakaba Irie, Guts Ishimatsu, Shigeru Izumiya, Nenji Kobayashi, Jô Shishido, Toru Minegishi, Tomokazu Miura, Toshie Negishi, Toshinori Omi, Koichi Sato, Makoto Sato.
Japan, 1986.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
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Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / To the Fields, to the Hills, to the Beaches. 1986. |
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Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / To the Fields, to the Hills, to the Beaches. 1986. |
Melody / S.W.A.L.K. 1971.
Two youngsters declare to their parents that they want to get married. Not sometime in the future but as soon as possible. The story is told from the children's point of view.
Alan Parker spent several months visiting schools in London and tape recording conversations with the children about their experiences and thoughts before writing the script. According to David Puttnam, " ...large chunks of the film were lifted directly from the childrens ideas"
Director: Waris Hussein.
Writer: Alan Parker.
Music: Bee Gees.
Cast: Mark Lester, Tracy Hyde, Jack Wild, Roy Kinnear, Colin Barrie, Billy Franks, Ashley Knight, Craig Marriott, William Vanderpuye, Sheila Steafel.
UK, 1971.
Language: English.
Download Мелоди / Melody / S.W.A.L.K.
Alan Parker spent several months visiting schools in London and tape recording conversations with the children about their experiences and thoughts before writing the script. According to David Puttnam, " ...large chunks of the film were lifted directly from the childrens ideas"
Director: Waris Hussein.
Writer: Alan Parker.
Music: Bee Gees.
Cast: Mark Lester, Tracy Hyde, Jack Wild, Roy Kinnear, Colin Barrie, Billy Franks, Ashley Knight, Craig Marriott, William Vanderpuye, Sheila Steafel.
UK, 1971.
Language: English.
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Melody / S.W.A.L.K. 1971. |
Küsse und Schläge. 1990.
Der verwaiste Paul ist in die kinderlose Familie seines leiblichen Vater Achim Ziergel aufgenommen worden. Als dessen Frau Christine ein eigenes Kind erwartet, beginnt Achim den Jungen zu schlagen.
Director: Manfred Mosblech.
Cast: André Hannemann, Günter Schubert, Simone von Zglinicki, Marga Legal, Franz Viehmann, Hilmar Baumann, Hartmut Tietz, Helga Piur, Christian Fietzeck, Helmut Müller-Lankow, Gudrun Okras, Manfred Richter.
DDR, 1990.
Download Küsse und Schläge.
Director: Manfred Mosblech.
Cast: André Hannemann, Günter Schubert, Simone von Zglinicki, Marga Legal, Franz Viehmann, Hilmar Baumann, Hartmut Tietz, Helga Piur, Christian Fietzeck, Helmut Müller-Lankow, Gudrun Okras, Manfred Richter.
DDR, 1990.
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Küsse und Schläge. 1990. |
Konzert für Bratpfanne und Orchester. 1976.
DE. Die Kinder eines Neubauviertels haben auf und um einen Baum herum allerhand Lärminstrumente aufgebaut: Topfdeckel, Schlaghölzer, Bratpfannen, Flaschen, Klingeln, Tuten usw. Von Zeit zu Zeit erzeugen sie teils lustige, teils lästige Geräusche, die von den Erwachsenen nicht immer gern gehört werden. Der einzige, der für die Kinder Verständnis hat, ist der Berufsmusiker Herr Kling, der in einem Orchester den Kontrabass spielt. Bum hat ein besonderes Instrument: Bei einem Altwarenhändler bekommt er einen Ladenhüter geschenkt, den dieser nicht verkaufen kann, da er unvollständig ist. Es handelt sich hier um das Oberteil eines Metallbettes, das einst der Prinzessin Anna Amalia gehörte. In seiner Phantasie erzeugt Bum auf diesem Bettgestell Töne, die von einem Xylophon stammen könnten.
Mehrere Tage fährt ein Lautsprecherwagen durch die Stadt und kündigt an, dass im Wohngebiet ein „Fest der guten Einfälle“ veranstaltet wird. Bum will mit seinen Freunden und dem Bratpfannenorchester dort auftreten. Nur gibt es immer wieder Streit zwischen den Kindern. Da kommt eine alte Teekanne aus Blech ins Spiel, die per Trick lebendig wird, um die Kinder bei ernsthaften Musizierversuchen zu unterstützen, die sich aber in Rauch auflöst, wenn Zank und Streit aufkommen. Die Kanne ist originell, kann musizieren, laufen und ist mitunter komisch in ihren Aktionen. Mit ihrer Unterstützung gelingt es dem Bratpfannenorchester zum großen Fest gemeinsam mit einem richtigen Orchester aufzutreten.
EN. For the "Festival of good ideas" that is to take place in their residential quarter the musically enthusiastic young Bum wants to rehearse a music show along with his friends. With pans, cans, hooters and other junk they make music. Some adults get angry about that. Others like the second-hand dealer Dohlenei and Mr Kling from the symphony orchestra help the children to make their fantastic idea come true.
Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
Cast: Tobias Unterberg, Jörg Lehmann, Ronny Schreiber, Mirka Tuma, Grit Mühlstein, Sandra Lampe, Jaecki Schwarz, Wolfgang Greese, Marga Legal, Ilse Voigt, Marianne Wünscher.
DDR, DEFA, 1976.
Language: German.
Download Konzert für Bratpfanne und Orchester.
Mehrere Tage fährt ein Lautsprecherwagen durch die Stadt und kündigt an, dass im Wohngebiet ein „Fest der guten Einfälle“ veranstaltet wird. Bum will mit seinen Freunden und dem Bratpfannenorchester dort auftreten. Nur gibt es immer wieder Streit zwischen den Kindern. Da kommt eine alte Teekanne aus Blech ins Spiel, die per Trick lebendig wird, um die Kinder bei ernsthaften Musizierversuchen zu unterstützen, die sich aber in Rauch auflöst, wenn Zank und Streit aufkommen. Die Kanne ist originell, kann musizieren, laufen und ist mitunter komisch in ihren Aktionen. Mit ihrer Unterstützung gelingt es dem Bratpfannenorchester zum großen Fest gemeinsam mit einem richtigen Orchester aufzutreten.
EN. For the "Festival of good ideas" that is to take place in their residential quarter the musically enthusiastic young Bum wants to rehearse a music show along with his friends. With pans, cans, hooters and other junk they make music. Some adults get angry about that. Others like the second-hand dealer Dohlenei and Mr Kling from the symphony orchestra help the children to make their fantastic idea come true.
Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
Cast: Tobias Unterberg, Jörg Lehmann, Ronny Schreiber, Mirka Tuma, Grit Mühlstein, Sandra Lampe, Jaecki Schwarz, Wolfgang Greese, Marga Legal, Ilse Voigt, Marianne Wünscher.
DDR, DEFA, 1976.
Language: German.
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Konzert für Bratpfanne und Orchester. 1976. |
ನಾಗರಹೊಳೆ / Nagarahole. 1977. HD.
Rare film Nagarahole (Kannada: ನಾಗರಹೊಳೆ) is a 1977 Indian Kannada children's film written by H. V. Subba Rao, with screenplay and direction by S. V. Rajendra Singh Babu, starring Bharathi and Vishnuvardhan.
Madhu (Bharathi) takes 4 children on a dangerous visit to the Nagarhole National Park.
Director: S. V. Rajendra Singh Babu.
Cast: Bharathi, Vishnuvardhan, Shivaram, Ambarish, B.V. Radha, Uma Sivakumar, Sundar Krishna Urs, Dinesh, Shakti Prasad, Chethan Ramarao, Umesh, Baby Indira.
India, 1977.
Language: Kannada.
1280x720 HD
Download ನಾಗರಹೊಳೆ / Nagarahole. 1977.
Madhu (Bharathi) takes 4 children on a dangerous visit to the Nagarhole National Park.
Director: S. V. Rajendra Singh Babu.
Cast: Bharathi, Vishnuvardhan, Shivaram, Ambarish, B.V. Radha, Uma Sivakumar, Sundar Krishna Urs, Dinesh, Shakti Prasad, Chethan Ramarao, Umesh, Baby Indira.
India, 1977.
Language: Kannada.
1280x720 HD
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ನಾಗರಹೊಳೆ / Nagarahole. 1977. |
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ನಾಗರಹೊಳೆ / Nagarahole. 1977. |
La colo. 1992.
FR. Dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, le temps d'un séjour d'été, une colonie de vacances accueille une cinquantaine d'enfants en provenance de Paris et de Marseille. Encadrés par quatre moniteurs sympas mais parfois dépassés, un couple chargé de l'intendance qui a le coeur sur la main, et une directrice coincée, les petits vont passer des moments inoubliables
EN. Fifty kids from Marseilles and Paris gather in the Alpes de Haute Provence for a Summer camp they will always fondly remember.
Director: Robert Renzulli.
Cast: Régis Royer, Olivier Hémon, Rose Ruiz, Fabien Chombart, Stéphane Legros, Céline Renzulli, Aline Renzulli, Philippe Broyelle, Mireille Nebon, Jean Constantin, Sébastien Ringeard.
France, 1992.
Language: French.
Download La colo. 1992.
EN. Fifty kids from Marseilles and Paris gather in the Alpes de Haute Provence for a Summer camp they will always fondly remember.
Director: Robert Renzulli.
Cast: Régis Royer, Olivier Hémon, Rose Ruiz, Fabien Chombart, Stéphane Legros, Céline Renzulli, Aline Renzulli, Philippe Broyelle, Mireille Nebon, Jean Constantin, Sébastien Ringeard.
France, 1992.
Language: French.
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La colo. 1992. |
Lilika. 1970.
Lilika is a 1970 Yugoslavian drama film directed by Branko Plesa. A story about young orphan girl who was rejected by her mother. The film won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival.
Director: Branko Plesa.
Cast: Dragana Kalaba, Branko Plesa, Ljerka Drazenovic, Nada Kasapic, Tamara Miletic, Gizela Vukovic, Vesna Krajina, Danilo 'Bata' Stojkovic, Ljiljana Kontic, Vladimir Pevec.
Yugoslavia, 1970.
Language: Serbian.
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Director: Branko Plesa.
Cast: Dragana Kalaba, Branko Plesa, Ljerka Drazenovic, Nada Kasapic, Tamara Miletic, Gizela Vukovic, Vesna Krajina, Danilo 'Bata' Stojkovic, Ljiljana Kontic, Vladimir Pevec.
Yugoslavia, 1970.
Language: Serbian.
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Lilika. |
Anthology of short films. Part 6.
Sixth issue of a collection of short films, various countries and genres. 6 films but content some of these let it remain a mystery.
1. All Over Brazil.
With Scotland in the World Cup in 1974, Stephen (Iain de Caestecker) is more into Glam Rock than football. A story of a family coming to terms with change in uncertain times.
Director: David Andrew Ward.
UK, 2004.
2. Secret.
Director: Rob Birks.
USA, 2009.
3. Pinchas.
Nine-year old Pinhas and his mother, a non-practicing Jew, are new immigrants from Russia. His mother barely makes a living working night shifts, and devotes her spare time to an affair she has with a married man. On the third floor lives a religious family. Pinhas is drawn to the warmth and unity that characterize this family. He meets a girl his age, and her older brother, who slowly introduce him to religion.
Director: Pini Tavger.
Cast: Anthony Berman, Michael Coresh, Jenya Dodina, Jonathan Rozen.
Israel, 2008.
4. Musen.
Love, cowardice, and jealousy lie at the core of this story about 10-year-old Liv, who receives a mouse as a present from her classmate, Mike. They start dating. However, when Liv's friend, a popular girl, starts flirting with Mike at school, Liv becomes exceedingly jealous.
Director: Pil Maria Gunnarsson.
Cast: Eva-Theresa Jermiin Anker, Frederikke Hjort Arentz, Magnus Wettendorff Dyring, Christine Exner.
Denmark, 2009.
5. Vestido nuevo.
Director: Sergi Gomez Perez.
Cast: Ramon Novell, Kevin Puertas.
Spain, 2009.
6. 13 ans.
Director: Rudi Rosenberg.
France, 2009.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 6.
1. All Over Brazil.
With Scotland in the World Cup in 1974, Stephen (Iain de Caestecker) is more into Glam Rock than football. A story of a family coming to terms with change in uncertain times.
Director: David Andrew Ward.
UK, 2004.
2. Secret.
Director: Rob Birks.
USA, 2009.
3. Pinchas.
Nine-year old Pinhas and his mother, a non-practicing Jew, are new immigrants from Russia. His mother barely makes a living working night shifts, and devotes her spare time to an affair she has with a married man. On the third floor lives a religious family. Pinhas is drawn to the warmth and unity that characterize this family. He meets a girl his age, and her older brother, who slowly introduce him to religion.
Director: Pini Tavger.
Cast: Anthony Berman, Michael Coresh, Jenya Dodina, Jonathan Rozen.
Israel, 2008.
4. Musen.
Love, cowardice, and jealousy lie at the core of this story about 10-year-old Liv, who receives a mouse as a present from her classmate, Mike. They start dating. However, when Liv's friend, a popular girl, starts flirting with Mike at school, Liv becomes exceedingly jealous.
Director: Pil Maria Gunnarsson.
Cast: Eva-Theresa Jermiin Anker, Frederikke Hjort Arentz, Magnus Wettendorff Dyring, Christine Exner.
Denmark, 2009.
5. Vestido nuevo.
Director: Sergi Gomez Perez.
Cast: Ramon Novell, Kevin Puertas.
Spain, 2009.
6. 13 ans.
Director: Rudi Rosenberg.
France, 2009.
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Anthology of short films. Part 6. |
Chlapská dovolenka. 1988. HD.
CZ. Lyrický príbeh o vzťahoch otca a syna počas prázdnin na vidieku. Otec - spisovateľ, ktorý musí v termíne odovzdať scenár novej rozhlasovej hry, sa pod váhou argumentov rozhodne stráviť časť prázdnin so synčekom v domčeku zdedenom po starej mame na dedine. Plán je jednoduchý - cez deň bude pracovať na rekonštrukcii domu, po večeroch písať a malý Martin, ak chce, môže mu pomáhať. Skutočnosť sa však už od prvého dňa začala rozchádzať s ružovými predstavami...
EN. A father/son get-together trying, in their inept way, to do some repair work to their home that they have out in the country.
Director: Rudolf Adler.
Cast: Martin Hrebeň, Jaroslav Filip, Kamila Magálová, Vilma Jamnická, Júlia Ďurišová, Ludvik Kroner, Jozef Majerčík, Ivan Krušínsky, Ján Jošták, Dag Palovič, Samuel Duchoň, Zuzana Rybárová, Miro Kyselica, Marek Drmela, Adrian Komora, Roman Sukič, Jozef Ratulovský, Karel Kosmel.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televízia Bratislava, 1988.
Language: Slovak.
1920x1080 HD
Download Chlapská dovolenka. 1988.
EN. A father/son get-together trying, in their inept way, to do some repair work to their home that they have out in the country.
Director: Rudolf Adler.
Cast: Martin Hrebeň, Jaroslav Filip, Kamila Magálová, Vilma Jamnická, Júlia Ďurišová, Ludvik Kroner, Jozef Majerčík, Ivan Krušínsky, Ján Jošták, Dag Palovič, Samuel Duchoň, Zuzana Rybárová, Miro Kyselica, Marek Drmela, Adrian Komora, Roman Sukič, Jozef Ratulovský, Karel Kosmel.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televízia Bratislava, 1988.
Language: Slovak.
1920x1080 HD
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Chlapská dovolenka. 1988. |
...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987.
Die elfjahrige Lena fahrt zum ersten Mal in ein Ferienlager. Direkt auf der Hinfahrt verguckt sie sich in den alteren Wolfgang, und in den folgenden Tagen entwickelt sich eine innige Vertautheit zwischen den beiden. Allerdings treten bald Probleme auf, die ihre Freundschaft auf eine harte Probe stellen. So hat die fruhreife Antonia ein Auge auf den hubschen Wolfgang geworfen, au?erdem missbilligen sowohl Heimleiter Eichler als auch Lehrerin Busse die Annaherung ihrer Zoglinge. Um zu verhindern, dass die beiden Kinder zu viel Zeit miteinander verbringen, steckt man sie in unterschiedliche Gruppen, wodurch der Heimleiter den Zorn von Lena auf sich zieht. Der Konflikt spitzt sich zu, und nach einer Disco-Veranstaltung verschwindet Lena plotzlich. Alle Nachforschungen bleiben zunachst erfolglos, doch Wolfgang glaubt zu wissen, wo Lena ist. Er geht auf die Suche und bringt sie schlie?lich zuruck.
Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
Cast: Cindy Scholp, Sebastian Hattop, Peter Kube, Barbara Dittus, Gunter Naumann, Susanne Luning, Patrick Bahnemann.
DDR, 1987.
Language: German.
Download ...und ich dachte, du magst mich.
Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
Cast: Cindy Scholp, Sebastian Hattop, Peter Kube, Barbara Dittus, Gunter Naumann, Susanne Luning, Patrick Bahnemann.
DDR, 1987.
Language: German.
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...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. |
Las chicas del tanga \ The Girls in Thong. 1987.
Comedia dedicada a la Espana veraniega de Benidorm donde aparece toda la "troupe" de Franco de la decada de los 80.
3 parejas demenciales haciendo de las suyas y Jesus Franco prestando la voz a un actor de travestismo. Play-boys, desenganos amorosos y guiris. Divertida, vuelve a mostrar la capacidad de comedia facil de Antonio Mayans y Juan Cozar, y nos ensena a Lina en uno de sus papeles mas trabajados y divertidos.
Director: Lina Romay, Jesús Franco.
Cast: Lina Romay, Muriel Montosse, Analia Ivars, Juana Plaza, Gina, Antonio Mayans, Juan Soler, Jose Llamas, Agustin Gil, Ramon Rodriguez, Flavia Hervas, Vanessa De la Morena.
Spain, 1987.
Language: Spanish.
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Las chicas del tanga \ The Girls in Thong. 1987. |
Ptice Koje Ne Polete. 1997.
Doctors predicted to Vesna one more year. Very sick girl was taken by her grandfather (Bata Zivojinovic) to the mountains. However, in this true story, faith played with little Vesna...
Director: Petar Lalovic.
Cast: Neda Arneric, Svetlana Bojkovic, Ljiljana Gazdic, Milan Kalinic, Petar Kralj, Miodrag Krivokapic, Miroljub Leso, Vojislav Micovic, Mihajlo-Bata Paskaljevic, Bozidar Pavicevic-Longa.
Yugoslavia, 1997.
Language: Serbian.
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Director: Petar Lalovic.
Cast: Neda Arneric, Svetlana Bojkovic, Ljiljana Gazdic, Milan Kalinic, Petar Kralj, Miodrag Krivokapic, Miroljub Leso, Vojislav Micovic, Mihajlo-Bata Paskaljevic, Bozidar Pavicevic-Longa.
Yugoslavia, 1997.
Language: Serbian.
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Ptice Koje Ne Polete. 1997. |
Olyan mint otthon. 1978.
When a wayward husband returns from America to his native Hungary, mostly because he was homesick, his former wife is not inclined to have him back in her life. He is swiftly embroiled, however, in the schemes of a pre-teen girl, who wants him for her father.
Director: Márta Mészáros.
Cast : Zsuzsa Czinkoczi, Jan Nowicki, Anna Karina, Ildiko Pecsi, Kornelia Sallay, Ferenc Bencze, Maria Dudas, Eva Gyulanyi, Zsolt Horvath, Andras Szigeti, Eva Szabo, Hédi Temessy.
Hungary, 1978.
Language: Hungarian.
Download Olyan mint otthon.
Director: Márta Mészáros.
Cast : Zsuzsa Czinkoczi, Jan Nowicki, Anna Karina, Ildiko Pecsi, Kornelia Sallay, Ferenc Bencze, Maria Dudas, Eva Gyulanyi, Zsolt Horvath, Andras Szigeti, Eva Szabo, Hédi Temessy.
Hungary, 1978.
Language: Hungarian.
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Olyan mint otthon. 1978. |
Mi faccio la barca. 1981.
As an ex-husband, his wife and their two children take a vacation on the ex's new yacht, the scene is set for disaster when it becomes clear that the ex-husband knows absolutely nothing about yachting. The crew quickly find out that the Mediterranean has its own challenges, and the wife discovers her particular nemesis in a thoroughly unlikeable playboy who has his sights set a little too firmly on her alone. The interaction between the triad of wife, ex-husband, and playboy reaches a final resolution as the yacht moves closer to its own special fate.
Director: Sergio Corbucci.
Cast: Laura Antonelli, Johnny Dorelli, Marco Massoni, Christian De Sica, Cariddi Nardulli, Itaco Nardulli, Daniela Poggi.
Italy, 1981.
Language: Italian.
แปดวัน แปลกคน / Pad wan plak khon / The 8th Day. 2008.
Life is a sequence of 7 straight days that rotate repeatedly over and over again without an end. It can be said that this sequence runs as the most loyal mechanic in the universe. Save for a certain period of a life time that this sequence is altered to a new one.
This sudden mal-function in life is never permanent. It all goes back to normal soon before anyone notices. But unfortunately, although life alters briefly and just temporarily, some gets affected by the result it brings forever.
Imagine yourself as an old lady who lived in an old worn-down house. A house that is all you have, your past, your present and your future. Until one day when a little girl entered that house and only another young doctor witnessed it.
That lonely house opened its door to welcome the little girl in and shut down its door to the rest of the world for another eight days.
Those were the eight days that the old lady had complete power over every pulse that kept the house alive and the eight days that the young doctor held, in his hands, the fates of the only two lives in it.
Imagine if one single interruption may change the rest of their lives. Then, what would it be like if, in certain times life starts and ends in only a day... the 8th day.
Director: Chadchai Yoodsaranee.
Cast: Vasana Chalakorn, Jannitt Oprasert, Thanawetch Siriwattanakul, Prangtip Boonchon, Penporn Ngamsuk, Bordin Moomeunsri, Kasem Chinnawong.
Thailand, 2008.
Language: Thai.
Download แปดวัน แปลกคน / Pad wan plak khon / The 8th Day.
This sudden mal-function in life is never permanent. It all goes back to normal soon before anyone notices. But unfortunately, although life alters briefly and just temporarily, some gets affected by the result it brings forever.
Imagine yourself as an old lady who lived in an old worn-down house. A house that is all you have, your past, your present and your future. Until one day when a little girl entered that house and only another young doctor witnessed it.
That lonely house opened its door to welcome the little girl in and shut down its door to the rest of the world for another eight days.
Those were the eight days that the old lady had complete power over every pulse that kept the house alive and the eight days that the young doctor held, in his hands, the fates of the only two lives in it.
Imagine if one single interruption may change the rest of their lives. Then, what would it be like if, in certain times life starts and ends in only a day... the 8th day.
Director: Chadchai Yoodsaranee.
Cast: Vasana Chalakorn, Jannitt Oprasert, Thanawetch Siriwattanakul, Prangtip Boonchon, Penporn Ngamsuk, Bordin Moomeunsri, Kasem Chinnawong.
Thailand, 2008.
Language: Thai.
Download แปดวัน แปลกคน / Pad wan plak khon / The 8th Day.
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แปดวัน แปลกคน / Pad wan plak khon / The 8th Day. 2008. |
Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973. DVD.
BG. Две новели са обединени от общи герои и проблемите, свързани с разминаването на желанията на различните поколения.
Две деца намират портмоне. Радостта е голяма. Малкият Марко черпи всички със сладолед, боза и пасти. По-големият му брат Славчо решава, че постъпката им е неправилна и настоява да намерят на кого е портмонето и да го върнат. Така заедно със сина на адвоката те се срещат с редица хора, докато открият собственика – това е тяхна съседка – Иванова, която винаги им се кара и се оплаква на родителите им. Вместо благодарност те получават отново упреци.
„Концерт за цигулка“
Синът на сем. Пенчеви – Митко, ходи на уроци по цигулка. Майката иска детето ѝ да стане голям музикант. Но Митко не желае да свири и се уговаря с по-малкия си съименник Малкия Митко да ходи на уроците вместо него. Накрая планът им е разкрит по време на училищния концерт. Това не разколебава Пенчева в амбициите ѝ – тя купува пиано.
EN. Two novels united by common characters and a never-settled problem. First story, "Temptation": Two kids find a wallet. They are very happy. Little Marko treats everyone with ice cream, soft drinks and cakes. His elder brother Slavcho insists on finding the wallet's owner. Together with their friend, a lawyer's son, they visit people listed on a piece of paper found in the wallet. After all, the kids discover that the owner is the lady next door, Ivanova, who always yells at them and constantly complains to their parents about them. Giving back the wallet to her, they get nothing but a load of reproaches in return. Second story, "Violin Recital": Mitko, son of the Penchevs, takes violin lessons. His mother believes he has a talent and wants him to become a great musician. But Mitko doesn't want to play and talks his younger namesake Little Mitko into attending the violin lessons in lieu of him. After all, their secret plan is revealed during the school concert. Mrs Pencheva doesn't change her mind - and buys a piano.
Director: Ivanka Grebcheva.
Cast: Dimitar Ganev, Wojciech Todorow, Ani Bakalova, Georgi Rusev, Yanko Yankov, Ognian Zheliazkov, Nikolay Teoharov, Mihail Lazarow, Vera Salieva, Petya Miladinova, Dimitar Dimitrow, Rositza Danailova, Georgi Rusakov, Svetoslav Peev, Peicho Peichev.
Bulgaria, 1973.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973:
2 parts arcive:
Part 1
Part 2
Две деца намират портмоне. Радостта е голяма. Малкият Марко черпи всички със сладолед, боза и пасти. По-големият му брат Славчо решава, че постъпката им е неправилна и настоява да намерят на кого е портмонето и да го върнат. Така заедно със сина на адвоката те се срещат с редица хора, докато открият собственика – това е тяхна съседка – Иванова, която винаги им се кара и се оплаква на родителите им. Вместо благодарност те получават отново упреци.
„Концерт за цигулка“
Синът на сем. Пенчеви – Митко, ходи на уроци по цигулка. Майката иска детето ѝ да стане голям музикант. Но Митко не желае да свири и се уговаря с по-малкия си съименник Малкия Митко да ходи на уроците вместо него. Накрая планът им е разкрит по време на училищния концерт. Това не разколебава Пенчева в амбициите ѝ – тя купува пиано.
EN. Two novels united by common characters and a never-settled problem. First story, "Temptation": Two kids find a wallet. They are very happy. Little Marko treats everyone with ice cream, soft drinks and cakes. His elder brother Slavcho insists on finding the wallet's owner. Together with their friend, a lawyer's son, they visit people listed on a piece of paper found in the wallet. After all, the kids discover that the owner is the lady next door, Ivanova, who always yells at them and constantly complains to their parents about them. Giving back the wallet to her, they get nothing but a load of reproaches in return. Second story, "Violin Recital": Mitko, son of the Penchevs, takes violin lessons. His mother believes he has a talent and wants him to become a great musician. But Mitko doesn't want to play and talks his younger namesake Little Mitko into attending the violin lessons in lieu of him. After all, their secret plan is revealed during the school concert. Mrs Pencheva doesn't change her mind - and buys a piano.
Director: Ivanka Grebcheva.
Cast: Dimitar Ganev, Wojciech Todorow, Ani Bakalova, Georgi Rusev, Yanko Yankov, Ognian Zheliazkov, Nikolay Teoharov, Mihail Lazarow, Vera Salieva, Petya Miladinova, Dimitar Dimitrow, Rositza Danailova, Georgi Rusakov, Svetoslav Peev, Peicho Peichev.
Bulgaria, 1973.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973:
2 parts arcive:
Part 1
Part 2
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Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973. DVD. |
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