Forum CineMonster


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Du sel sur la peau / Salt on the Skin. 1984. FULL-HD.

Du sel sur la peau / Salt on the Skin. 1984. FULL-HD.
The universally recognized topic of this light comedy is the struggle between refusing to fall in love only to be rejected, and falling in love, regardless. After a computer operator (Richard Bohringer) has been through a painful relationship, he is determined to look the other way every time any interesting woman enters his life. He has his other loves -- photography and model planes -- to challenge him anyway, though his mother is not about to understand how a model plane can replace a woman in his life. One day, a car breaks down in front of his house, and a young mother (Catherine Frot) with her 10-year-old daughter (Anne Clignet) come in looking for assistance. The daughter is endearing and would make a terrific subject for a photo contest. As both the young mother and the computer operator studiously ignore the flicker of romantic sparks, it is only a matter of time before the flame either grows or is extinguished.
Director: Jean-Marie Degèsves.
Cast: Michel Bawedin, Liliane Becker, Richard Bohringer, Harry Cleven, Anne Clignet, Catherine Frot, Michel Galabru, Yvette Merlin.
France, Belgium, 1984.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Du Sel Sur La Peau / Salt on the Skin. 1984.
Du sel sur la peau / Salt on the Skin. 1984. FULL-HD.
Du sel sur la peau / Salt on the Skin. 1984. FULL-HD.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen. 1979. Episode 8. FULL-HD.

Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen. 1979. Episode 8. FULL-HD.
 Die aus dem Kinderfernsehen der DDR bekannten Trickfilmfiguren Jan und Tini bereisen in ihrem kleinen Auto die DDR und lernen dabei Städt und Regionen, Menschen und ihre Berufe, Natur und Tiere und viele andere interessante Dinge kennen.
Episode 8. Durch unsere Hauptstadt Berlin, Teil 2.
In Teil 2 ihrer Reise in die Hauptstadt der DDR erwarten Jan und Tini in Kürze einen lieben Gast, der Berlin kennenlernen möchte. Dafür hat er drei Tage eingeplant. Jan und Tini sind inzwischen bestens vorbereitet, um ihren Gast gezielt durch Berlin führen zu können.
Director: Jörg d'Bomba.
Cast: Käte Beckert, Hartmut Beer, Гојко Митић, Roswitha Reimann.
DDR, 1979.
Language: German.
Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen. 1979. Episode 8. FULL-HD.
Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen. 1979. Episode 8. FULL-HD.


Saturday, December 14, 2024

נינה / Nina. 2024. 4K.

נינה / Nina. 2024. 4K.

A very concise short film about the relationship between mother and daughter.
Director: יובל בן צור / Yuval Ben Tzur.
Cast: Danielle Boussiba, Sharon Stark.
Israel, 2024.
Language: Hebrew.
Subtitles: English.
The arive contains two versions of the video:
3240x2160 4K
1280x720 HD

Download נינה / Nina. 2024. 

נינה / Nina. 2024. 4K.
נינה / Nina. 2024. 4K.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989. FULL-HD.

Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989. FULL-HD.
 FR. Embrasse-moi est un film français réalisé par Michèle Rosier et sorti en 1989.
La vie d'une enfant de douze ans vivant chez sa mere est perturbee par l'arri vee chez elle d'un tres jeune homme. Alors que ses sentiments deviennent confus et que les drames eclatent, la jeune fille tentera de trouver dans son entourage quelqu'un capable de l'ecou ter et la comprendre, avant que n'arri ve le pire.
EN. A twelve-year-old daughter, Louise dreams of imitating her venerated mother, Nora. She is suddenly confronted with an ambiguous situation: how to continue to love her despite Helmut, her teenager lover, whose presence is imposed on her. But also why not try to seduce him. The feelings of the child become confused, she will resort to a suicide attempt to be noticed, to prove that she exists, to succeed to move.
Director: Michèle Rosier.
Cast: Sophie Rochut, Dominique Valadié, Thomas Nock, Patrick Chesnais, Philippe Clévenot, Yann Collette, Isabelle Sadoyan, Anouk Grinberg, Muriel Jolly, Sylvie Jacob, Françoise Guibert, Bruno Randon, Philippe Soutan.
France, 1989.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989.
Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989. FULL-HD.
Embrasse-moi / Kiss Me. 1989. FULL-HD.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.

Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.

A better version of this movie in HD has been found.
DE. Gesellschaftsdrama nach Thomas Mann.
Ende der 20er-Jahre: Für den Literaten Bernhard Fuhrmann (Julian Sands), seine Frau Rachel (Anna Galiena) und deren Kinder verläuft der Sommerurlaub im pittoresken Torre di Venere alles andere als angenehm. Die Show des Hypnotiseurs Cipolla (Klaus Maria Brandauer) endet in einer Tragödie…Brandauer enttäuscht mit seiner Adaption: Er ignorierte wichtige Passagen und änderte den Schluss.
EN. Mario and the Magician (German: Mario und der Zauberer) is a 1994 German-language drama film directed by Klaus Maria Brandauer, based on the novel of the same name. It was entered into the 19th Moscow International Film Festival where Lajos Koltai won the Special Silver St. George for the Director of Photography.
An enigmatic hypnotist casts a spell over a German family holidaying in Italy. Based on an autobiographical novella by Thomas Mann, the film shows the holiday of well-known liberal German writer Bernhard Fuhrmann and his family of three at the Italian seaside resort town, Torre di Venere, in the 1920s. Italian guests want him and his family moved to a different building, because his daughter took off her clothes on the beach and caused a scandal, even though she's only 8 years old. While they struggle with facism and intolerance as well as the decline of liberal European values, they encounter magician Cipolla, who fascinates and changes the lifes of several characters.
Director: Klaus Maria Brandauer.
Cast: Julian Sands, Anna Galiena, Jan Wachtel, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Nina Schweser, Pavel Greco, Valentina Chico, Rolf Hoppe, Philippe Leroy, Ivano Marescotti.
Austria, France, Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Bonus: documentary behind the scenes.
Download Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.

Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Hals über Kopf. Episode 2. 1987.

Hals über Kopf. Episode 2. 1987.
 A higher quality version of this film has been found.
DE. Hals über Kopf ist eine deutsche Fernsehserie für Kinder und Jugendliche, die das ZDF ab 1986 mit insgesamt 34 Episoden à 30 Minuten und einem Pilotfilm produzierte. Die Erstausstrahlung erfolgte von Dezember 1987 bis 1991 im ZDF. Die Serie spielte in West-Berlin.
Folge 2. Das Lehmkind.
 Sarah lebt allein mit ihrer Mutter Elke zusammen. Während sie mit dieser Situation glücklich und zufrieden ist, sucht Elke über eine Zeitungsanzeige einen neuen Partner und Vater für ihre Tochter. Mit Bruno hat sie sich schon einmal getroffen. heute soll er Sarah kennenlernen. Während Elke sich für das Treffen schön macht, geht Sarah zum Spielplatz und wird dort in eine Schlammschlacht verwickelt. Elke, die ihre Tochter abholen will, findet nur eine Meute lehmverdreckter Kinder vor. Wütend greift sie sich Sarah – oder wen sie dafür hält.
EN. Episode 2. Das Lehmkind.
A mother wants to introduce her daughter to her new date. She goes to look for her and mistakenly takes a boy covered in mud. Under the shower it becomes clear that this is not the daughter! The boy gets dressed up as a girl and meets the date.
Director: Rainer Boldt.
Cast: Murat Inel, Janine Bendusky, Ilona Schulz, Thomas Schücke, Tayfun Bademsoy, Wolfgang Gruner, Charlotte Mathiesen, Michael Schönborn.
West Germany, ZDF, 1987.
Language: German, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Hals über Kopf. Episode 2. Das Lehmkind. 1987.

Hals über Kopf. Episode 2. 1987.
Hals über Kopf. Episode 2. 1987.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Children In Cinema. Part-90.

Children In Cinema. Part-90.
 The newest issue of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Ninety. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1951-2023. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
Almost all of these movies are present on this site and available for download.
Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but in better quality video.
Enjoy watching!
즐겁게 시청하세요!
28 clips.
Download Children In Cinema. Part-90.
Children In Cinema. Part-90.
Children In Cinema. Part-90.

Full collection of clips from featuring films and documentaries with the
participation of young actors "Children in Cinema" is available for download here.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Mirtis ir vyšnios medis / Death and the Cherry Tree. 1968. FULL-HD.

Mirtis ir vyšnios medis / Death and the Cherry Tree. 1968. FULL-HD.

LT. Režisieriaus Arūno Žebriūno trumpametražis vaidybinis filmas pagal anglų rašytojo Herberto Ernesto Bates'o novelę.
Pajūryje vaikai žaidžia karą. Šviesbruva mergytė pirmajame kadre ilgai stovi prie uolos pakeltomis rankomis, kol negrabiai nuslenka į smėlį. Žaidimo iniciatorius Berniukas nepatenkintas: „Gulėk! Aš tave nušoviau dar aną kartą“. Mergaitė siūlo draugui uogų, paskui nedrąsiai užsimena, gal jiedu verčiau pažaistų tėtį ir mamą? Nors Berniuko galvoje kita vizija – jis sužeistas, ji tvarsto žaizdas, -- su pietų idėja jis sutinka ir išbėga „kariauti“ į „džiungles“...
EN. A glimpse at three children at play: a boy interested in war games and being in charge, a young girl who has tired of his domination and wants to fix him a pretend meal, and a newcomer, an older girl willing to cater to the boy but also mature enough to use her feminine attractions to gain her own control. The story ends with the young girl deserted by the boy and sadly returning home
Director: Arūnas-Vytautas Žebriūnas.
Cast: Inga Mickytė, Misha Andrievsky, Olga Vazlina.
USSR; Vilnius TV, 1968.
Language: Lithuanian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Mirtis ir vyšnios medis / Death and the Cherry Tree. 1968. 

Mirtis ir vyšnios medis / Death and the Cherry Tree. 1968. FULL-HD.
Mirtis ir vyšnios medis / Death and the Cherry Tree. 1968. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.

Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.
DE. Eine Art Selbsthilfegruppe trifft sich jeden Donnerstag in der Sauna von Jost und Nadine (Charly Hübner und Christiane Paul). Da geben der Langzeitarbeitslose Toni (Andreas Schmidt), die frisch vom Himmel ins Arbeitsamt gefallene Stewardess Dani (Esther Zimmering) und Monika (Laura Tonke), die promovierte Sozialhilfeempfängerin, einander Einkaufstipps. Stammgast Norbert (Edgar Selge) darf immerhin noch für seine Frau Reden schreiben, und nur Karin (Steffi Kühnert) glaubt, dem Kapitalismus in seiner vollen Pracht gewachsen zu sein.
Mit lakonischem Humor und einer gesunden Prise Sex nähert sich der in Berlin ansässige irische Filmregisseur Eoin Moore (Pigs will fly) dem vom Kino eher selten behandelten Thema Arbeitslosigkeit.
EN. The siblings Nadine and Jost meet up with their friends every Thursday in their Berlin sauna 'Im Schwitzkasten'. Not only do we sweat together, we also discuss everyday problems.
Director: Eoin Moore.
Cast: Charly Hübner, Steffi Kühnert, Christiane Paul, Andreas Schmidt, Edgar Selge, Laura Tonke, Esther Zimmering, Franziska Walser, Kathleen Gallego Zapata, Thorsten Merten, Martin Heisler.
Germany, 2005.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005.

Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.
Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.


Monday, December 2, 2024

Nie będę Cię kochać / I Won't Love You. 1973. FULL-HD.

Nie będę Cię kochać / I Won't Love You. 1973. FULL-HD.
 PL. Mała osada w Polsce. Ojciec często wysyła Ankę (Grażyna Michalska) do gospody po alkohol, podobnie jak większość mężczyzn w osadzie, pije nałogowo. Zrezygnowana matka Anki z pokorą przyjmuje swój los. Sytuacja w domu niekorzystnie wpływa na wyniki nauki dziewczynki. Jedynym przyjacielem osamotnionej i zagubionej Anki jest Rysiek, starszy kolega ze szkoły, który spędza z nią dużo czasu. Któregoś dnia dziewczynka przeżywa szok, gdy znajduje pijanego ojca w rowie. Kilkunastoletnia bohaterka, buntująca się przeciwko ojcu dla jego dobra, jest zmuszona reagować jak dorosła kobieta odpowiedzialna za życie innych osób.
EN. In an idyllic working class community, 13 year old Anka grows up, going through stages of adolescence, dreaming, first love and gossiping with girlfriends. Roughly disturbed by the shame and disgrace of alcoholism - leaves unwashable stains upon the community, that tries to cope with abuse and depression, and the system (including school teachers) who try to avoid the subject. This story was aimed at parents, to give them morally an insight into what happens when a young girl has to deal with the disgrace of an alcoholic father and a mentally instable mother. Very well acted by Grazyna Michalska as Anka.
Director: Janusz Nasfeter.
Cast: Grażyna Michalska, Bogdan Baer, Tadeusz Bartkowiak, Andrzej Boczula, Henryka Dobosz, Bozena Fedorczyk, Bogdan Izdebski, Tadeusz Janczar, Elzbieta Jodlowska, Marek Kubacki, Janusz Nasfeter, Beata Nowicka, Krzysztof Sierocki.
Poland, 1973.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Nie będę Cię kochać / I Won't Love You. 1973.

Nie będę Cię kochać / I Won't Love You. 1973. FULL-HD.
Nie będę Cię kochać / I Won't Love You. 1973. FULL-HD.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Belinda Beautiful. 2013. FULL-HD.

Belinda Beautiful. 2013. FULL-HD.
The 14 years old Belinda is not like other girls. She's neither beautiful nor good at sports, and she has never been kissed. She did kiss her only friend Frederic though, in the storage room at the diner where she works. But he is only 10 and she sort of forced him. But in one aspect Belinda is just like any other teenager - her hormones are raging. Frederic doesn't quite get her. He's only interested in dissecting and frying insects and dead animals. So when Belinda falls head over heels for her older handball coach their friendship undergoes the ultimate test.
Director: Marianne Blicher.
Cast: Rikke Louise Andersson, Rasmus Aude, Jacob Lohmann, Isabel Patulski Nielsen, Viktoria Steinhart.
Denmark, 2013.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Belinda Beautiful. 2013.
Belinda Beautiful. 2013. FULL-HD.
Belinda Beautiful. 2013. FULL-HD.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.

Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.
FR. À Paris, une jeune femme, Louise Haines-Pearson, rend visite à son amie alitée Nena. Celle-ci lui raconte qu'elle vient d'écrire un livre sur l'histoire d'une petite fille troublée par ses sens, peut-être à cause de la tyrannie exercée par sa mère et souffrant de l'absence de son père. Louise se reconnaît dans les difficultés de cette petite fille, étant elle-même profondément affectée par l'indifférence de son mari.
EN. The Games of Countess Dolingen (French: Les Jeux de la comtesse Dolingen de Gratz) is a 1981 French fantasy-drama film written and directed by Catherine Binet and starring Carol Kane.
The film was entered into the main competition at the 38th edition of the Venice Film Festival.
In Paris, a young woman, Louise Haines Pearson, visits her disturbed friend Nena who tells her that she has just written a book on the history of a little girl troubled by her senses, perhaps because of the tyranny of his mother and the absence of her father. Louise recognizes the difficulties of this little girl, being herself deeply affected by the indifference of her husband.
Director: Catherine Binet.
Cast: Michael Lonsdale, Carol Kane, Katia Wastchenko, Marina Vlady, Emmanuelle Riva, Roberto Plate, Marilú Marini, Robert Stephens, Marucha Bo, Antoine Binet, Raoul Escari, Tobie Schumer, François Mouren-Provensal, Yves Barsacq, Alain Cuny.
France, 1981.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.
Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.
Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes.

Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes. HD.

DE. 10‑tlg. schwed. Jugendserie nach dem Buch von Astrid Lindgren („Du är inte klok Madicken“; 1979).
Die Schülerin Madita (Jonna Liljendahl) und ihre kleine Schwester Lisabet (Liv Alsterlund) erleben zusammen viele Abenteuer. Die Engströms (Monica Nordquist und Björn Granath) sind ihre Eltern, die Nilssons (Allan Edwall und Brigitta Andersson) Onkel und Tante. Deren Sohn Abbe (Sebastian Hakansson) ist bei den Erlebnissen oft mit dabei. Zur Familie gehört noch Alva (Lis Nilheim).
Jede Episode war 25 Minuten lang. Die Serie lief nach Tradition der Weihnachtsserien des ZDF zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr täglich nachmittags.
EN. Madicken is a fictional character created by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Madicken appeared in six books, two films — Du är inte klok Madicken (1979) (You're out of your mind, Maggie) and Madicken på Junibacken (1980) (Meg of June Hill) — and a TV series (1979).
Du är inte klok Madicken is about a 7-year-old middle class girl, during World War I. The follow-up movie Madicken på Junibacken from 1980 is edited from various episodes of the TV production "Madicken" which screened in 1980. However, the events of the first film are set after the second film.
Her full name is Margareta Engström, but the only time anyone uses it is when admonishing her. Her mother is a housewife - they have a maid/nanny named Alva who does the work around the house—and her father is the editor-in-chief of the local newspaper.
Episode List:
1. Sommardag på junibacken
2. Madicken flyger och far
3. Fru nilsson far tillbaka sin kropp
4. Spoeket i brygghuset
5. Junibackens jul
6. Lisabet pillar in en aerta i naesan
7. Du är inte riktigt klok, madicken
8. Den stora avlusningen – madicken och mia
9. Ibland opp och ibland ner – fly guppbisningen
10. Alva dansar och det blir juligen – en lifen…
Director: Göran Graffman.
Cast: Cecilia Orlando-Willberg, Ted Åström, Jonna Liljendahl, Björn Granath, Lis Nilheim, Liv Alsterlund, Monica Nordquist, Allan Edwall, Sebastian Håkansson, Birgitta Andersson, Kerstin Hansson.
Drehbuch: Astrid Lindgren nach ihrem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch.
Sweden, 1979.
Language: Czech.
1024x576, 1280x720 HD
Download Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes:
2 parts archive:

Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes. HD.
Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes. HD.

Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes. HD.
Madicken / Madita. 1979. 10 Episodes. HD.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

BBC: The Human Body. Film 4. 1998. FULL-HD.

BBC: The Human Body. Film 4. 1998. FULL-HD.
Documentary series "The Human Body" is a very unusual and fascinating story of how, in fact, functioning in the human body, interaction between its major systems and organs.
Unique camera technology, using miniature cameras, introduced in the human body, and the use of specially developed computer graphics.
The series consists of 8 films of 50 minutes each.
Film 4 - "Puberty".
Director: Christopher Spencer.
Cast: Robert Winston, Andrew Blackall, Phillippa, Jeff, Beatrice Maude, Hannelorre, Herbie, Jay Simon, Viola.
UK, 1998.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download The Human Body. Film 4. 1998.
BBC: The Human Body. Film 4. 1998. FULL-HD.
BBC: The Human Body. Film 4. 1998. FULL-HD.


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987. 4K.

Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987. 4K.
NO. Filmen handler i hovedsak om to 11-årige jenter, Siss (Line Storesund) og Unn (Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen). Det begynner en ny jente i klassen til Siss. Det er Unn, som bor hos sin moster (Merete Moen) siden foreldrene hennes er borte. De to jentene føler et udefinert behov for hverandre, en stillfarende lengsel etter ømhet og varme. En kveld Siss er på besøk hos Unn, sitter de to jentene inne på Unns rom bak en låst dør, der kler de seg nakne for hverandre. De kastes inn i en sterk følelseskonfrontasjon og dagen etter klarer ikke Unn å møte Siss. På vei til skolen begir hun seg alene inn i det kalde, ensomme landskapet i den gjenfrosne fossen hvor hun til slutt forsvinner. Det går letemannskap ute til langt på natt for å lete etter Unn og tilslutt må letemannskapet gå til moster og fortelle at de ikke finner Unn. Dette går sterkt inn på Siss og hun er i ferd med å bukke under i isolasjon og desperasjon. Hun lukker seg inni seg selv og vil ikke leke med de andre på skolen. Hun blir bare stående for seg selv i skolegården. En dag går Siss til moster og får høre at moster har avfunnet seg med at Unn er borte og ikke lever mer. Moster har pakket sammen og er på flyttefot. Våren kommer og isen smelter i det store islandskapet. Siss er ute ved fossen og der finner hun Unn nedfrosset nede i isen. Det ender med at Siss får hjelp til å finne seg selv igjen, hun åpner seg igjen og blir på den måten berget.
EN. The Ice Palace (Norwegian: Is-slottet) is a 1987 Norwegian drama film directed by Per Blom based on the novel of the same name. The film was selected as the Norwegian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 61st Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the thirties, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meets. They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious, she admits to have secret and indecent fantasies about her girlfriend.
Director: Per Blom.
Cast: Line Storesund, Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen, Merete Moen, Sigrid Huun, Vidar Sandem, Knut Ørvig, Urda Brattrud Larsen, Charlotte Lundestad, Gunnar Svensrud, Jan Hoel, Andreas Roald.
Norway, 1987.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
3840x2160 FULL-HD (4K)
Download Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987:
2 parts archive:

Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987. 4K.
Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987. 4K.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Baby Love. 1969. FULL-HD.

Baby Love. 1969. FULL-HD.
Baby Love is a 1969 British drama film directed by Alastair Reid and starring Diana Dors, Linda Hayden Troy Dante and Ann Lynn.
The film tells the story of a 15 year-old schoolgirl who seduces her adoptive family after her mother committed suicide.
Reid went on to work in television, while Linda Hayden, who was only 15 at the time of filming, later appeared in sexploitation movies, including two of the entries in the Confessions film series, Confessions of a Window Cleaner (1974) and Confessions from a Holiday Camp (1977). The film features an uncredited appearance by Bruce Robinson, later to direct Withnail & I (1987).
Now 15 years old, Luci grew up alone with her slutty mother in a poor district of London. After her mother's suicide, Robert, her mother's former high-school boyfriend, brings Luci to his home where she meets his rich wife Aimee and their teenage son. However, Robert is not the boy's biological father. Luci makes Robert think that he's guilty of her mother's death, because he left her after he finished university. Nevertheless, she wants to stay with his family in their beautiful home. It seems to them that she wants revenge. The whole family is confused by her strange behavior toward each of them, which is interpreted as seхual advances...
Director: Alastair Reid.
Cast: Diana Dors, Linda Hayden, Troy Dante, Ann Lynn, Sheila Steafel, Dick Emery, Keith Barron, Lewis Wilson, Derek Lamden, Patience Collier, Terence Brady, Marianne Stone, Vernon Dobtcheff, Yvonne Horner.
United Kingdom, 1969.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Baby Love. 1969.

Baby Love. 1969. FULL-HD.
Baby Love. 1969. FULL-HD.

Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. FULL-HD.

Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. FULL-HD.

Bastard Out of Carolina is a 1996 American drama film made by Showtime Networks, directed by Anjelica Huston. It is based on a novel by Dorothy Allison and adapted for the screen by Anne Meredith. Jena Malone stars in her debut as a poor, physically abused and sexually molested girl.
In 1997 the theatrical and video releases of the film were banned by Canada's Maritime Film Classification Board. The video was eventually granted release upon appeal.
The film won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Casting for a Miniseries or a Special (Linda Lowy) and was nominated for Outstanding Directing for a Miniseries or a Special (Anjelica Huston), Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Special (Glenne Headly), and Outstanding Made for Television Movie (Amanda DiGiulio, Gary Hoffman). It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival.
In post-WWII South Carolina, a young woman named Anney gives birth to an illegitimate child, nicknamed Bone. A few years later, Anney marries the seemingly decent Glen, who does not get along with Bone. Annie's miscarriage of a boy enrages her husband, who, behind his wife's back, begins to physically abuse Bone on a regular basis. After Anney discovers what her husband has been doing, she leaves Glen. But her need for a man's love eventually compels her to return to Glen, setting the stage for a heinous incident between Glen and his stepdaughter. As a result, a rift forms between mother and daughter -- that may never be healed. A made-for-cable adaptation of Dorothy Allison's best-selling novel.
Director: Anjelica Huston.
Cast: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ron Eldard, Glenne Headly, Lyle Lovett, Jena Malone, Dermot Mulroney, Christina Ricci, Michael Rooker, Diana Scarwid, Susan Traylor, Grace Zabriskie, Richard Todd Sullivan, Kelsey Elizabeth Boulware, Janice McQueen Ward.
USA, 1996.
Language: English, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996.

Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. FULL-HD.
Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. FULL-HD.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Children In Cinema. Part-89.

Children In Cinema. Part-89.
The newest part of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Eighty Nine. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1942-2019. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but in better quality video.
Enjoy watching!
즐겁게 시청하세요!
17 clips.
Download Children In Cinema. Part-89.
Children In Cinema. Part-89.
Children In Cinema. Part-89.

Full collection of clips from featuring films and documentaries with the
participation of young actors "Children in Cinema" is available for download theese pages.

Belinda Beautiful. 2013. HD.

Belinda Beautiful. 2013. HD.
The 14 year old Belinda is not like other girls. She's neither beautiful nor good at sports, and she has never been kissed. She did kiss her only friend Frederic though, in the storage room at the diner where she works. But he is only 10 and she sort of forced him. But in one aspect Belinda is just like any other teenager - her hormones are raging. Frederic doesn't quite get her. He's only interested in dissecting and frying insects and dead animals. So when Belinda falls head over heels for her older handball coach their friendship undergoes the ultimate test.
Director: Marianne Blicher.
Cast: Rikke Louise Andersson, Rasmus Aude, Jacob Lohmann, Isabel Patulski Nielsen, Viktoria Steinhart.
Denmark, 2013.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Belinda Beautiful. 2013.
Belinda Beautiful. 2013. HD.
Belinda Beautiful. 2013. HD.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Massacre of the Innocents. 2024. FULL-HD.

Massacre of the Innocents. 2024. FULL-HD.

Minou and her mother are forced to flee their home when a forest fire approaches. At the hotel where they take shelter, Minou is drawn into a painting that opens the door to a terrifying new world. Soon she begins to experience visions that no one else can see.
An expressionistic short, which portraits climate anxiety through images of the naked and vulnerable human being. Through the eyes of 7 year old Minou we see humanity for what it is, a mammal in a herd.
Director: SaraKlara Hellström.
Cast: Juni Grunewald, Dijana Asterborn.
Sweden, 2024.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Massacre of the Innocents. 2024. 

Massacre of the Innocents. 2024. FULL-HD.
Massacre of the Innocents. 2024. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.

Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.
 World Wars can break out for futile causes. But, in the holiday town of Durbuy (the smallest one in Belgium), there IS a good reason for civil war, namely the business rivalry between Simone, the energetic and successful owner of the Esplanade Hotel and Germaine Radoux, the envious tenant of the French fries stand across the square. Such an unbearable situation naturally pits half of the population against the other. Things do not improve when Simone's son and Germaine's daughter take it into their head to fall in love!
Director: Benoît Lamy.
Cast: Annie Girardot, Christian Barbier, Ann Petersen, Dominique Drouot, Nathalie van de Walle, Andre Vercammen, Bonbon, William van den Daele, Donat Bonmariage, Marie-Luce Debouny, Annicky Van Damme, Marie-Josée Megank, Yvette Gaspard.
France, Belgium, 1977.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977.

Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.
Jambon d'Ardenne / Ham and Chips. 1977. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Rozada / Rubbed in Pink. 2019. FULL-HD.

Rozada / Rubbed in Pink. 2019. FULL-HD.

Sofia, the daughter of a fashion photographer, is starting to discover her femininity and is looking for guidance. At home her mother shows her ways to be a woman. At school she plays games that awaken her sexuality. In the process she realizes she feels different than the women around her.
Director: Kathy Esquenazi Mitrani.
Cast: Alejandra Zoluaga Rojas, Isabela Zoluaga Rojas, Judith Pérez S, Adriano Barán, Jesus M. Santos.
Colombia, 2019.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Rozada / Rubbed in Pink. 2019. 

Rozada / Rubbed in Pink. 2019. FULL-HD.
Rozada / Rubbed in Pink. 2019. FULL-HD.

Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982. FULL-HD.

Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982. FULL-HD.
Der Fan (transl. The Fan) is a 1982 West German horror film directed by Eckhart Schmidt. The film follows a disturbed teenage girl's obsessive love for a pop singer named R who, after meeting her, eventually reveals that he does not love her back, leading to disastrous consequences.
An uncut and restored version was released by Mondo Macabro on DVD and Blu-ray in 2015.
The hero-worship that Simone has for a pop singer is built to a crescendo until she passes out when she finally sees him up-close in a crowd of fans pushing him for autographs. She is later shocked when he lets her know that he does not love her. In an instant, she is caught "in a trance" and feels a murderous urge that is bigger than the both of them.
In her contract, popular German TV moderator Désirée Nosbusch agreed to shoot the nude scenes together with Bodo Staiger. After stills from those scenes were published during the marketing campaign of the film, she tried to stop the release. After a long trial that caused a scandal in German press, she finally lost and the film was released in the original version by director Eckhart Schmidt. Schmidt and Nosbusch reconciled their struggle years after that and became friends again.
Director: Eckhart Schmidt.
Cast: Désirée Nosbusch, Bodo Staiger, Simone Brahmann, Jonas Vischer, Helga Tölle, Klaus Münster, Ian Moorse, Wilfried Blasberg, Sabine Kueckelmann, Claudia Schumann.
West Germany, 1982.
Language: German, English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982:
3 parts archive:

Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982. FULL-HD.
Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982. FULL-HD.

Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982. FULL-HD.
Der Fan / The Fan / Trance. 1982. FULL-HD.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Grasshopper Island. 1970.

Grasshopper Island. 1970.
Grasshopper Island is a British television serial for children created by Joy Whitby. It was first broadcast in 1971. It was filmed on location in London, Milford Haven and Corsica.
The series centres on three brothers, nicknamed Toughy (wants to be a soldier), Smarty (clever), and Mouse (likes cheese). Their real names are not revealed. Presumably orphaned (their parents are never seen or mentioned), they have lived with a succession of different people – 'some nice and some nasty, but no-one who they liked in particular'. Being boisterous, adventurous and imaginative, they are regularly in trouble and consequently resent their situation. Eventually they decide to run away to sea. After escaping, they hitch a ride courtesy of the bizarre Elderly Boy in his converted lifeboat. They eventually arrive on an apparently uninhabited island, where the Elderly Boy abandons them, and they set up home.[1] After a while they discover that the island is home to the eccentric grasshopper expert Cornelius Button and his feisty housekeeper Lupus. After making friends with their new neighbours, they join forces with them to defeat the unsavoury Doctor Hopper, who wants to destroy Button's reputation and seize Grasshopper Island. Afterwards, they decide to stay on Grasshopper Island permanently.
This is 2005 DVD version.
Director: Joy Whitby.
Cast: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Charles Hawtrey, Patricia Hayes, Julian Orchard, Frank Muir, Tim Whitby, Max Whitby, Nick Whitby, Keith Dewhurst.
UK, 1970.
Language: English.
Download Grasshopper Island. 1970.

Grasshopper Island. 1970.
Grasshopper Island. 1970.