Forum CineMonster


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.

Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
DE. Der Pionier Adam Ledermann hat eine ausgefallene Idee, er will Blumen für den Mond züchten, damit die Menschen, die einmal dort arbeiten werden, auch ihre Freude haben. Von seinen Freunden wird er als Spinner bezeichnet, aber als er Partner findet für sein fantastisches Projekt, Landwirtschaftsflieger Kondensmaxe und Professor Vitamin, werden auch die anderen vorm Forschungsdrang erfasst. Komplizierte Experimente werden gemacht, auch Fehlschläge müssen verkraftet werden. Aber Begeisterung, Einfallsreichtum und Ausdauer führen zum Ziel: eine wunderbare Mondblume.
EN. Adam, Evchen, and Manni are looking at the moon through their home-made telescope. Evchen isn't interested, and dismisses the moon as a lump of cheese. Manni, who is a big fan of technology, sees satellites and a car driving over the moon's surface. But Adam hears the moon speak, and hears it ask for flowers to cover its surface. From then on, Adam is determined to breed a kind of flower that can grow on the moon. Although he is made fun of at school and is yelled at by his father, who develops extra-nutritious vegetables for Professor Vitamin, Adam keeps trying. Eventually things take a positive turn. Kondensmaxe, in his airplane, finds Professor Vitamin's old magic greenhouse. It turns out the Professor was herself concerned with developing such a flower, before the war, and is willing to assist Adam in his research. Manni and Evchen support him every step of the way, and so does Adam's grandfather. Eventually Adam's mother even convinces her husband to assist the children...
Director: Rolf Losansky.
Cast: Jutta Wachowiak, Stefan Lisewski, Sven Grothe, Annemone Haase, Gerhard Bienert, Dieter Franke, Astrid Heinze, Dirk Förster, Yvonne Dießner, Ronald Schwarz, Carl Heinz Choynski, Dieter Jäger, Carmen-Maja Antoni.
DDR, DEFA, 1975.
Language: German.
Download Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.

Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.
Margaret is a lonely but very observant girl. Everyday, she is impacted by numerous uniforming messages that try to educate her to fulfill a concrete social role. Nevertheless, Margaret has a little secret. And from the shelter of her room, she will show us the strength and the imagination with which she will overcome the established stereotypes.
Director: Irene Zoe Alameda.
Cast: Lowena McDonell, Lucía Caraballo, Pilar Torriente, Ana Hilton, Maria Cuéllar, Lucía Martínez, Lily Morett, Jessica Prado, Eugenia Savchynets.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010.
Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.
Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.


Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.

Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
Dedicato al mare Egeo is a forgotten and bizarre co-production produced between Italy and Japan from 1979, starring the famous Italian pоrn star Illona Staller (Cicciolina) and directed by the famous Japanese pinter, printmaker and novelist Masuo Ikeda (1934–1997) from his own script based on his novel “Ege-kai ni sasagu”, for which he won the Akutagawa Prize, the most prestigious literary award in Japan. Ikeda’s vigorous artistic activity even included screenplay writing and film directing. With this movie, Masuo Ikeda has undoubtedly left his mark on the ’70s Italian skin cinema.
Director: Masuo Ikeda.
Cast: Ilona Staller, Stefania Casini, Olga Karlatos, Claudio Aliotti, Sandra Dobrigna, Maria D'Alessandro, Laura Tanziani, Stefano Rolla.
Italy, Japan, 1979.
Languages: Italian, Greek.
Subtitles: Japanese.
Download Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
 Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.

Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.
PL. Posiadający nadprzyrodzone zdolności żydowski chłopiec, Dawid Weiser, staje się przywódcą grupy rówieśników. Pewnego dnia konstruuje bombę, która niespodziewanie wybucha. Chłopiec przepada bez wieści. Jego przyjaciele wciąż żyją wydarzeniami z dzieciństwa. Po trzydziestu latach Paweł Heller postanawia rozwikłać zagadkę zniknięcia Dawida. Stopniowo traci zainteresowanie pracą i rodziną. Zaczyna obsesyjnie wierzyć, że odszyfrowanie tajemnicy Weisera pomoże mu nadać sens własnemu życiu i wewnętrznie pogodzić się z sobą.
EN. A man struggles to come to terms with a mystery that has haunted him throughout his adult life in this drama from Poland. In 1967, a 13-year-old boy named Dawid discovered a cache of explosives and began experimenting with them; one day, several of his friends saw Dawid wave to them shortly before a massive explosion went off near a railway tunnel, and no one ever saw the young man again. Thirty years later, one of Dawid's close friends, Pawel, returns to Poland for the first time in 11 years to visit Juliane, a woman he used to love. As Pawel returns home, he discovers his thoughts keeps drifting back to Dawid and what might have happened to him that day. Pawel keeps replaying the explosive incident in his mind, and goes so far as to track down Elka, Dawid's girlfriend, who was with him moments before the explosion, though then as now she refuses to talk about what happened. Pawel is unable to determine for sure just what happened or how Dawid died -- or if he did in fact die at all. Weiser was nominated for the Golden Bear award at the 2001 Berlin Film Festival.
Director: Wojciech Marczewski.
Cast: Marek Kondrat, Krystyna Janda, Juliane Köhler, Teresa Marczewska, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Krzysztof Globisz, Michael Mendl, Mariusz Benoit, Marian Opania, Janusz Gajos, Jaroslaw Gajewski, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Piotr Fronczewski, Ewa Wencel, Magdalena Cielecka, Krzysztof Szczerbiński, Zbigniew Waleryś.
Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, France, 2001.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Weiser. 2001.
Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.
Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.


Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.

The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.
A bus stops and drops off a mother and daughter at a British holiday resort by the sea. Which happens also to be a naturist resort. The girls frolic carefree on the beach. Mother is looking for a new man and her daughter giggles at the different shapes and sizes of the other nude bodies around her. In the evening, mother dances with the local fishmonger. Later that night she spys on them having sex, intrigued by it. In the morning she investigates the sleeping man's body, interrupted prematurely by her mother.
Director: Philippa Lowthorpe.
Writer: Lucy Ellmann.
Cast: Lesley Nightingale, James Larkin, Isabella Nightingale,
UK, 1995.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.
The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.
The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995. HD.