Forum CineMonster


Monday, August 31, 2020

L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.

L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.
 Shooting the Moon (Italian: L'albero delle pere) is a 1998 Italian drama film directed by Francesca Archibugi. It entered the competition at the 59th Venice International Film Festival, in which Niccolò Senni won the Marcello Mastroianni Award.
Fourteen-year-old Siddharta lives in Rome with his mother, Silvia - an affectionate, rambling, though shifty woman. She does not work. She lives by her wits, her friendships, her relationships. She's separated from Siddharta's father, Massimo, who does his best to help them. With Roberto she has a five-year-old daughter, Domitilla, who lives with her own father, from whom Silvia is also estranged. The two siblings love each other very much. Domitilla moves in for the Christmas holidays, and, one day while rummaging among her mother's trousse, gets hurt by a syringe. Emotional turmoil ensues. Siddharta has to live on in spite of his parents' mis-doings. He sends Domitilla to do HIV, HBV and HCV tests without their parents' knowledge. Hence, he has to use his own name. That causes unexpected trouble.
Director:  Francesca Archibugi.
Cast: Valeria Golino, Niccolò Senni, Francesca Di Giovanni, Sergio Rubini, Stefano Dionisi, Corrado Invernizzi, Chiara Noschese, Victor Cavallo, Maria Consagra, Giuseppe Del Bono, Serena Scapagnini.
Italy, 1998.
Language: Italian.
Download L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.
L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.
L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.

I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.

I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.
A man in his thirties is on the run with a young girl. As they take a ferry to the UK, traces of a common past come to light - a past filled with loss and sorrow. Fleeing in secret, they end up hiding in a small apartment on the seaside, where they live day-to-day, exploring each other’s emotional territories. Mourning and grief will bind them, but is this alliance of dependence appropriate for them and for the outside world?
Director: Caroline Strubbe.
Cast: Kimke Desart, Zoltán Miklós Hajdu, Mark Hanney.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: English, Dutch, Hungarian.
1280x720 HD
Download I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013.
I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.
I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.

Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.
 SE. Sixten är en svensk dramafilm från 1994 i regi av Catti Edfeldt.
13-årige Sixten bor med sin ensamstående och överbeskyddande pappa som arbetar som busschaufför på nätterna. Tillsammans med Jonte tar Sixten fram en plan att få pappan på andra tankar, kanske behöver han en riktig kvinna.
Filmen premiärvisades 16 september 1994. Den filmades av Rolf Lindström och bygger på Ulf Starks roman Sixten som utgavs 1987. I samband med filmens premiär återutgavs boken i omskriven form. I amerikanska Variety oroade man sig för att den skulle komma att barnförbjudas på grund av det inklippta samlagsavsnittet från filmen Ur kärlekens språk.
EN. Sixten lives with his divorced father. His mother lives in Copenhagen and never visits them. In order to help his father to find a new wife, Sixten answers lonely-heart ads in the papers which leads to some unexpected meetings with strange women. At the same time Sixten discovers his own sexuality and has a summer romance with a girl at school. Comedy and drama on the pains of growing up.
Director: Catti Edfeldt.
Cast: Peter Viitanen, Hans Henriksson, Jonas Magnusson, Marie Thulin, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Kalle Stridbeck, Erik Lagerström, Magnus Nilsson, Anna-Lena Brundin.
Sweden, 1994.
Language: Swedish.
Download Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.
Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.
Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD.

Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD.
My Life as a Dog (Swedish: Mitt liv som hund) is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 12 December 1985, directed by Lasse Hallström. It is based on the second novel of a semi-autobiographical trilogy by Reidar Jönsson. It tells the story of Ingemar, a young boy sent to live with relatives.
Ingemar lives with his brother and his terminally ill mother. He may have a rough time, but not as bad as Laika - the russian dog sent into space... He gets sent away to stay with relations for the summer. While there, he meets various strange characters, giving him experiences that will affect him for the rest of his life.
Director: Lasse Hallström.
Cast: Anton Glanzelius, Tomas von Brömssen, Anki Lidén, Melinda Kinnaman, Kicki Rundgren, Lennart Hjulström, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Christina Carlwind, Ralph Carlsson, Jan-Philip Hollström.
Sweden, 1985.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x768 HD
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2 parts archive:
Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD.
Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD.
Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD.
Mitt liv som hund / My Life as a Dog. 1985. HD.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008. HD.

Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008. HD.
 CZ. Po tom, čo sympatického štyridsiatnika Morgana Robertsa (David James Elliott) bolestne zasiahnu zlé správy od jeho lekára, rozhodne sa prijať prácu ako poradca v nezabudnuteľnom letnom detskom tábore, v ktorom on sám prežil spolu so svojím najlepším kamarátom Sunnym (Ed Quinn), ktorý je tam dnes riaditeľom, najkrajšie leto svojho života. Je rozhodnutý pripraviť tohtoročným táborníkom rovnako nezabudnuteľné leto, ako pred rokmi prežil on sám – a popritom sa, aj keď sa mu o tom ani len nesnívalo - sám čosi naučí od svojim malých, mimoriadne živých zverencov...
EN. Morgan Roberts, a middle aged adult in crisis, reunites with his best friend when he returns to the summer camp of his youth. His troubles seem to magnify when he is joined by a rag-tag group of 10 year old campers. Through their struggles they collectively overcome their personal problems and exchange them for one of the best summers of their lives.
Director: Christopher R. Watson.
Cast: David James Elliott, Grayson Russell, Ed Quinn, Julie Ann Emery, Rebecca Mader, Gabriel Mann, Renée Taylor, Stephen Tobolowsky, Lizz Carter, Max Burkholder, Noah Munck, Harvey J. Alperin, Taylor Boggan.
USA, Czech Republic, 2008.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008:
2 parts archive:
Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008. HD.
Najlepšie prázdniny / The Rainbow Tribe. 2008. HD.

鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.

鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.
 JP. 東京から急行列車で3時間を要するある地方で、32歳の竹中宗吉は、ようやく、印刷屋の主になるところまで漕ぎつけた。狐のような顔をした妻・お梅との間に、子供はなかった。商売の順調な宗吉は、ある時、料理屋の女中・菊代に惹かれる。何とか菊代を養えそうな気がした宗吉は、彼女と関係を持った。好きな女を囲う身分になれたという充足は出世感に近かった。菊代との間には、3人の子供ができた。しかしその後、近代的な印刷会社の進出や火事により、宗吉の商売は零落する。宗吉から生活費の貰えなくなった菊代が、3人の子を連れて、宗吉の家に乗り込んだため、お梅にも事態が露見する。お梅の仕打ちと女房の前に竦んだ宗吉の腑抜けぶりに、菊代は怒り、出て行ってしまう。
EN. The Demon (鬼畜, Kichiku) is a 1978 Japanese psychological drama directed by Yoshitarō Nomura and written by Masato Ide, based on the novel by Seichō Matsumoto.
When Sokichi stops providing his long-time lover Kikuyo enough money to pay for the care of their three young children, Kikuyo leaves the children with Sokichi - and his very surprised and angry wife Oume - and disappears.
Director: 野村芳太郎 / Yoshitarô Nomura.
Cast: Shima Iwashita, Ken Ogata, Hiroki Iwase, Miyuki Yoshizawa, Jun Ishii, Eimei Esumi, Jun Hamamura, Yoshie Hinoki, Yukio Horikita, Takanobu Hozumi, Tokuo Ichimaru, Keizô Kanie.
Japan, 1978.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
1280x720 HD
Download 鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978:
3 parts archive:
鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.
鬼畜 / Kichiku / The Demon. 1978. HD.

Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. HD. In color.

Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. HD. In color.
The classics of Soviet children's cinema are now in color.
Welcome, or No Trespassing (Russian: Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещён, translit. Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchyon) is a Soviet movie by Elem Klimov made in 1964. It is a satirical comedy about the excessive restrictions that children face during their vacation in a Young Pioneer camp, imposed by their masters. Most of the actors are children, while the protagonist is the director Dynin, played by Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev. The film was selected to be screened in the Cannes Classics section of the 2015 Cannes Film Festival.
In a Soviet Young Pioneer camp, Dynin, the administrator is afraid that the children may succumb to harmful accidents and that he will be deemed responsible. He believes that accidents happen when formal rules are violated. Hence, he believes, everything must be done strictly according to formal instructions and regulations. One boy, Kostya Inochkin, (Viktor Kosykh) breaks one of the cardinal rules by swimming out alone to an island instead of swimming in the specially designated swimming area, supervised by staff. As a result, Inochkin is expelled from camp and is sent home. Inochkin is afraid that if his grandmother, with whom he lives, discovers that he has been expelled, she will die from sorrow, so instead of going home he returns to camp illegally. He hides but is discovered by some of the other children, who start helping him to stay, outsmarting the adults. Adults are added to the plot later and also oppose Dynin's strict regime. Finally Dynin is removed from office and expelled to the town. The film's final scenes show the joy of freedom without Dynin's restrictions, kids and adults swim and even unrealistically jump over the river (although this is presumably a fantasy). The film also makes jokes about a quip popular in Nikita Khrushchev's time - "corn - queen of fields".
Director: Elem Klimov.
Cast: Evgeniy Evstigneev, Arina Aleynikova, Ilya Rutberg, Lidiya Smirnova, Aleksei Smirnov, Viktor Kosykh, Yuri Bondarenko, Lidiya Volkova, Boris Demb, Sergei Kokoryov, Aleksandr Mashovets.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1964.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
988x720 HD
Download Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. In color.
Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. HD. In color.
Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen / Welcome, or No Trespassing. 1964. HD. In color.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

XXY. 2007. HD.

XXY. 2007. HD.
 XXY is a 2007 Argentine-Spanish-French drama film written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. Starring Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Inés Efron, and Martín Piroyansky, the film tells the story of a 15-year-old intersex person, the way her family copes with her condition and the ultimate decision that she must eventually make as she struggles to define her own gender identity amongst a society that expects certain behaviors.
In a small coastal town of fishermen in Uruguay, the biologist Kraken works and lives in a house at the sea side with his wife Suli and their aggressive fifteen year-old daughter Alex. When Suli welcomes her former best friend Erika that comes with her husband, the surgeon Ramiro and their teenage son Alvaro from Argentina to spend a couple of days with her family, Kraken learns of the real reason for their visit, for Ramiro to operate on Alex. The reason being that Alex was born with both male and female sex organs. During the visit Alex and Alvaro grow closer in attraction to one another and eventually have sexual intercourse which causes even more confusion for the both of them. This film follows this period of time in Alex's life as she deals with constant questions about her gender identification, a pursuit of love and how to cope with her uniqueness.
Director: Lucia Puenzo.
Cast: Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Germán Palacios, Jean Pierre Reguerraz, César Troncoso, Carolina Pelleritti, Martín Piroyansky, Inés Efron, Guillermo Angelelli.
France, Spain, Argentina, 2007.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English, Bulgarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch.
1280x720 HD
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XXY. 2007. HD.
XXY. 2007. HD.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Meninos de Kichute / Boys Soccer Club. 2009. HD.

Meninos de Kichute / Boys Soccer Club. 2009. HD.
In the nineteen seventies, right after Brazil became three times world champion, the best outfit for kids to play soccer was to wear a pair of Kichute, a simple soccer tennis shoes made with cleats on the sole. Every kid in the village who wants to be part of the boys soccer club had to wear them. And that throws Beto into a right of passage test. He has to prove he's ready to face his own problems at his school's bulling attacks, his soccer games rematch against kids from other villages, and most important, he has to deal with his father's demand, who wants him to go to work after school instead of playing soccer. Beto's passion for his dreams drives him through a teen adventure to become a boy growing up with an unforgettable life experience.
Director: Lucas Amberg.
Cast: Vivianne Pasmanter, Werner Schünemann, Arlete Salles, Paulo César Peréio, Ricardo Oshiro, Camila Possolo.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Meninos de Kichute / Boys Soccer Club. 2009. HD.
Meninos de Kichute / Boys Soccer Club. 2009. HD.

Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.

 Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.
FR. A La Goulette, banlieue de Tunis, Youssef le musulman, Jojo le juif et Giuseppe le Sicilien catholique partagent un bonheur nonchalant. Jusqu'au jour ou chacune de leurs filles decide de perdre sa virginite avec un garcon d'une autre religion que la sienne. 
EN. A Summer in La Goulette (French: Un été à La Goulette, Arabic: صيف حلق الوادي‎) is a 1996 film by Tunisian director Férid Boughedir. It is a narrative of how intercommunal relations deteriorated in cosmopolitan La Goulette after the end of French rule, especially Muslim-Jewish relations affected by the Six-Day War and the rising impact of Islam on Tunisian society.
The film also features La Goulette native Claudia Cardinale as herself. The film was entered into the 46th Berlin International Film Festival.
Summer, 1967. La Goulette, the touristic beach of Tunisia, is the site where three nice seventeen-year-old girls live: Gigi, Sicilian and Catholic; Meriem, Tunisian and Arab; Tina, French and Jewish. They would like to have their first sexual experience during that summer, challenging their families. Their fathers, Youssef, Jojo and Giuseppe, are old friends and their friendship will be in crisis because of the girls, while Hadj, an old rich Arab, would like to marry Meriem. Youssef's daughter Meriem.
Director: Férid Boughedir.
Cast: Sonia Mankaï, Ava Cohen-Jonathan, Sarah Pariente, Mustapha Adouani, Amel Hedhili, Guy Nataf, Hélène Catzaras, Ivo Salerno, Gamil Ratib, Fatma Ben Saïdane, Claudia Cardinale.
Tunisia, France, Belgium, 1996.
Language: French, Arabic, Italian.
Download Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.
Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.
Un Été à La Goulette / A Summer in La Goulette. 1996.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.

Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.
DE. Das feuerrote Spielmobil war eine vom 21. April 1972 bis 12. Juli 1981 ausgestrahlte Kinder-Fernsehserie für Kinder ab dem Vorschulalter. Insgesamt wurden 184 Folgen der vom Bayerischen Rundfunk produzierten Serie im Nachmittagsprogramm der ARD gesendet.
EN. Das feuerrote Spielmobil was a German television children's television series, broadcast from April 21, 1972 to July 12, 1981. A total of 184 episodes of the series produced by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) were broadcast in the afternoon program of ARD. The concept of the series was developed and produced from 1969 as a successor of the children's series "Spielschule" and shot in Munich, because the BR managers considered, that the social situation in Germany was not correctly represented by Sesamstraße and therefore needed a replacement program.
In the show a red minibus, equipped as a camera car, drove across the country and showed encounters with people and their stories.
At the beginning of the series the Spielmobil was an Opel Blitz. The aim of the series was to stimulate the imagination of the audience and to teach social interaction. In the first five episodes the two dolls Maxifant and Minifant played in the series, which then got their own series, because the production partners separated. Instead, the puppets Biff and Wuff (designed by Jan Gulbransson) and the animated character Wummi were used.
Episode List.
11. Wo ist der Elefant?
12. Nicki sucht einen Vater.
Directors: Peter Emmer, Jochen Richter.
Cast: Peter Kern, Philipp Sonntag, Uwe Falkenbach, Erich Schleyer, Josef Schwarz, Jörg Hube, Anja Franke, Michael Habeck, Frithjof Vierock, Marion Kracht.
West Germany, 1972.
Language: German.
Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.
Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.

Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
 Born in a poor neighborhood, Tony hides hides behind the image of a tough woman. She has a boyfriend, Juanjo, and two pals, a strange couple formed by Maxi, who is obsessed with martial arts, and moco, a terminal junkie. They all decide to hold up a Lottery Administration in Madrid. But Juanjo has another plan: he's going to betray his two friends and escape with Tony and the money. They start their runaway to the South with the excuse of taking Laura, Juanjo's seven year old niece, to see her father, a flamenco singer. But at the beginning of the trip, with Maxi, Moco and the police on their tail, Tony is betrayed by her boyfriend who disappears with the money, abandoning her and Laura in a dismal road side restaurant. With their pursuers close behind them, Tony and Laura are forced to keep running. In the course of their journey, the initial distrust between them will turn into a deep friendship.
Director: Miguel Hermoso.
Cast: Laia Marull, Beatriz Coronel, Juan Diego, María Galiana, Miguel Hermoso Arnao, Roberto Cairo, Jesús Olmedo, Antonio Dechent, Santiago Ramos.
Spain, 2000.
Language: Spanish.
Download Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.

Im Schwitzkasten. 2005. HD.

Im Schwitzkasten. 2005. HD.
Eine Art Selbsthilfegruppe trifft sich jeden Donnerstag in der Sauna von Jost und Nadine (Charly Hübner und Christiane Paul). Da geben der Langzeitarbeitslose Toni (Andreas Schmidt), die frisch vom Himmel ins Arbeitsamt gefallene Stewardess Dani (Esther Zimmering) und Monika (Laura Tonke), die promovierte Sozialhilfeempfängerin, einander Einkaufstipps. Stammgast Norbert (Edgar Selge) darf immerhin noch für seine Frau Reden schreiben, und nur Karin (Steffi Kühnert) glaubt, dem Kapitalismus in seiner vollen Pracht gewachsen zu sein.
Mit lakonischem Humor und einer gesunden Prise Sex nähert sich der in Berlin ansässige irische Filmregisseur Eoin Moore (Pigs will fly) dem vom Kino eher selten behandelten Thema Arbeitslosigkeit.
Director: Eoin Moore.
Cast: Charly Hübner, Steffi Kühnert, Christiane Paul, Andreas Schmidt, Edgar Selge, Laura Tonke, Esther Zimmering, Franziska Walser, Kathleen Gallego Zapata, Thorsten Merten.
Germany, 2005.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Im Schwitzkasten. 2005.
Im Schwitzkasten. 2005. HD.
Im Schwitzkasten. 2005. HD.

Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.

Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.
 It found a high-quality version of this film Bluray 1080p (full version uncensored).
IT. Durante le vacanze due adolescenti scoprono il sesso. L'arrivo di una coetanea sconvolge i loro rapporti, dando luogo ad un triangolo che si concluderà in tragedia.
Fabrizio è un ragazzo che vive solo con un cane. D'estate, la bella e romantica Laura (Lara Wendel) viene a trascorrere le vacanze con i suoi genitori nella loro casa estiva nelle vicinanze, incontra il ragazzo e si innamora di lui, non ricambiata. Lui abusa sadicamente di lei. Con l'arrivo di un'altra ragazza, Sylvia (Eva Ionesco), prepotente e crudele, Fabrizio pensa di aver trovato la sua partner giusta: entrambi impongono i giochi più bizzarri alla debole Laura, che si sottomette per continuare a stare vicino al ragazzo che ama.
EN. Spielen wir Liebe, the 1977 Pier Giuseppe Murgia German/Italian coming-of-age love triangle melodrama (about three young teens who experiment with sex and sadomasochism and animal torture, and the sad results of their relationships; not for those who shock easily, or those who find such subjects offensive; kind of a combination of "Lord of the Flies" and "Last Summer") starring Lara Wendel, Eva Ionesco, Martin Loeb, and Xylot
 A teen boy grows from playing and fighting with his German-shepherd dog, to playing kids and adult games with two equally young girls, in a dream-like forest which eventually turns eerie, and somber.
Director: Pier Giuseppe Murgia.
Cast: Lara Wendel, Eva Ionesco, Martin Loeb, shepherd Xylot.
Italy, Germany, 1977.
Language: Italian, German, Russian.
Subtitles: Portuguese, Vietnamese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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3 parts archive:
Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.
Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.
Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.
Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. FULL-HD.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

My queen Karo. 2009. HD.

My queen Karo. 2009. HD.
My Queen Karo is a 2009 drama film. It was directed by Dorothée Van Den Berghe, produced by Frank Van Passel, and starring Matthias Schoenaerts, Déborah François, and Anna Franziska Jaeger. The film tells the story of Karo, a ten-year-old girl who witnesses the moral dilemmas of free love when her parents join a squatter community in 1970s Amsterdam.
The film received three nominations at the 1st Magritte Awards.
Ten-year-old Karo grows up with her parents in an Amsterdam commune in the Seventies. She leads a carefree existence in this utopia-for-adults. Everything is shared in the squat, but not everyone is able to honor these ideals. Karo gets confused because of the internal conflicts that start to divide the group. Karo slowly realizes that nothing can stay the same forever.
Director: Dorothée Van Den Berghe.
Cast: Matthias Schoenaerts, Déborah François, Anna Franziska Jaeger, Christelle Cornil, Cezanne Cuypers, Samuel du Chatinier, Rifka Lodeizen, Hadewych Minis.
Netherlands, Belgium, France, 2009.
Language: Flemish, Dutch, French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
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2 parts archive:
My queen Karo. 2009. HD.
My queen Karo. 2009. HD.

El seductor / The Seductor. 1995.

El seductor / The Seductor. 1995. FULL-HD.
ES. Cosme, un chico de quince años, vive con sus padres y su hermana en un chalet adosado. La monotonía de su vida cambia cuando se enamora de su vecina Merche, una hermosa mujer que tiene casi veinte años más que él.
EN. Cosme, a 15-year-old boy, sets his sights and his libido on his new neighbor, Merche. After giving her a lift on his moped, and getting a glimpse of her underwear, he begins to look for excuses to wander next door. He manufactures illnesses to stay home from school and uses his free time to ogle her while she sunbathes outside. His efforts to sustain a relationship that leads to the bedroom are hampered by his amusing family, sabotaged by the maid, and jealously noted by his high school girlfriend.
Director: José Luis García Sánchez.
Cast: María Barranco, Antonio Hortelano, Santiago Ramos, Kiti Mánver, Enrique San Francisco, Alicia Bogo, Luis Perezagua, María Galiana, Francis Lorenzo, Arturo Solana, Germán Ojeda.
Spain, 1995.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download El seductor / The Seductor. 1995.
El seductor / The Seductor. 1995. FULL-HD.
El seductor / The Seductor. 1995. FULL-HD.


Friday, August 14, 2020

水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.

水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.
JP. 自分を捨て出て行った母と、父親とは別の男との間に生まれた妹と偶然出会い、激しく揺れ動く思春期の少女の痛みを繊細に描き出している。
EN. Minako is still at school. Whe she was a little girl, her mother ran off with another man. Now Minako lives with her father, who has remarried, and her younger half-sister, Yu, who dreams of one day becoming a ballet dancer. on a whim, Minako takes Yu to a remote house by the sea that belonged to her grandparents, who have recently died. The more time Minako spends at the hideaway, playing and looking after her little half-sister, the more she becomes aware of her own situation. As she plays, her mind drifts back to memories of her own, happy childhood. Although now at an age where she feels more distanced from her father, the resentment she bears her mother for having deserted her and her father, remains unbroken.
Director: Yusuke Kinoshita.
Cast: Azusa Hibino, Asuka Kurosawa, Tomi Nakaho, Himawari Ono, Minami Orimoto, Tetsushi Tanaka, Saki Terashima, Takehito Terui, Kanji Tsuda.
Japan, 2005.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
Download 水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.
水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.
水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.

Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005. HD.

Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005. HD.
 DE. Die Schokoladenkönigin ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm aus dem Jahr 2005. Die mit Christine Neubauer und Hardy Krüger jr. in den Hauptrollen besetzte Komödie wurde am 10. Juni 2005 zum ersten Mal in der ARD ausgestrahlt.
Für den Werbefotografen Michael Bender zählt nach dem Tod seiner Frau vor allem Eines: seine neunjährige Tochter Sammy. Hoch verschuldet drohen ihm die Pfändung und der Verlust des Sorgerechtes für seine Tochter. Die aufgeweckte Sammy schließt Freundschaft mit der Konditormeisterin Julia, deren Charme auch Michael sofort erliegt. Als er ihr seine Liebe gesteht, erfährt er von Julias bevorstehender Hochzeit mit dem Staatsanwalt Wolfgang. Sammy, die Julia schon als ihre neue Mutter gesehen hat, läuft zutiefst verzweifelt weg.
EN. After the death of his wife, photographer Michael Bender dedicates himself entirely to the education of his nine-year-old daughter Sammy. For them, he brings a great sacrifice, because actually Michael is a sought-after fashion photographer. However, during the stay abroad, which this Job naturally involves, he would have to put Sammy into boarding school. The loving father, however, does not think of separating himself from his daughter. But Michael is having trouble paying off his debts. Meanwhile, Sammy is friends with the down-to-Earth confectioner Julia, whose charm is also succumbed to Michael.
Director: Matthias Kopp.
Cast: Christine Neubauer, Hardy Krüger Jr., Roxanne Borski, Ingolf Lück, Julia Blankenburg, Ivan Robert, Brigitte Beyeler, Stefan Staudinger, Ruth Glöss, Lutz Lansemann.
Germany, 2005.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005.
Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005. HD.
Die Schokoladenkönigin. 2005. HD.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Anthology of short films. Part 96. HD.

Anthology of short films. Part 96. HD.
 The new issue of Anthology of short films number ninety six is ready for viewing. This time there are 7 minifilms here, including a rare and forgotten film from Kyrgyzstan. They are all in high definition.
1. Provence. 2019. HD.
During their annual summer vacation, eleven-year-old Camille and her older brother Tuur explore their new camping destination in Provence. When they meet two Dutch girls, Camille's admiration for her big brother turns into a dragging jealousy. Budding sexuality disrupts the carefree vacation.
Director: Kato De Boeck.
Cast: Liame De Paep, Pelle Adriaenssens, Otis Domen, Talitha de Boer, Jente Van Den Brenk.
Belgium, 2019.
language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English, Dutch, Russian.
1280x720 HD
2. The end of summer. 2016. HD.
A girl navigates young love when a boy asks her about romance in this coming of age story.
Director: Ha Hee-jin.
Cast: Lee Ye-won, Lee Seung-yeon, Park Jun-hyun.
South Korea, 2016.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Чопо бала / Çopo bala. 1994. HD.
Based on the story of Akmurat Shirov.
The eccentric Ishenkul - a vagabond, a homeless person who lives in a hut, tells the boy that clay is born, lives and dies, and that people are made of clay. Thanks to his reasoning, the boy discovers the origin of man and the magic of the art of the potter and his craft.
Director: Erkin Ryspaev.
Cast: B. Zhakypov, B. Seidakhmatov, T. Chekilov.
Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzfilm, 1994.
Language: Kyrgyz.
1280x720 HD
4. Hoor. 2008. HD.
The short story of three young lads paying a visit to the local prostitute in order to lose their virginity. The prostitute, Desire sizes them up, takes their money and one by one you are led to believe she gives them what they have paid for. Only with the last boy, Ciaran, clearly the youngest and most nervous, yet sweetest of the boys, do we see what Desire is really up to.
Directors: John Kennedy, Ruairí O'Brien.
Cast: Cian Donaille, Craig Connolly, Fionn O'Shea, Floriana Mancuso.
Ireland, 2008.
Language: None.
1920x1080 HD
5. The Big Crunch. 2016. HD.
A science fiction, off-beat comedy about a boy who has an existential crisis about his place in the world after learning that the universe will one day collapse in an epic big crunch.
Director: Dusty Mancinelli.
Cast: Peter DaCunha, Jennifer Robertson, Richard Waugh.
Canada, 2016.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
6. Hide. 2017. HD.
This is the story of Donna, just a child and not wise to the ways of the world. She finds herself trapped in a house with her mother's lover and must endure his sadistic personality. Little does she know, he has plans for her believing she was his wife in a past wife. John is just waiting for Donna to become a young woman. Until she does he's going to toughen her up with unthinkable actions. Inspired by a real events.
Directors: Ranelle Golden, John Kouromihelakis.
Cast: Lisa Donini, Hunter Hughes, Ashlyn Jade Lopez.
USA, 2017.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
7. Komm und spiel / Come and Play. 2013. HD.
Berlin. Grisha, a Russian-German boy, fools around with a toy-gun. The longer he plays, the further he is thrust into an altered reality. The boundaries between the present and the past start to blur. Images from a bygone Berlin appear; streets and buildings still carry the memories of war. Suddenly, he is caught in a nightmare of another lifetime.
Director: Daria Belova.
Cast: Alexander Josef Shtol, Maria Zharkova, Julia Gorr, Roman Sdobnyakov.
Germany, 2013.
Language: Russian, German.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 96.
Anthology of short films. Part 96. HD.
Anthology of short films. Part 96. HD.
Anthology of short films. Part 96. HD.
Anthology of short films. Part 96. HD.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982. HD.

Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982. HD.
SE. Det är tidigt 1940-tal i Norrbotten. 13-åriga Erika lever tillsammans med sina föräldrar och sin farmor. Familjen är inte särskilt lycklig och var och en är besviken på sitt sätt. Erika har drömmar om en annan värld, där hon kan leva sitt eget liv. Hon älskar sin pappa och mamma men känner att hon måste gå sina egna vägar.
EN. Erika is 13 years and lives with her parents and her grandmother in the far north of Sweden. It's in the 40's. The family is depressed and disappointed in life. Erika dreams of a separate being in another world.
Director: Ingrid Thulin.
Cast: Susanna Käll, Thommy Berggren, Margaretha Krook, Agneta Eckemyr, Svea Holst, Fillie Lyckow, Ernst Günther, Karin Ericson, Christina Eriksson, Axel Düberg.
Sweden, 1982.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982.
Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982. HD.
Brusten himmel / Broken Sky. 1982. HD.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977. DVD.

La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977. DVD.
ES. La guerra de papá es una película española dirigida por Antonio Mercero basada en la novela de Miguel Delibes El príncipe destronado.1​ A pesar del gran éxito obtenido en su estreno por el público, es una obra bastante desconocida en aquellos años al ser categorizada por la prensa como film blanco.​ El interés por toda la actualidad sobre la Transición española, silenció cualquier obra que estuviera al margen de conflictos políticos.
El protagonista es un niño de facciones angelicales interpretado por Lolo García, que hace constantes travesuras en un intento de llamar la atención a sus padres, ya que siente celos de su hermana más pequeña.
Como se estilaba en los años 70 en España se dobló todo el sonido, lo cual produce una desincronización entre los labios de los actores y la voz.
EN. Based on a novel by one of the greater Spanish writers of the XX century (Miguel Delibes), "La Guerra de Papá" (Dad's War)
Spain, March 1964: Quico is a very naughty child of three belonging to a wealthy middle-class family. Since Cristina's birth, he feels he has lost the privileged position of "prince" of the house for his eight months old sister. So, with his brother Juan, who is eight years old and is quite disobedient, spend their time committing prank after prank, causing the resulting anger of his mother, the nanny and the old housemaid. The rest of the family members are two much older brothers, his resigned mother and a retrograde father of authoritarian ideas. But many years have passed, and the civil war that won the despot Don Pablo is simply for their children "Dad's war".
Director: Antonio Mercero.
Cast: Lolo García, Teresa Gimpera, Héctor Alterio, Rosario García Ortega, Vicente Parra, Queta Claver, María Isbert, Eugenio Chacón, Marcos von Wachten, Agustín Navarro, José Pagán.
Spain, José Frade Producciones Cinematográficas S.A., 1977.
Language: Spanish
Download DVD La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977:
2 parts archive:
La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977. DVD.
La guerra de papá / Daddy's War. 1977. DVD.

Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.

Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.
In 1972, Rupert, 8 and Evert, 6 are two lovable and wildly imaginative brothers, lost in their cowboys-and-Indians fantasies and in the playground romances with the neighborhood girls. In the background is the warm but explosive and unstable mother, and the charming but unreliable father. The family has moved to a new house, the future looks bright. Everything starts to fall apart when Rupert finds a hidden letter. There are terrible fights and hushed whispers, then mom is taken somewhere to rest for a while. Later on there is confusing talk about a new mom. The brothers make a blood oath: One can't lie or die or one has to pay the other a million or more for the rest of his life. Rupert tries to hold the family together. But finally things get too complicated, and real tragedy waits in the wings of the fantasy plays. In 1982 the guilt-ridden 18-year-old Rupert tries to remember and understand the events of the past amidst the chaos of the present. If he doesn't find absolution, the family tragedy will be repeated and the curse will live on. Dad is coming home and the blood oath is about to be broken.
Director: Zaida Bergroth.
Cast: Ilmari Järvenpää, Onni Tommila, Lauri Tilkanen, Iiro Panula, Leea Klemola, Martti Suosalo, Sulevi Peltola, Elina Knihtilä, Tommi Korpela, Saara Kotkaniemi.
Finland, Germany, 2009.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.
Skavabölen pojat / Last Cowboy Standing. 2009.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Der Kuß meiner Schwester. 2000.

Der Kuss Meiner Schwester. 2000.
 EN. Teen brother and sister who rarely get to see each other fall in love with one another one summer.
DE. Ein Geschwisterpaar kann nicht voneinander lassen und lost damit eine Tragodie aus. TV-Inzestdrama mit Teen-Beau Christian Wunderlich.
Felix (Christian Wunderlich) ist schockiert. Sein Freund Mattis (Florian Heiden) liebt Mieke, die eigene Schwester. In einer lauen Sommernacht passiert es, die Geschwister steigen zusammen ins Bett. Aber nicht allein der Inzest lost eine Tragodie aus: Ihr verwitweter Vater (August Zirner) hat eine Neue, Freund Felix nimmt Drogen, ist allein und leidet an einem Tumor… Story und Dialoge wie aus einer Teeniepostille.
Director: Dror Zahavi.
Cast: Florian Heiden, Alexandra Schalaudek, August Zirner, Christian Wunderlich, Friederike Wagner, Vanessa Jung, Stefan Born, Ulrike Arnold, Thomas Czerniejewski.
Germany, 2000.
Language: German.
Subtitles: Japanese.
Download Der Kuß meiner Schwester. 2000.
 Der Kuß meiner Schwester. 2000.
 Der Kuß meiner Schwester. 2000.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.

 Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.
 FR. Nos plus belles vacances est une série télévisée française en 14 épisodes de 20 minutes, produite en 1996 et diffusée sur France 3, dans l'émission Les Minikeums du 30 juin 1997 au 16 juillet 1997.
Cette série met en scène un groupe d’enfants âgés de huit à treize ans en colonie dans un camp de vacances situé dans une abbaye durant l'été.
Dans le premier épisode, Bruno, le moniteur de la colonie, doit partir d'urgence à cause de problèmes familiaux et Léo, un des enfants du groupe, s’arrange pour qu'il n'y ait pas de remplaçant, et ils se retrouvent ainsi seuls à l'abbaye.
Les enfants se retrouvent chaque jour dans une grotte située derrière l'abbaye et échangent leur fameux : « Je jure de garder le secret de l'abbaye, de ne dire à personne que Bruno est parti, que je sois englouti si j'ai menti, on est ici pour s'amuser, rigoler, et que tous ensemble réunis, on passe les plus belles vacances de notre vie ! ».
Quel enfant n'a pas rêvé d'un monde sans adultes, sans autorité ni contraintes ? Une utopie qui va ainsi devenir réalité pour ce groupe d'enfants, le temps d'un camp d'été. Ils sont bien décidés à mettre tous les moyens en œuvre pour que personne ne vienne troubler leurs vacances ! Mais passée l'ivresse de la liberté, il leur faut affronter la dure réalité, et apprendre les gestes de la vie : se nourrir, protéger les plus petits, affronter les dangers... et, déjà, maîtriser les luttes de pouvoirs internes. Les enfants vont aussi, au cours de leurs deux mois de vacances, vivre de nombreuses aventures toutes plus passionnantes les unes que les autres.
EN. A group of children are left alone at a summer camp in an abbey when the person who is responsible for monitoring them has to leave urgently because of family problems.
Episode List.
1. Le Départ de Bruno
2. La Campagne
3. L'Arrivée d'Antoine
4. L'Enquête
5. Pour ou contre
6. Pierre et le chien
7. Les Anglais en vacances
8. Profit personnel
9. L'Anniversaire de Sophie
10. Le Piégeur piégé
11. L'Équimobile
12. Le Vol
Director: Bernard Dumont.
Cast: Cristina Barget, Dominique Jacson, Jan Vancoillie, David Babin, Adeline Bodo, Julie Boulanger, Elise Tayar, Cédric Frouin.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Download Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.
 Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.
 Nos plus belles vacances / Our Most Beautiful Holidays. 1996. 12 Episodes.